I feel like this blog is not what it was
A blog about dealing with life with addiction and disordered eating
Don't get me wrong
I still struggle with these issues
But they are not urgent matters in the way they used to be
By 'normal' persons standards
I am still very much an addict
And still very much eating disordered
They don't feel as urgent any more
My life isn't in danger
My mental health isn't in the risky category any more
And my physical health has improved drastically
Life as I know it is a lot better
Heck I've even had my very own boy drama
After years of being single
I didn't actually realise how low I was until I began to feel better
My body was so sick
Barely able to get through the day
My mind was also sick
Depression and anxiety were constant
There were many times when I thought that I was going crazy
I truly believed that along with the weight
I was losing my mind
And that terrified me
I had spent all my life running from myself
And trying to escape reality
But the prospect that I really was losing touch with life and reality
Was enough to scare me in to getting well
For the longest time
I really didn't care if I lived or died
I had no shit to give
I courted death
I welcomed it
I would describe it as having a passive death wish
My mind still goes to that place regularly it's like my default way of dealing with life
And perversely
Knowing I can end my life at any time
Gives me the strength and courage to keep going
A lot of the time
I feel like I am holding on for my family
That I am staying clean and sober and healthy for them
They say you should get well for yourself
But if I did it that way
I would never recover
I find it easier to do it for others
And I can't lie
I miss drugs
I miss them a lot
But I don't miss all the crap that goes with them
Or the misery that I caused my family
Maybe recovering for others is not idea
But it's the best I can do right now
I would love to go back to meetings
I know it would help me so much
On a practical level
A spiritual level
And for the social aspect
For some reason I am afraid to go back
There are lunch time meetings that I hear are small and intimate
So maybe I could start with those
I've taken the first steps with my recovery
I have re gained some weight
Dealt with my depression and anxiety
I am more independent now
More and more I do my own thing
And I feel strong and able
Now I guess it's time to take the next step
But what is the next step for me?
I'm really not sure
Even with this blog
I am not sure what direction it is going
I feel confused about where I am going
I guess I need to make a few decisions
I need to take control of my life
Decide what I want to do
Whether that be recovering or not
At least then I won't feel so all over the place
I want to want to recover
I want to want to live
I know I need to find reasons to get out of bed in the morning
Reasons to live
Raison d'ĂȘtre
Because right now I am drifting
I have no focus
No direction
And I desperately need that
It's like I want both
To have my cake and eat it
I want to take drugs
But I want a stable life
I want to be thin
But I don't want the negative consequences
Unfortunately life doesn't work that way
Being a greedy addict
I want it all
But that is an impossibility
I still struggle massively with body image
And accepting my weight
I have days when I just want to unzip my skin and step out of it
I have days when I cry when I see my reflection on the mirror
Or when my clothes feel a little tight
My body image is still very much entangled in my self esteem and confidence
And it shouldn't be
It shouldn't matter what I weigh
As long as I am healthy and happy
But at the moment it does matter
My weight can make or break my day
It both terrifies me and thrills me
I hate that it still has so much control over me
But it does
It really does
I don't know why I find reality so hard to deal with
My life is fine
I have a loving family
Two amazing dogs
A small but close group of friends
I have a roof over my head
Clothes on my back
Good in my fridge
I have no major bills to pay
Financially I am stable
My physical and mental health are improving all the time
But yet
I feel so empty
So dissatisfied
Like something is missing
I feel like I am constantly wishing my life away
Counting down the days to when I can check off the planet
I find reality boring
I crave drama
And love
And passion
Extremes of feelings
I crave adventure
Highs and lows
I hate this constant and even feeling of life
I guess I need to find healthy ways of meeting these needs
I always thought that the only way to feel these things was to use mood altering chemicals
But there must be other ways
There must be
I think I need to take a leap of faith
To try some new activities
To free fall in to my own life
What's the worst that could happen right?
I was wondering about you
Have you ever felt this way?
How did you cope?
Get through this?
Any thoughts are much appreciated