Friday, 26 October 2012

Living with Ruby!

Last week I asked my mother if she would write a post on what it's like to live with someone who has an eating disorder.
I thought it would be insightful to get a family members point of view.
She actually wrote in letter form.
She said it was painful to write and it was also painful for me to read.
So here it is, please feel free to leave comments as she would love to get some feedback.

Dear Ruby,
                  You've asked me to write about life with you.  Here goes - deep breaths!
Well it's not always easy.  Ruby you are my beautiful, precious youngest daughter and for most of your adult life you seem to be hell bent on self destruction, why?  I wish I knew.  Do you know? 

                   You were a lovely child, full of energy and joie de vivre.  Endlessly curious, friendly, out going, passionate about dancing and swimming.  Your friends loved you.  I remember your uncle saying that you had such a sweet mischievous face.  You were fun loving.  Life was good.  But - there's always a but!  You enjoyed taking risks.  I remember when you were about 6 or 7, we were walking beside a river with your grandad.  The river was fast flowing and deep.  When I looked behind for you, you had climbed onto  the wall alongside the river and were skipping along blissfully oblivious to the danger.  Or maybe you were courting the danger.  I don't know.

                  Your adult life has followed that pattern.  You grew from a lovely child into a beautiful young woman.  But you didn't like yourself.  You wanted to harm yourself.  Danger constantly called.  You were attracted to people living on the margins. Although you are a highly intelligent and moral person, danger seems to fascinate and entice you and all too often wins your heart.  You struggled with your addiction to heroin for many years.  Those years for me were a continual nightmare of heartbreak, anger and frustration.  Where was my precious girl?  Had you someplace safe to sleep?  Who were you with?  Were you alive or dead?  I dreaded phone calls.  I imagine hell to be similar to that time of torment.  But you had the courage to move away from that lifestyle.  You beat heroin.  I have endless admiration for your courage, strength and determination.

                 Your eating disorder makes me feel so sad.  I'm helpless.  I, your mother who should be able to protect you can do nothing in the face of this unrelenting disease.  I see you wasting away in front of me, living a non-life.  Your best years slipping and sliding away from you.  Bingeing and purging.  From kitchen to bathroom  Kitchen to bathroom.  Kitchen to bathroom.  Restricting when you imagine you are putting on weight.  Starving yourself.  Listless and limp.  Always cold.

                  And Mondays - I hate Mondays.  You go to the doctor, walk the dogs, come home, blog and take most of your meds.  You knock yourself out.  You waken intermittently, go to the kitchen, make tea, bring it in to the sitting room, light a cigarette and fall asleep where ever you land.  When I come home from collecting your nephew and leaving him at his house, I always look in the window first.  Are you safe?  Is it safe to come in.

                     I love you.  I'd give anything to make you well and healthy.  To see you well and healthy, brimming with confidence would be the best gift.  To see you living your life would be wonderful beyond words.  I know you have the strength to get well.  I know you have the courage.  You've beaten the most difficult addiction of all.  Please try to want to get well.  Please try to want to live.

                                                             Lots of love,
                                                                                  Mam x



Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Are we all addicts?

Are we all addicts?
I did a post of the same title a few months ago so I thought I would do an update
The programme that prompted this post was called 'How to get a life' on BBC presented by Chery Healy
She followed people that were addicted to different substances from diet pills to legal highs
She interviewed one girl who was addicted to diet pills
She had a press full of pills and potions
I could identify a lot with this girl as she used to be a dancer
I remember when I did ballet people used to say to me that I had to be careful when I gave up because all the muscle turned to fat
Of course that wasn't true but it terrified me

Addiction is rife in my family so I had a pretty good chance of becoming an addict
Genetics loaded the gun but environment, circumstance and just plain bad luck pulled the trigger
My addiction comes out in lots of weird and wonderful ways
I definitely think I have an addictive personality 
If something feels good, I do it over and over again and I think I have the potential to become addicted to almost anything not just the usual suspects like drink and drugs
The substance may change but the feelings and behaviours are the same
If I find a food that I like I eat it over and over again (at the moment it's twix bars) and I get anxious if there are none in the house
I remember a few years ago my 'food' was drifter bars
For my birthday that year my boss gave me a bumper box of them
He knew me well
I ate them like they were going out if fashion
And then they did
All of a sudden shops stopped stocking them
I remember being in the car with my mother and getting her to drive from shop to shop, from tow to town to try and find them
I had to have them and no other chocolate bar would do
I felt no different than when I was craving heroin
Same shit different substance

So here's a list of my addictions from past to present

I first took drugs when I was 14 and dabbled with them up until age 18
At 18 I took heroin for the first time and was instantly hooked
I was on the merry-go-round that is heroin addiction for 6 years
I don't need to tell you that heroin is difficult to get off but I managed it
I moved away from my old town and started a new life
I don't go back to my old town as it is one big trigger

When I was younger I didn't have much interest in alcohol, maybe because my father was a drinker and I say the damage that he caused
But after I got off heroin I started drinking vodka and mixing it with my meds
I drank for about 2-3 years
I believe that alcohol is the most destructive drug, mainly because it is legal
I don't like the person I become when I drink, all maudlin and melancholy
I stopped drinking because I was starting to black out
I lost all concept of time and took great risks like drinking and driving
I don't drink at all now because as they say in AA 'One is too many and a thousand never enough'

I've been on methadone now for 8 years
I started on 70mls and am now down to 30mls
It definitely helped me get off heroin but now I am addicted to it
They it's harder to get off than heroin, that it gets in to your bones and I'd well believe it
When I was on a higher dose I used to abuse it and sometimes even sell it but now I am on a lower dose I can't afford to do that
I'd say I'll be on methadone for at least another couple of years

Prescription Drugs
I've been addicted to a few prescription meds including morphine
I remember when I was in hospital I used to see the other people lining up to get their sleeping tablets and I was jealous so I said I couldn't sleep and they put me on a sleeper
Coming off prescription meds is a nightmare, the withdrawals can last for months
I definitely believe that synthetic/man made drugs are worse than natural drugs
At the moment I'm on methadone, olanzapine (anti anxiety) and mirtazapine (anti depressant)
I still sometimes abuse the olanzapine but I don't take the mirtazapine
I think prescription drugs are over used when often other methods would me much better like talking therapy

I include these as I believe that they are a form of addiction
I was addicted to not eating and then became addicted to purging
The behaviours are the same as any other addiction, the lying, the cheating, the secrecy, the guilt, the shame

This has been a big problem for me
I used to shoplift when I was addicted to drugs to feed my habit
But when I stopped taking drugs the shoplifting didn't just go away
I continued to get the 'high' and that was addictive
Shoplifting was a big part of my bulimia too
I was so ashamed of all the food I used to buy that I started stealing it
I took great risks as this is a small town and if I got caught everyone would know about it
I also used to steal other items like make up or jewellry
I still have two boxes of stuff that I neither want nor need
I have worked hard with Mary over the last few months to stop the shoplifting and I've only done it a couple of times recently

I started smoking when I was about 14 and have been smoking ever since
I hate the fact that smoke but yes I am afraid if I give them up I'll gainw eight
My father gave them up 6 months ago and made it look very easy but he has also put on some weight
Hopefully someday I'll give them up

I go through phases of being addicted to exercise and I'm in one right now
It suddenly occurred to me one day that I am incredibly lazy (is that anorexia I here?)
So instead of bringing my dogs for one walk a day, I started bringing them for two
I also bought a stepper and parked it in front of the television
I used it for 2 -4 hours everyday
I don't feel like I can relax until I have the exercise done and feel guilty if I don't complete a certain amount

Diet Pills
I've tried a few different diet pills and they've never really worked but that doesn't stop me trying
Not only are the pills themselves addictive but the feeling is too
The feeling that these pills are the answer to all my problems
The promise of happiness
I believe that my eating disorder has been silently developing since birth but somewhere along the way I got the message that thin = happiness and thin = success
Of course I now know that couldn't be further from the truth

I used to weigh myself obsessively
Up to 10 times a day
In the morning, after I ate, after I purged, after I went to the bathroom
My life was ruled by those little numbers
I had to stop weighing as it was dictating my mood ,my self worth and my self esteem
Now I only weigh once a week with Mary

I crave sugar the way I used to crave heroin

I'm probably not alone with this one
Who hasn't looked up from the computer and realise that it's been 3 hours since you last moved
I know I need to get off the computer when I'm bursting for a wee
Hands up if you're addicted to the internet!

I am a total tv addict and often plan my day around programmes I want to see
Sometimes I find it really hard to pull myself away from the tv
My favourite programme is 'Come dine with me'
I use to watch box sets at night but had to stop as I was getting no sleep
I watched every episode of 'The Sopranos' back to back 3 times
Same with Mad Men
Same with Grey's Anatomy
Same with..........

The first thing I do in the morning is turn on the kettle
I wish I liked coffee but I don't
I like the smell of coffee but I don't like the taste
I couldn't live without tea
There's something about a steaming hot cup that soothes the soul
Any time is tea time is my house
We celebrate, we laugh, we cry, all with a cup of tea

With all that said I was wondering about you
What are you addicted to?
Do you have an addictive personality?

Monday, 22 October 2012

The Experiment

It's Monday morning
I like Mondays
You get to start over on Monday
You get to wipe the slate clean
Start afresh
Whatever your doing, a diet, trying recovery, Monday is a good day to start
The start of a new week with 7 whole days to meet your goal
Anything is possible on a Monday
I'm sure people the world over wake up on a Monday morning  with renewed energy and determination to meet their goals
I like Mondays because I am nice and clean after my weekly shower on a Sunday night
Yes I said weekly, I only manage one a week because I can't bear the cold
All nice and squeaky clean
All the dirt, grime and hate washed away
Of course I  may also like Mondays because I get all my meds

In my case my new start began on Saturday
I saw Mary on Friday and since I started seeing her all those months ago,  she has been trying to get me to engage in what she calls 'regular eating'
In other words, breakfast, lunch and dinner and maybe a couple of snacks
Since time began people have been eating three meals a day but to me it's rather a new concept
I haven't eaten three square meals a day without purging since I was a child
In fact the prospect is terrifying
My pattern has bounced from restricting to binging and purging
Usually fasting all day  and then binging and purging in the evening
Mary calls this 'debiting'
Saving up all your calories for a certain time
She said that when I started eating regularly that I may lose weight
Well she didn't need to say anymore
Sign me up!
So we worked out a rough meal plan
I decided to have my 'last supper' on Friday ie I binged and purged to my hearts content. with a steely resolve to start my new regime on Saturday
So how have I got on?
Well ok,  I suppose
I've been eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
Albeit very low calorie foods like soup and vegetables but I have been eating three meals
It's evenings that are the problem
I ended up having a sandwich both nights and purging
So I may need to make some adjustments
Maybe have a substantial snack in the evening
As I say, this is an experiment
Or more like a last ditch attempt to regain some control over my eating
If I maintain my weight again this week or God forbid gain weight, the experiment will be abandoned and I will take more drastic action

Exercise is still very much a problem
Immediately after eating I'm either going for a walk or using my stepper for 40mins
So I guess I am still purging
But it's the only way I can eat and not throw up at the moment
I suppose exercise is the lesser of two evils right now

Does anyone watch Downton Abbey?
It's a Sunday night must for me
There are three sisters in the programme and I can't help but draw comparisons between myself and my own two sisters
The oldest is straight forward and single minded just like my oldest sister
The middle one is slightly awkward and a bit of an outsider, very much like the middle sister in my family
And then the youngest, a rebel and the baby of the family, a bit like me
Last week the youngest daughter died in child birth
I found it very difficult to watch
It was like getting a glimpse in to what it would be like if I died
What my family would go through
Needless to say the family on Downton were heartbroken
My own suicidal ideation is still very much there
A passive death wish
Not actively seeking death but welcoming it
It's a bit sick really, fantasising about your own death but there it is
Getting my meds is a trigger
The temptation to save them all up is great
It would be easier to do it if people didn't care so much
If I didn't think of the devastation it would cause it would be simple
It would be the end of my problems but it would be the beginning of a world of hurt for my family
Sometimes I try to figure out who would most be able to cope with finding me
My mother?
No, it would kill her
My father?
The same
It's really the one thing that stops me and I suppose it's as good a reason as any
It's enough
They say you should get well for yourself, do it for yourself
But I guess if your doing it for someone else it has the same outcome

Sometimes I feel too far gone
That the damage has been done
I try to picture my self having a 'normal' life
With a job, a boyfriend, hobbies and friends
I can't imagine it
But since when have I ever been normal?
In truth I don't want to be normal
I don't want to be average
Ever since I was a child I have had a feeling that I would do something different
Something out of the ordinary
I was always told that I had 'great potential'
But what does that mean?
That I could so something great
No guarantees
Just as I type this 'Don't stop believing' came on the radio
'Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world'
Well I am always looking for signs!

With all that said I was wondering about you
Have you given up?
Do you believe that you'll be this way forever?
Or do you believe that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel?

Friday, 19 October 2012

Eating Disorder Myths Dispelled

I think like a lot of other mental illnesses eating disorders are misunderstood
Throughout the years I have come across many people who have a very strange idea of what anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS, compulsive overeating really are
So I thought I would do a post dispelling the myths from my point of view
Please feel free to agree or disagree

Eating disorders are a choice
This is just not true. Although an eating disorder may start out as an innocent diet, you can not choose to have an eating disorder.
In my own case, I think my eating disorder had been silently developing since I was a child.
For the first few years I had no idea that I had anorexia.
Yes I choose to continue the behaviours but I didn't choose to be this way, I don't know why anyone would.
Like other mental illness genetics play a part but you can not choose to have an eating disorder any more than you can choose to have any other mental illness like depression.

Only teenagers are affected my eating disorders
This myth is probably out there because most sufferers are under 20 but an eating disorder can affect anyone at any age.
Sufferers are getting younger and younger.
Last year in the UK 47 children aged 5 -9 years were treated for eating disorders.
I have always had issues with food but it wasn't until I was 19 that I developed full blown anorexia.
When I was in treatment there were people of all ages there so it's not just teenagers.
Another myth is that anorexia is a 'rich white girls' illness. This is also false. Eating disorders do not discriminate and can affect anyone regardless of age, sex, race.

You are not sick until you are emaciated
I think a lot of us fall in to this trap and don't believe we are sick because we are not thin enough. But the reality is that only a small percentage of people with eating disorders reach the state of emaciation often portrayed in the media. The common belief that a person is only trult ill if they become abnormally thin compounds the affected individuals perception of body image and not being 'good' at being 'sick enough'
As I have said before, I was just as sick at my highest weight as I was at my lowest weight.
I'm sure a lot of sufferers don't seek treatment because they think they are not sick enough but remember this is a mental illness with physical side effects. It's more about the behaviours we are using rather than our weight.

People who are normal or overweight can not having eating disorders
This is completely false.
Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, from the emaciated to the obese and everything in between.

Eating disorders are not life threatening
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illness.Even if death does not occur they can cause permanent physical and neurological damage. Every eating disorder can be potentially life threatening if not treated in time. Complications include heart disease, ruptured oesophagus, diabetes and stroke.

Laxatives prevent calorie absorption
Although this is widely believed to be true, it is false. People use laxatives in an attempt to rush food out of the body before it's calories are absorbed. In reality they begin their work in the body's colon where calories can not even be absorbed. They only assist in draining the body of it's necessary fluids and can cause colon problems. I've done my time with laxatives and although the numbers on the scale may go down the next day, it is water and not fat we have lost and the next day the weight will return and really mess with our heads.

Compulsive eaters have no self control and are lazy
False. For most compulsive eaters food is used as a way of coping with stressful situations or overwhelming emotions. Just like any other eating disorder compulsive eaters need assistance.

It's impossible to have more than one eating disorder
This is false. Many people have more than one type of eating disorder. For those people who have more than one type or who do not specifically fit the criteria for one, they may be classified as a separate type of eating disorder. This is known as EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified).
My own initial diagnosis was anorexia nervosa but like a lot of people I went on to develop bulimia so I tend to describe my eating disorder as anorexia/bulimia. I jump from on to the other.

People with eating disorders are vain
This is completely false. While an eating disorder may start out as a diet, they are much more than an act of vanity. Often eating disorders are coping mechanisms used to deal with stress, anxiety, self hatred, control issues and shame. Eating disorders are not about vanity but rather a distraction from the problems of life.
For me my own illness has nothing to do with vanity. what is vain or beautiful about having grey skin, lank hair, dead eyes and a child's body? Not much.
Eating disorders are a complex medical/psychiatric condition and little to do with food, eating, appearance or beauty. This is indicated by the continuation of the illness long after the person  has reached their initial 'target weight'. Eating disorders often exist as part of a 'dual' diagnosis of major depression, anxiety or OCD.

All bulimics purge by self induced vomiting
False. Being bulimic myself I also purge by over exercising, fasting, using diuretics and laxatives.

You can never exercise too much
False. While in most cases exercise can be beneficial, too much exercise and not enough calorie absorption in the body is harmful. Excessive exercise can be very unhealthy causing problems such as stress fractures, chronic pain, osteoporosis, menstrual dysfunction and even death.
I tend to go through phases of over exercising and I'm in one right now. I feel that I can't relax until I have a certain amount done and feel guilty if I don't complete it. At the moment I'm walking my dogs twice a day for 45mins and also use a stepper for 2 - 3 hours a day. I have to do for a bone scan next month so I'm hoping everything will be ok.

Achieving normal weight means that anorexia is cured
This is a big one and it is completely false. Although weight restoration is essential to enabling a person with anorexia to participate in a meaningful way in further treatment, weight gain alone does not mean a person is recovered. In the last year I have regained some weight but my mind is still so very sick and far behind my body. Even though my body has started to recover, my mind has not.
People presume that if you have regained weight, then you must be recovered. But there is no such thing as recovered, recovery is an on going process that needs to be worked on every day. Like any other addiction there is no magic cure, the illness will always be there but we learn how to manage it.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

My mother is on to me
She knows I am struggling
I came home the other day to find her looking up a treatment centre on line
I asked her why
She said 'ruby, you're not well'
She said she knows I so very low even though I make a huge effort to try and seem in good form
She can see through the thin veil of my act
I actually thought I was doing quite a good job
Thought that I was fooling everyone
My dad asked me very politely not to take all my meds last week
He said I am so very distant when I do
That he can't get through to me
I honestly hadn't noticed but then I was out of my head
The treatment centre my mother was looking up is relatively new
I actually rang them once before but they weren't accepting health insurance at the time and it cost a ridiculous amount of money
There are 3 main treatment centres for eating disorders in this country
I have been to two of them
So I guess it's only logical to  try the next one
The last time I went to treatment it took me a year to muster up the courage to ring
My one hour with Mary is not enough
Not by a long shot
She seems to think that I am doing well
She says 'You have come so far Ruby'
Then why don't I feel it
I still feel as entrenched in this eating disorder as ever
Yesterday I spent the day binging and purging
Literally all day
I have a path worn from my kitchen to my bathroom
And the sick thing is that I was actually looking forward to it
Looking forward to eating what I wanted with no consequence
I had been binging in the night too
Getting up in a sleepy stupor and raiding the biscuit cupboard
So I taken to hiding all the binge food in my mothers room at night
It's worked so far
The night terrors are also back
I get them from time to time
Plagued by horrible nightmares and waking up screaming
They used to be so bad that I had to sleep beside my mother so she could wake me up
How much longer will this go on?

I don't understand why anyone would want to be this way
Why anyone would welcome this in to their life
I didn't want to be this way
I didn't invite this illness in to my life
It silently crept in
In to my body and my mind
I didn't even know I had anorexia for the first couple of years
I had no idea I was under 80lbs
I thought I was skinny because I was a drug addict
The number on a scale meant nothing to me then
All I knew was that not eating made me feel good
I was doing a drug detox in hospital when a nurse sat me down and told me I had anorexia
I didn't believe her
Didn't want to believe her
I was in denial for a long time
It wasn't until I went in to drug treatment that I faced up to the reality of my situation
There was another girl there with an eating disorder
 Our behaviours were so similar that it was like looking in to a mirror
I couldn't deny it then
In the beginning you don't even notice the illness
It's so very subtle
You begin to eat less but there's always a reason to explain it away
You begin to lose interest in food
And it feels good
Your clothes become looser
And it feels good
People comment on your weight loss
And it feels good
More and more you feel guilty for eating
So you start purging
You feel you have found a loophole in the system of eating
A way to eat but have no consequence
And if feels good
Then your family express concern
You are getting too thin
But surely there's no such thing as too thin?
And anyway you are still fat
The mirror tells all
You start to weigh yourself
You carefully record every number
The numbers get lower and lower
And it feels good
But as the numbers plummet so does your mood
Depression and anxiety creep in
As the numbers decrease so does your energy and will to live
But you can't stop
You are so very cold now
Colder than you've ever been
It's in your bones
But you still can't stop
Your skin turns grey and you grow lanugo all over your body
Your periods cease to exist
But you still can't stop
Your family are sick with worry
They say you are emaciated
But they are lying, the mirror still says you are fat
Along with the weight you will feel like you are losing your mind
But you still can't stop
Then one day you break
You start to eat
And  eat and eat
You binge and purge like it is going out of fashion
But you still can't stop
You gain weight and you hate yourself for it
People presume because you have gained weight that you are better but that couldn't be further from the truth
You reach breaking point and contemplate suicide
But instead you decide to lose all the weight again
But this time it's not so easy
This time your body is fighting you
Every pound is hard fought
It's just not the same anymore
It takes forever but you lose it all again
Now so very weak you end up in hospital
They try to make you eat
They make someone sit with you all  day
But you are two steps ahead of them
You go to treatment and make some progress but then it's time to go home
And the cycle start again
The next 10 years are a pattern of lose weight, hospital, treatment, gain weight, lose weight, hospital, treatment..................
Lather, rinse, repeat

The thought of living this way for another decade is too much
This eating disorder is like a job I detest
I work hard all week and expect a big fat pay check in the form of weight loss
But no matter how hard you work it's never enough
The boss is the mirror and it's boss is the scale
It decides if you've worked hard enough
But it's never enough
If I were strong enough I would stop this madness now,  today
I wouldn't waste another second on this cruel illness
But oh if it were only that simple
If it was I would have done it years ago
I know a lot of people here are struggling right now
Many suffering in silence
It breaks my heart
We are all connected by the common thread of pain and food and numbers
They say eating disorders are a 'rich, white girls' illness
But in my experience it can affect anyone
It does not discriminate
I hope there is a reason for all this
That it will be explained in time
I still believe that there is a reason for everything
I'm just not sure what it is yet

All my love,

Ruby x

Friday, 12 October 2012

Girl Interrupted

I'm slipping again
I can feel it
I think because I was craving drugs I turned to my eating disorder instead
I've been abusing my meds again
Using them to knock myself out
Yesterday I went food shopping and I shoplifted dog treats
Not because I couldn't afford them, just because I wanted a buzz, a rush
I hadn't shoplifted in months, it hadn't even crossed my mind
Suicidal ideation is taking up more and more space in my head
Thinking about and craving death but not actually doing anything about
My eating disorder is draining every bit of energy I have
I'm mentally and physically exhausted
The thoughts of having to live like this for another year, month, week,  day is too much to bear
I'm sure others think I am doing well
I put on a well rehearsed act
But that is so very tiring also
I don't want to leave the house anymore
I just want to hide
Or should I say my eating disorder wants me to hide
A friend of mine used to say 'tell on your eating disorder'
'Do the opposite of what it wants you to do'
But these days I can't tell my own thoughts from my eating disorder
I had planned to go to an NA meeting but last night
But I took 3 days worth of meds instead and slept for the day
I fear for my sanity
I fear I may be going mad
Or maybe I have already
I'm not quite sure

I've been in contact with a girl from treatment
I told her my situation and she suggested that I ring Imelda from the EDRP (Eating disorder recovery programme)
I would love to ring her and would maybe even consider going back in to treatment but 2 things are stopping me
I've been in this programme 3 times in the last 5 years and the last time they told me that if I came back, then that would be my last chance
So you see I have to make sure I am 100% committed if I do go back, I don't want to waste that chance
The other thing that stop me going back is the nurses
I had some trouble with 2 nurses in particular
One day I heard one of them taking the piss out of me
As you can imagine I was devastated
This nurse was in a position  of authority and I was in a very vulnerable place
I remember crying so hard all day and ended up self harming with a razor
Imelda was great and took my side but the nurses all stuck up for each other
My friend told me that this nurse no longer works on this ward
But I'd still be nervous to go back

Apart from a couple of incidences my time in treatment was pretty positive
As I said I've been in there 3 times
The place is a psychiatric hospital but it's not like a regular mental hospital with cold hallways and stark rooms
This place was comfortable and quite plush
Everyone had their own room and bathroom, they were like little apartments
It costs a ridiculous amount of money but I'm fortunate that my parents have health insurance
The EDRP was on a ward called St. Brigid's
It wasn't just eating disorder patients on the ward, there were people with all kinds of mental illness like depression, anxiety, bipolar
The programme was very intense
Groups all day Monday to Friday such as goals, body image and meal planning
I have some really fond memories from this time
Mostly of the other girls
They were some of the most beautiful, talented, intelligent, artistic girls I have ever met
I really felt like I could be me in there
Because we were are all in the same boat there was no reason to hide
I could cry, shout, scream and no one would have batted an eye lid
It was so freeing just to be me without any of the amour I use in real life
I could let all my defences down and just be Ruby
I guess it says alot about me that I felt so comfortable in a psychiatric hospital
Everyone spoke so freely about their illness and nothing was taboo
It's a sad truth that there is still such a stigma to mental health
I know in this country we are very bad at talking about it
All too often it is just brushed under the carpet and hoped that it will go away
Mental illness is rife on my dad's side of the family but it is rarely talked about
I'm quite open with my own struggles and will talk about it to anyone who asks
And surely that is the key, talking about it
Too many people suffer in silence, afraid of the back lash from others

I'm quite sure where to go from here
I'm seeing Mary in an hour
I'm lucky to see her once a week but I don't think it's enough
One hour a week is not enough
I feel like a fly caught in a spiders web
I am no match for the spider
This eating disorder feels like it is so much bigger than me
That I am powerless
I know my eating disorder wants me dead
It won't be satisfied until I am 6 feet under
I wish there was more of a fight in me
That I cared enough about myself to fight
The truth is that death doesn't scare me
Life scares me more
I can't decide which is worse, a life with this eating disorder or a life without it
I want to want to get well if that makes sense
I want to want to live
I wish this thing would loosen it's grasp on me
I wish I had the courage to walk away and be free
I wish I had the will to get better
I wish you did too
I wish that I wasn't in so deep 
I wish.............

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Memoirs Of A Heroin Addict

As I said in my last post after running in to my 'blast from the past' I contacted my ex boyfriend
It seemed like a good idea at the time
We texted back and forth for a while
He  told me that he misses me
That I was the best friend he ever had
Thankfully I don't have any feelings left for this guy
He told me that he is also on a methadone programme
That my old town is awash with heroin
When I was living  there I think me and my friends were the first heroin addicts
There were no dealers dealing heroin so we had to go to Dublin
We went up 3/4 times a week
But now there are countless dealers in my old town
I have to admit by this stage I was full blown craving and using started to seem like a good idea
Once can't hurt right?
But of course I know that there is no such thing as once
One turns in to 2, turns in to 3 and before you know it you're strung out again
I spoke to my doctor about it on Monday
He  pointed out that  if my 'blast from the past' moved up here then he must be clean, my area is not exactly 'heroin central'
I haven't heard from him either so that's good

So in an effort to stop myself from craving/using I've been trying to remember the bad things about my drug using days
All too often I remember the good times and that's when I relapse
And in the beginning there were good times
I first used heroin around the time of my 18th birthday
I was in my boyfriends house and he said he had a surprise for me
I watched as he injected heroin in to his arm
I smoked it the first time and injected it the second time
I was hooked instantly
It was like a switch flicked in my brain
All of a sudden heroin became the most important thing in my life
I was working and started to steal money
We spent every weekend in Dublin using
I still look back on this time with fond memories
It wan't until I became physically addicted that things started to go wrong
I started to wake up sicker and sicker
We moved to Dublin and our drug use escalated
I eventually went to treatment for the first time in 2004 after doing a detox in London
The stay was over 4 months long
My first couple of weeks were bumpy and I smoked hash with another girl but thankfully we weren't kicked out
I knuckled down for the next two months and made good progress
But then things started to go wrong
I got friendly with two new guys
There was a spark between me and one of them and so I became completely distracted
I was nearing the end of my time and so I decided to go on to another treatment centre
Before I left I told the guy that I liked him and he told me the same
We kept in touch by letter
Then my counsellor stopped giving me my letters as she said they were distracting me
I got so angry that I ended up walking out
When my guy heard that I had left,, he walked out of treatment too
We met up that week and started a relationship
We relapsed on alcohol immediately
I started to stay with him in Dublin
I remember it was mothers day when we relapsed on heroin
It was a disaster
I remember we went in a cafe to use in the bathroom
I was in the ladies and he was in the mens
He didn't come out after ages and when he did he said he had collapsed
Because we hadn't used in a while our tolerance was way down therefore had more of a risk of overdosing

He came down to see me here one weekend
He brought heroin and coke with him and we shot them up together
I woke up in the middle of the night to see him going to the bathroom
He had his washbag and I knew he was going to use because that's where he kept his works (syringe)
I told him not to, that he'd done enough already
But he didn't listen
A few minutes he came back rubbing his nose
He sat down on the bed and slid off the end on to the floor
He managed to get back up on to the bed
Then he started to shake
I screamed his name trying to get him to wake up but his eyes were rolling back in his head
He turned blue and his lips turned purple
I started to slap him across the face
'Fuck' I kept saying 'Fuck, fuck,fuck!'
I rang my ex boyfriend to ask him what to do
He told me to ring an ambulance
So I did
I kept trying to get him to wake up as I could tell he wasn't breathing
Images flashed my mind of me telling his parents that he had overdosed in my bedroom
No,  no, no, please no!
By now he'd been down about 10 minutes and I was sure he was dead but I kept shouting his name and slapping his face
Then all of a sudden he made a noise like he was trying to inhale and his eyes opened
He came to and told me to cancel the ambulance, so I did
He was coming in and out of consciousness and I was afraid so I called the ambulance again
Again he told me to cancel so I rang then back
Understandably they were getting angry with me and told me they were sending out one anyway
It arrived but I was too afraid to answer the door
In the end he was ok but it was one of the scariest nights of my life
I've overdosedmyself before but it was much scarier watching someone else
We broke up soon after that
I couldn't go in to that room for months after that

So it's incidences like this that put me off using
I have to remember that with the good feelings of the drug comes a whole lot of trouble
And it's just not worth it
I was lucky to escape addiction relatively unscathed
While I  was craving on Monday suicide also popped in to my head again as it does from time to time
I though about storing up my meds
How many would I need?
4 weeks?
6 weeks?
But thankfully that was just a fleeting thought
I'm planning to go a meeting tomorrow night
I need the support right now
It scared me that even thought I've been away from drugs for a couple of years, a craving can hit you like a slap in the face
Like eating disorder recovery, drug recovery takes constant work
It doesn't just go away, you have to work at it everyday
And I am working at it