Friday 7 November 2014


I saw one of my friends yesterday
Who I will call M
I've known this girl for a few years now
She is also a recovering addict
And recovering from anorexia
So needless to say
We have lots in common
I hadn't seen her in a few weeks
Because she had a lot going on in her life
2 kids
And some family issues
So I was super excited to see her and her little girl who is 5

I was actually quite nervous to see her
Because you see the last time M saw me I was significantly smaller
It's silly really
Because she has gained weight recently
And I feel nothing but happiness for her
That she is climbing out of the hole that is this illness
I don't judge her
So why am I so afraid that she will judge me?

I was barely in the door of her house
When I said
'You probably hardly recognize me I've gained so much weight'
'Don't be silly' she replied
'I'm just glad that you are getting well'
I then asked her if she thought that I looked over weight
(Silly recovering anorectic asking this same question of every one I meet)
'Not at all' she said
'No way'

It's great that M and I are starting to recover at the same time
We are both around the same age
I guess at this age you either check out
Or get better
We have both been ill at the same time
And it's not good
It's not healthy
Even though we didn't mean to
We fed off each other
As addicts do

After a chat
We headed up to the school to collect her daughter
She came bounding out
With a huge school bag that was bigger than her
We gave her a big hug
And went back to the house
M's daughter got out her favourite thing to do
I happen to love jigsaws too
So we sat on the living room floor
And pieced them together

M made tea
And changed the little one out of uniform
Then we went through the new letters she had learned in school that day
It was lovely

After I couple of hours I began to get tired
So I got hugs from M and her daughter
Said my goodbye's
And headed for home

About an hour after I got home
My friend sent me a text telling me that I look so well and healthy
It was so nice
And I felt grateful and blessed that we are both on the road to recovery
It also reminded me
That I need to seem my friends more often
To make time for them
Instead of doing every thing alone
And even though it's great to do things with my family
I need a life outside of them too

Even though I don't like being on my own
I tend to be a loner
I like quiet
I like time to myself
I guess everyone needs time to themselves
But I also like to be around people
People who I feel comfortable around

My friend was telling me that her mood can be quite low
I told her how my mood has drastically improved since gaining weight
And my anxiety has really improved
I guess seeing my friend shows me how far we have both come
There is just one major difference between us
M attends meetings
NA and AA
And I don't
If you have been reading for a while
You will know that I used to go to meetings
And they really helped
But I stopped going
As I felt I wasn't part of 'gang'
I felt like I didn't quite fit in
And also my anxiety was through the roof
So I stopped going

Now my dilemma is whether to return to meetings or not
Do I need them?
Do they help?
Will it benefit me to go back?
Can I commit to a 12 step programme?
The answer to that is I don't know
I guess I won't know unless I try
So maybe I could do a trial
Commit for a month
And then make a decision based on how I am
An experiment if you will
I like to think of things like this as an experiment
It helps me make sense of it in my head

On another note
Honey was at the vet again this week
The vet still seems to think that it is not a cataract
And that it has improved since last week
I am cautiously hopeful that she will make a full recovery
I would be so lost without my little Honey bunny


  1. thats good news about honey, it always makes me feel so much better when i get out and see people too.need to start making more of an effort.glad you had a good out to battle the wind and rain now! jo x

    1. Me too Jo
      Even though before I go out
      I wish I didn't have to
      But I am always glad when I push myself

      Be careful in the wind and rain x

  2. What parts are you still holding onto (drug or ed wise) and what do you want to let go of? If the answer is that you don't want to let go yet, what would you gain from meetings? If the answer is "I want to let go of x", would going to meetings help with x? And if there is still a need but one that cannot be solved by meetings, can you speed up the process of seeing the counsellor your GP identified? It's lovely that you and your friend have such a positively supportive relationship now, rather than the ed/addict "supportive" one from the past. And I think children and animals are just the best for keeping us in touch with life. Which reminds me about Honey and what good news. Look after yourself Ruby cxx

    1. You make a good point C
      It can't hurt to give them a try
      Part of me would love to go back
      And really get involved and make new friends
      They are good for the social side as well as the recovery side

      Thank C
      Hope you;re doing ok? x

  3. I think it's a great idea to go back to meetings, especially until you can get in to see the new counsellor. Even if you don't know if you need them or if they'll help, a trial can't hurt, right? Maybe you'll find it a little easier now that your anxiety's improving.

    I'm so happy to hear Honey's doing better. I'll be keeping you and her in my thoughts and hope she keeps improving.

    Lots of love <3

    1. It is a good idea Bella
      As I think I have a bit of a wait to see the counsellor

      I just hope and pray that Honey is ok
      The thought of not having her around is unthinkable

      Lots of love to you too dear Bells x

  4. I know what you mean about not being part of the "gang" at meetings. I felt that way for the longest time, but I was only going to 1 meeting a week at the time. Since I've gone more.. I am sort of part of the gang maybe. That actually makes me more uncomfortable than not being included. I didn't think I could commit.. I used to leave early or practically run out before anyone could talk to me. Slowly getting better about that.

    I did treat it like an experiment at first. I slowly increased how many meetings I went to. I slowly started talking to people. I actually get along better with the men at the group than most of the women. It took me ages to get a sponsor or hang out with anyone outside of meetings, but it's turned out well. I still struggle with talking to anyone.

    Maybe you could try online meetings? I haven't done them but I have thought about it. I used to go to a 12 step meeting for eating disorders and they had phone meetings people really liked. has some information on online and phone meetings.


Thank you for leaving some love x