But the girl I went to last time is away
And won't be back until mid January
There are a couple of others near by
But they don't come highly recommended
And they don't use titanium
So I think my best bet is to hold on for the person I know to come back
But necessary
Especially given that I have absolutely no patience
And want everything yesterday
I was texting a girlfriend from school yesterday
She has had a myriad of piercings in her time
Including all over her ears and face
Both nipples
And down below!
I was asking her where she gets them done
She said she had some done in Dublin
But a few of them she did herself
I was blown away by this
But she said she really enjoyed doing them
Of course my next questions was how todo it
She sent a brief text that involved a sterilised needle, ice, gloves and a clean towel
I was fascinated
So when we finished texting
I decided to do a little research on line
And of course
There are many many home videos on YouTube
Showing how to pierce various pars of your body
As well
As detailed explanations on Google
I read through a few
And I actually did consider it
I am one of those slightly crazy people who thinks piercing yourself from the comfort of your own home is a good idea
So I consulted my sister
Who is always the voice of reason
She told me in no uncertain terms
That I would be absolutely mental to do that
And I let her talk me out of it
Part of me was relieved
As I can imagine that it hurts like a mother....
I guess it gives me time to think about what to get done next
As I'm not really sure at the moment
I'm trying to decide between my lip
My septum
Or Medusa
As you know
I live my life on the verge of impulse
And often make silly decisions based on that
So I will be a responsible adult
And think my decisions through
Albeit being forced in to it....
Less than two weeks until Chritsmas kids!
All my cards have been posted
The house is decorated
The Christmas cake is maturing
And we feed it with sherry every week
The turkey is ordered
The shopping will soon be done
And all I have to get is my Christmas gift for my sister
I am looking forward to a quiet family Christmas
No fuss
No stress
Just good old fashioned fun
Sans alcohol of course
But I was wondering about you?
Do you celebrate Christmas?
Who will you celebrate with?
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Maybe you don't like the holidays
How do you get through?
Answers on a postcard please.....
By the way
I didn't reply to comments yesterday as I didn't read them after the first one
Which was accusing me of driving illegally
I'm done done replying to these comments
And even though it's not an anonymous comment
It might as well be
When I crashed my car
That was years ago
It's in the past
Yes, I made some stupid mistakes when I was using
But the clue is in the fact that I was using
I wasn't in the right frame of mind
Do I regret my actions from back then?
Can I change them?
So I do my best to learn the lesson and move on
That's all I can do