Friday, 26 June 2015

Tv Show Update

You might have noticed that I deleted a post about an email I got regarding taking part in a tv show
I received an email from a lady from a tv company called Levant Tv
Asking me if I would be willing to take part in a tv debate about eatingdisorders
That is to be recorded next Monday
I was suspicious of the email at first
As it was so general
Out of curiosity 
I emailed the lady back
A response came quickly
And it all sounded very professional
I did want to speak to someone before committing to anything 
So I emailed my phone number 
And asked her to give me a call
The call came in within minutes
And I spoke at length to the lady
She explained that Levant Tv is Lebannese 
And their shows are streamlined on line
As well as being shown on tv in some countries
She described how there would be a few people taking part in this particular show
A psychiatrist
An eating disorder clinic director
The mother of a young girl with an ED
And myself
This lady found me through my blog
And wants me to spread the message of hope
That there is light at the end of the tunnel
And that there is life beyond an ED

To me
This all sounds great
This is exactly the reason that I write my blog
To give others hope 
Yet give an honest and unflinching account of what it's like to live with an eating disorder
I can't lie
I am nervous beyond belief to do this
But more than wanting to do it
I feel I need to do it
I feel like it's my responsibility to speak for us 
For everyone one of you who is out there in your own little corner of the world 
Some suffering alone
And in silence
If I can give someone at least a little bit of hope
Then I am happy with that
I know when I first started trying to recover from drugs
It was so important to me that I saw someone who was doing it
Who was actively enjoying recovery
Not enduring it
Someone who had been there
Done that 
Bought the extra small t-shirt
It's so very important to see another human being achieving what we want to achieve 
Because then we know that it is possible
Then we know that it's real

Part of me is feeling like a bit of a fraud though
I mean
In all honesty
I am no poster girl for recovery
I still struggle on daily basis 
I am no where near recovered
But I guess that is a more realistic view of recovery
Recovery is a spectrum
We are all at different points
But we are all on it
What ever stage we are at
Recovery is not so black and white
There is a  huge grey area 
Where most of us reside
I hope to carry a message of hope
And also a realistic version of recovery
I just hope that I can do it justice
As you know
I am not a great speaker
I much prefer to write 
Then I can get the words out at my own pace 
Maybe the fact that I am on the phone will make it easier
I don't know

I had to send a photo of myself that they will show when I am speaking 
Now that was an ordeal
Which photo to choose?
Instead of trawling through them all
I used the first half decent one that o came across 
It was taken last winter 
I am out walking 
And the beach is in the background 
It'll do as they say

With all said
I am throwing the floor over to you
Are there any specific topics or areas that you think I should address?
Is there anything that you think is important to mention?
Any advice you could give the mother of the young girl?
Or anything they you think is worth mentioning?
Do let me know if you can think of anything 

I'm off to pace manically
And chew my finger nails 
As I await the up coming day.....

Day 6

Today is day 6 of operation don't weigh for a year
Whilst trying to decide whether to do the year or not
My only set of scales decided to give up and die
So whether I like it or not
I am scale free
Goodbye dear scale
You served your time with me
You brought some joy
But mostly you brought despair and disappointment 
I am through with measuring my self worth with you
It will hard to break the tie with you
You were an integral part of my ED
Intrinsically linked to my self esteem and confidence
I'm sure I will miss you
But just like with smoking 
I know I'll get over you
I'm sorry to break up with you do suddenly
But you are causing me too much heartbreak
I can't live this way any more 
It's time for you to go

Our relationship was bad news from the start 
I knew it was unhealthy 
I should have known that it would end in tears
I tried to leave many times
But every time you lured me back in
I was too weak to resist
I am stronger now though 
I have some recovery behind men
And for the first time in my life
I feel able to stand up to you 
I won't let you control me anymore 
It doesn't seem like much
 But breaking the cycle with you
Is one of the most important things I can do
So I'm going to do it
Today is Day 6
6 down
359 to go.....

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Interview Update

I'm just back from my interview
As I said in previous posts
It's a two year course
Business and computers
Specifically for adults who want to go back to learning 
It's ideal for me
I've been out of education for a long time
So it's a nice way to ease back in to it

I woke up at 5am
I knew I would sleep anymore
So I got up 
And sat with the dogs for a while 
Watched some tv
And dozed on the couch
The interview was on my mind all morning
I knew it would be more of a chat than a formal interview
But I still wanted to do as well as I could
The interview was at 2 15pm
So I got dressed at about one 
I changed my outfit slightly 
And added a blue shirt instead of a white t-shirt
As I thought it looked a bit smarter 
My Dad was here
So he drove me
And we set off at about 1 30pm

After a couple of stops 
We arrived at the school at 2pm
My Dad went and parked 
And I went straight in
I saw a sign telling me where to go
I saw some seats and a girl looking very nervous
I asked her if I was at the right place
She said I was
She seemed super nervous
I tried to make small talk
But she wasn't interested
After a few minutes a girl came out of the interview room
And the girl next to me was called in
When I get nervous 
I always have to pee
So I went for a quick one
When I got back to my seat 
I realised I could hear practically every word of the interview
A heard a couple of questions 
And filed them  mentally so I would have the answers if I was asked too
Soon the girl came out
She wished me good luck
Which was nice of her

Then the door opened again
And it was my turn
My heart gave a flutter of anxiety
And I walked in to the room
There were two women there
They told me their names and who they were
But for the life of me I can't remember 
I sat down 
And the interview began 
They asked me where I'd heard about the course
What interest did I have in the subjects
What exams I had
They saw from my application that I was on disability benefit
And explained that I need to write to social welfare to tell them I am doing the course
They also mentioned the possibility that my payment could be stopped after one year
Which is worrying 
And something I'll have look into

I've been on disability benefit since I was first admitted to hospital in 2008
It's great because they kind of leave you alone 
And only check up on you every few years
I was also able to work a few hours over the years
But  having  the payment cut would cause me a lot of problems 

Back to the interview
They asked me about previous work 
Where I had lived 
Had I done any voluntary work
Thankfully I remembered that I had 
When I was an exam scribe
Then asked if there was any reason that I wouldn't make it in to the course
I took this as my opportunity to tell them about the fact that I've struggled with eating disorders
They asked how that would manifeste itself
I said it would probably be a mental thing at first
A crisis of confidence
Or experiencing anxiety
I did however 
Emphasise that I am the bed I've been in a long time
And hoped to continue that way 
They really were very nice 
And said they would do everything to support and help me
I felt so relaxed and comfortable
And got such a good vibe 
After a few more questions 
I couldn't believe I when they said it was lovely to meet me
And just like that
It was all over
I couldn't believe it 
I felt like I had just sat down 
They told me that the offer letters would be posted tomorrow
So I'll be waiting for mine with baited breath

I left the interview feel positive and hopeful
The only stumbling block is the issue of my payment 
Which more than likely will be stopped if I do this course
I guess I have to weigh up which is more important
I will also speak to my mum who works in adult education
Or used to work should I say
As she retires this week
I'll find out as much information as I can
And make a decision the 

I feel wrecked tired after the interview though
I was a bit wound up about it all morning
And it's just nice to have it over and done with
Thank you all for your comments, texts and emails wishing me well
It really means a lot 
I'm off to have a little nap
Are you on the next post....

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Honey and Lea

As you know
Honey and Lea are my two dogs
Lea is a beautiful golden retriever 
And Honey is a fiesty terrier
I got them when I moved up here ten years ago
And they both turned ten recently 
Honey came from the local dog shelter 
She had originally been in a home with a single mother and a baby
But she couldn't cope 
So Honey was left on to the shelter 
I can still remember the day I collected her
She was five months old
And so giddy and full of energy and fun
I brought her home
She wasn't in the house ten minutes
When she made herself at home
And jumped up on one of the chairs in our sitting area
She was cheeky from the start
And nothing has changed in that respect
But that is one of the things I love about Honey
That she has a naughty streak
She knows she's only allowed on the kitchen 
But any chance she gets
Age runs out the door and down to my bedroom
One of her favourite things to do is roll around on my bed
And no matter how many times you tell her not to do it
She will chance her arm again and again

A few months after we got Honey
We decided to get another dog
I specifically wanted a retriever
So I found Lea through an advertisement 
Lea was about five months when we got her
From the start
She was the complete opposite to Honey
When we brought her home
She spent the first day hiding in the bushes at the bottom of the garden
She was super nervous 
And very wary of us to begin with
Over time Lea has improved a lot 
She can still be anxious
But she had come on leaps and bounds
And found her confidence

My dogs have literally been a life saver 
And saved my sanity over and over again
When I couldn't find a reason to get up in the morning
I got up for them
When I didn't want to leave my house
I left to walk them 
They give uncinditional love
And are always so delighted to see me if I so much as leave the room for ten minutes
When I went in to hospital at the end of 2013 - start 2014
My mother and father looked after my dogs 
It was around this time that Leas fur began to fall out
First on a little patch on her back
But it soon spread so that her whole back was almost bald
My mum didn't tell me at the time
As she didn't want to worry me
But when I went home for Christmas 
I saw it for myself
My mum also told me that Lea had sunk in to a kind depression since I had left
I was worried
We brought her to the vet
The took bloods
Checked her hormone levels
But everything came back normal
They couldn't find any medical reason as to why her fur was falling out

I went back to hospital
And Lea continued to deteriorate 
A few weeks later
I was discharged 
And went home for good 
It was soon after this that I overdosed 
And all the professionals stepped in
A plan was put in place
My meds were tweaked 
And slowly but surely 
I began to improve 
I gained weight 
My mood picked up
And my anxiety lessened
Then I noticed that Lea began to perk up
Her mood improved
And miraculously 
Her fur stopped falling out
And began to grown back
We were all shocked here
And my mother came to the conclusion that she had been ill because I was ill
And my illness effected her so much 
That she fell in to a depression and her fur fell out
As I continued to improve
So did Lea
And it did me the world of good to see her recover
As I'm sure it did get to see me
We spoke to a vet afterwards
And she confirmed that it could have been Leas stress levels that made her so unwell
It still blows my mind to think about it

When I was in hospital
Every Wednesday night
A lady brought in a therapy dog
She went around the wards 
Visiting patients
Letting them stroke and play with the dig
So it is recognised that dogs can aid recovery
I know my dogs massively helped me over the years
Even when I was at my sickest
I still walked them daily
Fed them
And played with them
In a lot of ways 
They kept me going 
Helped me hang on
And most definitely kept me sane

Lea and Honey are now both ten years old
Honey has one eye left
But she is still going strong
In dog years 
They are now 70
So really they are elderly 
And I can see it in them 
I just can't imagine life without them
They are part of the family
An integral part of the family
Here they are on Fathers Day
Cheeky Honey will never look at the camera 

Methadone and the scales

It seems that yesterday's post provoked quite a response
Some people really don't agree with methadone 
And see it as a 'free heroin'
And as just another addiction
Others seem optimistic that it works of dispensed correctly
It's the same here on this country
There are thousands of people on methadone 
And it always causes fierce debate
I think it's really a case by case situation
Like most things
Methadone will suit some people
But not others
It depends on how each case is handled individually

Some people genuinely want to get clean
Off everything
And use methadone as a stepping stone to get there
This is probably a healthy way of looking at it
Methadone will provide stability and structure to the addicts life
They will no longer need to turn to crime to fund their habit
They will have the structure of weekly doctor visits 
And possibly daily pharmacy visits

When I first started methadone 
I had to go to Dubln once a month to see the head doctor over methadone  in Ireland
I also had to see my own doctor every other week
I started off on 70mls
And worked my way down over the years
I am now on methadone over ten years
I am pretty sure that a patient is not meant to stay on it indefinitely
But again
I guess it goes by a case by case basis
I have not had ten straight years clean
I have slipped every so often 
It's part and parcel of addiction and recovery 
I know at one point I was down to 18mls
And it looked like I would be off it completely within a year
Now I am back up to 36 mls
And it looks like I will be on it a lot longer

The thing with methadone
Is that there is always the temptation to abuse it
To use on top of it
To sell it
Not to take it properly
I know sometimes patients pretend they need a lot more than they actually do
And sell some of it
People fix their urines
So they give clean urines when in actual fact they are using 
The are lots of ways to fiddle the system 
And people do
I know I did

I do agree that methadone is just as addictive as heroin
If not more so
And is a total nightmare to come off
And withdrawal I've ever had was a lot harder coming off methadone 
They say it gets in to your bones 
Some may say that addiction is addiction 
It doesn't mater if it's cocaine or cornflakes
It's not about the substance 
It's about how it effects your life
And as you all know
I've struggled with my meds
Almost as much as I struggled with illicit drugs
And I really need to get some stability back in my life
So I can function
So I can do my course
So I can learn to live in reality
So I won't worry my family
So I will grow in my recovery

I can't lie
I am super super nervous and anxious to come off my methadone 
It wouldn't bother me if I never came off it
It's sad to say 
But it's the truth
The thought of living in stone cold reality scares the be-Jesus out of me
I really don't know if I can do it
If I can live with out some sort of drug
But the thing is
I know I will never have the things that I want 
If I let myself stay addicted
I won't recover
I won't feel
I won't engage
I won't truly be present
I won't be living in reality
I'll be living in my own fuzzy, cloudy, methadone coloured world
Do I really want that?
I know when I came out of the doctors yesterday 
I thought I would feel good that he increased my methadone
But in reality I felt nothing
I feel nothing
There's nothing to feel
It's hidden beneath layers of meds and methadone 
Do I want to live this way?
I'm not entirely sure

On to other matters
You know I've been writing about not weighing for a whole year
Well it seems that the universe took matters in to its own hands 
And since Saturday 
My scale has been broken 
I took this as a sign that I should go ahead with my idea
So since Sunday the 21st June
There will be no weighing
Not until 21st June 2016
When I will reasses the situation
Already I feel a sense of freedom
Not knowing the number is liberating 
And not having the anxiety of weighing is a joy
So I think it's a good idea all around 

So it's all go again this week
Back to meetings
Back to Breda next week
Seeing friends 
Back on the wagon
Back on track
Baby steps all the way....

Monday, 22 June 2015

D Day

As I type this
I am sitting in the doctors waiting room
I don't need to tell you that I am beyond nervous
I just saw him walk by
And I swear
My heart jumped in to my mouth
I lay awake last night 
Trying to piece together what I was going to say to him
Tossed and turned as I ran through the conversation in my head over and over
Trying to find the right words to explain my situation
It's not easy 
No one likes to admit that they f**ked up
Especially not to their doctor of over ten years
I just keep telling myself 
It will all be over in minutes
Then I can accept whatever decision he makes 
Walk out 
And start getting busy trying to recover

I'm a big girl
I can do this 
Slips are all part and parcel of recovery
I know this
My doctor knows this
Sometimes it's one step forward 
Two steps back
At least for me anyway

Edit: just out of the doctors
And sitting in the chemist waiting for my meds
M doctor knew by looking at me that there was something wrong
'How are you doing?'
'Eerrrmmm ok...'
'That's a very tentative ok'
I sat down and took a deep breath
'I've been messing around
Not with heroin
But with my meds'
'Ok why are you doing that?'
'I don't know
I just get anxious and bored and feel the need to break out every so often
The thing is I have my interview for my course this week and I really want to get back on track
And I'm all over the place at the monent
I can't trust myself at all'
'Are you using anything else?'
'No' I answered honestly 
'Ok' he said 
' you know what this means?'
'I know' I replied
'Daily dispensing fot at least the next couple of weeks
And as well as that I'm going to increase your methadone to 34mls'
Then he seemed to change his mind and said he would increase it to 36 mls
I was actually blown away by this 
That's a 12 ml increase
Any time he had increased it
It's only been by 2-4 mls
So this is him being very lenient
And I very much appreciate that
He spent some time tapping away on his keyboard 
Asking me questions 
Then he wrote out my script 
Told me to try and stay on the straight and narrow
I thanked him and left
It was all over in a matter of minutes
I left feeling a bit bewildered
But glad 

I can never tell how it's going to go with my doctor
Sometimes he over reacts
And gets really frustrated with me
Other times he is calm and collected 
And just gets on with the task in hand
I know I'm hard work
And not an easy case 
I'm sure I'm not who he wants to see first thing on a Monday morning
Me with my baggage and endless troubles with addiction and food
It just never seems to end 
If it's not drugs
It's meds
If it's not meds 
It's bulimia or anorexia
I'm sure I am a doctors worst nightmare
And I am lucky to have the doctor I do 
He has put up with more than a little BS from yours truly
And he is never anything short of kind
My doctor has a conscience
He is ethical
And upstanding
Always doing things by the book
Even though he gets paid handsomely for my methadone treatment 
He has been trying tirelessly for years to get me off it
I've known doctors clock up as many methadone patients as the can
And keep them on file for as long as they can
All in the name of money
I've cursed my doctor over the years
Wishing he would be just a little bit crooked
And prescribe me what ever I want
But in reality 
I know I'm lucky to have such a good doctor 

Even though my meds have been taken in hand 
There is still the opportunity to abuse them
I could store my meds
But I feel positive that I won't 
I have my interview for my course on Thursday
So I really want to be lucid and compos mentis 
The increase in methadone will probably have an effect on me
And make me a little sleepy
So I really want to avoid that on Thursday

I said to my mum today 
'I don't know if you've noticed but I've been abusing my meds recently' 
'Yes of course I have noticed' she replied
'I avoid you when you are like that and there is no talking to you.
It's like talking to a drunk person'
I don't know why
But I was surprised to hear this
Most of the time I go along thinking they no one else notices
But of course they do
It's hard not to miss

Hopefully this is the start of my turning around the meds situation once and for all
My doctor said he is going to reduce 
My methadone over the next few weeks
But I'll believe that when I see it
So all in all
It was a good result
And I feel hopeful about the future 
It just goes to show 
When I do the right thing
And be honest 
Good things do happen

I'd also like to thank all of you for your support, well wishes, advice, comments and emails
You guys have saved my sanity more times than I can count
Your support means more than you will ever know
Thank you
For being there
For listening
For your words of wisdom
Your honesty
Your candour
For telling me what I need to hear
And not what I want to hear
Good friends are hard to come by
And I am blessed to count you among mine  

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Fathers Day

It's Fathers Day here today
And it's also my other sisters birthday
So we are all having a family meal here
Which I am cooking
Chicken chasseur
It was only after I bought all the ingredients 
That I remembered that I made this the last time we all met up
But how and ever
I'm sure no one will even notice

I get on well with my Dad
And see him regularly
As you know 
My parents split up when I was 19
The best decision they ever made if you ask me
Growing up in our house was tough
There was often a grim atmosphere 
And my father drank a lot
My parents were constantly fighting
And I actually hated my father
I can distinctly remember being afraid of him
And worrued that he was going to kill us all
That is no exaggeration

But in recent years 
Things have drastically improved 
My father hasn't touched alcohol in years
And the family gets on much better
The only thing is 
That my father denies that he did anything wrong while we were growing up
So we avoid that subject like the plague 
I get on good with my Dad now
He spent a lot of time with me when I was really unwell
So I guess we have that bond
My Dad absolutely loves Honey and Lea
And they adore him
So we also have that
Which is nice

On to other subjects
Regarding weighing
I think I am going to go ahead and discard my scale
And try to go a full year without weighing
Maybe I'm bonkers 
Maybe this is a terrible idea
But I feel compelled to do something
To take control of the whole weighing situation
I will talk to Mary next week
To see what she thinks 
Call me crazy
And maybe I don't need to be so 'all or nothing'
But that's the way my brain works 
Let me know what you think about it

Last but not least 
I will leave you with today's outfit
Shirt - River Island
Skinny jeans - River Island