Saturday, 5 December 2015

The build up to the season....

We are having a quiet family Christmas this year
The only person coming for dinner is my elderly neighbour
And I doubt she will stay very long
I thank my lucky stars, God and whoever else made this happen 
As I just couldn't cope with a big deal this Christmas
There will be seven of us 
All of whom are aware of my situation and will cut me some slack if I need it

I have nothing done for Christmas
Not one present bought
We are supposed to be putting up the decorations today 
But I would rather eat my own food 
This is not a good sign 
As I am usually chief decorator 
I just can't seem to summon the energy or the inclination 
But as ever 
I will put on a brave face 
And do my best to get in to the Christmas spirit 
Which reminds me
I must do a Christmas survival kit post soon 

In other new 
The bingeing and purging seems to have ceased 
Praise the Lord!
As I was beginning to lose the will to live over here 
It really is truly horrid to be stuck in the binge purge cycle 
The feeling of being wildly out of control
Of not being able to stop 
The relentless march from the kitchen to the bathroom 
The constant shopping and the waste of money on good food 
It's all just a nightmare 
I had been going since I was in Cork
There is something about being in someone else's house 
That makes me feel so out of control
And I feel I have to eat all the time
When I got home
I spent another three days on the merry-go-round 
And then yesterday 
All of a sudden 
It stopped in its tracks
I dont know how or why 
Maybe I was burnt out 
Maybe my body had had enough 
Whatever the reason
I'm just glad it's over 
For now

I feel like a complete fraud at the moment 
A fraud in recovery 
A fraud being clean and sober
A fraud in life
But then again
I am also conscious not to be too hard on myself 
Because I know that's food for the disorder
And that's the last thing I need

As I mentioned yesterday 
I am now the weight that I wanted to get to
Which is the weight I was before ED
And was also my goal weight when I was in hospital 
Which puts me at a BMI of almost 20
Now that I've lost weight
Do I feel any happier?
Any better?
Am I now thin and pretty?
Has my life improved in any great way?
Am I more popular?
More successful?
Does weight loss make me a better person?
Well I can categorically answer no to all those questions
In reality 
The only thing that has changed 
Is that I take up less space
And what good is that?
The only other side effects I have experienced are dizziness, nausea, seeing stars and lightheadedness
I think back to a few weeks ago
When I was about 7 kilos heavier 
I was doing ok
I wasn't unhappy 
Ok some days i struggled with body image
But I was getting on with my life 
I wasn't weighing myself 
And I felt pretty good
I know that I need to let go of the reigns
The control
And let my body be
Stop trying to mould myself in to what society deems beautiful
I had reached a point where i liked  the curvy look more than the skinny look
I look at Cheryl Cole on the TV every week 
Her ever shrinking frame
Her hollow cheek bones
Her eyes huge in her head
And I feel nothing but sorry for her
She is not to be coveted or envied 
She is to be pitied
I was even beginning to like my thighs
Which I've always hated
I let my mind play tricks on me
I went back to thinking that skinny was the way to go
But it doesn't suit me
It never has
I just look pale and wan and ill

This is me 
I am struggling 
Even though logically and rationally I know what I am doing is not good
It's still so very hard to stop
And the time of year doesn't help either
But as ever
And like all the ladies here on blogger
I will keep fighing
Keep hoping 
And most of all 
Keep believing.....

Friday, 4 December 2015


I know I haven't  been great at replying to emails or comments recently
And I know some of you are worried 
I am ok
Or at least I will be
I just feel so stupid
So silly that I thought I could lose a few pounds and leave it at that 
I'm now at the weight I wanted to be
But is it the weight my body wants to be?
I'm not so sure
I almost feel like I've been duped
Or tricked by my ED
By my own mind 
She tempted me with the usual false promises 
That I will be happier
More successful 
If i just lost a few pounds 
What really gets me is that I fell for it
I didn't even see it coming 
I really thought that I was in control
I mean honestly 
I am/was in early recovery 
How could I have possibly thought that losing weight was a good idea
But at the same time
I don't want to give myself too hard a time
Because that can feed in to the disorder too
I know I need to regroup
Learn from this Mistake 
And get back on track

I've been on my own for the last few days 
And it's been utter bedlam 
My dogs look at me going from to bathroom 
They sense that I'm not fully present
Because I'm not 
I'm all over the shop
My thinking 
My behaviours 
My mood 
And I feel like utter horse shit
I'm dizzy 
I'm lethargic 
My body feels like it's taken a beating 
Probably because it has 

I haven't heard from Mary yet 
I'm sure she's busy 
But I hope I hear from her soon 
I can't go on like this 
It will kill me 
I know it will

I really appreciate all of you who have left comments, texts and emails
Thank you 
And you make so much sense
I know I am fighting against what my body wants and needs 
Maybe I am meant to be a little bigger than this 
What is wrong with that?
It seems that is fine for others 
But not for me 
I hold myself to a different standard 
I need to stop doing that 

I  am ok
I'm here 
Still fighting 
And not giving up....

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Another year over...

I can't believe it's December already
I can remember last Christmas like it was yesterday
Time is going too fast for my liking 
The past couple of days have been really tough 
The toughest I've had in more than a year
My bingeing and purging is spinning wildly out of control 
It's beginning to frighten me
As I can't seem to stop
Rewind to May 2014 
I was purging up to twenty times a day
And following a half hearted overdose
I was started on Prozac
It really helped me get my food issues under control 
And evened me out 
But lately 
My life has been one huge binge, purge session 
I think back to how I let this slip
I remember the navy trousers
And wanting to fit back in to them
I wanted to lose a few pounds
I had no intention of becoming underweight again
I just wanted to be a size where I felt comfortable
So I cut out chocolate 
And tried to eat mindfully 
My brain seemed to go straight to ED mode
And the purging began to increase
Fast forward three weeks later
The navy trousers now fit
And are even a bit big 
I've lost more than a few pounds   
But the purging persists 
And I am Losing the will to live 

I spoke to Breda today
And will be seeing her Monday
I also texted Mary today
And hopefully she will get back to me
It's time to call in the troops
Batten down the hatches 
And prepare for a fight 
The time of year doesn't help either
Already there is so much food around 
And it's hard to resist 
I would just love to see Mary
If only to do out a meal plan
And see where I am going wrong 
Yesterday was horrendous 
I was literally going around in circles 
From the kitchen to the living room to the bathroom
I have a path worn
It's crazy 
Mindless eating
Just stuffing it in to me
Only to bring it back up seconds later 
For me
There is a lot of shame attached to these behaviours
And embarrassment 
I mean who wants to admit that they spent half the day with their head in the toilet bowl
I also feel greedy 
Let me give you an example 
A few days ago 
I made dinner for my sister, my parents and I 
Beef goulash 
After we all had some
There was about two portions left
Which I planned to have when everyone went to bed 
Then unexpectedly 
My other sister and my nephew called down
As the power had gone in their house
Out of politeness 
I asked them if they wanted some dinner 
Secretly hoping they would say no
Which they did 
But my mother insisted that they have some
I got really annoyed that therewould be none left for me
And had to leave the room in fear that I would throw tantrum in front of everyone
This is one example of how irrational my ED
I would rather have eaten and purged two portions of the stew
Rather than give them to my sister and nephew who were probably starving 
That right there 
Is insanity

I'm on my own for a couple of days
It's nice to have some time to myself 
But it also means that my ED can run riot 
I swear guys
I just don't have the energy for this anymore
I'm exhausted 
And the thought of another day bingeing and purging is enough to send me bat shit crazy
I know I'm going to have to talk to my doctor too
To check my bloods
And just to let him know what is happening 
I really thought that I had left these days behind me
Apparently not 
And I mean really
What is the point of losing a few pounds 
If you have to puke your guts up to get there 

I don't know guys
It's a difficult time of year 
Especially if you are trying to remain in recovery
Or trying to stay clean and sober and smoke free
It's not called the silly season for nothing
We are having a quiet family Christmas this year
With only my neighbour joining us for dinner
I don't think I could handle any more than that 

With all that said
I was wondering about you
How do you deal with slips/relapses?
What do you find helps to get you back on track?
Do you have any advice for me?
All responses welcome....

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Home sweet Home....

For me
The best thing about going away
Is coming home
After a long journey yesterday
We arrive home at about 7pm
Honey and Lea had a huge welcome for me
And I sat on the floor with them for a while
My Dad stayed with them for the weekend
They absolutely love him
And just fling themselves at him when they see him
When I know he is on the way
I say to the dogs
'Whose come to see you?'
I don't think they know what the words mean
But my tone of voice lets them know thdt something exciting is about to happen
I then unpacked my case 
Changed in to a comfortable pair of pyjamas 
Made a cup of tea 
And curled up on the couch for the evening 

I also weighed myself this morning
I gained a grand total of one pound over the last few days 
But seriously 
I need to do something about the food situation at the moment
I'm back in the cycle of eat, purge, eat, purge...
I can't even say I am bingeing
As the amount I am eating does not constitute a binge
But to all intents and purposes 
It feels very much like a binge
Craving the food the way I used to crave heroin
The mindless, out of control eating
And then purging it all out
I read recently about the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger
With physical hunger
Almost anything will fill that hole
Any type of food will satisfy the craving 
But with emotional hunger 
It is a lot more acute 
You crave a certain item of food
And only that food will do
Usually it's a high fat, high sugar or carbohydrate type food
I know I crave strong flavours
Sour and salt and tangy
I never find I crave lettuce or cucumber
It's always bread, crisps and chocolate 
Of course 

I am struggling though
My purging has increased a lot in the past couple of weeks 
And it's effecting everything
I can't enjoy my food
As I know what wil happen once I have eaten 
I know I will have to excuse myself to the nearest bathroom after I eat
I will have to check out the toilets cubicles 
Or maybe use the disabled bathroom if there is no one around 
As it has its own little room
So no one would see or hear anything
 More often than not 
The toilets are little cubicles in cafes and restaurants 
With only a thin sheet of wood separating them
But still
It's not nice having to do that 
At least at home there is a level of privacy and comfort 

I know how this game goes though
I start weighing obsessively 
Purging more and more
Buying specific binge food 
And having marathon eat , purge sessions 
I saw my doctor this morning 
But didn't take the opportunity to speak to him
I will contact Mary
And ask for a couple of sessions 
I believe I can get back on track with a little help and support

I hope I haven't disappointed you 
I will keep fighting for a better life
I'm not going to give up
That's just not my style...

Monday, 30 November 2015

Heading Home

It's Monday morning
Usually I would be at the doctors around this time
But today is different
Today I am on a train from Cork bound for Dublin
It's easier to go to Dublin first 
Then over to the west and my home town
The first train takes two hours forty minutes
Then we get a tram to Connolly train station
Where we board another train that takes three hours
After that there is a thirty minute car ride to our house
So all in all
It's a bit of a marathon of a journey
But then
I don't tend to be conscious for most of it
It's an enjoyable trip though
As we are on trains so we can drink tea and stretch our legs and use the bathroom if we need to 
All going well
We should be home at about 7pm

Food for me has been really difficult this weekend 
From the moment we arrived until the moment we left 
I have been thinking about food
I guess because I am in someone else's house
I feel a bit out of control 
The foods I like to eat are not there
So I have to go to the shops and stock up
At the moment I am eating a lot of pickles
I always crave pickles when I am not feeling great physically 
I literally drink the vinegar from the jar
And the strong, tangy, sour flavour hits the spot every time
So we had to go through about four shops to find the pickles 
And the thing is 
Nothing else will do
It has to be pickles
Not gherkins 
Not spring onions 
Mixed pickles

It started on Friday when we arrived
My sisters partner had a lovely homely beef stew and mash ready for us
Perfect for a chilly winter evening 
I demolished a big bowl full
But I knew before I even started to eat
That it wouldn't stay down
I washed it all down with fizzy 7up
And excused myself to the bathroom
The house was small
Two bedrooms
And one bathroom
As I was sharing the facilities 
I needed to be quick, quiet and very clean and tidy
This started off a whole four days of eat, purge, eat, purge......
I was literally eating every few minutes
And purging just as much 
Over the weekend 
We ate out a couple of times
This is a nightmare 
Purging in public bathrooms is not an easy task 
Over the years I have found ways and means of doing it
It's amazing how you never forget that stuff

As you can tell 
My purging had increased of late
It's becoming a problem again
And my body feels every bit of it 
I feel weary 
And sore 
I hate purging 
But I feel utterly compelled to do it
And now it seem to have set off some kind of chain reaction with eating and purging 
I literally couldn't stop eating 
And in turn purging 
I couldn't sit still on the couch
Every few minutes I would be up eating something else
It's complete obsessive behaviour
My mum has already said it to me
And I want to stop
But I feel so out of control its scary
Now I am going home 
I need to get back on track again
I think I am going to ring Mary 
And ask her for a couple of top up sessions 
I really could do with the extra support right about now

I had no scales this weekend either
Which drove me slightly batty
In my head I have gained ten pounds 
There's another problem right there 
The scales 
I really need to end that relationship once and for all
I want to be set free 
But in all reality
I know the first thing o do when I get home is to weigh myself 
This is all so horribly familiar
I've been here before 
Falling off the wagon
My ED is a slippery little sucker 
And my behaviours are snow balling at a rapid pace 
But still 
I kid myself in to thinking that I am ok 
Because I am not yet underweight 
When I know better 
I know that is complete horse shit
It doesn't matter how much you weigh
It's the behaviours
The actions 
More so than the number on the scale 
God can I spiel this stuff out
But applying it to myself is so difficult 

I'm looking forward to getting home
To see Honey and Lea
Who I hear have been very afraid of the storm that hit this weekend 
Thunder drives them nuts!
It's lovely to go away
But it's even lovlier to come home
I can't wait to close the door
Put a fire on 
Change in to my pyjamas 
Make a cup of tea 
And cosy up on the couch
See you on the next post.....

Saturday, 28 November 2015

The Girl

There are two things that I notice more than anything else when ever I visit a city
The addicts
And the homeless 
I don't always see the shops
The lights 
The sights and the sounds 
I see the people asleep in doorways on cardboard boxes
I see the pinned and haunted eyes of heroin addicts
The empty bottles of the street drinkers 
The scatty manicness of the meth users 
The slurred speech of those on methadone
This city is no different
The first homeless guy I saw today was sitting on the cold hard ground
Dressed in a thin jumper and pants
He was visibly shivering with the cold 
His eyes on the ground in front of him
We walked by 
Stopped and looked back
We were all thinking the same thing 
The poor guy
We pooled our change and gave him five euro 
Tipping it in to his paper cup
He looked up when he heard the rattle of the change 
And stuck his hand out
As if to touch the saviour who would allow him to buy a cup of tea and a sandwich 
I usually talk to the homeless when I'm giving them something 
But with this guy
I don't know 
He looked so destitute 
I didn't think anything I could say could make him feel better
Walking away
I turned back to look at him 
He hadn't even checked his cup
His eyes still downwards
I felt guilty in that moment 
Guilty that I had so much 
And he had so little 
Life is unfair 
It's all a game of chance 

We went for lunch then 
And decided to pick the homeless man up some soup 
We walked back to where he was sitting 
There were people talking to him
Giving him bags of what I presume were food
He looked like he was rubbing tears from his eyes 
A lady kneeled at his side giving comforting words 
We decided to give the soup to another homeless person 
And it wasn't long before we met another one 
He gratefully accepted it
And we went on our way

Last night 
We went to see a musical 
After it had finished 
And we had all piled out of the theatre 
I had run across the road to the shop to get a carton of milk
I noticed a girl with two dogs out side the shop 
It was the dogs that attracted me 
And I bent down to pet them and talk too them 
And could tell by the girls demeanour that she was out of her mind 
She was skinny
Wobbly on her feet 
And louder then she needed to be
I asked her about the dogs 
She said they were rescue dogs 
That she was minding them for someone
They had no collars 
No leads 
And seemed really clingy and afraid 
I looked in to the girls eyes
Her pupils were pinned 
Her lids fighting against the weight of the heroin in her blood
I asked her if I could ask her a question
Was she on the gear
She said she was 
That she had recently relapsed after a nasty break up
She had been clean for a year 
All the while she was talking to me 
There was another guy that was in and out of the shop
Talking at great speed to the girl 
She continued to speak to me 
Then all of a sudden I just knew I had to get out of there 
This is how I've slipped before 
Putting myself in stupid situations 
I wished her good luck
And went to walk in to the shop 
Next thing I knew 
She threw her arms around me 
And gave me a huge hug
I was taken aback
But I hugged her back
And in that moment 
I wanted to take the girl and her dog home with me
Nurse her through her withdrawal 
Love her dog in to a happy and healthy little guy

I went in to the shop
The guy was ahead of me 
Buying everything and anything 
At one point he turned around and apologised to me
I said it was no problem 
Just then 
My sister appeared 
It turned out that my sister and mother had been standing across the street and witnessed the whole exchange
My sister asked me if I was ok
I said I was 
But I wasn't really
I felt a sense of guilt 
That I had got out
And that girl hadn't 
I wondered what kind of place they were living 
Was it safe?
Was it full of addicts?
Was it warm?
I also wondered about the dog
Would they look after him?
Feed him?
Would he have a bed to sleep in that night?
Would someone let him out off he needed to wee?
Or would he be forced to pee where he lay down?
These questions bothered me
And still bother me
I feel a sense of survivor guilt 
I was extremely lucky 
To make it out alive
And relatively unscathed 
There are so many who didn't 
It's more the girls that upset me
Probably because I can relate to them more
And the fact that I know drugs take a far harder toll on women 
Where I live now 
I don't have to look at it 
It's not in my face 
But here 
And in Dublin and other cities 
I see it every 
I've always struggled to describe the look that heroin addicts aquire after a certain amount of time using 
It's like their faces all become the same
That same hollow cheeked, haunted eyes look 
Like the lights are on but no one is home
I read a post once by Shane Leverne 
Who writes Memoires of a heroin head
He described one of his characters once as having a 'smack sculpted face'
These are exactly the words I had been looking for 
I couldn't have described it so perfectly 

It's Sunday morning now
And that girl is still on my mind
I'm not worried though 
I know that soon she will drift to the back 
of my mind soon enough
And I don't kid myself 
I know if I had not been with my family
I probably would have gone and used with her 
And become her new best friend 
That's the way it seems to work in the drug world
It's like a secret little community 
Where everyone is connected by the drug
Everyone has it in common
And that is enough to base whole relationships on
Whether they last an hour or a year 

Something I also noticed yesterday while taking to the girl
Was that we seemed to get in to a one upman ship about drugs 
It goes something like that like this 
You're using 3 years?
Oh I'm using 5 years?
You started using in Dublin?
Well I started in London
You nearly died once?
I actually did die 
Does this seem familiar to anyone?
It's a lot like the game we play with out EDs 
The Hunger Games 
That's just the way it is
And I definitely don't miss that 

Today is the last day of our little jolly
We head back tomorrow morning 
Everyone else is still in bed
Tired after yesterday's exertions
It's nice to have some time to myself 
To make sense of last night 
Why do these things always happen to me.....

To Cork......

Here we are in Cork
My Mum, my sister and I 
Are all staying with my sisters partner
The journey here was a marathon
We left before 9am
And arrived at 5pm
I'll tell you a little secret 
I slept most of the way in the back seat
So I wasn't as tired as the rest when we arrived
Cork is Ireland's biggest county
Lying in the south west of the country
I've only been here once before
And loved it
So was excited to come back

My sisters partner had a beautiful, homely stew with mash upon our arrival 
Just what the doctor ordered
We took it easy last night
And watched The Toy Show
Which I wrote about yesterday
If you can
I would look it up 
As it's just the perfect thing to get you in the mood for Christmas
We made our way to bed at midnight
And was out before I could even read one page of my book

I awoke first this morning 
Late for me at 9 30am
I came downstairs 
Made a huge cup of tea and toast
And waited for the others to surface
One by one 
They came downstairs 
And sausages and bacon were put on the pan 
We ate
Had a quick shower 
And piled out in to my sisters car and headed for town

Cork city is lovely
It doesn't have the manicness of Dublin
But it's bigger than the city near us at home
We wandered around the shops
I was on a strict budget 
So just bought I pair of jeggings in 
Yes you've guessed it 
Fat Face 
Stick that in your pipe anonymous 

My Mum was looking for a warm jacket 
So we all spent about 45mins in the changing rooms of one particular shop
This changing room was smaller than a toilet cubicle 
You couldn't swing a cat in it 
She didn't find anything though
Well she did 
But the prices were extortionate
So she's going to wait for the January sales

We went for lunch in the Cork opera house 
A quirky little place with coloured chairs that looked like a kindergarten 
I had the kids sausage and chips
Yes I only wanted a small portion so ordered from the kids menu
It was yummy though
A meal in miniature

We walked around for another while
And finished up in water stones book shop
Where my sister and I decided to walk home
And the others took the car
We are home now 
Going to have some grub
Before heading out to see a musical
It's called ahem..
Menopause the Musical
It's meant to be really funny 
It was either that or the ballet
So we went with the funny one

Below are some photos from today