Sunday, 8 February 2015

New Day

It's a new day
And I am determined to snap out of this funky mood I am in
I hate Sunday's
I always have
It was always the day before going back to school or work
And as anyone who suffers from anxiety will know 
The anticipation of the event is always far worse than the event itself
But there are other things on my mind that I don't really want to write about
But I will mention
The Boy 
The less said about him the better
And my weight 
So let's move right along

Something I have noticed recently
Is that our little community here seems to be getting smaller and smaller
I look through my blog roll
And see that so many bloggers have disappeared
Vanished off the face of the blogosphere
And I can't remember the last time I followed a new blog
I'm wondering why this is
Is blogger old news?
Did these missing bloggers get well and tell their demons to f**k right off?
I truly hope so
Maybe they out grew blogger
Maybe they recovered and don't need this community any more
Maybe their lives are so full and rich that they don't have time to blog any more
Or maybe they are so sick they can't write
Maybe they are in treatment or hospital
Maybe they died

I think back to when I first started blogging almost three years ago
And blogger was a hive of activity
And it was so exciting to be part of it
But now
It just seems so quiet
Do you remember Rayya?
Thinderella who I got very close to and then she dropped off the face of the earth 
I hope and pray that these girls are ok
We are now a small and intimate community
And it makes me appreciate the ones who are left so much more
We are a tight bunch
And I love that

Yesterday was tough
But I got through it with the help
Of some beautiful bloggers
Who are always there just when I need them
It was my sisters and my dads birthday this week
So we all went out for dinner last night
To a restaurant in the village
For me 
Going out to dinner had always been a waste
I mean I don't want to pay for a meal that will inevitably end up in the toilet
We chose the early bird menu
Three courses for €26
Although it was more like 5 courses
First they brought out bread
Then an amuse Bouche which  was delicious 
For starter I had vegetable soup
It was a nice small bowl 
But by the time I was finished I was full and wasn't particularly looking forward to the main course
But I ploughed on
And had steak for main course
Again it was a small portion with some veg
I got through it 
But was fit to burst
So I excused myself to the bathroom
Joking that I was going for a smoke 
I was glad to see that the bathroom wasn't in cubicles
And was its own room
Do I didn't have to worry about anyone hearing me
I gently tried the flush before I began
Just to make sure it was working
And it was 
I did the deed
And felt incredibly guilty and dirty
I cleaned myself up
And returned to the table

Despite my bad mood
And despite my trip to the bathroom
I enjoyed the meal out
We had a good chat
And a good laugh
And all without a drop of alcohol
It wasn't always this way
For a long time my family couldn't be in the same room together
Without tearing lumps out of each other
We've come a long way 
We really have

Saturday, 7 February 2015

On a good day.....

On a good day
I wake up refreshed from a good nights sleep
I wake early naturally
On a bad day
I fight the morning
I crave just a few more hours sleep 

On a good day
I feel ok about getting up
And can do so without too much hassle 
On a bad day I dread the day ahead
And would much rather sleep the day away

On a good day I put on the radio
And sing along to pop music that I am much too old to be listening to
I don't mind telling you that Taylor Swift is my guilty pleasure
On a bad day 
I turn in the radio to drown out my thoughts
To stop the noise and negativity in my head
To muffle my thinking

On a good day
I have a shower
And wear fresh clean clothes
On a really good day
I might even straighten my hair
And apply a little bit of make up
On a bad day
I don't even wash
My teeth don't get brushed
And I tie my hair up in a messy pony tail
On a bad day
My personal hygiene definitely suffers

On a good day 
I choose my clothes according to how I feel
And make sure I look half way presentable
On a bad day
I throw on whatever
And can't bring myself to look in the mirror

On a good day
I have no urge to weigh myself
And avoid the scale at all costs
On a bad day
I torture myself
And let the number dictate my mood for the whole day

On a good day
I pile Lea and Honey in to the car
And head to beach for a long walk
On a bad day
I still pile the dogs in to the car
And I still walk the beach 
But I don't enjoy it at all

On a good day
I will plan my meals
And go shopping for the food
On a bad day
I go to the supermarket
And buy lots of binge food

On a good day
I will get through the day
Having purged a couple of times
On a bad day
It is relentless

On a good day
I will take my meds properly
On a bad day
I will take them all

On a good day 
I will go swimming
On a bad day
I won't leave the couch
Never mind the house 

On a good day
I might go for coffee with a friend
I might see a couple of friends
On a bad day
I see no one 

On a good day
I almost pass as a normal person
On a bad day
I don't even know what normal means

On a good day
I feel alive
On a bad day
I feel nothing

On a good day
I am chatty
I laugh
On a bad day 
I withdraw and isolate

On a good day
I feel like I can take on the world 
On a bad day
I want the world to swallow me up

On a good day
I feel hopeful and positive
On a bad day
I feel nothing but fear and anxiety

Today is not a good day
Not at all
But I live in hope that tomorrow will be better

Friday, 6 February 2015

What now?

I feel like me and my blog are in a strange  place right now
I feel like this blog is not what it was
A blog about dealing with life with addiction and disordered eating 
Don't get me wrong 
I still struggle with these issues
But they are not urgent matters in the way they used to be
By 'normal' persons standards
I am still very much an addict
And still very much eating disordered
They don't feel as urgent any more
My life isn't in danger
My mental health isn't in the risky category any more
And my physical health has improved drastically
Life as I know it is a lot better
Heck I've even had my very own boy drama
After years of being single 

I didn't actually realise how low I was until I began to feel better 
My body was so sick
Barely able to get through the day
My mind was also sick
Depression and anxiety were constant
There were many times when I thought that I was going crazy
I truly believed that along with the weight
I was losing my mind
And that terrified me
I had spent all my life running from myself
And trying to escape reality
But the prospect that I really was losing touch with life and reality
Was enough to scare me in to getting well

For the longest time
I really didn't care if I lived or died
I had no shit to give
I courted death
I welcomed it
I would describe it as having a passive death wish
My mind still goes to that place regularly it's like my default way of dealing with life
And perversely 
Knowing I can end my life at any time
Gives me the strength and courage to keep going

A lot of the time
I feel like I am holding on for my family
That I am staying clean and sober and healthy for them
They say you should get well for yourself
But if I did it that way
I would never recover
I find it easier to do it for others 
And I can't lie
I miss drugs
I miss them a lot
But I don't miss all the crap that goes with them
Or the misery that I caused my family
Maybe recovering for others is not idea
But it's the best I can do right now

I would love to go back to meetings
I know it would help me so much
On a practical level
A spiritual level
And for the social aspect
For some reason I am afraid to go back
There are lunch time meetings that I hear are small and intimate
So maybe I could start with those 

I've taken the first steps with my recovery
I have re gained some weight
Dealt with my depression and anxiety
I am more independent now
More and more I do my own thing
And I feel strong and able
Now I guess it's time to take the next step
But what is the next step for me?
I'm really not sure 
Even with this blog
I am not sure what direction it is going
I feel confused about where I am going

I guess I need to make a few decisions
I need to take control of my life
Decide what I want to do
Whether that be recovering or not
At least then I won't feel so all over the place
I want to want to recover
I want to want to live
I know I need to find reasons to get out of bed in the morning
Reasons to live
Raison d'ĂȘtre
Because right now I am drifting 
I have no focus
No direction
And I desperately need that

It's like I want both
To have my cake and eat it
I want to take drugs
But I want a stable life
I want to be thin
But I don't want the negative consequences
Unfortunately life doesn't work that way
Being a greedy addict
I want it all
But that is an impossibility 

I still struggle massively with body image
And accepting my weight
I have days when I just want to unzip my skin and step out of it 
 I have days when I cry when I see my reflection on the mirror
Or when my clothes feel a little tight
My body image is still very much entangled in my self esteem and confidence
And it shouldn't be
It shouldn't matter what I weigh
As long as I am healthy and happy
But at the moment it does matter
My weight can make or break my day
It both terrifies me and thrills me
I hate that it still has so much control over me
But it does 
It really does

 I don't know why I find reality so hard to deal with
My life is fine
I have a loving family
Two amazing dogs
A small but close group of friends
I have a roof over my head
Clothes on my back
Good in my fridge 
I have no major bills to pay
Financially I am stable 
My physical and mental health are improving all the time
But yet
I feel so empty 
So dissatisfied 
Like something is missing
I feel like I am constantly wishing my life away 
Counting down the days to when I can check off the planet 
I find reality boring
I crave drama
And love
And passion 
Extremes of feelings
I crave adventure 
Highs and lows
I hate this constant and even feeling of life

I guess I need to find healthy ways of meeting these needs
I always thought that the only way to feel these things was to use mood altering chemicals
But there must be other ways
There must be

I think I need to take a leap of faith
To try some new activities 
To free fall in to my own life
What's the worst that could happen right?

I was wondering about you
Have you ever felt this way?
How did you cope?
Get through this?
Any thoughts are much appreciated 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Vet day

Today my sister and I 
And Honey and Lea travelled to my home town
For Honeys follow up appointment
And to get her stitches out
I brought them for a walk first thing
So they wouldn't mind the hour and a half drive
And we arrived at my Dads just before lunch
My sister and Lea waited at the house
And my Dad and I made our way to the vets
Honey was not best pleased to be back at the vet again
But props to her 
She was very good

After waiting for a few minutes 
The vet called us in
He said her eye looked great
And that you can hardly notice the eye is gone
Which is true 
Her fur is growing over the little wound
The vet said that she was in a lot of pain with her eye before the operation
He said he usually takes before and after photos of operations 
To put on his Facebook page
But that Honey was so 'grotesque' before that he didn't take one

There was another matter the vet wanted to talk to me about
The big elephant in the room
Honeys weight
He said that she has to lose some
If we want her to live a long and healthy life
On the vets scales
Honey weighed in at 17kilos
He said that 13kilos is an ideal weight for her
I asked the vet about the best food to feed both my dogs
He recommended one
And worked out the correct amount to give them
So that is my next mission
To get Honey to a healthy weight

Here are some photos from today.....

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Morning walk

DI got my sister up early this morning
Bundled Honey and Lea in to the car
And headed to the beach for a morning walk
A good time was had by all
Here is some photographic evidence.....

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

And then she recovered

I started writing this blog April 2012 
Almost 3 years ago
I had been reading blogs for some time 
The first ones I came across were Recovering Anorexic over on Wordpress
And Lou here on blogger
When I started writing
I had little or no interest in recovering
My life was dictated by my ED
Although my weight wasn't too low
My life was still pretty much a mess
For about the first year 
I wrote anonymously
Under the name Ruby Tuesday
I picked this name
As Ruby is quite similar to my real name
And I also love the song 
Which it is named after

I wrote anonymously
As I wanted to be as honest as I could possibly be
Without any consequences 
And without fear of being recognised
 Given the sensitive nature of my writing
I thought it best not to disclose my real identity

But over time
I became comfortable showing face
And began to post photos
I wanted people to be able to put a face with my writing
Although I still keep some details private 
Like my name

This blog was originally called And then she disappeared
I thought long and hard about the name
I had a few in the running
But I kept coming back to the same name
I chose this name as I was in a bad place
And I was planning to disappear
I try didn't believe that I would last the year
It was all too much
I was too much
I just wanted to slip away quietly
With no hassle or fuss
I wanted out of this life
For good

You know what happened next
Life began to improve for me
I grew
And matured 
And started to fight for my life 
A lot of change was happening
And along with my own personal changes
I felt the need to change my blog
It went from documenting my like as an eating disordered addict
To  being about my ventures in to recovery

It was really quite difficult to choose a new name  for my blog
I wanted to convey the fact that I was beginning to recover
But still wanted to stay true to the message of my blog 
I toyed with a few names
And asked you all to help me pick one
The lovely Hydra suggested the name
And then she recovered
I loved it immediately
It conveying that I was in recovery
But also gave a nod to And then she disappeared
It was perfect

I was wondering about you
Do you wrote anonymously?
Why did you pick the name you use?
And why did you pick the name of your blog?
Inquiring minds want to know........

Monday, 2 February 2015

General update

Monday again
The start of another week
Time goes by so very quickly
As per usual
I saw my doctor first thing
'Any crack?' He asked me
So I told him about Honey
And having to go to my hometown to see a vet
He asked me if it was hard going back there
Given that's where I grew up
And did a lot of my using
I told him that I always go with someone
But that I did feel uneasy bring there 
I thought about telling him about my blast from the past
The boy
And I did mention it
I told him that even though I moved across the country to get away from drugs and the people I used with
The past has a way of catching up on us

I've been thinking about the boy situation
I'm wondering if maybe I'm thinking about him a lot 
As he is the first male I've had a frisson with since starting to recover
Boys just weren't on my agenda when I was ill
I didn't want to live
Never mind share my life with someone else
Maybe I shouldn't let myself fall for the first boy that shows an interest in me
There's plenty of fish and all that

In other news
My weight has been stable recently
At a BMI of 19 - 20
I think I am ok with that 
I can live with that
I can work with that 

Honey has made a miraculous recovery 
And is back in fighting form
I think she looks so cute with one little eye
Like a teddy bear whose eye has fallen out
She is coming for walks again now
It just been myself and Lea for a couple of weeks
Which was nice as I got to spend some quality time with Lea
Here are said dogs......