I guess it is safe to say that I am in recovery
Or am I?
I think I am
I mean
I want to be
I try to be
I hope to be
There is no doubt
That I am a million miles away from where I was 18 months ago
I was in such a dark place
My days were either spent in a frenzy of binging and purging
Or silently starving
The binging and purging was relentless
I shit you not
In the morning
I'd wake up
Have chocolate for breakfast
Go shopping for binge food
Which I may or may not have paid for
Walk my dogs
No matter how bad things got
I always walked my dogs
Even if it was a short one when I was very ill
I'd come home
And the binging would commence
Chicken curry
It just went on and in
I literally couldn't stop
It was terrifying how out of control I was
I can remember my Dad saying to me in the midst of the madness
My family would beg and plead with me
They'd get angry
They were at the end of their tether
And so was I
It was a nightmare
I remember at night when everyone went to bed
I would tear the kitchen apart
Making food
Eating everything in sight
There were often times when I ate all the bread in the house
Leaving nine for anyone else
If anyone bought biscuits or chocolate
They didn't last five minutes if I was around
I just couldn't help myself
Couldn't control myself
Not even if I wanted to
I woke up every morning
Dreading the day ahead
The relentless march from the kitchen to the bathroom
Over and over again
Literally going in circles
I know that bulimia is often treated like anorexias less deadly sister
But let me tell you
From someone who has lived through both
They are equally as serious
And anyone who wants to argue that point?
Come walk a day in my vomit stained shoes
Even when I went on to treatment last year
I still continued to binge and purge
I purged every meal
Used to raid the biscuit press
And keep a stash of biscuits in my locker
I bought shed loads of chocolate from the canteen
They must have thought I was nuts
And I'm surprised I got away with it at all
I was so sneaky
Purging any chance I got
I was constantly ducking and diving
Trying to get around staff
Purging was my drug
And I just couldn't stop
I can remember in all my time intreatnent
I managed only one day purge free
One day
Even with all the support I had
I left treatment weighing less than when I went in
As you know
In the year since leaving treatment
Things began to look up
The incessant binging and purging stopped
And I began to gain some control over my eating
As of now
My weight is stable
My health has drastically improved
As has my mental health
Don't get me wrong
I still haven't had a purge free day
I purge at least a couple of times a day
But things are the best they've been in a long time
Amen to that
Maybe by medical standards
I am still unwell
And still very much bulimic
Still eating disordered
But for me
This is as good as things get
For now
From an addiction point of view
Things are in a similar place
I'm not using heroin
Or any illegal drugs
But I still struggle to take my meds properly
And have days when I am not even on the planet earth by any stretch of the imagination
But again
Things are as good as they can be
And for now
That is enough
I guess recovery is not destination
It's not an end point
It's a process
It's ongoing
It never ends
There is a saying in AA
That they claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection
I love that
It's about constantly growing
Fighting for a better life
Recovery takes time
Another saying in AA is to give time time
So true
Physical recovery takes months
Psychological recovery can take years
And complete recovery can take a life time
That's the thing with eating disorders
You have the double whammy of physical and mental complications
And it really takes a toll
I don't think I have mentioned weight yet
That's the funny things about EDs
Wright does matter
But it also doesn't matter
I guess it doesn't matter if you're weight is considered healthy
And it does matter if you are under weight or obese
And it is having a detrimental effect on your health
I think the whole weight debate is a bit of a mine field
We are told that weight doesn't matter
Yet in treatment it becomes such a big deal
I know that I never took any notice of my weight until doctors and such began weighing me
The number seemed important to them
So it became important to me
Over the years
I have been every weight between emaciated and healthy
But I was just as sick at my lowest weight as I was at my highest weight
That is no lie
I know that I have a lot of work to do
My recovery is a work in progress
I am no poster girl from recovery
But am always honest about where I am
I don't see any point in sugar coating things
That helps no one
I will continue to fight for a better life
For a better future
For me and my family
I've had a glimpse of what my life could be life
I've seen how rich and wonderful a healthy life can be
And I want more
I want to live the best life I can
With all that said
I was wondering about you
Do you consider yourself to be in recovery?
What do you think constitutes recovery?
Which do you think is harder
Living with an ED
Or recovering from one?
What does recovery mean to you?
I'd love to know.....