An anonymous reader left a comment on yesterday's post
Asking about the fact that I don't work
And pointing out that I have it easy
I replied to the comment in my replies yesterday
But I also felt a need to write a post addressing this issue
As I'm sure there are others who wonder about my situation
I'm not annoyed or upset by this question
And I have absolutely no problem in replying
To the outside world
It may look like I have it easy
And I guess in some ways I do
I live with my Mum
And I live here not only because I can't afford to move out on my own
I live here because I like living with my Mum
To all intents and purposes
It feels like we are house sharing
Rather than living with a parent
I contribute to rent and bills
As well as paying my own car and phone bills
I do my share of the house work
And we take it in turns to cook
It would make no sense for me to move out now
And try to maintain the running of a house/flat on my own
And more than all of that
I am happy here
I kind of feel like I am defending myself here
And that's not why I wanted to write this post
I may look like I am having a great ol' time not working and living off the state
It hasn't always been this way
Up until my ED developed
And even during my ED
I worked
I always worked
A few years ago I was put on disability allowance
And have been on it since
My last job was teaching dance to kids
I taught 4 classes a week
But over night
I lost my confidence
And never went back
Confidence poses a huge obstacle for me as regards work
I just don't have the confidence that I can do a job
And do it well
My self esteem has taken a battering over the years
It's been shattered
And I'm only now beginning to put it back together
I also don't want to secure a job until I am sure that I can maintain it
I did apply for part time positions during the summer
But nothing came of those
I really want to feel capable of holding down a job before I start working
I have a long history of starting things and not finishing them
And that really knocks your confidence
I want to be in the best frame of mind possible
And I'm just not there yet
Which brings me to my next point
I don't know guys
I don't even think I can truthfully say that I am in recovery any more
My head is all over the place
Purging has increased in the last couple of weeks
My weight continues to drop
And I am generally acting like a very eating disordered person
To be honest
I feel like I have one foot in recovery
And one foot in my illness
Committing to neither
Trying to have my cake and eat it too
I'm caught up in the honey moon phase of losing weight
And even though I know how this story ends
I can't seem to stop
Logically and rationally
I know what I am doing is wrong
It's the behaviour of someone who really should know better
It's scary
The years are flying by
One year blends in to the next
And nothing changes
Yes over the last year I have been dabbling in recovery
But did I ever really fully commit?
That's up for debate
I know I need to man up
And choose a path
One way or the other
I can't have both
One always bleeds in to another
And I'm left in this kind of limbo
A no mans land
Neither here nor there
That's not where I want to be
I want to get well
I do
But I have to admit
The safety of my ED appeals to me
In that it's all I have to worry about
Even though it's a living hell
I don't have to deal with life on life's terms
I have often said that death doesn't scare me
Life scares me a hell of a lot more
Thus far
I haven't been able to handle life without the use of a substance
Or a behaviour
The truth is
That I've not lived in reality for a long time
And now I'm wondering if I can't handle it at all
I find living in reality hard
I don't know
Maybe everyone feels like this
And they just don't say it
Maybe people just get on with things
And maybe that's what I should do too
I don't know
So yes
I know I am blessed in a lot of ways
I have a strong family around me
And if anything bad ever happens
They are there to help me put back the pieces together
But please
Don't think I have it easy
I fight a battle every day
To stay clean and sober
To not inject myself with mind and body numbing drugs
Sometimes I see or hear or smell something that reminds me of heroin
And literally have to stop my self from jumping in to my car and heading to get drugs
A craving is a powerful thing
And I get them all the time
Be it heroin
Or alcohol
Or cigarettes
I fight to not lose the plot completely where food is concerned
As I wrote recently
My black and white behaviours means I eat all the food
Or none of the food
I fight not to binge
And not to purge
It doesn't always work
But I keep trying
Some days I wake up with a sense of impending doom
And I don't want to get up and face the day
Some days just getting out of bed is a triumph
Some days eating my lunch and keeping it down is a victory
And sometimes just leaving my house to walk my dogs is success
It's all relative
It's easy to look at someone else's life and think that the grass is greener
But I wouldn't wish the issues I deal with on anyone
I hope this explains my situation a bit better
And I'm happy to answer any other questions that you have
You know the saying don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes?
I think that applies here...