Saturday, 12 December 2015


I was supposed to be getting my next piercing done this week
But the girl I went to last time is away
And won't be back until mid January 
There are a couple of others near by
But they don't come highly recommended
And they don't use titanium
So I think my best bet is to hold on for the person I know to come back
But necessary
Especially given that I have absolutely no patience 
And want everything yesterday 

I was texting a girlfriend from school yesterday
She has had a myriad of piercings in her time 
Including all over her ears and face
Both nipples 
And down below!
I was asking her where she gets them done 
She said she had some done in Dublin
But a few of them she did herself 
I was blown away by this 
But she said she really enjoyed doing them
Of course my next questions was how todo it
She sent a brief text that involved a sterilised needle, ice, gloves and a clean towel 
I was fascinated 
So when we finished texting 
I decided to do a little research on line
And of course 
There are many many home videos on YouTube 
Showing how to pierce various pars of your body
As well
As detailed explanations on Google
I read through a few 
And I actually did consider it 
I am one of those slightly crazy people who thinks piercing yourself from the comfort of your own home is a good idea
So I consulted my sister
Who is always the voice of reason
She told me in no uncertain terms 
That I would be absolutely mental to do that 
And I let her talk me out of it
Part of me was relieved 
As I can imagine that it hurts like a mother....

I guess it gives me time to think about what to get done next 
As I'm not really sure at the moment 
I'm trying to decide between my lip
My septum
Or Medusa 
As you know 
I live my life on the verge of impulse
And often make silly decisions based on that 
So I will be a responsible adult 
And think my decisions through
Albeit being forced in to it....

Less than two weeks until Chritsmas kids!
All my cards have been posted 
The house is decorated 
The Christmas cake is maturing 
And we feed it with sherry every week
The turkey is ordered 
The shopping will soon be done 
And all I have to get is my Christmas gift for my sister 
I am looking forward to a quiet family Christmas 
No fuss 
No stress 
Just good old fashioned fun
Sans alcohol of course 
But I was wondering about you? 
Do you celebrate Christmas? 
Who will you celebrate with?
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Maybe you don't like the holidays
How do you get through?
Answers on a postcard please.....

By the way
I didn't reply to comments yesterday as I didn't read them after the first one 
Which was accusing me of driving illegally 
I'm done done replying to these comments 
And even though it's not an anonymous comment
It might as well be
When I crashed my car
That was years ago 
It's in the past 
Yes, I made some stupid mistakes when I was using 
But the clue is in the fact that I was using 
I wasn't in the right frame of mind 
Do I regret my actions from back then?
Can I change them? 
So I do my best to learn the lesson and move on 
That's all I can do 

Friday, 11 December 2015

I was recently contacted by a lady called Sophie Burton
Who runs a site called
It's a site where peoe can share their stories anonymously 
Help themselves
And help others too
Sophie interviewed me for the site 
And below is the link
Hope you enjoy.....

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Christmas survival kit!

Christmas is fast approaching
I swear I blinked and this whole year went by
For me
Christmas is a double edged sword
Part of me loves it
The lights
The atmosphere
The Christmas spirit
Wrapping up in woolly clothes
Snuggling up beside the fire
Going for walks in the crisp winter air
But like a lot of people 
I can really struggle with the holiday too
They don't call it the silly season for nothing 
Christmas in this country seems to be about two things
And food 
Both of which I have issues with 
I remember back to my teens and early twenties 
Christmas was all about the pub
I can remember going to the pub after school
Changing out of my uniform in the bathroom
On a Friday the pub staff ordered boxes of chicken wings for the punters 
Oh to be able to eat chicken wings without my ED in my head
I can get nostalgic around this time of year 
And there is nothing more Christmassy than a hot toddy
Or a glass of brandy
I just can't drink 
And neither do most of my family 
Now a days we have a strictly alcohol free house for the holidays 
We have learned the hard way that my family and alcohol just do not mix
I can remember growing up
Followed by dinner
Followed by more drinks
Followed by huge family argument
No drink is worth the peace of mind that we have now

How do we get through the holidays 
Stay sane 
And not harm ourselves or anyone else?
It's tricky 
Christmas time often means spending much time with family and people you don't usually see from one end of the year to the other 
It means being cooped up inside for 24 hours straight 
Putting on a happy face when you unwrap your gifts and see that auntie Margaret has given you lavender soap yet again 
It means eating to the point that you feel
Positively ill
Watching the Christmas movie
And promptly falling asleep on the couch
While your nephew draws on your face

Try not to let the idea of Christmas dictate the days and weeks leading up to it
And try not to anticipate what the day itself will be like 
For the eating disordered 
Christmas can be tough 
The build up to the holidays
Being out of your usual routine
All the emphasis on food and drink
The socialising 
Expectations for the perfect day can all contribute to stress, pressure and anxiety
And things generally being out of sorts for a couple of weeks 
I guess the first thing to do is not to panic 
Take deep breathes 
And remember that Christmas is just one day 
24 hours 
Our routine may be all over the place
But one day is manageable 
We can get through it
For me 
It's important to stay busy 
I usually bring the dogs to the beach on Christmas morning
And watch the charity swim
Then I go to mass with some of my family 
Get home
And get stuck in to helping with the dinner
Staying busy gives me less chance for my mind to wander and become anxious 
I know it seems like food is everywhere at this time of year 
But remember 
If you eat more than usual on the day
It's ok 
In fact it's normal 
Everyone does it 
So don't panic 
Don't beat yourself up
It's completely natural to eat a little bit extra sometimes 
Everything in moderation
Including moderation 

The thing I find the toughest about Christmas is all the socialising 
Our house is the main focus of our family
So there are a lot of visitors over the holidays 
A constant stream of people in and out
It's more the thought of all this activity
When it's actually happening 
It's not too bad 
It's more the thoughts of it
And the anxiety that goes with that
Over Christmas 
It's important to remember to look after yourself
To be kind to yourself 
And not to put yourself under too much pressure 
Do what you feel you can do 
Be that a little or a lot 
No one expects you to be Wonder Woman
Although we seem to expect that of ourselves 
Take some time out for yourself if you need to
Take half an hour on your own to recharge your batteries 
Practise mindfulness
Or get out for a walk 
To clear your head 
And take a breath
Listen to music 
Read a book
Something I have to be wary of 
Is all or nothing thinking
Eating none of the food
Or all of the food 
Thinking because one thing goes wrong
Everything is ruined 
One good idea 
Is to have a buddy on stand by 
Someone you can give a quick ring of things become too much 
You can also be someone else's buddy 
Having a voice of reason
To bring you back down to earth can be invaluable 
Of course support is a two way thing
So both of you will benefit 
Be mindful of isolating over the holidays 
Stay in touch with your supports 
Beware of all or nothing thinking that leads to unrealistic and rigid expectations
It's about listening to you and your body 
And knowing that it's ok to have what you want 
Remembering that it is just one day and nothing awful will happen if you change the rules
Reminding yourself thdt Christmas is not only about food
Food is just one part of it
And may need some planning to work for you 

With all that said
Remember it's Christmas
It's to be enjoyed 
Yes, we will struggle 
And our EDs often don't want us to enjoy ourselves 
Especially around anorexia 
It's all about being strict and regimented 
And punishment can feature too
Because you know what guys?
We are far too hard on ourselves
We are the first ones to bring ourselves down 
We bully ourselves 
Verbally and physically
We deserve a break
We deserve to enjoy our Christmas 
In whatever form that may take 
God knows we are dealing with enough every other day of the year
Eating disorders 
Mental illness 
Self harm
We deserve at least one day to relax
To enjoy ourselves 
Whether you are in the midst of your illness
Or embarking on recovery 
We all deserve to smile
To laugh 
To throw some shapes on the dance floor 
To let our hair down
Because when else can we get the chance to do that?

I wish you and yours
A very happy and peaceful Christmas
I hope you get to spend time with the ones you Iove
Hold them close
Hug them tight
Cherish every moment with them
Because they are the ones that matter
They are the ones who hold our hands
Who pick up the pieces when it all falls apart
This year I  especially grateful to have my family around me
With everyone in good health 
We have much to celebrate this year
I hope you do too...

Christmas cards

I'm writing my Christmas cards today
I have some of your addresses
But if I don't have yours 
Please leave it below in the comment section
Or email me if you would rather...

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Tis the season....

We put up our Christmas decorations at the weekend
I wasn't really in the humour
And the thoughts of getting in the Christmas spirit made me want to curl up in to a ball and cry
As the day went on
And we went through the attic
And found all our decorations old and new
I managed to cheer up a bit
I did the whole tree
Draped lights over the hall stand 
Lit cinnamon fragranced candles
And all of a sudden I felt really Christmassy 
We are having a quiet Christmas this year 
There will just be the six of us
And my elderly neighbour is coming for dinner
But I can't see her staying too long
As she likes a drink
And we always have an alcohol free Christmas 
I think back to Christmas growing up
It was always a wash out
My father would get horribly drunk 
It was always best to stay away from him before four drinks and after eight drinks
He would usually insult someone 
I can remember one Christmas when we all had to move to my sisters apartment because my father was on such a bender
Tough times needless to say
But now 
Well none of us drink anymore
So we have a quiet but civilised Christmas 
We have learned the hard way 
That alcohol just does not suit us
I've been thinking recently 
That I really don't  miss alcohol 
I mean 
Nothing is real when you are drunk
It's like everything is fake 
And I don't like that 

This country has been battered by two storms over the last week
Was storm Clodagh
Followed by storm Desmond 
The west bore the brunt of it
Rivers burst their banks 
Fields were flooded
Roads too 
Trees blew down
Poor animals had an awful time 
And worst of all 
Peoples houses were flooded
I was speaking to a woman in the supermarket yesterday
And the whole ground floor of her house was completely flooded
She showed me a video on her phone of the damage 
It looked just horrendous
What sort of Christmas will she have now?
I count my lucky stars that we weren't effected by the storms 

In other news 
I found out about a writing group in my area that is starting in January
It sounds great 
They meet every second Monday 
And there is no pressure 
I'm actually really looking forward to it
Bredas words yesterday really resonated with me
She said that I am too young to sit and home and waste my life 
I need to get out and about more 
Meet people 
Expand a little bit 
Because at the moment 
Short of walking my dogs and blogging
I am doing very little 
I need something to take me away from myself
And out of my own head 

On Thursday 
I am going to get another piercing done
Either my septum 
Or my upper lip
I am super excited to get it done
And of course 
I wil document the whole thing for you 
My parents despair at why I am doing this
And I am secretly kind of enjoying that 
It feeds my need to be a bit of a rebel 

So that's it from me today 
As promised 
I will do a Christmas survival kit post sometime this week
As I know it can be a really tough time of year 
There are not many of us bloggers left 
Do we need to stick together 
look out for each other 
And support each other 
Christmas can really be a lonely time of year 
Maybe you're recently bereaved 
Or estranged from your family 
Maybe you're dealing with illness
Mental or physical 
Maybe you have no one to spend Christmas Day with 
Maybe you are struggling with food
Or your mood is low 
Maybe the thoughts of Christmas send your anxiety in to over drive 
Maybe you don't even want to celebrate 
Because you can't find a reason to 
I think it's so important to reach out to the vulnerable at this time of year 
Call in to an elderly neighbour
Maybe get them a little gift 
Maybe invite them over for dinner
Or help them with their shopping 
It really is the little things that make a huge difference
Saying hello to someone on the street 
Giving them a smile 
It may be the only human voice they hear all day 
And it might just brighten their day

One thing I like to do at this time of year 
Is leave an anonymous letter for someone to find 
A really positive letter to make someone feel good 
I've left them before in car parks 
On windows of cars 
In public bathrooms 
It's just spreading a little bit of love
At a time when people are so caught up in themselves and their own lives

I truly hope that you have a relaxing and peaceful Christmas this year
God knows you deserve it
I hope you get to spend time with the people you love
And tell them 
Tell them how much they mean to you
That can be the greatest gift of all
Usually at this time of year 
I use it as an excuse to over take my meds 
And generally be a bit out of it
But this year 
I am going to do my best to be present and lucid
So I can really be part of things 
And enjoy it 
I am so blessed to be able to say that my family are doing well at the moment 
Between addiction, mental health issues and resentments 
My family really has been through the wars 
We have managed to get through it
And come out the other side
I am eternally grateful for that 
And as my mother often says
Given what we have been through
We are not doing to badly at all

Merry Christmas
To you and yours....

Monday, 7 December 2015


Just like Sunday is the day of rest
Monday is the day of the doctor
I rose while it was still dark
Stumbled to the kitchen 
Where Honey and Lea greeted me
I must have got up at some point in the night
And let them in to the kitchen 
Although I have no memory of doing so 
It's like Lea knows it's Monday morning
As she is always rearing to go
Honey was less keen to venture outside
And had to be coaxed in to the car
I drove slowly to town
As were experiencing the tail end of storm Desmond at the moment 
There is much flooding and damage done in the area 
My neighbours whole patio blew away this weekend 
We arrived at the doctors safely 
And my mum went to walk the dogs
While I went to the surgery

I was called in the minute I sat down
I was also planning to tell my doctor about my food issues at the moment 
We talked about the storm for a few minutes 
Then I broached the subject of my ED
He weighed me 
And checked his computer for my weight records 
But the only weights he had recorded was when I was really under weight
And the last weight he recorded was under 40 kilos
He obviously stopped recording my weight when I began to recover 
So he had nothing to reference from
But by my calculations 
I've lost 14 pounds since the incident with the navy jeans 
My doctor to me he would keep an eye on it 
But the was no need to worry yet
Then he said that he has a patient in treatment 
And their goal weight was the same as my current weight
Way to make me feel like my problems matter 

I then went and collected my meds in the pharmacy 
And headed back down to the surgery to see Breda 
I haven't seen her in over a month
So there was much to catch up on
I brought her up to speed on everything
My meds 
The methadone reduction 
I also told her about my struggling with food
How the purging has increased 
And my weight headed south 
She asked me what had triggered this
And all I could think of 
Was the day I tried on my navy trousers 
And couldn't fasten them 
Breda is great
The best addiction counsellor that I've ever seen
She always has good common sense
And practical advice 
She encouraged me to ring Mary again
And maybe get some top up sessions to get me back on track
So I will give Mary a ring today
And hopefully will be able to see her this side of Christmas 
My weight is now on the very low side of healthy 
And is still dropping rapidly 
I know if I don't do something soon
That I will be I deep trouble 
I can't afford to lose any more 

Breda also asked me how I am spending my days 
I gave her an idea 
She told me that it is really important that I have an occupation
A reason to get up in the morning 
To mix with others 
And push out of my comfort zone 
She makes a lot of sense with this 
I'm really not doing a whole lot at the moment 
Outside of taking care of my dogs
And writing my blog 
Breda said thdt I am too young to be sitting at home on my laurels 
I need to get out and about 
Do new things
And things that I enjoy 
She is really on the ball in this regard 
My life is very limited at the moment
I dont see a lot of people outside of my family 
I also don't go out a whole lot
And when I do
I am always anxious to get home
Breda also asked about meetings 
And if I was attending 
I haven't been going 
Breda said that all I have to do is go once or twice a week
And I don't have to speak if I don't want to
And I guess I don't 
Knowing that I don't have to speak does lessen the anxiety 
So I hope to go back soon

As for me 
 I'm trying desperately to hang on to my recovery 
What's left of it 
Every day it's a battle
But it's one thdt I refuse to lose 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

What's happening to blogger?

I'm worried
Blogger seems to be falling apart 
Breaking down 
Coming apart at the seams
Very few of us are posting these days
And those that are posting are struggling massively
Every day it seems another person drops off the face of the blogosphere 
I remember a couple of years ago 
There was a thriving community
It seems there are very few of us left
I hope the ones who left 
Have left for a better life 
That they don't need this community anymore 
Because they are getting on with their lives
The reality is some will have recovered
Some will be living somewhere between the disorder and recovery
And some won't recover
And will possibly die 
It's a stark reminder that this illness is not a fad
Or a phase 
Or a diet 
It's a deadly mental illness that destroys lives 
If these ladies did go to find recovery
Then I am very glad 
I would rather have a quiet blogosphere
Than a blogosphere full of very ill people 
I wish them every health and happiness
And hope they find a life beyond ED
Christmas is a tough time
We need to stick together 
Support each other 
Look out for each other 
Our community is dwindling 
And we need to look after the ones who are left 

As for me 
I'm doing ok 
Slowly trying to claw back the ground I lost 
I'm still weighing which is a problem
I know I do a lot better when I avoid the scales
For a while there
The only thing in the day I looked forward to was standing on the scales in the morning
How sad is that?
Apologies for the short posts these days 
I don't want to go on and on about how I'm struggling 
I'm hoping that soon 
I will be back on track 
And back to myself 
Living my life 
Going on dates 
Spending time with friends
All that good stuff 
Thank you for staying with me
I appreciate it more than you know