I received an email from a lady from a tv company called Levant Tv
Asking me if I would be willing to take part in a tv debate about eatingdisorders
That is to be recorded next Monday
I was suspicious of the email at first
As it was so general
Out of curiosity
I emailed the lady back
A response came quickly
And it all sounded very professional
I did want to speak to someone before committing to anything
So I emailed my phone number
And asked her to give me a call
The call came in within minutes
And I spoke at length to the lady
She explained that Levant Tv is Lebannese
And their shows are streamlined on line
As well as being shown on tv in some countries
She described how there would be a few people taking part in this particular show
A psychiatrist
An eating disorder clinic director
The mother of a young girl with an ED
And myself
This lady found me through my blog
And wants me to spread the message of hope
That there is light at the end of the tunnel
And that there is life beyond an ED
To me
This all sounds great
This is exactly the reason that I write my blog
To give others hope
Yet give an honest and unflinching account of what it's like to live with an eating disorder
I can't lie
I am nervous beyond belief to do this
But more than wanting to do it
I feel I need to do it
I feel like it's my responsibility to speak for us
For everyone one of you who is out there in your own little corner of the world
Some suffering alone
And in silence
If I can give someone at least a little bit of hope
Then I am happy with that
I know when I first started trying to recover from drugs
It was so important to me that I saw someone who was doing it
Who was actively enjoying recovery
Not enduring it
Someone who had been there
Done that
Bought the extra small t-shirt
It's so very important to see another human being achieving what we want to achieve
Because then we know that it is possible
Then we know that it's real
Part of me is feeling like a bit of a fraud though
I mean
In all honesty
I am no poster girl for recovery
I still struggle on daily basis
I am no where near recovered
But I guess that is a more realistic view of recovery
Recovery is a spectrum
We are all at different points
But we are all on it
What ever stage we are at
Recovery is not so black and white
There is a huge grey area
Where most of us reside
I hope to carry a message of hope
And also a realistic version of recovery
I just hope that I can do it justice
As you know
I am not a great speaker
I much prefer to write
Then I can get the words out at my own pace
Maybe the fact that I am on the phone will make it easier
I don't know
I had to send a photo of myself that they will show when I am speaking
Now that was an ordeal
Which photo to choose?
Instead of trawling through them all
I used the first half decent one that o came across
It was taken last winter
I am out walking
And the beach is in the background
It'll do as they say
With all said
I am throwing the floor over to you
Are there any specific topics or areas that you think I should address?
Is there anything that you think is important to mention?
Any advice you could give the mother of the young girl?
Or anything they you think is worth mentioning?
Do let me know if you can think of anything
I'm off to pace manically
And chew my finger nails
As I await the up coming day.....