Tuesday 13 May 2014


I'm delighted to announce that And then she disappeared has been nominated as one of the best eating disorder blogs of 2014 by Healthline.com
Thanks to everyone at Healthline

I'm always amazed how things happen through writing this blog
I write in the hope that my story will help others
I write to break the silence that often accompanies addiction and eating disorders
I write to save my own sanity
I write in the hope that others know that they are not alone
I write because I am not a very good speaker
I write to give those suffering a voice
I write because I have to


  1. Wow!!!!
    Hej, did one of your recent blogs disappear to? Is it like your name?
    I'm very proud of you, a great, and well deserved, accomplishment,

    love from H,

    A xxx

    1. Thank you my lovely!

      Yes, I deleted that post by mistake, silly Ruby

      Love from Ireland x

  2. Sending you huge congratulations Ruby, you deserve this! i'm so proud of you!

    Also, i'm so sorry that i've not been around much on your blog lately, times are tough is what i'll say, but i think of you often and hope you're well.

    Well done again on the award! Take care xxx

    1. Thank you dear Angharad

      No need to apologise at all sweetie, I know things are tough at the moment

      Please take care of you x


Thank you for leaving some love x