Out of the blue
It was from a girl I was in treatment with a few years ago
A girl who I will call G
I met this girl when I was in hospital for the second time
In 2011
G was about half way through her treatment when I arrived
She had come in to hospital at a dangerously low weight
She was very ill
G struggled through treatment
Struggled to break out of being sick
And all that went with
I firmly believe
Whether we like it or not
That our EDs serve a purpose
There is a reason that we are eating disordered
Because we get some sort of payoff from it
Whether that be attention
The relief of anxiety
The numbness
The protection
The not feeling
I guess it's different for everyone
Back to G
She had a history of self harm also
And suicide attempts
Towards the end of her treatment
She was discharged as an inpatient
And started to come as a day patient
From the start she really struggled
She self harmed when she was at home
And began to purge
I remember thinking that purging was a useless effort
And told her so
But she continued to deteriorate
She took up a lot of time in groups
Asked to see the doctor nearly every day
Some of our group began to resent her
And the attention she seemed to need
But as I have since learned from being in treatment numerous times
Sometimes there is competition among patients to be the sickest
To need to most attention from staff
To be the thinnest
And the most eating disordered
I've come across it many times
Heck, I've been there myself
In competition with other girls to lose weight
Steering conversations to get the other person to tell you how thin you are
I've been there
Done that
Bought the extra small t-shirt
Often people
As in family and staff members
Tip toe around the person with an ED
And that is understandable
Because the person is in a very vulnerable position
They can be weak
Mentally and physically
But it also means that the person in question is kept in cotton wool
I remember when I was in treatment
The person who ran the Eating Disorder Recovery Programme was a nurse
She was the nicest person you could ever meet
She was really like a mother to all us patients
I never once saw her lose her cool
Or get frustrated or fed up
And she was dealing with ED patients all day every day
When this nurse went on holidays
Another nurse from the ward would take over
This nurse was much more hard hitting
She really took no prisoners
She was honest
Brutally so
And did not hold back
But you know what ?
I actually did better with this nurse
I responded better to her
I'm not saying that's the same for everyone
I'm sure the softly softly approach works for done
But not for me
I'm digressing again
Back to G
We texted back and forth
She told me that she was also diagnosed the borderline personify disorder
And was put on a cocktail of meds
Due to these meds
She went from a size six
To a size twenty very quickly
And even though she was still very much bulimic
Was not treated for her ED
Because she was not underweight
This is something that makes my blood boil
Everyone is on red alert when someone is underweight
And rightly so
It's a dangerous time
And as we all know
Anorexia has a high mortality rate
But just because someone has regained weight to a healthy BMI
Does not mean they are cured
Of course they could be on the road to recovery
But often times the person is still struggling
I have found that because I punished my body so much over the years
My body physically won't let me lose any significant amount of weight anymore
My weight tends to fluctuate around five kilos up or down
But that's it
It's like my body won't let me be underweight anymore
And that's fine with me
But yes
It's a common problem among the ED community
Often the body recovers long before the mind
So we are left with a healthy body
But a very anorectic mind
And that let me tell you is a living hell
Everyone tells you how well you look
And all you want to do is slice the flesh off your body
Often those who are bulimic
Maintain a healthy weight
But that does not mean they are healthy
There could be all sorts of complications under the surface
This is the ignorance of people
They don't know enough about eating disorders to be aware of this information
So it's up to us
The ED community
To let people know
To educate them
That eating disorders come in all sizes from obese to emaciated to everything in between
I know that I was just as sick at my highest weight as I was at my lowest weight
I rely felt for G
She has been through the mill
And although her BMI is now healthy
She still struggles
It was good to hear from her though
You form strong bonds with the girls you meet in treatment
They are fellow soldiers in the war against this thing we call ED
I'm hoping they through our blogs
We might be able to educate people about EDs
Mental health is still quite a taboo subject
And eating disorders and other conditions are still whispered about
Rather than talked about
I'm hoping that in my life time
This will change
People will talk openly about their issues
Without fear of being labelled 'crazy'
We've all grown up with someone on our street or in our neighbour hood
Who was labelled 'nuts' or 'mad'
I know my auntie lived in the same estate as my family
She was called Mad Mary
It's cruel
But it's because people don't understand
And they fear what they don't understand
My auntie was not mad
She had a bona fide mental illness
But instead of helping or understanding
People chose to ridice her
I've often written here about my fathers side of the family
Out of his ten brothers and sisters
All of them have suffered with some form of mental illness or addiction
My mothers side of the family has none
And out my my two sisters and my brother
My sisters and I all have been diagnosed with mental illness and addiction
And live with these traits every day
My brother on the other hand is most like my mother
Go figure
That's my Sunday morning rant over
Don't know if I made any sense
Congratulations if you made it this far
Both in this post
And in life
I have officially stopped making sense
Think I'll go and stick my head in the oven...
(That is a figure of speech in my house
Whenever someone gets fed up they say 'I think I'll go and stick my head in the oven' ala Sylvia Plath)
Ok enough!
See you on the next post....