My goodness
It's only the early afternoon
And it's already been an eventful day!
Lea had an appointment with the vet first thing this morning
It was pretty good news
Lea isn't in pain
And the meds seem to be working
She recommended a food supplement
And possible pet physiotherapist
But I know swimming is good for it to
So I'd rather do that with Lea
The vet did say that Lea losing some weight would help joints
It's always a blow to hear that
As I don't want to be the reason my dog is struggling
I don't think Lea gets fed a massive amount
But when she is getting treats and tidbits from so many people
It all adds up I guess
So we just need to keep an eye on her
And be mindful with food
She is a trooper though
She's a good girl
After a quick cuppa at home
Myself, Mam and Lea headed off to meet Coco and his owner
Honey elected to stay in her bed
The drive over takes about 20 minutes
Cocos owner lives at the edge of a lake
And on a bright day like today
It was just glorious
We drove up the lane
And found Coco, his owner and Ruby the three legged dog waiting for us
We changed in to our wellies
Which are a must
Thanks wasn't sure how Lea was going to behave around Coco and Ruby
Ruby was so full of beans
And Coco seemed to be delighted to have so many visitors and playmates
We headed in to the field
Cocos owner has a bucket of feed for him
And Coco danced around him as we walked over to a walled area of the field
Lea was a gentle giant as ever
I sat down
And Coco tucked in to his feed
When he was finished
He came over to me
And I had a juicy carrot for him
He thoroughly investigated me
My hair
My hands
My jacket
My hood
My hair was in a bun
And at one point he had it in his mouth which was funny!
But even though he is so big
He is so gentle with it
So there I was
Sat in the middle of a field
On a beautiful winters morning
Lea on one side
Coco on the other
Pure bliss!
I couldn't have been happier
I shit you not
Cocos owner and Ruby left us then
And got the boat back to his house
So myself and Mam decided to bring all the animals on a little walk
We walked around the field
Coco followed us
He was so interested in Lea
And kept trotting over to her
Then a couple of times
He broke into a canter which was just adorable
I too lots of photos
And a video
Which I can seem to post
I will try and figure it out
It was a lovely way to spend a morning
Coco is slowly but surely melting my heart
I can see so much potential in him
And it's obvious he loves company and attention
As I type this
I can get the scent of him on my hands
It's such a lovely smell
A real country and earthy smell
I guess now that I live in the country
I am a country girl
I've probably always been at heart
As I never felt comfortable in towns or cities
It just goes to show
That I made the right decision about my course
I now know I did the right thing
I guess I thought that if I gave up the course
Then I gave up horses
But that's not the case at all
In fact
I've been spending more time with horses now than I did when I was doing my course
Monday I visited the white pony
Tuesday I had a riding lesson
Wednesday I had horse therapy
And today I visited Coco
I am happy out
No stress
No pressure
Just a relaxed pace
And I'm doing it on my terms
A reader left a comment on my last post that it's a shame I don't post anymore
I know I don't post as much as I used to
But I do still post at least once a week
So please do check in as I am still writing
I suppose I don't rely on my blog as much as I used to
And I definitely don't read as many blogs as I used to
But I really want to keep this blog going
As it means so much to me
It saved my life countless times
As did my lovely readers
You have been there over the last five years
Five. Years!
Has it really been that long?
It has gone by so very quickly
And I am so glad I have a written account of the last few years
My journey from scared, suicidal, emaciates girl
To healthy and happy woman
It's been a hell of a ride so far
And I'm excited to see what life has in store for me
If nothing it will be interesting
And that always keeps things fun
Now that things are going well for me
I desperately want to help others who are in a similar situation to what I was
Whether they be eating disordered
Drug addicted
Addicted to anything really
One thing I have learned over the last year
Is that when you take away the drug
Or the drink
Or the restricting or purging
A massive hole is left
And something needs to fill it
For me
I took away the purging
And I quickly filled the hole with shopping
That was also utter madness
And thankfully I have stopped the mindless spending
But when I stopped
Again there was a hole left
And this time
I have filled it with my love for animals
This is a much healthier hobby/addiction
One that's actually good for me
So really I guess filling the hole can go either way
You can fill it with something unhealthy and damaging
Or you can fill it with good things and healthy things
That's just my experience
Ha ha
I just realised I spent the last paragraph writing about filling your hole
But you know what I mean
I off to make a cuppa and relax for a while
See you on the next post....