Friday 14 September 2012


So I'm 5 days in to my methadone drop
Again, it was only a 5ml drop but any drop is a big deal
I collect it at my local chemist every Monday and Friday
There used to be a really kind chemist that worked there
I had been dealing with him since I moved here 7 years ago and he always took the time to talk to me, ask me how I was getting on and give me encouragement
I was the only person in my town on methadone and I kept it a secret from anyone who didn't need to know
It really made a difference to me that he was so kind and warm
Then one day about 2 years ago he was gone
I have since found out that he was fired for being 'too friendly' to a female customer
I find that hard to believe
He was replaced by a girl who is perfectly civil but not as nice
Now they have a new chemist and she is just lovely
Today when she saw my methadone had dropped she said 'That's great Ruby, you're making good progress'
It really made my day
Heroin addicts and people on methadone have such a bad name and I do my best to dispel the myth that we are all liars, thieves and cheats
Not a lot of people know I'm on methadone, just my family and all of you of course so it was nice to hear something positive and encouraging
They say that methadone is harder to come off than heroin
They say it gets in to your bones
I well believe this as any detox I've done off synthetic drugs has been much more difficult than a detox off natural drugs
I've only done one methadone detox before when I was 19
I did it in hospital and it wasn't too bad as I was just at the start of my drug career and so wasn't so physically dependent
This time is different
I've been on methadone now for 7 years
I started on 70mls and over the years have worked my way down to 30mls
Any drop from here on in will be tough
Methadone withdrawals are not pretty and are both physical and mental

- Sweating
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches and pains
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting

And plenty more
Then there's the mental effects
People can experience anxiety and depression after stopping completely
Methadone is so difficult to come off as it is long acting (as opposed to heroin which is short acting)
It stays in the body for up 48 hours so even though I take it every day I would be  ok if I missed a day or two
I don't know if I'm imagining it or nor but I've already experienced sweating and lack of sleep
I can't lie and even though I know it's a good thing, I am terrified to detox completely
It has been such a big part of my life for so long that I can't imagine life without it
It holds me accountable
I have to see my doctor every week and do a drug test so it's a deterrent to using
I am so very afraid that the craving to use will come back
And I swear I would rather die than go back to that life
The murky underworld of drug addiction is a horrible place
Once addicted to heroin you get incredibly sick if you don't have some every few hours
I remember one Christmas a few years ago myself and my family went away for Christmas
I brought along what I thought would be enough drugs for the few days
But I was always greedy when it came to drugs and I they were gone in 2 days
Withdrawals quickly set in and I begged my parents to take me to a doctor
It was a small town in the west of Ireland and I'm sure the doctor had no experience of addicts
He didn't entertain me though and gave me a few Effexor which was like giving someone an asprin for a heart attack
The next 2 days were a living hell
I spent them in bed, alternating between cold sweats and hot flushes
I couldn't get any relief, there wasn't a hope of the sweet release of sleep
I felt like my body was turning inside out and there was nothing I could do about it
I will never forget the pain I went through then and so I am anxious not to repeat that

I have stopped taking my other meds, the anti depressant and the anti anxiety
I can't seem to take them properly so I'm not going to take them at all
They also give me a ravenous appetite so I won't miss that
In fact my eating has changed this week
Bulimia has stopped in her tracks and my appetite has all but vanished
Don't get me wrong, I am glad that bulimia has left the building but I don't particularly want to go the other way either, anorexia is not much better
I have bounced from addiction to addiction my whole life
Food to alcohol to drugs to prescription drugs..........
And so I seem to have moved from abusing my meds to restricting again
Eating disorders and addiction and are so very similar
Same shit, different substance
The behaviours are the same
The lying, the stealing, the shame, the guilt
But where as drug addiction and bulimia are similar, a roller coaster of extreme highs and lows
Anorexia is different in that it  is more like a never ending, monotonous, numb feeling
Not feeling hungry is very triggering though
That empty feeling is triggering
It is very tempting to go down that road again
Anorexia is whispering softly in my ear trying to lure me in with false promises of happiness
She sounds warm and friendly and tells that 'this time will be different'
'This time I really will be happy'
She tells how good it would feel to reach an all time low weight
How satisfying it would feel
But I know her all too well by now
I know that she will seduce me until I am captive
I know that then she will show her true colours and how evil she truly is
I know that along with the weight I will lose my mind
I know that she will get stronger and stronger the more I listen to her
I know that before I know what's happening I will be a shell of a girl
I know that with the high of weight loss comes the low of depression, anxiety and paranoia
I know that even though my bones become sharp I will still believe that I am fat
I know that I will never get to enjoy the one thing I crave the most because I will still think  am fat
But even though I know all this she is still hard to resist
'I am all you need' she tells me
'You can't live without me'
But in fact the opposite is true
The truth is anorexia will not be satisfied until I am dead
She wants me dead
So I will do my very best to fight her off
I will try my hardest not to listen
I will keeping trying to keep some semblance of normality to my life
I won't give up

I was wondering if any of you lovely people out there have ever done a methadone detox or a drug detox
I would really love to speak to someone who has been through this
If you don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me
I'd love to hear from you


  1. Ruby,
    I write to you here to let you know that I still read. My days have been busy lately, but every word of yours is stored in my heart.
    I do not like to write comments in a hurry, hence the lack of my comments from my side. I want to give of my heart and soul. Hope you don't feel as if I ignore you, dear warrior.

    Keep fighting. I can feel you winning.

  2. Dear Hedda, so lovely to hear from you, in fact I just now left a comment on your own blog
    I see you have moved and I'll look forward to reading on Tumblr

    You always have such kind words so thank you
    I don't feel you were ignoring me at all, I know you are busy and I'm so happy for you

    Take good care of you x

  3. You are doing really well with the methadone and even though I have no experience with drugs I can tell how strong you must be. Restriction, however, is something I can relate to, and although I'm a major hypocrit for saying it, I really think you should avoid anorexia and restriction at all costs - as much as I love it, all it brings is shit!
    Lottie x

  4. Thanks Lottie, although I don't feel strong at all

    It's true any eating disorder brings nothing but heartbreak x

  5. You are so strong, my dear <3 The worst thing I've come off is Valium, do I can't offer much advice there, but I'm keeping you in my thoughts xx

  6. Thank you dear Bella,

    Thinking of you too x

  7. Stay strong, that's all I can say for you. I've never needed to come off anything (sure I abused some meds but never got really addicted to them)... but hang on. It'll get better.

  8. Stay strong hun, you are strong enough to handle this even if you don't always feel it. I have seen people who are going through detox at work. We have a 20 bed detox unit and it is mostly herion or alcohol and I have seen those effects you talked about. The step down method you are doing is tough but it works and let's be honest your life your future is worth it. I think you are doing a great job and you do deserve some praise for being on a program. The only suggestion I have is to talk to your doctors and other suport staff about your other meds. If you don't want to take them let hem know why. They may have something else they can give you that will actually help instead . Good luck.

    1. Thanks Josie,

      I know I need to do this, as scary as it is
      I've probably been kept on it for it too long, it's supposed to be a stop gap rather than a long term thing but I am where I am
      Are you a nurse or a doctor? You must see this every day so
      Thanks for your encouragement x

  9. Wow, you've got a core of diamond to make it so far through! Definitely talk to your doctors about your concerns for continuing the drop. Do what it takes to keep you safe and away from that living nightmare again.

    Don't listen to Anorexia. You know she's a lying, scheming scumbag who only wants you dead. She's the ultimate abusive girlfriend. Her, her sister Bulimia and their pimp Ed. All lying wankstains who only want you dead. You'll never see the all-time low, coz you'll be in a coffin before it shows up. So not cool! I only just met you and I already can't imagine not reading your words.

    I've never done a detox and I've never known anyone strong enough to do one. My Mum and brother are still entrenched in their dope habits and while bro is supposedly clean enough to pass a drug test I doubt it'll stay that way for long.

    Hold on Ruby. You're worth this fight. You deserve to live a life free of this shit and to find out who you are without these shackles holding you down. Kia kaha, Ruby! All my love and many hugs from the bottom of the pacific <3

  10. Hey Peri,

    This is true, I am over halfway through this so no turning back now.
    It would be nice not to have to carry a big bucket of it over to Australia in December. The last time I went I drank most of it on the plane on the way over, needless to say I was up shit creek halfway through my holiday.

    Love to you always from the cold and windy Atlantic coast x

    1. Oh, I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. When I'm detoxing from bulimia (longest detox this year = 2 days) I feel like I'm losing my mind. I get so agitated and restless, and the urge to binge gets overwhelming. What you are going through must be so much harder. Don't give up!

      The funny thing about addictions; no matter how stupid or bad they are they almost always find their way into our minds. Trick us, lure us into thinking we are the ones in control. We know it's not true, yet we let ourselves get fooled over and over again.

      I'm glad you're better from your bulimia!!! Don't fall back into being anorexic; remind yourself of all the bad things that come with it. You deserve a healthy and happy life.

      All the best of luck,
      Ebba. X

    2. Thanks Ebba,

      It's so true, addiction really does mess with our minds as well as our bodies. I always think 'maybe this time will be different' but of course it never is x

  11. You are fighting so hard. I can't even imagine what it must be like, but my heart goes out to you. Stay strong, dearheart.

  12. Gosh. this must be so hard. yet, i cannot lie, i have thought about taking drugs more than once in my life. just cause that seems to work more than meds overdose (which didn't work for me at least) but quitting them must be so very hard. I had a boyfriend who did drugs. I don't know if he was worse when he just had them or when it was a while since he last had. and to get this far with quitting, you must really be an incredibly strong person.

    It's hard, but don't listen to Ana. At the moment, since I really need to lose some weight, I'm trying my best to do it a healthy and balanced way, but it's so hard.
    Yeah she will destroy you.
    I personally hope I will be able to defeat her and just be happy. Maybe this time I won't let her get me, who knows...

    Thanks for liking my blog, btw =) Stay strong, you can so make it!!!

    1. Thank you for your comment

      I'm trying so very hard not to listen but she just gets louder and louder

      I hope you can be happy to, you deserve to be happy and well

      Take care x

  13. Darling.. I hope you feel better.. I wish there was some way for you to shut off both anorexia and bulimia.. I wish it was that easy.. But nothing is easy and maybe theres a reason for everything <3 always here for you my dear <3 You know that - Love you x

  14. Thank you darling Rayya

    Love you too x

  15. hi ruby tuesday- you are a brave person and very honest with yourself and others - thank you for showing your readers your
    strength and i sense ruby that you are also majorally kind
    and understanding to people.

    bravo, for forging ahead, you have come a long way, please please continue on.

    i am grateful you are writing this blog because you are teaching
    me compassion.

  16. Wow! Thank you for such kind words
    I'm blown away by yours and others comments
    I don't always feel strong but I do my best to keep going and do the right thing

    Thank you for your comment x


Thank you for leaving some love x