Friday 3 April 2015


I don't tend to worry about the number of followers I have
But I've noticed in the past week
I've been unfollowed three times 
And I am wondering why that is
I know that I've let certain people down over the last couple of months
I know people were disappointed when I relapsed
I've also been getting some nasty anonymous comments 
I don't know if the two are connected
And also the tone of my blog has changed recently
And is much more recovery orientated 
I know that's not as interesting to read about as the highs and lows of addiction or living with an ED
Maybe people don't want to read about my getting my life together 
And that's ok
I would rather have ten people read about my recovery
Than 100 people read about my relapse

I guess it hurts a little bit
It's like someone in real life telling you that they don't want to be friends any more
I know on the last couple of weeks 
I've been paying a lot more attention to my real life relationships 
And my real life
And less time to my blogging life
I try to blog everyday still
But I've had to invest time in my relationships with family and friends
As I had really neglected them

I was talking with my addiction counsellor Breda on Monday
We were talking about the topic of friendship
She was asking me about my friends
I told her that I have a few close friends
Not many
But the ones I have are real and honest and loyal
The rest are acquaintances 
Who I pass the time of day with
But no more than that
Know that I am back attending meetings
My social circle is expanding 
But I am pretty choosy about who I become friends with
I would much rather have a few good friends 
Rather than lots of people who are not true friends 

As you know 
I have two older sisters
And that is awesome 
As its like having two best friends who are always there no matter what
Apart from that
I guess Marie would be my best friend
Then I have my good friend from treatment
My ex sponsor
And a couple of others who I see regularly

I tend to be quite a shy person
Until I get to know you
Then I show you who I really am
But I can be a bit paranoid when it comes to other people
I always assume that people don't like me
I mean 
I don't like myself very much
So why would others like me?
Over the last couple of weeks
I've been meeting a lot of people at meetings
And people who I used to know
I've been welcomed back in to the rooms so warmly 
And that surprised me a little
I guess I thought that no one would have missed me
And not even noticed that I had left
But they did
And that is surprising to me

In the midst of my addiction and ED
I pulled away from all of my friends
So I am only really starting to see people again
And to want to see people
Not hide away from the world
As it turns out
I am quite a sociable person
I love to chat
And laugh
And really get on with someone
But sometimes fear and anxiety get the better of me
And I clam up
And can't talk at all
I hate when that happens
As I think people can think I am standoffish or cold 
It's not that at all 
It's that I am paralysed by fear

At the meeting yesterday 
I read a reading about people pleasing
The writer described how they used to 'turn themselves in to a pretzel' trying to please others
I could relate to this so much
I am a confirmed people pleaser
I want people to like me
So I do everything I can to make that happen
Even if it hurts me
Even if it doesn't suit me
Even if though it feels wrong
I put others needs before my own
It's not a nice way to live your life
They say in order to recover
You have to be a bit selfish
I now know what this means 
You know when you are on a plane
And they are doing the safety demo
They always say to put your own oxygen mask on
Before you put others on
I get this now
We are no use to anyone 
If we are not well ourselves
It makes perfect sense really
So I will go my best to do this
It will be a new and scary experience
But it's all part of my recovery
It's simple 
But it's not easy

I was wondering about you
Do you have many friends?
Do you believe that quality is better than quantity?
What do you think makes a good friend?
I'd love to know......


  1. Hi Ruby :)
    I have few friends, few but really good ones. I'm like that too, I choose carefully who I get close to.
    I have my best friend L and my flatmate. They are probably my favourite people to be around (except for Joe, my boyfriend- he gets first place) Then I have 3 more that I consider friends and the rest are all acquaintances.

    I DO definitely think that quality is better than quantity. WHY would anyone want to be surrounded by a hundred people if they are toxic, as opposed to a handful of authentic beautiful souls?

    I know exactly what I look for in a friend, I look for people who are fundamentally good. Good people shine and don't judge and see the best in the world and they make me a better person.
    I love my little band of friends to bits and wouldn't change them for the world <3

    take care beautiful, I hope you have a lovely easter <3
    Mandy xx

    1. I love your thinking on this MAndy
      I guess we live in an age where a lot of people want followers and likes
      Between Twitter and Instagram and blogging
      It's hard to get away from it
      I totally agree with you though
      I would much rather a few loyal friends
      Than a load of fake ones.

      Thanks for your Easter wishes
      Hope you have a good one too! X

  2. I guess I have similiar ideas about it: I have a few close friends and many acquaintances, and I believe in "quality over quantity". I don't easily trust people but I always try to be nice.
    Don't worry about loosing followers it's only blogging - maybe they don't want to be part of this online world anymore or they're too lazy to read your long posts. You shouldn't care. There are still many reading and responding ;)

    1. You are so right K
      I shouldn't waste my energy on worrying about s couple of unfollows
      I know there are plenty more who read and comment
      Thanks for reminding me of this x

  3. comments seem to go up and down whatever, only got few friends who close to but friendly with most, wary of them as they seem to be not so nice about each other behind backs.dont like that. although sometimes think if something happens no one will come to my funeral! oh sorry thats horrible,,easter blues. you sound good ruby, please keep posting if you feel like it always thought provoking.have good weekend ,jo xx

    1. I feel good Jo
      For the forst time in a longtime
      And I would consider you one of the friends I have thank you for your continued support x

  4. I am very similar to you, Ruby. I am very reserved around new people, and definitely an introvert by nature - neither of which leads to having tons and tons of friends. But the friends I do have, I love fiercely and would do almost anything for, and I trust them completely. Even in college, when I was the most social and outgoing and living with friends all the time, I always craved my quiet alone time.

    And honestly, I don't think there is any "better" or "right" way when it comes to this stuff, it totally depends on the person and their temperament. Some people thrive on company, and need to be around people all the time. My brother, for example - can afford to live alone but has always had roommates because he loves having friends around and would always rather be with others than alone. Sometimes I wish I had a wider network, but I would never trade one of my best, deeply close friends for ten sort-of friends, you know? But that's just me. I need time to warm up to someone, and to become myself with them. Others can do that much more easily.

    1. I know exactly what you mean Kaylee
      I would love to be a bit more outgoing
      I am when I know the people
      But it takes me a while to get to that point
      I love my friends too
      And am fiercely loyal x

  5. I used to have a set group of friends, but then they started having jobs and family and real lives and I was sort of left behind, like a Barrie's Lost Boy, never really growing up. What do I know of babies and workplace drama?

    But you, my sweetest Ruby, is a friend and I thank you so much for your kind words. I will snap out of it. Not just right yet.

    1. Aw thank you CP
      You are a treasured friend
      Love you x

  6. Hey Ruby,
    first of all I don't spend much time on Blogger anymore, so I don't comment very often, but every now and then I read your blog and it makes me happy to see you are doing so much better. Don't worry about the comment it usally doesn't have anything to do with you. It's more about readers, who are looking for ways to hurt other people. And I think lot of people don't unfollow you ut simply delete their accounts. In addition unfollowing can have a lot of reasons, maybe someone decides to stop reading about ED (an recovery) because they want wo focus on other things or so.

    Don't worry about it, I still like your blog and I also think yoou are an awesome human being and I'm SURE a ot of other people do (especially those who know you in real life) :)


  7. Thank you Lea
    For this lovely comment
    And you are so right
    People unfollow for any number of reasons
    I just need yo not take it so personally

    Aw thanks for your kind words
    They mean more than you know x

  8. Oh my god that's so weird!! I was catching up on your posts so I was reading them in chronological order!!!! Did you see my comment on your other post referencing the oxygen mask saying?? I hadn't read this post yet where you talk about it!!! Great minds think alike I guess!!!
    Anyway I relate to this post SO hard, I can't even tell you Ruby. I swear we are sisters in some spiritual way, we have so much in common. Sometimes I read something you wrote and I am just FLOORED by how familiar it sounds. I hope you don't think that sounds crazy. I guess people just aren't that complicated.
    All the love, Xxoo

  9. It is difficult to be a sensitive, intellectual person today without being "run over" by others. I love what you had to say about people pleasing.....


Thank you for leaving some love x