I only realized when the date showed up on the tv this morning
I remember that day
But for all the wrong reasons
Back then I was in active addiction
That morning I made my way to Dublin to go and get drugs
I was listening to music on the way
So I missed any early reports on the radio
When I arrived in Dublin
I walked over to the North side of the city to my my dealer
A hardened addict who was just out of prison
It never occurred to me to ask him why he was in prison
It's just didn't seem important at the time
The house was a three story red brick home
It looked ok from the outside
But inside it was a wreck
It looked like an ab abandoned house
But this guy lived there with his brothers and sisters
We went in to the bedroom
And shot up
There is no pretty way to say that
He needed to go across to the other side of the city
So we jumped in his car and headed over
I remember he gave me a bundle of money to count
It was at this point that I heard something on the radio about a plane crashing
I paid little attention to it
When you are addicted your life centers around the drug
And again it didn't seem important
That guy as since died from AIDS
It wasn't until I got home that evening that I heard the full story
But it wasn't until years later when I got clean
That I realized the full devastation of what happened
That this would be a day that history would never forget
That so many people's lives were effected
That it would change world events irrevocably
Today I am lighting a candle for the 2796 people that were killed that day
Do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened?
i was at boarding school and my parents were still alive, and they wanted me to go home. I did not want to go and stayed. A girl from saudi was taken out of school, because a teacher said a very horrible thing to her. She cried and said how much she hated what happened. Suddenly all the muslim people were treated differently, not open, blatant but rather hypocritical. i thought these were crazy terrorists who did and atrocious thing and never connected it to my muslim friends, but then gradually the world changed. In a way these terrorists succeeded in spreading hate for decades in all sorts of directions.
ReplyDeleteI think so too Lilly
DeleteSo many needless deaths
Most of the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan were probably little children when 9/11 happened x
We were all kids.i hate how much it unconciously (mostly) defined us xxxxx
DeleteI know Lilly
DeleteIt seems it effected so many people in so many ways x
I was two when it happened, and I didn't know anything about it until a few years ago, when I read about it in one of my novels. It just seems like a very horrible thing to me. I don't really know what to say about this.
Gosh you were only 2
DeleteI forget how young you are Christie
It breaks my heart that you are trying so hard to lose weight
Please don't waste your time on such a futile exercise x
I was living in Denmark. I had just quit my job and was moving back to Sweden, breaking up with my then-boyfriend, so I was not in a happy place. And then they interrupted my soap opera to show the news. I couldn't believe it was real. And when I understood that it wasn't a horrible accident but deliberate, I instantly knew that the world would never be the same again.
ReplyDeleteIt really changed the world CP
DeleteBeyond recognition x
It makes sense that you wouldn't remember it for those other reasons. What happened to you on 9/11 was a big deal for you and you shouldn't diminish that memory.
ReplyDeleteI was in class in third grade when it happened. i don't remember much actually because I wasn't personally affected and my school didn't close down or anything. I just remember being very confused. It's a very sad day though.
So sad Emily x
DeleteI was boarding a plane in Florida to return home when it happened. We were stuck in the airport watching it all go down (literally). My then-husband worked on Wall Street and was on his way to the towers. His phone was out so family and friends were calling me to check in on him. They had no idea that we had filed for divorce and were living apart. It was awkward.
ReplyDeleteI lost friends in the attack. The day is still unbelievable.
God that is so sad JJ
DeleteI hope you can remember your friends today
And cherish the memories you had with them
My thoughts are with you today x
I would've been 8. I think it was just before I had to change schools for the first time. I remember I had an old TV in my room, and at this point mum would usually just turn on morning cartoons to wake me. I kept flipping through channels trying to find Pokemon, but every station had news. It's silly, I know, but my 9/11 memory is missing out on Pokemon.
It's strange the things we remember
DeleteYou were 8
And that was important to you
It's only years later that we see the truth x
I was in high school. The planes hit before school started, but I was at school when the towers collapsed. I remember the news being on at school and watching the same footage over and over because they kept replaying it. Everyone at school was scared and convinced something terrible was going to happen to us.. even though I don't live in any sort of major city. Somehow that fact gets lost when you're stuck at school watching the news all day. I think they let people go home if their parents wanted them to, but I stayed all day.
ReplyDeleteIt must have been terrifying for people living in the US
DeleteI can't imagine it
Especially for children
What city do you live in? x