I had just had s great day with my mum and sister
We climbed a mountain
Then went for dinner
And I was generally feeling really good
Happy to be alive
Grateful to be clean and sober
Feeling content
And dare I say it, happy?
We had just come home
I sat with the dogs for a while
Plugged in my phone to charge
And settled down in front of the telly with a cup of tea
I was watching The Cube
When my phone rang
Thinking it was my friend who I had just texted
I jumped up to answer it
I looked at the screen
And to my shock and surprise
Saw it was The Boy
I stared at the phone
Not knowing what the hell to do
My sister saw my face
And asked me what was wrong
I told her nothing
That it was a private number
I didn't want to tell her who it really was
And possibly worry her
Needless to say
I didn't answer it
I sat back down
Feeling shook and anxious
Then my phone pinged a message
I checked it
And it was a voice mail
I dialled 171
And listened to the message
It was him
Asking me to ring him
And also telling me that my ex boyfriend was staying with him for a while
And did I want to meet up
I hung up
And felt stunned
Seconds later my phone pinged again
A text message
Asking me to ring him
If I wanted 'plenty of tea'
I put the phone down
And tried to process this information
I haven't heard from The Boy in quite a while
So this is really out of the blue
I actually had a physical reaction
My heart was racing
As were my thoughts
I felt shakey and unstable
And I would have killed for a smoke just for something to do
It really unsettles me to know that both The Boy and my ex boyfriend are in my area
Having poppy tea
And probably plenty more besides I'm guessing
I really don't want to know what they are doing
What drugs are available
I would rather not know
And live in blissful ignorance
It's now Monday
Two days since he rang
I haven't texted or rang him back
It hasn't even been an option
I know I can't
I have too much to lose
Things are just getting back to normal after the last debacle
I think my mum would lose her mind if I used again
I don't want her to have to go through that again
We moved up here ten years ago to get away from the drug scene
Yes it was a geographical
And no that's not the answer
But it gave us a chance for a fresh start
And gave us breathing space
And time to heal
But now it seems like my old life is catching up with me
And I don't like it
I don't like it at all
So the plan is damage limitation
I haven't told my mum or my sister
Maybe I should
But I don't want to worry them
I'm seeing Breda this morning so I will talk to her and hatch a plan
I just really don't need this right now
Things are just starting to turn around for me
Abd this is really a test
A test for my willpower
For my resolve
My will to recover
But I feel pretty sure that I won't use
At least I hope I won't