Friday, 24 June 2016


I am grateful for my health 
That despite the hell I have put my body through over the years
It has survived this far 
Relatively unscathed 

I am grateful for my family 
Even though we have been at logger heads over the years 
We still managed to get through it
And come out stronger than ever

I am grateful for my beautiful pups
Honey and Lea 
Who have been at my side for the past eleven years 
Always there 
So loving 
So full of joy 
They have saved my sanity countless times 

I am grateful for my job
It means so much to me 
That someone would take a chance on me and hire me
It feels amazing to be earning my own money 
It's doing wonders for my confidence and  self esteem 

I am grateful to you 
My blogger family 
Who have been there for me through out the last four years 
You have been there when I couldn't face real life 
And you became close friends and confidants 

I am grateful for my horse therapy 
I can recommend it enough 
I'm also so grateful for the friends I have made through riding 
It just goes to show 
If I am willing to push myself out of my comfort zone 
And try new things 
The pay off is huge 

I am grateful for my mental and physical health 
I leave work every day feeling so blessed that I have all my facilities in tact 
No everyone is so lucky 

I am grateful to clean and sober 
And ED free 
Or at least as free as I can be 
Removing drink and drugs from my life was the first step 
Then I had to learn how to live clean and sober 
Find new and healthy ways of coping 

Today I feel incredibly grateful
That I live in a country 
Where I am free to do and say as I please 
I live in a first world country
Where clean water 
And first class medical care is the norm 

Really and truly
I have so much to be grateful for 
I have everything I could possibly need or want 
And even though I've fought some tough battles over the years 
I wouldn't change one little thing 

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I'm always grateful when I wake up and my big old pup is laying on one side against me and my wonderful, loving, kind, smart, handsome guy is laying next to me pulling me close in his sleep and I'm a loved sandwich between the two. I'm grateful for my internship because it's one step closer to graduation and my counseling license. I'm grateful I got into my program. I'm grateful for my family that supports me and helps me when I'm struggling and to even have a car to get to work and my internship, which are the same place and seventeen miles across the city from our apartment. I'm grateful for good friends and the opportunities I've had to travel. I'm grateful I found my passion. I'm grateful it's summer. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing this EVe
      I really feel your gratitude

      Hope you are well
      You sound like you are

      Take care x

  2. Love the fact that you're so much more stronger!

    More power to you.


Thank you for leaving some love x