Thursday, 24 May 2012

More technical issues

Still no joy with my laptop. It's driving me nuts having no internet, I am seriously having withdrawel symptoms which include irritabiliy, anger, rage and many more.

Have only a few minutes in this computer so just a very quick update.

Saw Mary this morning. She had asked me to bring in a photo of myself when I was well and happy. I brought in a photo that was taken just after I returned from Australia. I'm with my family and I look happy and healthy. My weight probably being around 54kilos. In fact I look like a completely different person. I think years of not looking after myself have taken it's toll. Now, in some ways I look like a little girl but in others I look like an old woman. Mary wants me to stop the purging completely. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I suppose I had come to a point where I just accepted that purging was part of my life and I just had to live with it. The thought of being purge free thrills me and terrifies me equally. Anyway we shall see how it goes.

Sorry for such a short post,

I miss all of you,

Much love xxx


  1. Do you think it would be possible to stop purging all together? Sometimes cutting down is easier, but some people find cold turkey better. Do what feels right and manageable. It probably wont be easy but we have to take baby steps before it becomes easier.. It would be so nice for you to be happy again. For so many of us happy doesnt equate to healthy..

    Much love xx

  2. Oh goodness.. I would die without internet. Haha I don't know how I lived without it when I was younger. I was without coffee and internet on my laptop for the past few days and my boyfriend could definitely tell something was up. The only thing that kept me sane was my iPhone. =p

    I hope things start going better for you.

  3. I think you look lovely. I sure don't think old women when I see you( or the photo I saw of you ) I am sorry the laptop is still not fixed. I know this is hard for you.

    As for the no purging I like to say take small steps. I know I can't just change bad habits over night. Not only that I don't want the ed part of you to get wind of you not purging and go nuts.

    Take care, I can't wait to hear from you soon.


Thank you for leaving some love x