Sunday 9 August 2015

Over to you

I've been thinking
You all know so much about me
Every little detail of my life is documented here for all to see
As you know
I am an open book
I write this blog as if no one will ever read it
I don't censor it
Or hide anything 
It just wouldn't feel right if I wasn't been entirely honest
Maybe I'm honest to a fault 
I don't know 
But I don't know any other way to be
I know that sometimes it's not always the right thing to be so honest
And it has landed me in trouble more than once
I lied for a long time when I was using
And no good can come of it
So today I'm wondering about
My wonderful readers 
To come out and introduce yourself 
I know I do a post like this every so often 
But I really do love to hear from you
Of course I know some of you 
And always love to hear from you
But there are so many that I don't know
I look at my stats 
And see readers from countries all over the world 
Today I would love to hear from you
Maybe you are a long term reader who hasn't commented before 
Maybe you read religiously 
Every day
But have never written to me before
Maybe you are a new reader
And have just found this blog
I would love to know about you
Your name 
Where you come from
Why you read 
What your story is 
Maybe you have an eating disorder
Maybe you don't
Maybe you have addiction issues 
Or maybe someone close to you does 
Maybe you're not sure one way or the other
Maybe you are suffering alone
Have no one to talk to
Maybe you suspect you have an ED
And want to know more 
Calling all readers out there 
Get in touch 
Show me who you are 
Be brave 
Be bold 
I would just love to know who is reading this blog
When you started reading 
Why you read 
Maybe you agree with what I write 
Maybe you don't 
Maybe you relate and identify
Maybe you don't
Whatever the reason
I am calling all readers
To get in touch today!
I'll look forward to hearing from you......


  1. I'm from Australia and have been reading your blog for a few months. I really identify with your posts,as I too suffered with EDs for a few years and also had the same drug trajectory(h, mdone).
    I'm not on mdone any longer, but I relate so much to the way you describe your relationship with it. the way it ends up being/seeming as essential as air .
    I love your humanity and honesty,and hope that you can make a career out of your have real flair xx

    1. Hello and welcome!

      Thank you for commenting and for reading and supporting your blog
      I'm presuming that you are in recovery
      And that is great
      This is exactly why I write my blog
      So people just like you won't feel alone

      I wish you health and happiness x

  2. I guess you kind of might know me Ruby... a little bit... as I have been reading on and off for a long time now.
    I was WS and now write as firefly... but you know that already!
    I love your honesty... and it really resonates with me. You wonder if you're honest to a fault. Me too! I often ask myself that! I seem to be more open than many...
    I suffer badly with Anorexia.
    I hate it.
    I send you hug and a prayer. Your bravery and your questions, your search, your journey really comforts and inspires me.


    1. Oh yes
      I forgot that you were formerly WS
      Thank you for reminding me
      And sharing some things about you
      Do you still write a blog Firefly
      I am going to check right now x

  3. Well, as you know I'm Swedish. But only by a quarter; I'm half Finnish, a quarter Russian and then Swedish.

    I am a university drop-out. I always want to go back, but since I'm on disability I can't or I'll lose my benefits.

    I have Asperger syndrome, mixed with depression, anxiety and social phobia. I have always had a disordered eating, going from picky eater to anorexia to binge eating to bulimia and on to EDNOS.

    I have an addictive brain. My father drank himself to death, as did his brother. My aunt on my mother's side is also an alcoholic. This is the reason why I drink so rarely, because I am TERRIFIED to end up like them. I have never tried illegal drugs for that reason too (unless you count ephedrine, which isn't illegal everywhere). Since I have had psychotic episodes I'd probably end up with the psychosis from hell if I tried anything illegal.

    Oh, my, this is long...

    1. Thanks CP for this
      Of course I know you
      But it's always great to find out more

      I get that about your family
      My fathers side is riddled with addiction
      As is my own immediate family
      It's scary how prevalent it can be

      I can also relate to your problem with going back to school
      My disability will also be cut if I go back
      What a messed up situation

      Thanks CP
      Stay well x


Thank you for leaving some love x