Friday 5 September 2014

The best medicine

I've tried many things over the years to help me feel better
Abstinence from all drugs
Support groups
Alternative therapies
Self help books
Out patient

I could go on and on and on.....

I've climbed out of hole over the last 6 months
I sank so low
That I thought there was no coming back
But I did
And I came back stronger than ever
And while all these things I've listed helped me
There are two things that helped me get through the last few months
More than anything else

1. My dogs

2. Sense of humour

I don't need to explain to you how much I love Honey and Lea
And how much they have helped me
I think you already know
They have been a constant in my life over the last 9 years
Some times they were the only sane thing in my life
(Lea must know that I am thinking about her
As she just popped her head in the window)
When I couldn't find a reason to get up in the morning
I got up for them
When I wanted to hide in my house
I got out to walk them
They take me out of myself
And remind me to be patient and kind
Their love is unconditional
And they give it in abundance

When I went in to hospital last year
Lea's fur began to fall out
Our vet could find no medical reason as to why this was happening
She was healthy in every other way
Then when I started to recover
So did Lea
And now her fur has completely grown back
I have no doubt that happened because of me
And how much my illness and recovery effected her

And laughter
Laughter truly is the best medicine
For the longest time I did not laugh
Or if I did it was a forced laugh
I had forgotten hoe good it feels to laugh
I mean really laugh
Like a hearty belly laugh
Then my sister came home from Australia in July
I hadn't realized how much I had missed her
We have the same warped sense of humour
And I have laughed more in the last two months
Than I have in the last 5 years
It's amazing to laugh
To just let go
Be myself
And to laugh with someone is even better
It's good for the soul I think

The one thing that I have retained all these years is my sense of humour
My whole family have
We have the uncanny ability to make even the most depressing subject funny
I think this is a good
Even if it is a black sense of humour
I think it's so important to be able to laugh at yourself
And not take yourself too seriously

Something really funny happened today
My sister and I brought Honey and Lea down to the beach for a walk
My sister was running
And the dogs were running after her
They were running so fast that when they reached her
They knocked her to the ground
I was in stitches laughing
It was so funny
Things like this are so important
To be able to see the humour on life is so very important I think
Because what is the alternative?

What has helped you over the years?


  1. you are absolutely beautiful.
    i may have said it some time ago or have not said it yet - but i will say it a million times because it is so true.
    i'm glad that you have Honey and Lea. i do, i do, i do. because you deserve them and they deserve someone as loving and unconditional as you!
    humour. i can definitely understand that. i try to make my blog posts as amusing as possible. when you can't make yourself feel better, the other cure for me is to make someone else feel better - and that undoubtedly makes me feel better. i don't like writing dramatic blog posts. i enjoy writing my lighthearted ones that include far too much of me laughing at my own misfortune. i believe i'm a bit clever.
    i do not know what has helped me. previously, it was writing, but now, it is fairly confusing. my words have become my prison but humour does remain a prominent aspect. i believe the idea that someone out there is attached to me helps a lot - i know that people like me too much too quickly, which i somehow thrive off. i like the thought that someone out there will care very much if i disappeared.
    in fact, it's true of all people. you can't just disappear and have nobody care. it doesn't work that way. it was a driving factor in my recovery as well - people want to help. they always do, but they don't always know how to.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. Sammy Sam, so good to hear from you
      Have you been blogging?
      I haven't had an update in my feed
      I hope you are dong ok
      I missed you
      I'm so glad to know that you are in recovery too
      I like to make people feel better too
      Often putting their needs before mine
      I can relate to you on that one

      Do stay in touch

      Much love x

  2. You are so gorgeous & so are your dogs!
    They are such beautiful creatures to me, so loving, so loyal.
    They love you no matter what you do, or who you are, they don't care. You can get angry with them or annoyed with them,and all they want to do is please you and make you feel better.

    I have 2 dogs as well, Lola & Kodie, they are my life, when i'm happy they jump and play, when i'm sad, they cuddle me and try to lick my tears (may sound gross, but it's so loving, as if licking my tears away makes the sadness go away).
    It also forces you to do something, some days I swear I'm so depressed and lazy I wouldn't get off my couch, but they need to be walked, or need to go outside to go potty, and it makes me get up, I'm forced to be productive on days when I don't want to be because of them, but it always makes me feel better.

    I'm so glad you've found comfort in your dogs & your sister & laughing : )

    1. Oh you have dogs too?
      Then you know exactly what I mean by how much they have helped me
      And those are really cool names!

      Thanks for your kind words
      I am going to catch up on your blog now x

  3. I love this post. Dogs are so awesome. I have 4! I also love your sense of humor. I always enjoy reading your posts. <3


Thank you for leaving some love x