Saturday, 9 April 2016

H is for Honey!

Of course it's for Honey
What else could it be?
A couple of readers said the knew what I was going to post today
Were you right?

Let me tell you a bit about Honey
She has many nicknames that I use every day
Honey bunny
The Hunster 
The Hunstable 
Sometimes just saying Honey doesn't cut it
Honey is now the grand ol' age of 11
That's 77 in dog years
We got Honey when she was 5 months old 
A tiny little thing 
Cheeky from the start 
I remember the day we went to the shelter 
The lady there told us that she had paired me with an amazing dog
And out came Honey 
To be honest 
I'm wasn't mad about Honey when I first saw her 
I wasn't really into small dogs 
And she was very small 
I trusted the lady that this was a good match 
Web also decided not to change her name 
As it suited her so well
We bundled Honey in to the car 
And headed for home 

Back then 
Before we got Lea 
We had a dog called Leo
Who I also got at the shelter 
He was a beautiful dog 
Fawn coloured
Lean and strong
With such a gentle nature 
Honey came into our lives like a ball of energy 
She followed Leo everywhere 
And slept cuddled in to him 
She was was so cheeky
And claimed her own chair on the first day
Honey had been given in to the shelter by a single mother 
Who had been given Honey as a present 
And being a dog who needed much attention
She couldn't look after Honey 
And so gave her in to the shelter 
I am so glad she did 
As I quickly grew to love her

Honey is bold to the bone 
No matter how many times you tell her not to do something 
Any chance she gets 
She will do it again and again 
Her favourite thing to do is to sneak downstairs to my bedroom 
Go through my bin
And then pan out on my bed
She loves her comfort 
Her bed has two cushions and a blanket 
Her whole life revolves around food
There is something seriously wrong with Honey if she is off her food
Her favourite treat is an pigs ear
And she is quite partial to chicken and beef 
These days she spends a lot of time asleep 
And doesn't always come for a walk 
She goes between her bed and her chair 
And when I go over to her 
Her little tail wags back and forth so fast
Honey almost drowned once 
I had to jump in to the lake to save her 
I wouldn't think twice about doing that 
There's no way I am losing my Honey Bunny
Last year Honeys eye became really infected 
Resulting in one of her eyes being removed 
We were all so worried at the time 
But she made a remarkable recovery 
And is now fighting fit again
Albeit with one eye....

Seriously though 
Honey has my constant companion for the last 11 years 
She has been through a lot with me 
Through out my slips and relapses 
My hospital and treatment admissions 
My highs and lows 
Ups and downs 
She has been at my side 
And I wouldn't believe without her 
When I can't find a reason to get up in the morning 
I get up for her 
When I do t want the leave my house 
I leave to walk her 
She has helped my mental health massively 
Just spending time with her is soothing and relaxing 
She is my best friend 
No doubt 

Here are some photos of Honey for your delectation


  1. Honey is adorable :-)
    How do you pronounce Lea? Is it like "Lee" or "Lia"?

    1. It's like Lee-ah
      Just like the girls name
      Except I wanted to differentiate from it by dropping the H
      I called her Lea after my first dog Leo x

  2. They look best friends xx jo

  3. Cheers to Honey!

  4. Aww! Honey is sooo cute! And that's such a beautiful ode to her :)
    I am visiting from the A to Z Challenge Co-host’s Team. Hope you are having a great time reading, writing and networking with co-participants of the A to Z Challenge. Cheers :)
    Co-Host AJ's wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2016

    1. Hello Shilpa and welcome!!

      Thank you for stopping by
      I am really enjoying the challenge
      Hope you are too x

  5. Isn't it fun how much personality pets can pack into their tiny bodies? Now I'm almost wishing I'd done the alphabet challenge; I'd wouldn't have to think twice about X now that I have Xander!

    1. I know!
      It's crazy!
      And sometimes it seems the smaller the dog the bigger the personality
      Maybe they compensate

      Making my way through the alphabet
      But some letters are baffling me...
      It is fun though! X

  6. I lost. I guess you covered heroin enough in your Drugs post. My other guess was horses.

    1. I did think of heroin EM
      But as you say
      I had covered it already
      I didn't think of horses though
      That's a great one! X

  7. Love this post! It's good to see you focusing on other areas. Did you adopt Lea from the shelter too?

    I was thinking of your Honey Bunny the other day. Bill's had eye issues in the past, and this week he saw the specialist and he's got glaucoma in his bad eye.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I always have to correct myself in my head - I always think Lea is Honey because of her colour!


  8. Hi, I am a USA citizen, am here to testify how i got my Ex back with the help of this God-sent called Dr Unity for the great things he has done in my life.. First of all i want to thank mareen for the post she made on how Dr Unity helped her in bringing back her lover. At first when i saw the posting i was so happy and in the other hand so scared,That this might not be real, Then i decided to give it a try in which i contacted Dr Unity and told him how my lover left me for another lady for the past 3years and i have been lonely and depressed without him,So i asked him if he has helped anyone called mareen and he said yes, that was the lady he helped in bringing back her lover. I said good and i told him that if he can help me in bringing back my own lover,He laughed and said once i have contacted him that my problem will be solved.He said that my lover will be back to me within 48hours, Truly when the 48hours was completed i got a text from someone saying am sorry, then i decided to call the number i saw it was my lover Steve voice.i was so happy he was begging me and crying on phone, That he is ready to do anything that will make me happy in life,So i told him to come over which he did,As he was coming he came with a brand new Car as gift. i am so happy today with the help of Dr Unity. He has proven to me that he is not going to leave me for another lady again and stay with me forever, Am so happy today and am also thanking mareen for posting this early.Dr Unity you are truly a man of your word. He can also any kind of sickness and he can solve any kind of problems in this world. Friends i believe Dr Unity is a man to trust and believe on. You don't need to cry anymore Dr Unity has been sent to clean our tears you can contact him on his Email:( or cell phone +2348072370762).


Thank you for leaving some love x