What do you say?
What do you not say?
It's incredibly difficult to watch someone you love spiral out of control
I find that people are so uncertain what to say
Some people are very blunt
And ask lots of inappropriate questions
And some people just avoid the subject
And pretend it isn't there
Neither of these ways is very helpful
Although I would prefer someone asked me straight out
Rather than pretend that the problem isn't there
From my experience
Here are somethings that you shouldn't say to someone with an eating disorder
Don't tell someone they are too fat to have an ED
How ignorant can you get?
EDs are not about food, weight or shape
A person with an ED genuinely hates themselves
And doesn't need someone adding to that
Eating disorders come in all shaped and sizes
From emaciated to obese
And everything in between

Don't tell someone they are too fat to have an ED
How ignorant can you get?
EDs are not about food, weight or shape
A person with an ED genuinely hates themselves
And doesn't need someone adding to that
Eating disorders come in all shaped and sizes
From emaciated to obese
And everything in between
Don't talk about weight/comment on the persons appearance
I know people mean well
I really do
But don't tell a person with an ED that they look really well
Or really healthy
The person will most likely assume that you think they are fat
At the same time, don't comment that someone is very thin
This can reinforce someone's ED
I know people want to acknowledge it if someone is on the road to recovery
But I think all comments about appearance should be avoided until the person is fully recovered and
can handle such comments
Don't tell someone that they don't look sick
Eating disorders can be invisible
Just like depression
Don't assume someone isn't sick because they don't look sick

can handle such comments
Don't tell someone that they don't look sick
Eating disorders can be invisible
Just like depression
Don't assume someone isn't sick because they don't look sick
Don't assume that someone is ok because they look ok
This is a mistake that so many people make
They assume that because someone has gained weight and looks healthy
Then they must be healthy and recovered
Ed's are not about food and weight
They are about low self esteem, low confidence, fear and anxiety
If someone has gained weight
Please bear in mind that their own mind and thoughts may still be eating disordered
Recently I've had to deal with a lot comments on my appearance
That I look really healthy
Everytime I have to give myself a pep talk
That people want to be kind
They want to acknowledge my recovery
It's still hard to hear though

Don't comment on the persons food
If the person is eating in front of others, this takes immense courage
Please don't comment on what they are eating
How much or how little they are eating
Or what they are eating
This can be very damaging and triggering
And may discourage the person from eating in public again
Don't make the person feel guilty about eating
Please don't plead/threaten/or guilt the person in to eating
The person will already feel enough guilt about their ED
And doesn't need anyone else adding to it
Don't criticize others weight/food choices
If the person with an ED hears you comment on others weight of food choices
They may bring it back to themselves
Or compare themselves
It could reinforce the fact that their own choices are not perfect
This can also be triggering
I know when someone makes a comment about my own food choices
I immediately feel guilty
Like I shouldn't be eating it
Don't talk about food being 'healthy' or 'unhealthy'
The person with an ED will inevitably have had a list of safe and unsafe foods
One of their goals in recovery will be to not put food in categories
Food is food
There is no good or bad
Don't ask for diet advice or say things like I wish that I had your willpower'
EDs are not about willpower
They are about fear and self loathing
They are not on a diet
And this is not a lifestyle choice
People with EDs are very unwell
It is an illness
Not a choice
I remember when I was working in a hotel a few years ago
A woman asked me how I kept so slim
I was honest with her
And told her that my diet was not healthy
And it was not something she should emulate
Don't joke about eating disorders
It's not funny
It's our lives
Don't joke about eating disorders
It's not funny
It's our lives
No numbers!
Please don't mention numbers to someone with an ED
As in weights
Clothes sizes
Calories etc
It will drive them mad
And they will inevitably compare themselves
Numbers are best avoided!
But you eat.......
Yes of course I eat
If I didn't I would be dead quite quickly
Contrary to popular belief
People with eating disorders do eat
Of course they do!
It's very disordered eating
But they do eat
Just snap out of it!
Just snap out of it?
This is like telling someone with a broken leg to just get up and walk

Oh I had a friend who was so ill. She got down to XXpounds and was in hospital for months
Please don't tell us about your friend who was so very ill
We are competitive
And will inevitably compare our weight and ourselves to that person
We will think to ourselves that she was really sick
And we are just frauds
And not really sick at all
When you define yourself by your weight
Any one with a lower weight is doing it better

But you eat.......
Yes of course I eat
If I didn't I would be dead quite quickly
Contrary to popular belief
People with eating disorders do eat
Of course they do!
It's very disordered eating
But they do eat
Just snap out of it!
Just snap out of it?
This is like telling someone with a broken leg to just get up and walk
Oh I had a friend who was so ill. She got down to XXpounds and was in hospital for months
Please don't tell us about your friend who was so very ill
We are competitive
And will inevitably compare our weight and ourselves to that person
We will think to ourselves that she was really sick
And we are just frauds
And not really sick at all
When you define yourself by your weight
Any one with a lower weight is doing it better
Some really silly things that people have said to me over the years
You don't look like you have an eating disorder
Aren't anorectics skinnier?
Are you doing this for attention
You're not that bad ( A nurse in hospital)
You're a bad person for doing this
You're always eating
You eat so unhealthy
Have you lost/gained weight?
You look so healthy!
You're so slim, you're so lucky
What silly things have been said to you?
Being laughed at when I finally got the courage to admit having ED, because I am fat. Everyone knows you have to be thin to have an ED.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that happened to you CP
DeleteHow utterly ignorant
Hopefully with our blogs
We are challenging the way people think about EDs x
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis post is amazing. As you know I consider my self recovered. But. I get A LOT of comments regarding my looks. When I was really ill no one took it serious until it almost killed me (oups surprise!). My set point healthy weight is relatively low, but it is such a blessing that I can go for weeks without thinking about my weight and eat what I like.
ReplyDeleteBUT just two weeks ago, an acquaintance told me that I looked so “strong” etc. (and you know how I look like ruby!) , not like these “fragile girls”. This man has been trying to date me for years. He is a lot older, 39, a banker and work out addict. As you know I love my boyfriend and made the mistake to stay acquainted with this banker person out of “good manners”.
So he went on how strong I was/looked (maybe I acted very boy’ish to keep him at distance) and I think he could tell by my facial expression what this triggered. So he repeated his projections (I guess he needs a strong person because he is mentally the weakest shit I know) and each was followed by “oh this is a great compliment”.
As you know I am not that stable atm. And as I do step on the scales occasionally I noticed weight loss three days ago. My best friends (a young doctor) got really angry. She said that men use everything these days to put women down again, because we are increasingly claiming our freedom. He knew about my ED and used this firmly against me. So I wrote him an email, and told him that he should stop contacting me, and if he wants a STRONG WOMAN (by the way women are much more stronger than men anyway) he should pay for a dominatrix but stop insulting girls with his misogynist projections.
Yesterday I had to force my self to eat normally but I noticed that I had to. Thank god this morning I was hungry again. I know this was a massive ramble and I am not sure if you can be bothered to read, but this is so important. People NEVER comment on other’s looks in this particular way to communicate. They just take out their own unresolved issues on another person. And we smile politely say thank you and then end up with our heads in the toilet or with our stomachs empty for days. NO! This has to stop. And from now on I will ask anyone who comments on my appearance this way (And I do not mean that we should not tell each other that we look pretty or we like each others styles, and I know you all will understand):
“WHY IS THIS SO RELEVANT TO YOU? Because this is entirely my business! And you should resolve your own issues, because it worries me that you seem so preoccupied with others! And now F’ off!”
Don’t swallow this anymore, girls, this is your body, your individual threshold of being hurt, do not keep silent, or even say thank you and then take it out on yourself. Take it out on them! stop believing that they just mean well. NO! Because if it hurts you they obviously don't.
Thank you so much for this Lilly
DeleteAnd I am so sorry that you had to go through that
I really think that no one should comment on another's appearance
And definitely not those with an ED
You just never know how people are going to take
And us ED girls never forget a comment that has been made about our appearance
I know I can recall every comment that was ever made about my own weight
Good and bad
That asshole Lilly!
Do not let him take up any more space in your head
He is just not worth it
I was talking with my sister this morning
And she was saying that she never worries about her weight
She is just sensible with food
I wish I could be like that
Lilly you are fighting hard to recover
And I really appreciate you writing this comment
As I know that it can't have been easy
Don't beat yourself up though
We all have little slips and blips
I know you will come back stronger and harder
You are a fighter
And a survivor
And I for one am cheering and rooting for you all the way
Take care precious x
aww thank YOU! i know some would call his comments petty and me "overreacting". BUT. i feel good now for writing this and i feel even better that for once I told a person that he harmed me and that he can F'off for good. I saw it slightly different in the past, i thought talking/reading about ED would JUST be triggering. I was wrong, because it can also help us getting better and getting to know our feelings better. you are doing great work
Deletehugs hugs hugs
Hugs right back atcha hun x
DeleteI think this is really important. And also what Lily wrote, maybe some do mean well,but they still do damage! So we have to speak. And I also agree with Lily that most people do not mean well. And if they hurt us we are allowed to fight back instead of cutting or throwing up and hurting even more.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Julia
DeleteWe need to speak up
We need to educate people about EDs
People have such weird ideas about what it means to have an ED
It's the same with a lot of mental health issues
People don't understand so they are afraid x
What a wonderful post. This should have been given to many many health givers...
ReplyDeleteI think that too Kitty x
Deletere Frasier: I have so many favourite episodes, but my favourite scene is when Niles is preparing dinner and sets fire to the sofa; I laugh out loud every time :D
ReplyDeleteNo way!!
DeleteThat's my favourite episode too
It's hilarious
I watch it over and over again
So cool to find another Frasier fan x
great blog and very very true - though I'm ok in many ways & honestly don't give a shit about weight / dress size , cellulite, saggy boobs - (my "put through hell body produced & fed 3 kids!! - take that anorexia !)-
ReplyDeleteI have a house , great job , 3 gorgeous daughters , husband & a cat !
BUT thanks to so many insensitive crappy comments about what I was eating "OH Rachel - well done " So bloody patronising , even when I was "recovered" - which was well over 15 yrs ago - I STILL have a major issue with eating in public .
I still feel like that anorexic who was watched , or that bulimic who they were waiting to run the loo,
Still , something I need to work on I guess -
Love Rachel (of polygrip fame - How is the tooth by the way ? )
Oh hey Rachel aka polygrip girl
DeleteMy teeth are much better
I got the loose ones re-cemented in
And have had no issues since then
Am trying to avoid doing silly things so I don't knock one out again
I love that those things don't get to you
That is where I want to be
You're doing great x
Seeing as I don't have a profile - I will sign off any replies with Rachel M - can't be having polygrip chick - despite there always being a tube of the stuff in my bag !!!
DeleteYou can have all these things I have - they are there for the taking - I just have to keep giving ED the finger, so it never returns - I once thought there was nothing to live for , now I have so much to lose -
love Rachel M
I don't think I could agree with anything else more than I agree with everything you wrote here!!! It is sooooo true!!
ReplyDeleteThere were a few times when my best friend (who knew about my eating disorder) told me that I was 'selfish', because I was making so many people worried, and yet I wasn't recovering. I understand why she said that, because she was worried about me, and I assume she was frustrated that she couldn't do something to help me. But at that time, I was really mad, because she made it sound like I wasn't even trying or wanting to recover, and that I was actually enjoying living like this and making everyone else worry about me, when actually, that was the last thing that I wanted!
Loves and hugs to you!!
A lot of what I get is about my compulsive exercise. "Oh, what dedication!" No, it's compulsion. "I should get into that habit!" No, don't. Contrary to popular belief, there is a point at which exercise becomes mentally and physically damaging. Or when people say "I wish I had that problem!" I would trade it away in a heartbeat. Albeit a slow heartbeat after damaging my heart with too much exercise.