I've been finding it really difficult to blog this week
I've been experiencing a kind of bloggers block
I just haven't been able to string a coherent sentence together
And I've been avoiding blogger
There isn't anything wrong as such
I just don't feel one hundred percent myself
I feel really tired
Not present in my own body or mind
I feel like I don't fit in
Not in my own family
Not at the meetings
The only place that I'm really enjoying at the moment is with the horses
I just feel so at home
And so free when I am up on Star
Like nothing else matters at that moment
As you know
I ride with a group of MS sufferers
And we all leave our troubles at the door
And just have fun
Enjoy each other's company
As well as the horses
There is such a lovely atmosphere there
And everyone has a lovely time
Next week
I am going to help with the pony camp for kids
And my nephew is coming with me too
We are going to work for the day
And then have a lesson in the afternoon
So that is something to look forward to
Apart from that glorious day once a week
When I forget about my troubles
Things are tough
I saw Mary this morning
It was a long and tough session
We covered a lot
Family issues
And of course weight
She weighed me
I didn't look
But then as always
I asked her what it was
I had gained one kilo in the last couple of weeks
Even though it's small amount
I still had a bad reaction to it
And immediately began to withdraw and close up
Mary is convinced it's muscle
As I am a lot more active
It could be I guess
But I just wasn't open to suggestion at that point
It's not so much that fact that I gained a kilo
It's more the fear that I will continue to carry on gaining like this
And spin out of control
We talked about my anxiety around numbers
They are just numbers Mary said
But having measured my worth in pounds and ounces for so long
It's hard to escape that prison
That rigid way of thinking
And the thing is
Before Mary weighed me this morning
I felt alright in my body
I bought a new pair of size 8 trousers yesterday
And I felt I looked something approaching decent
It was only when Mary weighed me that I had my little meltdown
Those bloody numbers are the Bain of my life
With all that said
I was wondering about you
How you made peace with the numbers in your life?
If yes
How did you do that?
Do you think we should weigh in recovery?
Why do you think that ?
Answers on a postcard please....