I'm not going to bed at all
And just napping on the couch
It means that I am sleeping during the day
Which also means that my food is all over the place
I was talking with my sister yesterday
And she asked me if I am having bad dreams
Then it occurred to me that yes, I actually am having bad dreams
Horrible dreams
I have recurring dream that I am using drugs with my ex-boyfriend
And they are very graphic dreams
Where I actually use the drugs
I always wake up in a panic
Thinking that I have used
It's such a relief to realise it was just a dream
I used to have this dream from time to time
But now I have it almost every night
And it's becoming distressing
Maybe this is the reason that I don't want to go to sleep?
I looked up these dream meanings
But the meanings are very subjective
They could mean different things to different people
Recurring dreams points to unresolved issues, negative thinking patterns, unhealthy behaviours or unexpressed emotions in your waking life
Ex partner dreams
To see an ex-partner usually represents a personality trait in yourself based on whatever quality or memory stands out most about that person. Ex-partners are very open symbols that are based completely on your most honest memories and feelings about them. Ask yourself what's the first thing that pops in your head when you think about that person.
Alternatively, an ex-partner may reflect a bad habit or a failure you're experiencing. They may also represent the return of a recurring problem. If you really don't like your ex they may reflect a negative situation that is repeating itself in your life. Ex's can also reflect the re-experiencing of breakups or unpleasant relationship scenarios.
Ex-partners can sometimes be a sign that you are unconsciously repeating bad habits or that your falling into the trap of dating someone who is just like your ex.
If you still have feelings for your ex then they may symbolize your lingering desire for them. They could also represent your desire for something in life you really want, but feel is unattainable. A certain type of experience you want, but feel is not possible.
I couldn't really find a proper explanation of a drug dream
At least one that made sense to me
But it must mean something
I'm pretty sure that it doesn't mean that I want to use drugs
As I am not thinking about them or craving them
But there is part of me that thinks I may relapse in the future
So maybe that is something
As regards my ex boyfriend
I haven't seen or spoken to him in years
And I have no desire to
Our relationship wasn't a typical one
We were both addicted to drugs
So we weren't doing things like going out for dinner or going to the movies
We bought drugs
And did drugs
And that was about the height of it
So I guess it's up to me to find out the true meaning of this dream
It could be unresolved issues
I know I felt a lot of guilt when I moved away from my old town and boyfriend
I was lucky enough to be starting a new life
And he was stuck in the old one
My addiction was also when my eating disorder started too
When I was using I stayed in my boyfriends house
There was never a scrap of food in the house
And because we were using
We never really ate any way
When the drugs ran out
I went home to recharge my batteries
There was lots of lovely food in the house
And I felt so overwhelmed by it all
I also felt so guilty that I had food and my ex-boyfriend didn't
He was also very skinny
And I always felt that I was bigger than him
I really wasn't but I felt like that at the time
I guess what I need to do is sort out all these issues in my head
Talk about them to someone
Or write them down
Get them out of my head
I suppose I do have unresolved issues
And I need to make sense of them
I'm not looking forward to delving in to my past
But if it means that I get these horrible dreams sorted
Then I will do that
I remember when I was in treatment
There was a sign on the wall that said
'Those who do not examine their past are doomed to repeat it'
It makes sense I think
I was wondering about you
Do you ever experience recurring dreams?
Do you know what your dreams mean?
I'd love to know
Just a brief reply but the way I understand it is that dreams are not necessarily literal. But they can expose us to themes or things we sub/consciously try not to think about when we are awake. Sleep is a time when our brains process things and there may be something here you're avoiding during the day but your mind is getting stuck on. It may be a very literal representation or it may not be, only you can figure that out. But sometimes in avoiding sleep and avoiding the one thing you don't want to have, it happens more!! And once you're in that messed up sleep cycle, EVERYTHING is harder to do. Can you write a note to yourself before you go to sleep (at night!) saying that you have not used, you are not using and you will not use? Anyway, just my silly thoughts cx
ReplyDeleteThanks for this C
DeleteAnd your thoughts are far from silly
I guess the dream symbolises something and I need to figure out what that is
Writing myself a note is a good idea
I'll try that
Hope you're doing ok? x
My sleep is also all over the place, due to the very same reason. I have such bad dreams that I don't want to sleep anymore. Those dreams often result in dissociation here, so... I am very vey very sorry to read you having bad dreams.
ReplyDeleteThey told me dreams can also mean that you have to deal with certain unresolved things. Confront your fears. Something like 'exposure'.
I agree with C, that keeping yourself awake and also a not so okay daily schedule, does not help the dreams to go away. Just cause, when you make yourself exhausted, you have no resistance left.
But I don't know.
I hope someone has better tips and tricks for you...
(L) from a bloody hot Holland
awww darlings i wish the shitty voyeuristic therapists would do their homework! confronting is mega dangerous and can trigger/retrigger trauma (bang! and then the session is over and you are left to your hell, defenseless), and latest research shows that it hardly ever induces any improvement. there are so many new an better strategies in behavioral therapy to deal with those issues. also i wish those lazy bastards would not give out the BPD disgnosis like free candy (well just to girls), because they are too lazy to find out the real cause. justsaying
DeleteThank you so much for these words.... really. They make me cry but only because I feel so understood, and because I feel so stupid for not being able to keep breathing and standing straight after exposure.
Delete(and I don't have the BPD diagnosis anymore! :-D, been re-tested and did not came close with my results..)
Thank you Lilly, really...
Deleteits a side effect of the prozac, the bizarre dreaming, check the leaflet. therefore i would try not to give it too much thought
I just read through the side effects of Prozac
DeleteAnd you are absolutely right Lilly
Abnormal sleep and dreams are listed as side effects
Thanks for letting me know this
I really was getting worried about myself
Thanks little star x
Ow right!! didn't think of that, it is a well known side effect of Prozac.... bizarre dreams.
ReplyDeleteYes, that must be it A x
DeleteI usually don't remember much of my dreams due to the sleeping pills, but the ones I remember are usually very intense. I often dream about my family and my dad, horrible dreams, and then I wake up and remember that he is dead. And, to my shame, that makes me feel good.
ReplyDeleteI was the same when I was on sleepers
DeleteI didn't remember a thing
I like to remember my dreams
It's like being in a film x
Sadly I don't have any advice for you Ruby, as sleep is a tricky issue for me too. I have trauma related dreams a lot. Sometimes they do get to the point where I deliberately deprive myself of sleep. Then there are nights like tonight where my body or brain just don't want to sleep. It's coming up on 4am and I've been marathoning movies all night!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the part about recurring dreams. But if you ask me, I don't think it matters what dreams about ex-boyfriends usually mean; he's in the dreams because he was there at the time. The main subject is drugs, not exes.
It's funny you mention your ex and you didn't do things like dinner and movies. My ex and I were similar, everything was based around drugs from day one. I've only had one relationship before (and it ended literally a week before I started blogging and met you), and we never would've dated if it weren't for the fact he had the easiest access to drugs and I was looking for an escape.
Anyway, I'm rambling, sorry. I'm glad Lilly mentioned above that crazy dreams can be a side effect. Maybe ask your doctor about it on Monday?
Love xx
I'm sorry you can't sleep Bella
DeleteThere is really nothing worse than being the only person awake at night
It's very lonely
But at least you have all your insomniac blogger friends to keep you company
Yes I read the side effects of Prozac today
And abnormal dreams is indeed a side effect
This makes me feel a bit better as I now know that it's the pill and not me
I hope you get some sleep soon Bella dear
Love to you too x