Saturday, 22 November 2014


I've been called brave a few times in my life
My Mother has called me brave a lot over the years
In treatment they said I was brave
I'm not convinced

Let's talk about brave
Brave rises before the sun
And takes a two hour train ride to work

Brave gets up many time in the night to feed a hungry baby

Brave fights in wars and battles
In the world
And in their own head

Brave believes they can
Even when they are told over and over again that they can't

Brave is themselves
Even when they are told it's not enough

Brave falls down seven times
And gets up eight

Brave faces cold mornings
And frosty air
To make  sure that their children eat that day

Brave stands up to the bullies in this world

Brave leaves their home to start over
To make a better life for themselves and their family

Brave doesn't give up
Even when everyone else has

Brave believes that things can and will get better
Even when their world is crumbling

Brave speaks their truth
Even when others try to silence them

Brave is honest
Doesn't know how to be any other way

Brave holds it together
Even when they feel like they are dying inside

Brave faces their demons head on
And does it with grace and poise

Brave works long hours
Early mornings
And late nights

Brave fights for what they believe in
To the bitter end

Brave faces their bullies
And won't let them bring her down

As a result of brave
Families get reared
Jobs get done
Lives are saved
The truth gets told
Wars are fought and won

Brave is your Mother
Your Father
The woman who begs on the corner of the street
The farmer who gets up at day break every morning
The nurse who tends to sick people day after day
The child who dares to be different
The Mum who is sleep deprived
The Dad who braves the cold morning to watch his son play football

Brave is not some huge act of courage
It's the little things
The little things that go largely unnoticed
But that we would miss of they weren't there


  1. Brave is holding on even when you thought you couldn't make it through. Brave is doing what you need to do to survive. Brave is surviving what would've killed others. Brave is showing your face as you lay your soul open bare for the world to see. Brave is still trying no matter how impossible the task seems.
    I could go on. Bravery comes in many shapes and sizes. Never doubt yours my dear.


  2. Brave is saving a life against all odds. That is what you are doing.and helping many others by doing so.

    A btw a surviver is always brave

    (Do really need others to tell you this? Please believe in yourself and your achviements!)


    1. I'm not looking for compliments or validation
      I know I am insecure
      But this post was not intended to ask others what they think of me
      But I do fear that I am using my blog in a way that is not healthy


    2. you are fabulous, Ruby, you know i do believe that.

  3. Oh sweetie, what a great post to come back to. How I've missed reading your blog. There are many times when I've been called brave and I've never believed it. But reading this post made me realize that each one of us is brave in an individual way. You are most definitely brave in my eyes.

  4. What's not healthy about the manner in which you use your blog?
    I think you might think it's not 'ok' to ask for reassurance or something? But why is that not ok? The term 'getting attention' has become negative, same goes for reassurance, but what's really wrong with it if you think about it?
    We're all human and human being need such things. And we dó learn to ask what we need, but when it comes to emotional needs, all of a sudden a different set of rules seem to be in place. But why?

    When I doubt myself, which is like 23.5 hrs a day ;-) I sometimes really crave a person near me, telling me it's ok. I am ok. I judge myself for needing that, but if you take a moment to think about it.... what's the problem? Certainly online, at a blog, I mean, if people don't like reading it... I suppose they don't, right?


    ps) got myself two pairs of new shoes, cause I can't tie shoelaces properly anymore... now aren't you jealous? ;-P

  5. I really liked this post. For me Brave is having coffee and a warm breakfast on Christmas morning with your family even if there's nothing under the tree. Brave is a hug after the fighting and the yelling to try and mend whatever relationship it is. Brave is honesty and admittance, and trying to right the wrong. Brave is humility and knowing when to ask for help. Brave is taking that step or saying those words and not knowing what the response is going to be.


Thank you for leaving some love x