I know
I've used that title once or twice before
But there really is something about Mary
As in my Mary
As in Mary my ED therapist
I'm seeing Mary once a week now
All in all I've been seeing her over three years now
She has been a life saver
She has been there for me when I couldn't speak to anyone else
And she seems to have an uncanny knack of knowing when I am struggling
Without me uttering a word
I saw Mary yesterday
We always start off chatting about something unrelated to EDs
And this week it was eye sight and glasses
As I have just got new ones
We laughed about how we each had been going about life in blurry vision
And now we could see!
Then it was down to business
First Mary wanted to know if I had been weighing myself
I said I had
About two times this week
And in the last two weeks I thought I had gained a few pounds
She asked if she could weigh me
I begrudgingly agreed
Mary warned me that she had a new scale
And it was weighing 1kg heavier than her old scale
Oh great I thought to myself
I stepped on to the scale
But didn't look down at the number
All the while we were having a very interesting conversation about Scales
I was telling Mary about last September when I weighed myself on my uncles scales
And saw a number I've never seen in my life before
A number that was so high I could barely comprehend it
Mary asked me what kind of scales it was
I told her it was a dial scale
She said they are notoriously unreliable
She told me that the most reliable scales are the old fashioned ones
You know the ones where they move the actual weight on the scale?
I found all this fascinating
I sat back down
And Mary asked me what I thought my weight was
I gave her an estimate
And I was bang on
I asked her if it was a healthy weight for my height
And she worked out that my BMI is 21
I can live with that
Just about
The reason I can live with this number
Is that I have experienced the payoffs of being a healthy weight
Mary and I talked about when I first started seeing her
I was a shell of a person
I constantly felt sick, cold and weak
I felt hopeless
And desperate
Now that I am of a healthy weight
My physical health as well as my mental health has drastically improved
I'm now strong
And able
And capable
The difference is night and day
Mary never lets me leave her office
Without telling me how far I have come
She often mentions the conference I spoke at
And I can see the pride in her eyes
She told me that whenever someone asks her if recovery is possible
And if they can get better
She says that yes it is possible
And she thinks of me
I was blown away by this
It was such a lovely thing to say
I guess by anyone's standards
My life has changed immeasurably
Mary always reminds me of where I have come from
And that's what my meetings do too
I think it's so important
Because if I forget where I've cone from
I could end up back there very easily
Mary has been more than a therapist to me
On some level
I would like to think that she is a friend
And a fellow fighter in this battle against my ED
She is the one professional in my life that I tell basically everything to
I tell my doctor bits
I tell Breda bits
But Mary?
She gets all the gory details
All the bits that I am ashamed and embarrassed about
She's the one I told about my overdose last year
She's was first one I confided in when I was caught shoplifting
I feel close enough to get to tell her these things
But she's also just far enough away to be objective
I know I am blessed
And I count my lucky stars that I have her in my life
I've seen countless therapists and counsellors over years
The one who told me I was 'emancipated'
I think she meant to say emaciated
The one who told me I was 'not that bad' when I had a BMI of 13
Oh yes
Thre have been many shocking ones
But Mary came in to my life at just the right time
They say don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle
And my miracle came just in the nick of time
At least she knew they were weighing differently! When my dietician got new scales, the old ones were still around so I got on both the first time.
ReplyDeleteYes! This is exactly why I was so shocked that the new MHN has dial scales. My clinic used to always use those old-fashioned ones up until a few years ago, but now it's all digital.
We all need a Mary in our lives. You really have come so far Ruby. It's obvious even by reading your posts. We're all very proud of you too, don't forget.
Lots of love <3
I hope and pray Bella
DeleteThat you find your own Mary
I know it sounds bizarre
But do you ever ask for help
From the universe?
Or from the gods above
What ever you believe in
I don't mean to sound airy fairy
But sonetines it's the only thing left to do
Let me know what you think
Love to you hun x
God bless Mary.
ReplyDeletei'm glad you have her.
i'm glad she got to see you get better.
i'm glad you're living with that number because i think my happy weight is around that BMI, and hearing someone else accept it makes me accept it too.
you're perfect and i wouldn't change a thing about you.
i love you so.
you have come so far. you have struggled so much.
but there's a light and it can only get better, my kitten.
-Sam Lupin
I love you too Sam
DeleteYou are one of the most amazing and caring people I have met here on blogger
I see the comments you leave on mine and others blogs
And they are always so thoughtful
Thank you my dear friend c
I'm glad you have Mary, she sounds absolutely amazing. I've been in and out of therapy since I was a child for my Aspergers Syndrome and never had anyone that comes close to Mary.
ReplyDeleteYou have come so far and as Bella said, you can tell when reading your posts.
Take care dear x
Ah thank you Anne
DeleteThat means a lot
I hope you find your own Zmary x
You have come so far one of the best parts of my day is getting on blogger and reading your triumphs you inspire me truly. I am trying so hard to get my 'mary' back I didn't realise how much he did for me until I lost him and now I need his help because I'm dying in every sense of the word I hate an she's a relentless bitch but I was thinking recovery and you have to want something enough to get it. Keep posting xx
ReplyDeleteAw thank you hun
ReplyDeleteI am so glad this blog goes some way to helping you
That is always my aim
If you ever want to email me please do
I'll always reply
Take care as best you can x
What is your email ruby I'd love to email you some time âșïž
DeleteSure hun
DeleteMy email is andthenshedisappeared@yahoo.ie
I'd love to hear from you x
so happy she came back,you sound really good xx jo
ReplyDeleteMe too Jo
DeleteMe too x
i recently discovered this blog, and it's kind of become like my Mary. I've been feeling so utterly alone in all this - my husband knows about my ED and has been very concerned about my weight and potential health implications, but he doesn't know just how bad it is (I'm at BMI of less than 14 right now) and as supportive as he may try to be, he can of course never really understand or know exactly what he should do to help me. I've really been struggling lately and feel so emotionally exhausted and sick of my ED and of myself and sometimes just want to surrender, but your blog has made me feel like I'm not alone and that continuing to try to get better IS worth it because I and the life that I can have are worth it. And that I don't have to try to keep doing it alone. I'm now seeking out help, and I know that the road ahead won't be easy, but I'm forever grateful to you, Ruby, and to all the people here who've helped to point it out. Being able to share this awful burden with you has given me such strength and comfort. Thank you again. (and thank god I don't wear mascara because it would be everywhere but on my eyes right now)
Hey Amanda,
DeleteI really hope you see this reply
Thank you for your comment
Abd for reaching out
I feel your pain
I really do
I know what a lonely place you are in
I wanted to tell you that you can email me if you like
My email is andthenshedisappeared@yahoo.ie
I'll always reply
In the mean time
Hang in there
Sending you love, hope and courage x
I'm so glad for you that you have Mary in your life, someone you can pour your heart and soul out to. You deserve Mary, you really do and I'm so happy you have her. Xx