It was called 'Living on air' made by the BBC
It began by showing footage from the 'Minnesota experiment' some 50 years ago
A group of men were semi-starved for 6 months and the effects monitored
I had heard of this experiment in treatment
As the men lost weight they began to exhibit symptoms of having an eating disorder including obsessing over food
They began to isolate
Some tried to escape
Others are grass they were so hungry
One man became so distressed cut off 3 of his fingers with an axe
The documentary followed the story of 3 girls
Betsy, Hilary and Rachel
Betsy was a well spoken American mom who had suffered with anorexia since she was a child
She believed her condition was genetic as her grandmother had starved herself to death
Betsy was extremely worried about her 7 year old daughter who had begun to copy her behaviour
Betsy is fighting hard
She is in close contact with her doctor and attends a support group
I felt hopeful about her
Hillary was a 22 year old suffering from anorexia/bulimia
It was shocking to see her at four and a half stone
All her piercings and jewellry couldn't disguise her emaciated body
She had been suffering with the illness for 7 years and was preparing to go in to treatment for the 6th time
Even though she was in a desperate state I also felt hopeful about her
She was making good progress in treatment and within the first month her weight increased to 6 stone
Still very thin but it was a great start
But the story that broke my heart was Rachel
As her story began she was leaving treatment after a 6 month stay
Her third in 6 years
Although she expressed ambivalence about wanting to get well she remained hopeful and was due to start university at Cambridge
Leaving treatment she looked healthy and happy
But a few weeks later as Rachel returned to the treatment centre as an outpatient she had lost a considerable amount of weight
She looked and sounded a shadow of the girl we saw just a few short weeks before
She spoke slowly and looked so sad and lost I just wanted to reach through the screen and envelop her in a hug
She spoke of how things at home and school were tough and this was her coping mechanism
As we saw her at university she looked pale and gaunt
She said she felt that anorexia had 'tricked her'
That she thought that things were ok until it was too late
I wanted to cry watching Rachel's story
I could relate so much
In and out of treatment
Hopes raised and dashed
Recovery and relapse
The never ending merry-go-round
Or more like a ghost train
It's a sad reality that so many of us relapse time and time again
It's part and parcel of the condition
But I just felt so sad that Rachel had relapsed so quickly
Before her life had even really begun
If I think about all the people suffering from eating disorders it drives me insane
As I watched Rachel I wanted to shout at the screen
'Why are you doing this to yourself?
Please stop!
Can't you see how beautiful, talented and smart you are?
Don't waste your life on this cruel illness
Stop, right now!'
But of course it's all too easy to tell others what they should do
When it comes to ourselves it's so much harder
Watching this documentary reminded me of my own time in treatment
Or should I say 3 times in treatment
I never really made much progress
On 2 occasions I was discharged for failing to continue to gain weight and the other time I discharged myself
I spent a lot of time on bedrest and continued to restrict, binge and purge
I remember one day a nurse caught me with a bag full of chocolate bars
I was so ashamed
I also got in to a habit of waking up in the middle of the night and binging so they started to lock the kitchen
Again so very ashamed
I would like to think that I will go back to treatment
When? I don't know
But I know that I won't go back until I know that I can give it 100%
I just can't right now
If you get a chance check out this documentary and tell me what you think
I don't think I've ever seen a documentary on eating disorders specifically, though they've been mentioned in shows about pop culture and body image that I've seen. I think watching a documentary like that would be too triggering for me, seeing such lovely people try so hard to recover and inevitably relapse. Makes me even less hopeful that I'll have a normal life some day I suppose.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, they trigger me too but yet I still keep watching them over and over
ReplyDeleteStay hopeful x
This is true: I used to work at a hospital where I was to sit with people who couldn't be left alone such as the elderly, children, and people with eating disorders. One 30ish woman was severely underweight and they had to have a feeding tube in her nose. She kept a photo of her 4 year old son on her nightstand and her mom was in the hospital with her. The patient wanted to go to the bathroom so we helped her...nothing happened so we put her back in bed. Then she started to convulse and her heart stopped. She died with her mom at her side. It was the first time I ever saw someone die. Please take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteGod, that is heartbreaking
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sad to read this
And how difficult it must have been for you to witness that
I sometimes forget that my eating disorder could kill me at anytime
I'm trying hard to take care of myself
Thank you for your concern x
ive never been to treatment, nor do i think anyone would agree to send me to one, so i dont have much experience in that. but i really liked the documentary "thin."
ReplyDeletestay lovely. <3
I've seen Thin many times Sofia, it really is one of the best
DeleteI really identified with Shelly as she was also suffering with substance abuse
Stay lovely too x
At work this morning I watched Thin. I haven't really seen any others. The one girl, Brittany, she was 15. Something like 80ish pounds (sorry, I don't know what that is in stones... haha) and that is so tiny. I couldn't imagine. She just wanted to be skinny and saw herself as fat. I look at the photos of people on their blogs, 115 or lower and think wow. You ARE skeletal. Stop. Please. Please don't do this anymore. Then I can't say much because when I'm told it doesn't phase me. I can relate to the girl in college you mentioned. It's so hard and there is always another person that's smarter AND beautiful. It's a threat, it's demeaning to you and they don't even know they do it to you. You work hard, stay up late, but you get tired and you get hungry and you get stressed and angry and it doesn't feel worth it. My ED caused me to be fantastic at school so I think I thought I could do it again. I feel like a little girl. I don't feel like I'm growing up, merely stalling as I watch everyone else. It kills me. I don't want to die. I just want to make a life. This isn't the way but it's such a comfort sometimes... Thinking of you Ruby.
This is heartbreaking to watch, these beautiful girls killing themselves
DeleteI remember Britanny well, she had no interest in getting well, but them she was only 15 and it's hard at that age
I remember her mother also had disordered eating and wasn't very supportive
Hang in there Eve
Baby steps
Try not to be so hard on yourself
Thinking of you too x
She made me so sad. Her mother couldn't put aside her problems with her own for her daughter...
DeleteI promise I'll try.
I love watching Intervention. The show covers all kinds of addictions and the eating disorder episodes are always heart breaking. To hear peoples loved ones talk in the actual intervetion at the end always makes me so emotional! Especially when they let children talk! Really makes you think twice about how your actions effect others.
I love Intervention too Mystic, I think I've seen them all
DeleteI can relate so much as I get addicted to things so easily
I think it's made well and gives a great insight in to eating disorders and addiction and how it affects our loved ones x
I cant really pin point my fav Documentary or even life time movie but for a good old laugh about our issues I do watch "STARVED" on youtube from time to time. Only one season was ever made but when you are living it it is nice to be able to laugh about it or maybe it is my dry nasty sense of humor i dont know lol. I am off to watch Living on Air. Thanks for the new movie!!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of starved Linny but I'm going to check it out
DeleteI presume it's a piss take of other documentaries
I highly recommend 'Living on air'
Enjoy x
Watched it today Ruby it was great and very informative. I hope someday they will make tons of medical breaks through! Staved is a sitcom that only aired for one season. it is just for laughs.
DeleteGlad you enjoyed it Linny
DeleteI did to x
Rachel is my story. Anorexia tricked me. Had me thinking that I was recovered, just to destroy me again a few weeks later. Now here I am and I can't beat this stupid shit.
ReplyDeleteMe too Katie, me too x
DeleteThey have an interesting anorexia recovery group that they follow on some episodes of Supersize v. Superskinny.
ReplyDeletethere's also another good documentary that isn't on anorexia, but it's on nutrition and being naturally very thin. They have participants who are naturally thin bump up their intake to like 3,500 calories for a month and then measure their weight gain and progress. Then they show how long it takes them to go back to their normal weight. I don't know what it's called but I watched it in parts on YouTube.
I've seen that on Supersize and I thought that part of the programme was good but other than that I find it quite triggering
DeleteThanks I'll look that one up x
What happend to that documentary?
DeleteIt was very interesting.
I have anorexia/bulimia.
Those videos really helped my family to understand me.
Thank you so much for posting the stories about those videos.
This is very helpful since i can not find the videos anymore :)
I don't watch them really, because every time I do, it makes what I'm doing more and more real.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am not ill.
I am just not.
I can understand that
ReplyDeleteI actually got very upset after watching this so I know what you mean x
I just have to watch every ED documentary I can find. Or read every book and article I come across. I'm totally hooked. I can spend hours on youtube just looking at ED-related things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us all know about this documentary, I've not even heard of it, can't wait to watch it!
I like 'Thin', 'Supersize vs. Superskinny', 'Super Slim Me' and 'I'm a Child Anorexic'. There's some quite good films too: Sharing the Secret, Perfect Body, Thirteen...
I think I've watched too many to remember!
I'm the same Angharad, I've spent many an hour on the internet reading watching all about eating disorders
ReplyDeleteNothing interests me as much as they do
I've seen all those too and I think that 'Thin' is my favourite
I've watched it over and over
I'll definitely be checking out those films, thanks x
I'm an ED Doc Junkie too!! I've never seen Living on Air though, I have yet to finish it but can't wait! Great find, thank you!!
ReplyDeletelove always,
Your welcome Lou, enjoy! x
ReplyDeleteThank god I'm not the only one! Oooooh new docos, I wanna watch them! I have to get my fix on Youtube.
ReplyDeleteI really like "Trapped by my Twin", but probably because I haven't seen it as much so it's still really new to me.
There is a way out, there is.
Love you Ruby *huggles*
You're not alone Peri
ReplyDeleteLove you too, lots and lots x
God! I'm an eating disorder programme junkie too! Sometimes I watch them just to feel validated in my disorder, sometimes it just interests me. I don't know why I watch so many if I'm honest!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see the Minnesota study mentioned, I don't think it really gets mentioned enough. A lot of things that people believed to be anorexic symptoms were actually symptoms of starvation. I also thought it was interesting that force feeding stemmed from that, under the rather wrong assumption that if patients gained weight, the eating disorder would go away, when eating disorders are much more complex than that.
Yes, I learned about is in treatment
ReplyDeleteIt seemed to have been a break through in treating eating disorders but force feeing definitely doesn't work
I've been there and it just made me resist even more x