Sunday, 30 August 2015


I got a text message the other day
Out of the blue
It was from a girl I was in treatment with a few years ago
A girl who I will call G
I met this girl when I was in hospital for the second time
In 2011
G was about half way through her treatment when I arrived
She had come in to hospital at a dangerously low weight
She was very ill
G struggled through treatment 
Struggled to break out of being sick
And all that went with
I firmly believe
Whether we like it or not
That our EDs serve a purpose 
There is a reason that we are eating disordered 
Because we get some sort of payoff from it
Whether that be attention
The relief of anxiety
The numbness 
The protection
The not feeling
I guess it's different for everyone 

Back to G 
She had a history of self harm also 
And suicide attempts 
Towards the end of her treatment 
She was discharged as an inpatient
And started to come as a day patient 
From the start she really struggled 
She self harmed when she was at home 
And began to purge 
I remember thinking that purging was a useless effort 
And told her so 
But she continued to deteriorate 
She took up a lot of time in groups 
Asked to see the doctor nearly every day 
Some of our group began to resent her 
And the attention she seemed to need
But as I have since learned from being in treatment numerous times 
Sometimes there is competition among patients to be the sickest
To need to most attention from staff
To be the thinnest 
And the most eating disordered 
I've come across it many times 
Heck, I've been there myself 
In competition with other girls to lose weight
Steering conversations to get the other person to tell you how thin you are
I've been there
Done that 
Bought the extra small t-shirt

Often people
As in family and staff members
Tip toe around the person with an ED
And that is understandable 
Because the person is in a very vulnerable position
They can be weak
Mentally and physically 
But it also means that the person in question is kept in cotton wool
I remember when I was in treatment 
The person who ran the Eating Disorder Recovery Programme was a nurse
She was the nicest person you could ever meet
She was really like a mother to all us patients 
I never once saw her lose her cool
Or get frustrated or fed up
And she was dealing with ED patients all day every day
When this nurse went on holidays 
Another nurse from the ward would take over
This nurse was much more hard hitting 
She really took no prisoners 
She was honest
Brutally so
And did not hold back
But you know what ?
I actually did better with this nurse
I responded better to her
I'm not saying that's the same for everyone
I'm sure the softly softly approach works for done 
But not for me 

I'm digressing again
Back to G
We texted back and forth 
She told me that she was also diagnosed the borderline personify disorder
And was put on a cocktail of meds 
Due to these meds 
She went from a size six
To a size twenty very quickly 
And even though she was still very much bulimic 
Was not treated for her ED 
Because she was not underweight
This is something that makes my blood boil
Everyone is on red alert when someone is underweight
And rightly so
It's a dangerous time
And as we all know
Anorexia has a high mortality rate 
But just because someone has regained weight to a healthy BMI
Does not mean they are cured
Of course they could be on the road to recovery
But often times the person is still struggling
I have found that because I punished my body so much over the years 
My body physically won't let me lose any significant amount of weight anymore
My weight tends to fluctuate around five kilos up or down 
But that's it 
It's like my body won't let me be underweight anymore
And that's fine with me

But yes 
It's a common problem among the ED community 
Often the body recovers long before the mind
So we are left with a healthy body 
But a very anorectic mind
And that let me tell you is a living hell
Everyone tells you how well you look
And all you want to do is slice the flesh off your body
Often those who are bulimic 
Maintain a healthy weight
But that does not mean they are healthy
There could be all sorts of complications under the surface
This is the ignorance of people
They don't know enough about eating disorders to be aware of this information
So it's up to us 
The ED community 
To let people know 
To educate them 
That eating disorders come in all sizes from obese to emaciated to everything in between
I know that I was just as sick at my highest weight as I was at my lowest weight 

I rely felt for G
She has been through the mill
And although her BMI is now healthy
She still struggles
It was good to hear from her though
You form strong bonds with the girls you meet in treatment 
They are fellow soldiers in the war against  this thing we call ED

I'm hoping they through our blogs
We might be able to educate people about EDs
Mental health is still quite a taboo subject
And eating disorders and other conditions are still whispered about 
Rather than talked about 
I'm hoping that in my life time 
This will change 
People will talk openly about their issues
Without fear of being labelled 'crazy'
We've all grown up with someone on our street or in our neighbour hood
Who was labelled 'nuts' or 'mad'
I know my auntie lived in the same estate as my family
She was called Mad Mary
It's cruel
But it's because people don't understand 
And they fear what they don't understand 
My auntie was not mad
She had a bona fide mental illness
But instead of helping or understanding 
People chose to ridice her

I've often written here about my fathers side of the family
Out of his ten brothers and sisters 
All of them have suffered with some form of mental illness or addiction
My mothers side of the family has none
And out my my two sisters and my brother
My sisters and I all have been diagnosed with mental illness and addiction
And live with these traits every day
My brother on the other hand is most like my mother
Go figure 

That's my Sunday morning rant over
Don't know if I made any sense 
Congratulations if you made it this far 
Both in this post 
And in life
I have officially stopped making sense 
Think I'll go and stick my head in the oven...
(That is a figure of speech in my house
Whenever someone gets fed up they say 'I think I'll go and stick my head in the oven' ala Sylvia Plath)
Ok enough!
See you on the next post....

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Honesty is the best policy

I'm writing this post in response to L
Who commented on my blog anonymously yesterday 
I'm dedicating a post to it
As it would be too long to respond in the comment section
So L 
I hope you see this
To give you the gist of it
L made the point that the reason I'm not doing the course should be because I have no interest in the course
And not because my disability will be cut
L went on to ask if I was never going to work
And she understands that life can be cosy on benefits
But that was just existing 
And not living 

First of all 
I want thank you L
For having the courage to write what a lot of readers were probably thinking
I know you said that you didn't want to come across as harsh
And you didn't 
You came across as honest and concerned
And I am grateful for that 
Correct me if I am wrong 
But I find that both in real life
And here on blogger
Honesty somehow gets lost
I know I am guilty of telling people what they want to hear
Just to keep the peace
People pleasing I guess
It's easy to say/write a hundred 'I love you's'
It's much harder to be brutally honest

I acknowledge L that this comment must have been difficult to write
And I know I had to read the comment a few times to let it sink in
To answer your question
The reason I am not doing the course is because I really don't have a lot of interest in business and computers
Yes it's true 
My disability would be cut
But that was not my primary reason 
Up until last week
I was 100% sure that I was going to do the course
But then I read the course content
And none of it appealed to me
And it's definitely not the area that I want to work in
So it really didn't make sense to go ahead and do a full time course for two years 
When my heart wasn't in it
I didn't want to start the course 
Only to drop out by Christmas 
I think I am better off looking for something that really interests me

And to answer your question about work
Yes I absolutely do want to work 
I wanted to be independent 
And support myself 
I want my own place
I want to pay my way
Pay taxes 
Contribute to the society that has helped me out greatly over the years 
I did in fact look for work this summer
You might remember that I inquired at my local dog kennel to see if they needed help
Unfortunately they couldn't take me on
Due to insurance reasons 
I also asked at the pizzeria that I used to work at
And they still haven't got back to me 
So I am actively looking
But to recession here
There are precious little jobs

I don't plan to be on disability for the rest of my life 
I've been on disability since my first hospital admission back in 2008
Now a days 
It much more difficult to be put on long term disability
As there have been so many budget cuts
So if I am to come off disability 
I want to make sure it is the right time
And the right circumstances
As if I am taken off it
It will be nigh on impossible to get back on it if I needed to

I guess what may come across as reluctance to work
Is in fact a case of low confidence
And low self esteem 
I still have some of those core beliefs From when I was really ill
Like I am not good enough
Not smart enough 
Not capable enough 
And these thoughts get in my way
Whether I am looking to start a course or find work 

And yes
I know I have it easy right now
I am luckier than a lot of people 
I live with my Mum and sister 
In a house with no mortgage or rent to pay
All I have to do is contribute weekly to shopping and bills
Everything else is taken care of
I pay my own bills in regard to my car and my phone 
But I know that if I was stuck 
I have two parents
And two older sisters and a brother who can bail me out

Then there is the dog shelter 
Where I have an appointment next Thursday 
I know it will be a voluntary position
But I think it will do me the world of good
To have a purpose 
A reason to get up in the morning
And what better reason than to help dogs that are in need 
As you know 
Honey and Lea and my previous dog Leo came from this very shelter 
So it's really cool to be going back to volunteer there 
And who knows 
Maybe it will lead to more opportunities 
I am a firm believer in the thought that if you push yourself to go outside 
Wonderful things can happen
You just have to push yourself to get out there
Out in to the world 
Meet new people 
And you never know what might happen

To go back to the point of commenting and friendship
The thing about our little corner of blogger
Is that a lot of us are ill
In poor health
Mentally and physically
Delicate and fragile
I know I've read posts written by bloggers
And my first thought was not the thought I wrote 
I chose my second thought 
Which was much more politically correct
Because I don't want to hurt the person
Or cause them any sort of pain
As they are already going through hell without me adding to it 
I don't want to disrespect the love that people show here on blogger
I love to spread the love
And feel the love
I guess what I am saying is that there is a time and a place for everything 
Showing love is brilliant
But sometimes raw honesty is called for too
I hope I am explaining myself properly
And I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings

In the last six months 
I have lost two very good friends here on blogger 
Some of you will remember The writer named A
And also Loulou 
I say I lost them because I have no idea what happened to them 
Loulou and I had a disagreement 
Then she deleted her blog 
And emailed me that she didn't want to be friends anymore
I haven't heard from her since
And A 
We also went through issues
Then all of a sudden 
She vanished from blogger 
And is not responding to my texts or emails
The reason I mention these two girls 
Is that I valued their friendship so much
Because they were always brutally honest with me 
I could always depend on them to tell me the truth
Even if it did hurt both me and them
I think only a real friend will do this
 I'm not saying that all the lovely comments people leave are not genuine
I truly believe they they are 
But girls 
We can't afford to tiptoe around each other 
Many of us are living in life or death situations 
Many of us are on the edge 
Being honest with someone might be a huge favour you could do for them

So L
I hope I have answered your questions
And given you the reasons for why I'm going down this path
I thank you for your candour 
It was exactly what I needed to hear/read
And I'm hoping that maybe more of us will take a risk 
And be honest with our friends and fellow bloggers
God knows we really can't waste time on platitudes 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you
Do you think that honesty is the best policy?
What is your take on telling others the truth?
Are you Always honest with friends and fellow bloggers?
What stops you saying/ writing what you really think?
I'd love to know...

Friday, 28 August 2015

What next?

I'm about a year in to my recovery now
I  am weight restored
My mood is good
Anxiety under control
I feel strong 
I've just about recovered physically
And am on the way to becoming recovered mentally
Although I don't think I'll ever be fully recovered
But I'm hoping to be as well as I can possibly be 

Now that I'm feeling better
Now that I am no longer caught in a deadly game of life and death
I find myself wondering
What now?
What next?
What do I do now that I am feeling better?
My ED dominated my life for over ten years 
It was like a job
I worked all week ie restricting 
And at the end of the week I expected a big fat pay check ie weight loss
Then of course 
I had my addiction to contend with over the years
Which was also like a full time job

So now I find myself thinking 
Where do I go from here?
I wrote about starting a course
And I thought they was what I wanted to do
But if I am honest 
Business and computers are not my thing
They don't interest me
They don't capture my attention
I guess I would prefer to study something a bit more arty
That would suit my personality a bit more
So I've decided that I'm not going to do the course
Plus the fact that I will lose my disability benefit if I start the course
Everything is telling me not to do it
So I'm not going to

What are you going to do?
I hear you cry
Well I've decided for the next year
To concentrate on my recovery 

Prioritising my health and recovery
Focus on meetings and therapy
And also volunteer at my local dog shelter
I rang then today to inquire
And I'm going to see them next Thursday 
to fill out paper work
I am super duper excited about this 
I can't wait 
They mentioned that my main jobs will be walking and socialising the dogs
My idea of heaven!

In other news
I can't wait to get my next piercing done
But can't decide which one to get
Can any of you lovely ladies help me out with a suggestion
Inquiring minds want to know...

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Hole in one...

So my piercing and I are slowly but surely getting used to each other
When I woke up this morning
And remembered that I had it done
I jumped out of bed to examine it in the mirror
The redness has now gone down
And I like it even more than I did yesterday
My Mum can barely look at it
And is pretty horrified that I got it done

Yesterday was a really cool experience
Going to Zombie Dolls
Meeting Terry 
Getting the piercing done
I'm so glad that Terry was straight up with me
And to me that the labret piercing wouldn't work
And didn't let me go ahead and do something that would later cause me problems 
I really liked Terry 
It was like she had no filter between her brain and her mouth
And I love that!

Now I definitely want to get more done
Maybe a few in different parts of my ear
My belly button
My tongue 
Eek I can't imagine how painful that would be 
Yesterday the pain was intense 
And my instinct was to pull her hands away
Thankfully it didn't last though
And I lived to tell the tale

Here are some photos of it today...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

P Day

Today was the day
The day I get my piercing done
For my birthday
My birthday gift to myself 

My sister and I set off early this morning
The studios name is Zombie Dolls
And is about half an hour from my house
From the start
I had butterflies in my tummy
I like to think that I have a high pain threshold
Having been through many many dental surgeries
And sticking many needles in to myself over the course of my addiction
I like to think I'm a tough cookie in that respect

We arrived in town
And parked 
It took us a while to actually find the place
But we did 
The place itself was so cool
All black
With black and white paintings on the walls
There was a young girl on reception 
She told us to take a seat
And Terry would be out to see us shortly
Terry being the piercer
A couple of minutes later
She came to greet us
A really pretty girl
About forty I would guess
With strawberry blonde hair 
And covered in tattoos 
I liked her immediately
And the place
These places  can be intimidating
But this place had a lovely atmosphere
And a nice vibe

I told Terry that I wanted to get my labret done
Which is just below the bottom lip
She took a look at my labret and gums
And said that it wouldn't really work as my lip was so low it wouldn't be seen
And it would also effect my gums
I was really disappointed that I couldn't get it done
But Terry suggested that I get the bit of skin between my nose and my upper lip done
I wasn't too keen on this 
Then my sister suggested that I get my nose done
I liked that idea 
And decided to go for it
I wasn't leaving that place until I had something pierced!

I sat up on the table
And Terry prepared her tools
I decided to go for a small ring
Instead of a stud
She assured me that it wasn't too painful
And that it would all be over in a split second 
Then she did it 
She pierced my nose
And holy hell people
It didn't half hurt!
My gut reaction was to pull her hands away from me 
But thankfully the pain didn't last
And it was all over before I knew it

Terry secured the ring in my nose 
And I went to the mirror to have a look
I love it!
It's subtle 
Just what I was looking for
Terry suggested that I don't get any more piercings on my face
As my face is 'too soft'
And suggested that I go to town on my ears
One thing is for sure 
I will definitely be back for more
I've been bitten by the bug

Terry herself was amazing
She talked non stop for the whole time we were there
At one point she noticed my psoriasis
And have me the number of a homeopath who works wonders
She told us how she used to suffer with depression
And how she tried everything
Including medication
But nothing helped until she went to this man
It was funny
It was like she knew that we were struggling with some of the same issues she was 
It was like she sensed it somehow
You know how they say people can recognise their own traits in others
Well that was what it was like

I was so relieved when the whole thing was over
And do delighted that I had gone through with it
My sister was snapping away on my phone the whole way through
A picture paints a thousand words....

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Piercing

I rang the piercing studio today
It's called Zombie Dolls
I plan to go there tomorrow
It's about a half hour drive
And my sister is going to come with me
My Mother is horrified that I am getting it done 
But I'm hoping she'll come around 

I have to admit
I am both nervous and excited
I asked the girl how painful it is to get just below the lip pierced
She didn't lie
And told me it would hurt
Albeit for just a split second
She told me they its all over very quickly
Iike to think that I have a high pain threshold
I guess I'll find out tomorrow 

I'm thinking that it can't be any worse than the dentist 
I've sat through many an hour in the dentists chair over the last 12 months
So I'm hoping that this will be nothing like that 

I've actually wanted to get this done for years
But never got around to it
I'm hoping it will all be ok
And that I will like it 
It is a piercing
And if I don't like it
I can remove it with relative ease

With all that said
I was wondering about you
Did you find your piercings painful?
Have you had the one that I am getting done?
Just below my lower lip
Did you find it very painful?
Have you any tips or tricks to look after it?
Inquiring minds want to know....

Puppy Love....

Me and my two best girls
Honey and Lea
Who keep me going when I think I can't go on
Who greet me as though they haven't seen me in years every time I walk in to the kitchen 
Who sit by side 
Lie at my feet
Walk with me every morning
Who are never more than a few feet from my side 
I'm telling you 
Dogs are the best medicine I've ever had
Better than any drug
Any anti depressant
Any upper or downer
And sedative
Or sleeping tablet
If you want to improve your health
Physical and mental
Get a dog 
Or a cat 
Or a ferret
Or a hamster 
Something that you have to look after apart from yourself 
I promise you
What you give 
You will get back one hundred fold

They say in recovery 
That in order to understand responsibility
You should first get a plant
Keep it for a year 
And if that is successful
Get a dog
If that works out
You are then ready for a relationship

I can't begin to tell you how having two dogs has helped me 
They take me out of myself 
They remind me to keep life simple
To value what matters 
To be kind 
And loyal

Do you remember 18 months ago
When I went in to treatment for the umpteenth time 
My poor Lea fell in to a depression
And her fur began to fall out 
It continued until she had a huge bald patch on her back 
It wasn't until I came home
And began to recover myself
That Lea began to recover too
I find that utterly amazing 
That my illness effected her so much 
And manifested in a physical way

So yes 
My two buddies
My best friends 
My constant companions 
Ever by my side
I can only hope they live for another few years
As I would be truly lost without them