Thank you for taking the time to comment on my last post
I realise that it's not easy to tell someone when you think they might be going down a wrong path
Even as I wrote that post
I think I knew deep down that what I was doing was counter intuitive
I was fighting against what my body wanted
And needed to do
And I am now rethinking the whole weight loss thing
As of this morning
I've lost nine pounds
And my navy trousers most definitely fit
I have no need to continue on this path
Because I don't know if I'll be able to put the brakes on
I can't know when the ED takes over
As someone wrote yesterday
The line between losing a few pounds and the ED is a very fine one
In fact it's almost invisible
I'm barely a year in to my recovery
My body is finding its natural set point
I think it's a good idea to lay off the junk food like I have though
And concentrate on nourishing and feeding my body properly
I swear
I had been eating a lot of junk food
Practically surviving on it
And I know that's not good
It's like it's all or nothing
All the food
Or none of the food
Black or white
I don't think I've ever successfully dieted in my whole life
As in lose a sensible amount of weight while still feeding my body
Fasts never worked for me either
I've always lost the most weight while bingeing and purging
I suppose the body gets so dehydrated
That the weight drops quickly
But even in the 11 days that I was trying to lose weight
I think a lot of it is also dehydration
I haven't been purging much
But admittedly
I haven't been feeding my body very well
I had become more and more obsessed with the scale
Weighing myself a ridiculous amount of times a day
And my mood and self esteem bouncing up and down along with the weight
Even at my lowest weight
I still allowed myself chocolate
Albeit I ate nothing else
But I love my savoury and sweet treats
I mean what is life without a little treat now and again?
I am a firm believer in everything in moderation
Including moderation
Whether I can put that in to practise is another matter
I try
I do
But again
My whole body and mind is programmed for all or nothing
It doesn't seem to understand anything else
They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit
Or is it 28?
I'm Not quite sure
But I know I can get my eating good if I just put in a little effort
Heck I've given up heroin and cigarettes
Why is food so damn tricky?
It's like my last nemesis
It's just so hard because I can cut heroin, alcohol and smokes out of my life
But with food
You can't do that
Well you can
But that would completely defeat the purpose
It's tricky to find a happy medium
Especially for people with EDs and addiction issues
Another thing is the numbers
I know I can get totally obsessed seeing the numbers go down
It's like a power trip
That false feeling that you are in control
But of course you are in fact spinning wildly out of control
Someone mentioned yesterday
About allowing my body to be the size it wants to be
This is another interesting point
Before my ED
I was always around 54kg
But since my ED developed
My weight has fluctuated a lot
I never seem to stay the same weight for long
Because of all the bingeing and purging
I've been trying to stay in around a size 8 - 10
But maybe my body needs to be bigger for a while
I'm sure my metabolism is shot at this point
And my body is compensating
Because it's not always sure when it's being fed again
Or if I will let my body keep the food
Now my challenge is to get back to some sort of normality
Over the last week or so
I've become used to being hungry
And almost even enjoying it
All of a sudden
It becomes difficult to eat
And I don't doubt that it will be now
I will take it easy
Rule no 1 is to stop weighing
And to eat three meal and snacks
But still allow myself a treat when the fancy takes me
I guess I am a work in progress
As I wrote yesterday
Recovery is not a straight road
God knows I make mistakes on a daily basis
But I do try to learn from them
And not repeat them
That is the trick I think
Yesterday's comments
Reminded me why I write this blog
You beautiful and smart ladies have me done sterling advice
And thdt is exactly why I wrote they post yesterday
As I know you will tell me what I need to hear
Rather than what I want to hear
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For reading
For being there
For being honest with me
Even when it's difficult and awkward
I appreciate it more than you will ever know
I lost a follower today
Is that because I disappointed you?