Well, it's happened again
I guess it was bound to
It was only a matter of time
I've worked that thing way beyond it's limit
Yes, I have broken yet another toilet
I'm not surprised really
This tends to happen when you're a raging bulimic
This is not the first toilet I have broken
Oh no
I remember being in London a few years ago staying with cousins
There was one bathroom between 6 or 7 of us
Needless to say I had to pick my purging time carefully
The flush on this particular toilet was little different
If you had just a wee, you pushed it gently and it gave a small flush
If you had, well more than a wee, then you pushed it a bit harder and it flushed harder
Now if you have any experience with bulimia you will know that once the expelled food is in the toilet, you just want to flush it away as fast as possible
Get rid of the evidence as it were
So being in a house where a queue could form for the toilet at any moment, I was probably a little aggressive with my flushing
We were all sitting in the kitchen one day when my uncle came in and announced that 'someone' had broken the flush on the toilet
I instantly assumed it was me
I turned scarlett
I wanted the ground to swallow me whole
My uncle the proceeded to give us a detailed lecture on how exactly to use the flush
It seemed everyone but me had got the hang of that one
So yesterday the same thing happened again
My flushing toilet bowl after toilet bowl of vomit proved too much for my aubergine coloured friend
He was over worked and under paid
They say you don't know what you have until it's gone
Now I've had to move to the toilet upstairs which I have to say has a far inferior flush
Plus the water pressure in the tap is little more than a trickle
And I just don't have the energy to be traipsing up and down stairs
We rang or go-to man for problems like this
Jack of all trades, master of none
He called in the afternoon and I have to admit I was pretty anxious
I watched him walk down the hall with his tools
Mental images of the toilet exploding and showering him in vomit flashed in my mind
I wondered how I would clean it all up and how I would explain it to my mother
Thankfully there were no explosions and Patrick left to get a part for the ailing toilet
It was touch and go for a while but the toilet will pull through and live to fight another day
When you're bulimic, toilets become of paramount importance
You become an expert in flushes and water pressure
You excel in cleaning your mess with little more than a sheet of papery toilet roll
It's ok when you're at home
You know your own toilet and it's limitations
But when you're out and about, it's a different situation entirely
Not only are you using a foreign toilet but you also have to deal with interruptions
Restaurants are a mine field
Sometimes I check the flush prior to purging to make sure it's up for the job
But then one flush might not do it
It may take 2 or even 3 flushes
Not to mention you're in a tiny cubicle with only a thin wall between you and the next person
Over the years I've learned to be quick and quiet
I've learned to use the disabled toilet if it's free as it usually has it's own room
I remember another time again in London I was out for dinner at an Indian restaurant with relatives
I love Indian food so I helped myself safe in the knowledge that the food wouldn't be staying in my stomach for very long
Afterwards I excused myself to the bathroom
These were the days before I learned to check the flush first
So after purging I went to push the handle of the flush
It fell limp in my hand
No pressure at all
I immediately panicked as I was pretty sure there was someone waiting outside
In the end I camouflaged it with toilet paper but only made a bigger mess
I sighed and opened the toilet door only to find my aunt standing there
I forced a smile and went back to my seat
If she knew what I had done, she never said a word
When I was in Australia toilets were again a problem
My sister lives in a small 2 bedroomed house with one bathroom
That blood thing caused me no end of problems
It refused to flush certain food items and so I would have to fish them out by hand and dispose of them
It blocked a couple of times and I had to free the blockage with a toilet brush
Oh yes, whoever said eating disorders were glamorous should come walk a day in my vomit stained shoes
So yes, toilets and bathrooms become a priority when you're bulimic
I'm not telling you any of this to gross you out
I'm just telling you honestly the lengths I have gone to for my eating disorder
It's not pretty
It's not romantic
It's disgusting
It's degrading
It's not something I ever thought would be part of my life
So tomorrow my old friend will be fixed and I will continue on the never ending merry-go-round that is this illness
I will continue to test flushes the world over
Always on the look out for that elusive perfect flush
There may actually be a market for toilets specifically designed for people with bulimia
Great big bowl
Excellent flush
Perfect water pressure
Self cleaning
Now there's a thought.............
I can relate to this...I've blocked the toilet several times, and also the sink pipes and shower pipes even more times when I got desperate. When I need to get rid of food, I don't care about the consequences, I just need to get it out of me, but then the panic that comes afterwards is horrible. Will the toilet flush? Will the pipes block? Will my secret be found out...again?
ReplyDeleteIce cream/cream is the worst for flushing. Do you find that?
I hope you get your toilet fixed soon. Xx
It's such an awful way to live, it really is
DeleteAnd yes! I do find that ice cream doesn't flush at all and I avoid it for that very reason
It's fixed now thank God
Hope you're doing ok x
I found this really insightful to read. I'd never thought about the ins-and-outs of toilets, water pressure and flushing etc.. It's a thought pattern I've never experienced. When I think about it, mine would probably suck for purging; small bowl, not-so-great water pressure, tricky to flush properly. You always set me on the strangest thought patterns! I'm glad your toilet is repairable though.
ReplyDeleteBig hug and much love <3 xx
Yes, it's part and parcel of my life now as sad as that is
DeleteI just had to write about it and tell the truth about my life and how pathetic it is
Love to you too dearest x
I totally relate to this. Wow I thought that I was the only one, glad to know Im not alone. I have done some damage in my time too. And the horror that occurs afterwards, is undescribable. I hate this way of life but it is what it is.
ReplyDeleteGet that fixed soon
I'm glad but also sad that you can relate
DeleteIt's not something I would wish on anyone
Do you have a blog?
I can't get in if you have
You say on your profile that you are around the same age as me
I'd love to stay in touch as I'd like to contact people in the same boat as me x
Hi Ruby. As you know, I did have an eating disorder but I was not bullimic so this was quite the read and I would have never thought it would involve worries about toilet flushing, water pressure and toilets breaking. I have broken stuff with OCD because I have pressed really hard on things to make sure they were on or off. Like I pressed on a light switch so hard I broke it. And I washed the outside of my cupboards off so much that I took the wood stain off.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think there are alot of similarities between ED's and OCD
Deleteso I can relate to you Krystal
The same impulsive feelings and the compulsion to use certain behaviours
Have completely recovered from your eating disorder? x
For the most part I think I am recovered from the eating disorder that I had when I was in my teens BUT I do have some eating issues that linger. I think I would be healthier if I didn't have these issues and yet they don't severely hamper me. Or maybe I am in denial. I pretty much eat one meal a day and I can't eat at all if I am sad, anxious or upset about anything..food at that point will be repulsive. That being said, I can enjoy a meal and I try to eat healthy, like fruits and vegetables. I love chocolate.
DeleteI think that recovery is possible but that our illness is not curable, it will always be there, we just learn how to manage it
DeleteThat's great that you are on top of yours
It gives me hope x
My experience with vomiting is limited, but I've had enough general trouble with toilets. Keep a cheap household bucket somewhere in the house (2-5 gallons is good. Er, 8-20 liters?). It won't help much with blocked plumbing, but you can fill it in the tub/shower and pour it straight into the bowl to clean up the evidence (esp if it just broke and someone needs to come service it). If you pour it right at the edge of the bowl it makes a great whirlpool for getting everything down.
ReplyDeleteI hope that doesn't sound creepy. I just figure, if you have to deal with it anyway may as well be prepared :/ So sorry you're battling that demon.
No it's not creepy at all, it's practical advice
DeleteI remember being in hospital and they wouldn't let me use the bathroom by myself
So started purging in plastic bags and hiding them in my wardrobe
So so sick
The toilet is fixed now thank God x
I think my self consciousness is a much bigger issue than my purging, so I've never puked anywhere but my own home. The home toilet is totally dodgy, so when I've puked, it's taken a bit of cleaning and sanitising. Nasty business!
ReplyDeleteI started laying off puking, because I get bad nose bleeds and when my stomach acid hits my septum, all hell breaks loose! Talk about a blood bath! I'm anaemic (red blood cell deficient), so it's in my best interest to do as little bleeding as possible! Also, I lost a great portion of one of my molars to stomach acid and the dental work required was not only very painful, but also expensive. The damage led to an abscess! No less than 6 root canals later, I'm pleased to say my tooth is all better and has been rescued. It's one thing to earn a few battle scars in our lifetime but I'll be fucked if I'll go through all that shit again for an eating disorder! No thank you!
I'm sorry you have to battle this. You're right, it's not glamorous, it's just plain hell. I'm thinking of you. :)
I can relate so much Jeanne
DeleteI'm also experiencing a lot of negative health effects
My teeth are in a bad state
I had to get a lot of work done this past year
Multiple fillings and a few extractions
The appearance of them is pretty horrible and that knocks my confidence
Unfortunately it has not been enough to make me stop purging though
I'm glad you are not willing to lose anything more to your ED
I'm sure you have lost a lot already
It is hell
Hell on earth
I have got through short periods of time without purging in the past but I just can't seem to get a handle on it now
I will keep trying though
Thanks for your kind words x
Fucking hell.
ReplyDeleteYou make me so glad that I never let myself start purging. I've been sooo fucking close to it, but somehow managed to not start. I've actually started to force myself to puke, but not gone through with hurking up the entire contents of my stomach. I just. . . Gah.
I swear we have at least one bulimic who purges at work. The smell of vomit is unmistakeable and nobody has a stomach bug with that kind of regularity.
I hope you can get off the merry-go-round soon. This isn't a life, it's a slow suicide.
Lol I'm so bad for putting my foot in it with customers. A guy from the Uni came though with a Salmon tagging Tshirt on and I asked if that was a track-and-release thing or they went around spraypainting pictures of salmon on fences. He laughed and said it was the first thing, then I went on to put foot in mouth by saying that all I could see in my head was a salmon wearing a hoodie and holding a spraycan >.< Dumbass.
It's cool. Get your offline life sorted first. Your continuing to life and becoming happy takes priority.
Sending you a ton of hugs and all my love from the sutumn at the bottom of the world <3
I'm glad that you never started purging Peri
DeleteI regret it so much
It's taken over my life
I had pulled away from blogger there for a while and was even considering stopping blogging
But now that I am feeling better I'm back writing again
Love you Peri
You are a star x
This is a tough experience for you. A broken toilet is always a big deal. I just hope you had a very skilled plumber to fix your toilet, so you can prevent this kind of problem from reoccuring. It would be costly if it hasn't been completely fixed.
ReplyDeleteLovella @ PerfectionPlumbing.ca
This is a very interesting read, Ruby. No matter the reason behind your condition, it is important to know that there is a balance in this world, which means, for every problem, there is a solution. Ask for help. That should be the second step. You may be wondering what the first step is. Acceptance. And I am glad you already managed to do that. The first brave move. Once help is found, you'll get all the support you need, you won't find yourself needing the use of toilet for that purpose. You won't have to worry about clogging up any toilet ever again, and you won't have to worry about costly toilet repairs. Stay brave, Ruby!
ReplyDeleteKatrina Spencer