Wednesday 11 March 2015

So much for a break.......

I know I said I was taking a break
Or a possible break
But then I realised that this is one of the only outlets I have to vent about this
I need to write about it
I need to make sense of it
As much as I can 

I think it's fair to say that the drugs are now out of my system
I feel like I am back to myself
And I don't look like death warmed up anymore
I feel like I am on the verge of withdrawal 
I'm yawning constantly
My eyes are streaming 
And my nose is running
I hope it doesn't get any worse
As I really can't handle it at the moment
It's bad enough the mental torture I am going through
But to add physical symptoms to that isn't too much for one girl 

My family are on high alert
And the eye is on me
I think back to Saturday
And it's like a bad dream
My mother is the most gentlest kindest person you could meet
She rarely gets angry 
But man
She lost it with me at the weekend
I haven't seen her that upset since I was using years ago
And it was a shock to see it
It really hit home how serious this all is

I've always worried that I am a bad person
I really do t want to be a bad person
I want to be good and honest and decent
But the truth is
When I am using
I am a bad person 
When I am using 
The drug is the only thing that matters
When I am using
Any loyalty or love goes out the window
When I am using
I lie
I cheat
I steal
I manipulate
I become everything that I loathe
It's time to take a good hard look at myself
And decide what kind of person I want to be

This isn't my first rodeo
I know what I need to do
But knowing it and doing it
Are two completely different things 
I can talk the talk
But can I walk the walk?

As you know
For the longest time 
I didn't want to live
I was planning on disappearing
I wasn't actively seeking death
But I welcomed it
I had a passive death wish
I was more afraid of living than I was of dying
But in the last year
Things have changed for me
And for the better
I now can say that I want to live
I want to be alive
I want to love
And laugh and experience everything that life has to offer
To use
Is to choose to stay in deaths waiting room
It's the same with an eating disorder
It's a slow suicide
And I don't want that for me or my family anymore
I want to live

On Monday
My counsellor Breda told me to fake it til I make it
To good through the motions
Until it becomes real for me
Good advice I think

In other news 
I had reflexology done yesterday
It was amazing
So gentle and relaxing
And it was nice to do something good for myself
To help with my well being
Alternative therapy is part of my counselling
And it only costs me €5 per session
Usually it would cost €40
So that is great

Also today 
I am seven months smoke free
And it feels so good

So am trying
Trying to get back on track
To rebuild the trust with my family 
To get and stay clean
To go to meetings and take part
To be a better person
A better daughter
And friend
I know it will take time
And I need to be patient 
And do the next right thing

Thank you for your comments, emails and texts 
They mean more than you will ever know


  1. Wow 5Euro only! How come? Wish I could get it for a good price!

    1. Yea it's great
      The drugs service makes up the difference of the cost
      And I am entitled to six sessions
      It's amazing! X

  2. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby.

    you are a delightful individual.

    you can do anything you put your mind to - literally anything.

    i do not doubt your strength.

    you will fight this.

    and i hope that you will reach the light at the end of this road.

    you are special.

    people care for you and love you. we really do.

    -Sam Lupin

    1. Thank you Sam for your kind words
      They mean more than you will ever know x

  3. In my next life i am going to be a junkie, sounds amazing!!! Cannot wait for new drugs stories! You go woman!! You are special,

  4. glad you feeling bit better,reflexology sounds fantastic love having my feet done,pleased you're back,but everyone understands if you want a break.sure everyone cares about you. email me anytime i will always reply.take good care, jo xx

    1. Thanks Jo
      I appreciate it
      Will email you soon x

  5. Congrats on 7 months smoking free, that is a really fantastic achievement and goes to show how much strength and determination you have. Now it's about applying that same strength to the other areas which need tackling, but remembering to celebrate ever small success and step forward you take. Don't waste energy on beating yourself up, spend it on moving yourself towards a brighter future x

    1. Thank you for your kind words
      They mean a lot x

  6. You are such a wonderful person you have come so far and did countless amazing things! Everyone who has ever met you can feel truly blessed! You can achieve anything! You will never have to lead an average life! You are beautiful and talented in everyway, just be yourself and the world is yours!!!

    1. Thank you so much
      I don't know if I am the things you say
      But it's so sweet of you to say x


Thank you for leaving some love x