Tuesday, 19 April 2016

P is for Peace!

I'm going to write about peace 
In the context of peace of mind
At meetings 
A lot of talk centres around achieving peace of mind 
As an addict
And as someone who suffers with mental health issues
I have experienced very little peace of mind in my life 
Plus the fact that I am a worrier means my head is rarely quiet
For as long as I can remember 
The has a constant chatter
A running commentary going on in my head
Most of which is negative and repetitive and generally pretty destructive 
Then add an ED in to the mix
Which is also like another voice in your head
And it becomes very difficult to achieve peace of mind 
I am constantly thinking 
Constantly switched on
And am generally thinking about something that did happen 
Or something that is going to happen 
Very rarely am I in the present 
On the moment 
I am almost always in another tense 

I do strive for peace of mind though
And I do get moments of it 
Those moments are sheer bliss 
When the internal chatter stops
And my head is quiet
You can't buy that kind peace 
 To me 
Peace means not worrying about the past 
Letting the past be 
And not beating myself up about it 
It means not projecting in to the future 
Not wishing my life away 
Peace means being happy to live in the present 
To deal with things as they happen 
To live life on life's terms
It means accepting my situation
The good and the bad 
And making the most of it 
Peace means integrity 
Doing the next right thing 
Even when no one is watching 
It means living a life that I can be proud of 
Peace means being present 
Doing the best I can with what I have 
It means laying my head down at night 
Knowing I lived the best life I could have today 
I guess peace is similar to happiness
It's not a constant thing 
But we do get moments of it 
And those moments are priceless

What does peace mean to you?


  1. I'm not always sure what it means as I hear the chatter myself constantly. Overall I'm not prone to hard core anxiety but I have a little buzz in the back of my head about things or things I should do. Is peace being able to live with that buzz but not letting it affect you? I don't know. We're all humans and it seems as though we never all quite achieve it. I think that's my definition. Living with the lack of it or living with the lack of steady peace and being at peace with the idea. Meta or something. :P

    1. I think so Eve
      I think peace is being able to be aware of the chatter
      But not let it get to you

      How are you doing girl? X

  2. Your definition of peace is beautiful. I hope you have more peaceful days than not. I know worrying is a constant drain on a peaceful existence. I struggle with self-image issues and those voices in my head are usually loud and obnoxious. As I've gotten older I try to realize that I'm okay just as I am and that I'm the only one who has any problems with me! But I know what you mean about the struggle. It sucks.
    I wish for you genuine peace. I'm glad I found your blog. I'll be back.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thank you Michele
      For stopping by
      And for your kind words
      i hope to see you again soon x


Thank you for leaving some love x