Or a piercing in my chin
I tend to be very impulsive with these things
When I went to Australia first in 2006
We were staying Carirns for a few days
I really wanted to get my chin pierced
But my Mother and sister talked me out of it
In case anything went wrong
It could ruin the rest of my holiday
And again recently
I had a huge urge to get a piercing
So I went in to a local shop where they usually have a piercing service
Unfortunately they no longer had a piercing service
So I took it as a sign not to get pierced that day
And didn't think about it again until now
My friends recently got a beautiful flower winding around her foreman
I love it
And it gives me the itch to get one too
I myself have no tattoos at all
My ex boyfriend's older brother used to tattoo
But he wasn't a professional
He just set up shop in his bedroom
And he was a total scumbag so there was no way I was letting him near me
I know many people with tattoos
I have seen some really amazing ones
But I have also seen some unfortunate ones
So I have been hesitant to commit to one
Ironically it is my impulsiveness that has stopped me from getting tattooed
I know that I do things on a whim
And can regret them
So I have deliberately stopped myself
I've thought about getting tattooed over the years
But I could never settle on a design
Obviously I want to get something that means something to me
I want to illustrate an important time in my life
A time I want to etch that time in colour and design on my body
I love wings on shoulders
Like this
Or else I would like to get some words that mean something to me
I don't know yet
I am undecided
But I will keep you updated
I was wondering about you
Where do you stand on tattoos?
Do you love them?
Hate them?
Do you have any?
I'd love to know......
Go for it! If I could afford it I'd get a new tattoo as soon as the first one healed! Same with piercings. I have four tattoos, four facial piercings and three ear piercing, of which two are being stretched. I love body modifications :)
ReplyDeleteYes I knew you were in to that CP
DeleteI would love to see a photo of you
You sound badass!
Maybe I should let out my own inner bad ass.......... x
Don't get a piercing in the lower part of yor face, whilest still struggling with purging! It gets infected in a really bad way......
ReplyDeleteI have one piercing left, the other one got infected out last months. But I do have three tattoo's. They're amongst the best things I ever did.
Oh I had never even thought of that A
DeleteGood point
I really don't want to be purging with a piercing like that
I'll have to rethink that
And maybe get the tattoo first
What are your tattoos of? x
I want a tattoo... I don't have any... I want a heart on my breast... I'm going to treat myself in the new year ♡
ReplyDeleteThat sounds lovely Launna
DeleteI hope to get mine in the new year too x
I Have two very awesome tattoos. I love tattoos and the tattoos shows like Bad Ink, Tattoo Nightmares and Ink Master. I Have a mermaid on an anchor on my left shoulder blade that I still need to get coloured in as it's just an outline and another closer to my right hip. I got my first tattoo on my 18th birthday and it's of Snoopy and Woodstock, I got my second one the day after my 27th birthday because it was on a Monday and my tattoo shop was closed on Mondays. I'm thinking about a third tattoo of an owl on my right wrist, but it's a matter of finding the right design.
ReplyDeleteI have my ears and naval pierced and wanted a tongue piercing when I was younger, but decided against it when I saw my friend get hers done.
My advice would be to research the tattoo parlours in your area and look up tattoo after care. Definitely take your time when thinking of a design because once it's done it's there forever and it's far more painful and more expensive to remove a tattoo than it is to get one.
The only places I don't like tattoos is on the face, neck and chest. Anywhere else and if done right a tattoo can look really awesome.
I know of a really good one near me
DeleteI have seen lots of her work so I would be happy to go to her
Now I just have to decide on a design...... x
I had a girl at my school had "I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring" written in italics between her shoulder blades. Looked pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteHe he, that is gas! x
DeleteI don't have any tattoos (too young XD) or piercings - not even ears. But I'd love to get a small tattoo someday maybe - a heart or a unicorn, something like that. Nothing big though - with the small ones I can at least hide them. I think you'd look great :) not sure about piercings though those really depend.
ReplyDeleteI love unicorns too
DeleteHave done ever since I was a child
You have lots of time to choose one Christie
Don't be like I was
In such a hurry to grow up
Enjoy being young x
I'm all for piercings, but A makes a good point about purging. It should be okay once it's healed, but I imagine it could be quite difficult for the first few weeks. I even had trouble with my oral piercings healing just having to rinse after every smoke, every meal, every non-water drink. I still want to get my uvula pierced (that dangly bit at the back of your throat) because I love different piercings, and I was working with my piercer on making it happen, but these days it'd be too impractical to take out with scans and procedures. It was awkward enough having a lineup of nurses and doctors trying to take out my nipple piercings.
ReplyDeleteA tattoo is actually one of the things I want to save up for next year. For starters, an ankh on my nape, then a Phoenix on my arm, both of which I've wanted for a long time. I'm worried that the phoenix could go horribly wrong with the level of detail I want. I think a lot of it comes down to finding an artist you like and trust, as well as having a good idea of what you want. I already know who I want to tattoo me because several of my friends have the same tattooist, and they all look amazing. Several of my friends see another tattooist, and I wouldn't let him touch me. I think one of the reasons I love piercings is because if I change my mind or it's not as I imagined it, I can just take it out.
Love you Ruby <3
I have one tattoo. It's on my foot. It is three stars; a nautical, a shaded in star and an outline of a star. I designed it on my own and they are my "guiding stars." I cannot really say that I got it on a whim, but I did go to get it with a friend of mine who was begging me to get one with her. I had always wanted one I never really knew what I wanted. It came at a time when I had just gone through a really rough moment in my life. I had just ended things with my fiancé, a guy I was dating for five years. No regrets, never, but I knew that it was the right thing to do and had to be done. Anyway, about my tattoo. So I am right-handed, I always start walking with my right foot....any kind of piercing, for example my nose, was on my right. My cartilage piercing in my ear was on my right. So I decided to get the tattoo on top of my right foot. I lead with my right foot, hence my guiding the stars are leading me forward.
ReplyDeleteI have had the tattoo for about five years. I don't necessarily regret it, but if I could've gotten something else, I would have. I do want more, but again it is a huge commitment. You have to think long and hard about what you want to put on yourself. You have to question if you really want this on your body when you're 50 years old.
Good move though on not having the guy who sets up shop in his bedroom touch your body with a needle. You do not want to mess around with that stuff. You don't want to get poked with a needle that has been in contact with someone that might have something funky going on.
I do dig the wings though. I had always had the thought of getting wings on my back as well, but then again had the thoughts of I knew that I would not want that on my body when I am 60 years old.
I have 2 small tattoos that i had done about 12 years ago. One is a celtic design at the base of my spine. The other chinese symbol for happiness on my ankle. They are addictive though and I have struggled not to get more over the years. I'm tempted to get a small snowdrop on the inside of my wrist because i always remember a quote I read about them:
ReplyDelete'The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.'
And its also both my mum and nanna's favourite flower.
Like you, I have seen some awful tattoos so it definitely requires some thought. My favourite was when i saw a girl with 'There's nothing I CARNT do' tattooed on her arm. I remember thinking 'yeah apart from spell apparently'
I think Gok Wan's 'Made in China' tattoo is pretty clever x
I have four, soon to be five. My first one was the word "beautiful" on my ribs when I was 18. I also have the words hope and love on my ankle and a phoenix feather on my shoulder. My next one is going to be a serotonin molecule, though I'm not sure on the placement. I have a thing for script i think. I eventually want to be covered, I have ideas and plans, but I have my whole life to get them, I don't have to get them all at once. I really love tattoos and think they're an amazing art and form of expression, but I don't like getting them impulsively or when people think they're superficial. Every one of mine means something, and often people don't care enough to hear the meaning behind them, but tattoos are a personal thing to each person and people shouldn't be offended by what other people put on their bodies.