Monday, 23 March 2015


I was reading an article in the Sunday Times magazine yesterday
It was an exert from a book called The time in between: A memoir of hunger and hope
Written by Nancy Tucker
Who developed anorexia when she was a teenager
The pieces started off with Nancy talking about her need or desire to be perfect
In school
Her work
Her appearance
Her body
I guess the stereotype for an anorectic is a middle class white girl
Prone to perfectionism
A good girl
Although that's not entirely true
The stereotype persists
Nancy developed anorexia at the tender age of twelve
And was locked in a battle of wills either parents for the next few years
She was hospitalised
Dropped out of school
Her whole world became about avoiding eating
She just wanted to be thin
But of course anorexia becomes something else entirely
A prison 
A locked box that is nigh impossible to break out of

When Nancy was 15
She stopped eating completely
A single morsel didn't pass her lips for 93 days
She came to the realisation that she was going to die if something didn't change
She wanted to recover like 'the homeless want three inches of snow'
But she she knew she needed to
If she wanted to live
Slowly Nancy began to recover
She regained weight
And got her life back
She describes recovery as 'an up and down, hop-skip-jump progression and once you reach the finish line the referee will inform you that in fact - surprise! There is no finish. There is only a bumbling, stumbling, getting back up and crumbling now. There is only today'.

This article was a fascinating read
I could identify with some parts
Some parts I couldn't 
I don't fit neatly in to the diagnosis of anorexia
I was never the 'good girl'
The high achiever
The perfectionist
I was always pushing the boundaries
Seeing how far I could go
I guess in the early years of my illness
I was strictly anorectic 
But even then it wasn't straight forward
I was addicted to drugs
And so wasn't aware of my ED for the first few years
And over time
I developed bulimia alongside it
Complicating things further

Bulimia is the antithesis of anorexia
As I always say
If anorexia is cold and silent and aloof
The bulimia is loud and brash and on your face
Anorexia is all about denial 
Bulimia is all about indulging
Over indulging
Trying to flip that hole in the soul
Then purging the body of the excess
They are opposites
But on the same spectrum
Both serve the same purpose
To numb
To escape 
To hurt
And they do that job well

I guess I am a mixture of anorexia and bulimia
I swing between the two
And could display behaviours of either on a given day 
Take yesterday
I didn't eat anything for about 20 hours
But this morning
It's only 11am
And I've already eaten crisps and chocolate 
Like I say
It's one extreme or the other

Recovery is a tentative word at the moment
I'm as well as I can be
I haven't used in two weeks 
But my meds are still a bit all over the place
This week I am thinking of giving my meds to a family member to dole out to me every day
Just while I get back on track
As for my ED
As I said 
I think this is as good as it gets for me right now
My weight is stable
But the purging persists
Some days I might purge once
Some days it could be five times
But this is a vast improvement 
I think back to 18 months ago
I was out of control
Smoking 30 cigarettes a day
And spending €100 euro on them
That left me with about €90 for the week
And that went on binge food
This is also part of the reason I used to shoplift
Some thing I haven't done in a long time now thankfully
I spent my days binging and purging
I had a path worn from my kitchen to my bathroom
Endlessly marching the March of an active bulimic
Ovet working the toilet
To the point of breaking it on two occasions 
I was a mess

I am now just a year in to my recovery
My mood has improved dramatically
My anxiety is under control for the most part
My health is infinitely better
Both mentally and physically
My quality of life is so much better
And now my addiction recovery has started
It's sad that it took a relapse for me to finally see I needed help
It takes what it takes
Now I feel like I am on the right path
I feel motivated and positive and hopeful
I feel like I have a shot at having a good life
A sober life
Today is Day 3 of my challenge 
I'm hoping to get to a meeting tonight
And I'm feeling nervous already 
All I can go is my best 
That is enough

I say my doctor this morning
He drug tested me
And my urine is now negative for everything
That feels good 
Now I know the drugs have left my body
And I can concentrate on getting on with the rest of my life

I was wondering about you
Do you fit the stereotype for anorexia or bulimia?
What do you identify as ED wise?
Do you think the stereotype for anorexia is accurate?
I'd love to know what you think......

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Day 2

So it's Day 2
And I still feel excited about the 90 day challenge 
I woke early
Determined again to stay busy again so the committee it my head wouldn't talk me out of going
Physically I'm not feeling great
As I have my period
I had to drag my weary body out of bed this morning
But I'm so glad I did

I had to leave my sister at the bus stop
As she is going away for a few days
Then walked Honey and Lea
Came home
Quick cuppa
Got changed
And set off to collect Marie
We arrived at the venue
I had butterflies in my tummy
I hadn't been to this meeting in years
And was nervous to say the least

We went in and took our seats
I watched the people coming in
Some I recognised 
Some I didn't 
I had already decided that I wasn't going to speak
I just didn't have the courage or confidence
For those of you that don't know
It goes like this
Someone opens the meeting
And reads the preamble 
And the steps
Then someone else does 'The top table'
Which means they share their story of addiction and recovery
It's always great to listen to these speakers
It was just what I needed to hear today

One by one
Everyone spoke
Until it was just me left 
I was so nervous
But somehow I got the words out

My name is Ruby 
And I'm an addict

I haven't said those words in such a long time
But they are so true
I am an addict
A recovering addict
I spoke briefly about how I had just returned to meetings after a relapse
And that I was very grateful to have made it back in to the rooms
Relatively unscathed
When I had finished speaking
The woman next to me 
Reached over and took my hand
I was really touched

All in all
The meeting lasted two hours
Which is unusually long
But it did the trick
As it always does
And reminded me why I need the rooms
And the people in them

Tomorrow will be my first evening meeting
Which will be harder to get to I think
As I will have all day to deal with my crazy head
And the argument back and forth of whether I should or shouldn't go
I'll deal with that tomorrow
For now
I'm going for another walk in the sunshine
And enjoy the rest of my day
Below is my calendar for keeping track of my days
A doggy one of course

2 down
88 to go

Anorexia picture

I was browsing the internet yesterday
Looking at this and that
There was a particular picture I wanted to find
It's a picture of a girl
With a skinny little body wrapped around her
I think it's a great image to describe what it is like to live with an eating disorder
It's almost like having another entity surround you
It takes you over
Like it's in control of you
In charge of your thoughts and actions
I was looking for this picture
And I typed 'Anorexia photo' in to Google
I was scrolling down
Skimming the images
When towards the end of the page
I found myself looking at a familiar face
I know that person I thought
I recognised what they were wearing
The mirror the photo was taken facing
And the room
I looked closer
And suddenly realised that it was me!
I did a double take and checked again and again
But it was in fact me
A very recent photo of me in my new stripey dress

I know that I put images of myself and my blog
And I write every day
So my pictures and words fall in to the abyss that is the internet
And I guess when you do that
You give that information away
It's not your own anymore
It was still a shock to see it

Then this morning
I decided to check again
To see if I was imagining things yesterday
But the photo had vanished
In fact it seemed to be an entirely different set of images
So I am wondering if that photo of me was there because I used my own phone
And I look at my blog here every day
Or was it just a fluke?
It makes me realise that I need to be very careful what I post on the Internet
As once it's put out there
It's not your own anymore

So I'm wondering
Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever come across a photo of yourself on the Internet in an unusual place?
Do you post photos of yourself on the Internet?
If not why not?
I'd love to know.......

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Day 1

So today was my first meeting
Of the 90 in 90 days that I am doing
Kind of
I woke early 
Collected my meds
Went for a walk with my Mum and dogs
Did the food shopping
And texted my friend Marie to see if she was still up for going to the meeting
She was
And I arranged to meet her at her house at 11 30am
I got home 
Had a quick cuppa 
And headed out
I deliberately kept busy in the morning
So I wouldn't have time to talk myself out of not going
I really wanted to go
And to say that is huge
That I actually want to go to a meeting 
For me
Not because I think it's what I should go
Not to appease my family
Not to meet other addicts
But for me
For my recovery
For my sanity
For my peace of mind
For my own crazy head

I arrived at Marie's on time
The meeting was about half an hour away
And we picked up another girl on the way
This was a bit of a big deal for me too
As meeting someone new is not something I do a lot of
But we had a great chat in the car on the way
And arrived just before 12 30pm
The time we thought the meetibg started
Just then we saw a member coming out of a shop
We rolled down the window and asked her what time the meeting was at
She said it was already over
That it had in fact started at 11am
This was pretty unusual
As meetings during the day usually start at 1pm
However it was over 
There was nothing we could do about it

We met up with another member
And decided to go for coffee
In the end
We had a lovely time 
Almost like our own little meeting
I wasn't going to count today as day 1
But my friends suggested that I do
As my intention was there
And we kind of did have a meeting
So I am going to count it
One down 
89 to go

There were times today 
When I felt really awkward
Like I had nothing worthwhile to say or contribute
Like I was a boring person with nothing interesting to say for myself 
Like I wasn't pretty enough
Thin enough
Good enough
I must make it clear that my friends didn't make me feel this way
Not at all
This all comes from my low self esteem
And non existent confidence 
But even though I had these feelings
I still did it
I left my house 
I tried to get to a meeting
I met new people
I tried my best to be myself
To get on with others
And you know what?
I really enjoyed it
I had a great time
I chatted
I listened 
I spoke a little bit
I was open
I laughed
It felt good to step outside my comfort zone
And do something new

I'm now back home
And I feel like I am on cloud nine
I feel positive
I feel pumped for these 90 days
I feel it's one of the best ideas I've had in a long time
I don't doubt that it will be hard 
But then nothing worth doing ever is
I owe it to myself and my family to give this a chance
I really feel like it is the right thing to do

I told Marie what I was planning on doing
She thought it was a great idea
And made the point that even if I don't  get to a meeting every single day
At least I will be on the right path
All it takes is everything I've got
I only have to change one thing

So tomorrow is Day 2
I am to go to a lunch time meeting locally
And am picking up Marie on the way
I've decided to use Em's suggestion
And mark off the days on a calendar
To keep track of my progress
I feel so excited to do this
So full of hope
I know it's the right thing to do
I can just feel it

90 Days

When someone comes out of treatment
Or is just starting to recover
It is often suggested that the person do 90 meeting in 90 days
At least one meeting a day
To get a good start
A solid foundation on which to build on
To get used to meetings
To get some discipline back in their life
Correct me if I am wrong
But I think this tradition started in the US
When someone was in court for offences relating to alcohol abuse
Instead of sending the person to jail
They were told to do 90 meetings in 90 days
AA then borrowed this idea

So I am thinking of doing this
Of really giving it a shot
Throwing myself in to meetings
It can only be a good thing
I was going to start on Monday
But my friend texted me to ask if I wanted to go to a meeting today
So am going to start today
I have worked it out
And there is a meeting within 30 minutes of my house every day
So it really is possible
If I put my mind to it
My heart and soul in to it
I have nothing to lose
And every thing to gain

It's two weeks now since I last used
I've finally wrapped my head about the fact that I can't use
It's all or nothing
Sobriety or oblivion
I think I am doing ok considering where I was this time two weeks ago
I am doing my best to live in reality
And not try to run away from myself and my life
I talked it over with my sister about doing the 90 meetings
I think it would be a good challenge for me
Something to focus on
A reason to get up in the morning
A purpose
I'm always complaining that I am bored
This would give me something to do every day
The more I think about it
The more I like the idea

I expressed concern to my sister that I might not complete the 90 days
But she made the point there is nothing wrong with trying
She is dead right
All I can do is my best
So I am going to try
I'm doing this for me
For my recovery
My sanity
My peace of mind
And of course everyone around me will benefit too

I know some of you out there go to meetings
Has anyone ever done 90 meetings in 90 days?

Friday, 20 March 2015


I was doing my usual walk down at my local beach this morning
When I came across this 
It made my day
And the Hunster decided to photobomb.....

Self harm, selfies and the wanderers return

I want to thank all of you who commented on my last post
For those of you that don't know
I posted some photos of myself in some new clothes that I bought
And I got quite a nasty comment
Anonymous of course
I wouldn't expect anything more
But you all  jumped to my defence 
And told anonymous where to go 
So thank you for that

So the wanderers have returned
As in my mum and my sister are back from Prague
Myself and Honey and Lea we're delighted to see them
The dogs were so excited they had a fit
A good time was had by all
And it was great that I could tell them that my few days went well too
No hiccups 
No disasters
No lying 
I kept my head up
And my bun down
And stayed well out of trouble

I watched a documentary a couple of nights ago
Called My self harm nightmare
It told the  story of 3 girls 
Who used to use self harm and pro ana websites
One of the girls used to have a pro ana blog
She has 10, 000 followers 
And she was extremely unwell
And posted many photos of herself in various states of undress
With pointy bones and sharp edges

Another girl really struggled with self harm
She said she did it because it was the only thing in her life that she could control
She had been hospitalised many times after cutting herself
Her arms were covered in long deep scars

I have never really struggled with self harm
Of course I experimented when I was a teenager
And I have tried it
But it did little or nothing for me
So I didn't continue
But I know that some of you struggle greatly with this
I guess we all have different coping mechanisms
Mine was drugs and food
Or lack of food
Some body else's might be gambling or sex or self harm
 There all forms of self abuse

The documentary talked a bit about Pro-ana websites
And the girls on these websites encourage each other to lose weight
Posting photo after photo of emaciated malnourished girls
Making YouTube videos of how miserable they are
I have to admit 
I haven't come across that many Pro-ana sites
I mean the hardcore ones
Apart from anas challenge
Who stalked all our blogs for a while
But myself and Bella came to the conclusion that he was a dirty old man trying to get pictures of young girls
But I guess I haven't really gone looking for these sites
As I am sure they are there

I know that the public are campaigning to get these sites criminalised
The parents on the documentary said that if their daughters hadn't had access to these sites
Then things wouldn't have got so bad
I guess we are still in the infancy of the Internet
And things like pharmaceuticals, synthetics and drugs are easy to buy
And these sites are not monitored 
I'm sure in time there will be stricter laws as to what you can and can't do on the Internet
I see blogger is removing any offensive content now from blogs

I'm almost tempted to go looking for these so called Pro-ana blogs
Just out of curiosity 
I'm presuming that these sites are run by maudlin teenagers 
I hope that anyone older than that would know better
Maybe I'm wrong
I don't know 

I guess there are a lot of sick and twisted people in the  world
To think that someone would encourage you to starve or purge or self harm
Is a scary thought
I deliberately don't comment on people's weight here on blogger
I don't condone or congratulate weight loss
It's not something that is healthy to endorse
Unless the person needs to lose weight
And is doing it in a healthy and careful way

My point of view on what constitutes  beautiful has changed in the last year
I used to crave extreme thinness
Protruding collar bones
Pointy hip bones
This was perfection to me
But now my perception has changed
I no longer crave that look
Now I want to be fit and strong
Healthy even 
What a revelation!

I was wondering about you
Have you ever used Pro-and sites?
What is your view on them?
Do you think they should be banned?
I'd love to know...