Tuesday, 5 May 2015


It's Tuesday
Yesterday was a bank holiday
So as I write this 
I am sitting in the waiting room of the doctors
I don't particularly like bank holidays 
There's something kind of lonely about them 
And spent much of yesterday comatose on the couch
Asleep at least 

I really wanted to get to a meeting last night
I hadn't been to one since last Wednesday
And really needed to get back on the horse
I was planning on going to an NA
But was having a lot of trouble trying to peel myself off said couch
Everyone keeps telling that I should ask for help
From God
From my Higher Power
From whoever it is that watches over me
So I decided to give it a go
It went something like this 

Em hi it's Ruby here
But you already know that
I know I don't talk to you as much as I should 
And I only do when I need something
But I really need your help right now
Please help me find the strength to go back to meetings
Please help me put last Wednesday behind me
I really need these meetings 
So it would be great if you could sort that out
Lots of love, Ruby 

I wasn't expecting anything to happen
But not five minutes later 
Marie texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to a meeting
Mmm truth is stranger than fiction
She never texts on a Monday 
As she has college
But because of the bank holiday
She was off
texted her back that I would love to go
And we arranged to meet
Was that my higher power at work?
You tell me......

I called in to Marie for 8pm
We picked up another girl
And set off for the meeting
Which was about half an hour away
I was not looking forward to the drive
As my paranoid head had me convinced that the girl we picked up doesn't like me
But what's new?
I never believe that anyone likes me
Maybe because I don't like myself

We arrived at the meeting a little late
We slipped in the door 
And took the nearest seats
It was a women only meeting
And I was glad 
It was actually my first one 
Despite my anxiety
There was a lovely atmosphere in the room
And I felt instantly relaxed
One by one 
The speakers went around the room
It was coming up on my turn
And since my last little prayer went so well I decided to say another one
To ask my HP to help me to speak honestly and openly
And to not feel afraid or anxious
I spoke
As honestly as I could 
I felt only a little anxiety
And it felt amazing to talk so freely
It really was a lovely meeting
With some amazing ladies
I was so glad I went
And so grateful to my friends for their support

In my car on the way home
I turned down my radio
And spoke out loud on my own in the car
Thanking my HP for pulling me through 
For helping me get to a meeting
For bringing such wonderful people in to my life
And for helping me believe in myself again
I am a believer
Maybe there is more to this Higher Power than I first thought

I've often heard people at meetings talk about God as they understand him
And there's a lot of talk about God doing for us what we can't do for ourselves
It never really meant that much to me
But I am beginning to see how it can help
And it is a comforting thought to think that there is something 
Something bigger than me
Than all of us
That is watching over
And looking after me
I don't know if I believe in God in the traditional sense
But my mum always tells me to pray to my grandmother who died a couple of months after I was born
That makes more sense to me than an all powerful God

We keep a note pad on the counter in our kitchen
To write down shopping lists and such
Yesterday I noticed that my sister had left me a little note that said

Go to a meeting!!
God could and would if he were sought!

It was lovely to see it
And it really spurred me on to go to a meeting 
And I'm so glad that I went last night
It did me the world of good
I feel like I'm back on track now
Back on the horse

My dad is down for a few days
And we were chatting this morning
I was telling him what happened at the meeting last week
He asked me if I am a people pleaser
I asked him if he thought I was 
He said he did
My father is the type of person who says what he thinks
And doesn't worry about trying to please all of the people all of the time
He said that must be exhausting 
And it is absolutely 
I admit it
I really worry what others think of me
And do my best to get people to like me
My dad said that people pleasing backfires 
That people would in fact have more respect for me if I spoke my mind 
And said what was true for me
I'm thinking he is right
And it's something that I really want to work on
The fact is
That my confidence
And self esteem is on the floor
I need to build myself up
To be more sure of myself
To be able to speak my mind
And not be such a timid little mouse all the time 
I'm a prime target for bullies and the like
And I don't want to be

I guess this is all stuff that I can work on
And I know of I keep doing what I'm doing
My confidence and self esteem will grow and grow
I just need to keep plugging away at recovery
So that's what I will do

I was wondering about you
Do you believe in God or a higher power?
How does your faith help you?
Do you think it's important to have faith in recover?
And also
Are you a people pleaser?
Or if you used to be
How did you break the cycle of it?
I would love to know.....

Monday, 4 May 2015

Come together

As you may know 
My parents are separated 
Almost 15 years now
I had just turned 19
And was in the throes of heroin addiction
It was a truly awful time in my life
My dad was drinking
And was off his head completely 
My sister just had a baby 
And was also drinking to excess
It was chaos
Looking back
I don't quite know how we all got through it

The day my parents broke up was horrible
It had been coming for a long time
But in the end 
It happened very suddenly
I remember we were at home
My mum my dad and my boyfriend
A huge row broke out
I can't remember why 
But my mum and I ended up leaving 
We had no where to go
So we checked in to a hotel
I remember I was starting a new job
In a bank in Dublin
I had to get up to catch the 6 10am train every morning
It was like a nightmare

The next few years were tough
My mum and I rented a house in a not very nice area
Then it all came out about my drug use
And the shit really hit the fan
My family really had it hard back then
Addiction damn near ripped us apart

Then in 2004
I went in to treatment for the first time
And that Christmas 
My mum moved here 
It was a chance for a fresh start 
A clean slate 
Although the next few years were also tough
What with my ED
We somehow got through it
My dad got sober
My sister got sober
And things began to look up

Fast forward to this past couple of years
And things have really improved
In every way
My family is stable
We are all on top of our various addictions and mental health issues
Most of the time
My parents can now spend time together without tearing each other's hair out
Like yesterday
My dad came down for dinner
And is staying for a couple of nights 
It's amazing that we can do that now
Be mature adults
And just get on for everyone's sake

I see my dad every few weeks
So he gets to see how I am doing
He always asks how my mood is
And how my eating is
He doesn't know about my recent relapse
As I fear  it might tip him over the edge
But we talk very openly about things mostly
Yesterday we were out in the car
And he asked me about purging
And if I am still doing that
I can't lie
I am 
It's still a problem
And even though it's a lot better than it was
There is still work to do

I guess I fall in to the trap of thinking I am doing ok
Because things have improved a lot
I forget that by any normal standards
I am still eating disordered
And purging more than once or twice a day
No matter what I tell myself
Purging is not normal 
And it's detrimental to my health

I'm doing the best I can for now
And I'll try and tackle things bit by bit
But at the moment. I am just grateful that my family is in a good place
As my mother often says 
Considering what we have been through
We are not doing to badly
Not too bad at all 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Recipe #1 Chicken Casserole

I've never done a recipe post before
But I know some of you do regularly
So I thought I would post one today
As I am making dinner for my family
All my recipes have come from my sister
She is an amazing cook
She has a real natural flair for it
So I have picked up some tips from her since she's been home

So today's recipe is my take on chicken casserole
Or some of you may know it as chicken chasseur 
It's a love healthy, tasty one pot wonder
Easy to make
And especially welcome on a cold windy day
All the while in the beautiful apron that Bella sent me
Any excuse to wear it
Hope you enjoy......

What you need

Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Chicken breasts (I used four for five people)
2 onions
Tomato purée
Two tins of tomatoes
Two pints of beef stock
Worcester sauce
Potatoes to serve with


Fry off the chopped chicken in the oil
Cook until just done
Remove chicken to a clean plate

Dice onion, garlic and celery
Add to the pot
Chop carrots and mushrooms
Add those too

Let the veg sauté until soft
Then add the chicken back in
Season generously

Next add a few dollops of tomato purée 
Let that cook for a couple of minutes

Then add the tins of tomatoes
And beef stock
Also a few drops of Worcester sauce

Leave to bubble as long as you can

My casserole is now happily cooking
I will post an update later on when it's done

Saturday, 2 May 2015


I still haven't gone to a meeting since Wednesday 
Although my head has settled down some
I still feel a bit all over the place
I've talked it over with many people 
One of them being my sister who is also in recovery
It was great to talk to her
As she has a touch of paranoia too
She advised me to keep going to meetings
And I will
I just need a break for a couple of days

I'm not naive 
I know the world
And meetings don't revolve around me
I know that most people are busy thinking about themselves
And aren't plotting against me 
But I still can't shake these feelings I get
Maybe I am hyper sensitive
I don't know 
All I know is that I can't live like this
I don't want to live like this

After almost 15 years of addiction and disordered eating
My confidence has been knocked out of me
And my self esteem is non existent
I am struggling to find them again
To find myself
My self hatred is having a party right now
And all the usual suspects are invited
Anxiety who is the life and soul of my self hatred party
Self loathing
Oh yes
They are partying hard

I guess I've always felt like I don't quite fit in
That I am different to others
Anti social
It's a horrible feeling
And my thoughts always go straight to ending it all
feel like I am a bad person
That everything I touch turns to shit
That I hurt people 
Even though I don't mean
It still happens

I need to sort my head out 
I need to get back on track
And go to my meetings 
Despite who does or doesn't like me
This is my recovery
I need to be well for me and my family
I have my friends
I don't need to please everyone
Or kill myself trying to do so
I need to do what is right for me

I try to be a good person
I really do
But lately I can't seem to do anything right
I wish I could just switch off for a couple of day
My head really can't handle this

Friday, 1 May 2015

The wreckage

My head has been well and truly wrecked for the last two days
Ever since that meeting on Wednesday
I still don't know if I am being paranoid
If I am imagining things
Or if what I think happened really happened
Either way is not a good result
Either I am inventing false scenarios in my head
Or I am too sensitive
Or meetings really are a hostile place
Neither outcome is a good one

I've talked it over with a few people
My sister suggested that I don't put pressure on myself
And maybe take a break from meetings for a few days
I was supposed to go to a couple yesterday
But backed out
Just couldn't face it
I guess I could go and not speak
Which is probably what I will do 
When I go back
I just don't know when that will be
I won't stay away too long
Just long enough to get my head together 

I was thinking as I was walking my dogs this morning
About how much weight I put in what others think of me
And I hate that
I would love to be more like my sister
And not give a flying fuck what people think about me
I would love to go through life saying exactly what I want to say
Doing what I want to do
And caring in the slightest what anyone thought
How freeing that would be
And also anxiety
Anxiety is killing me at the moment
There are certain safe things I do everyday
But outside of that
I am a ball of nerves 
And I can't handle it
I just can't handle it!

I was so tempted to text The Boy yesterday
I just wanted to call out to him
Drink poppy tea to my hearts content
And talk shite for a few hours
I came close 
But I didn't 
The consequences are too severe

But I have to admit 
I did overuse my meds today
Is that the same thing?
I'm not quite sure
All I know 
Is that I need a break
My head needs a break
I need to check off the planet for a while
Have a day off of life
I want to sleep 
Sleep until it all doesn't matter anymore

The thing is though
We only have one life
One chance at this thing we call living
What is the point in tip-toeing through it
Walking on eggshells for fear of rocking the boat
Who cares if we rock the boat?
Rocking the boat is fun!
Rock on I say!
But If only I could just do it
Instead of talking about it

In my family
I am very gregarious and outspoken
But in real life I am a timid little mouse
And I don't want to be a mouse
I just want all this fear and anxiety inside me to turn in to courage and strength and confidence

That's another thing that alludes me
I literally have none
Not a jot
Not an iota
Not even a little bit
That sucks major balls!
That's why I love writing 
And hate speaking
With writing
I can get the words out at my own pace
In my own speed and time
With speaking I just get too nervous to say what I want to say
And it inevitably comes out arse ways

So what's a nervous anxious girl to do?
How do you build strength and confidence?
I guess by living life
Experiencing different things 
Doing new things
Taking risks 
Living a full and varied life
No one said living would be easy

I was wondering about you
How do you think you conquer anxiety and a lack of confidence?
Have you any exercises or tips?
How do you deal with these things?
I would love to know....

Thursday, 30 April 2015

When the going gets tough.....

It was yesterday
I felt good 
My peace of mind was intact
I had no worries
Nothing on my mind
In the evening 
My friend picked me up
And we headed to a meeting
We chatted and laughed on the way
And arrived at the meeting slightly late
It was an AA meeting
One my sister usually attends
Although she wasn't there last night
We walked in to the room 
It was packed
We grabbed seats where we could
And the meeting started

The was a girl telling her story 
It was really good listening to her
I could identify a lot
The the meeting proper started 
I didn't like the way it was run
The chair person picked people at random to share
So you never knew when your name was going to be called
It sent my anxiety in to over drive
I didn't like it

All of a sudden
My name was called
My heart was thumping in my chest
I wanted to just run out of the room
I began to speak
I could hear the shake in my voice
I was trying to say that I could relate to the speaker when she talked about treatment
And the family days
How I been on both sides of the family day
Both the patient
And the family member 
And how hard that was
But I think when I was speaking it came out arseways
And once I had finished speaking 
I realise that people may have thought I was talking about my sister
When in actual fact I had my dad in mind
And this was my sisters home group
So everyone knew her well there

One by one everyone spoke
A girl at the end shared how she couldn't understand some of the things she heard at meetings
That she had a brother in recovery
And was very close to him
I started to get paranoid that her comment was directed at me
And started to feel really uncomfortable
I just wanted to run

The meeting finished up 
And cups of tea were made
There were a good few women at the meeting 
And we all gathered to have a chat
In my eyes
Everyone seemed so confident and together
They all seemed perfectly content in themselves
I on the other hand
Felt so out of place
So awkward
I froze 
I couldn't speak
I couldn't join in the conversation
I just sat there
Like the socially inept person that I am

I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes
That old familiar feeling of not fitting in was back
It hit me like a smack in the face
And completely threw me
I started thinking all sorts of paranoid thoughts

These people don't like me
They don't like what I shared 
They'll probably all talk about me when I'm gone
They think I'm a bad person
They hate me

And this went on and on in a loop in my head
We finally left the meeting at 10pm
I was dying to get home 
My friend and I chatted again on the way back to my house
I laughed about how I am a social retard
But then as she pulled in to my drive way
I suddenly felt really sad
And the tears came
My friend was great
She promised me that things would get better
And that she was there for me 
I pulled myself together
But I knew it was just a matter of time before the huge dam  of tears broke again
I hugged my friend 
And she left

I got in to my house 
Stopping in the kitchen to pet the dogs
They never cease to make me feel better
I went on to the living room
My sister was watching The Island
I sat down
And feel apart
Hot fat tears fell from my eyes
Landing on my lap
My sister jumped up to hug me
I told her what had happened 
She told me that I was being paranoid
That everyone loves me
I cried some more
And she sat and soothed me
She wrapped me in a blanket
And made me cups of sweet tea
I began to feel a little better

But as I lay in bed that night
I replayed the evenings events in my head over and over again 
Fighting with myself
Telling myself to shut up
And generally driving myself completely nuts 
It got to the point where I really though I was going mad
It was exhausting
I go to meetings to feel better
And here I was
A complete mess after attending something that is supposed to help me
I felt so confused 
The urge to use was massive
I kept thinking
One phone call 
And I could have sweet oblivion
I wanted it so bad
Knowing my two using friends were close by was so tempting
But for some reason
I didn't ring them
And I didn't use
I kind of figured it would just make everything worse
Even if it did temporarily ease my pain

And even more worrying than using
I actually had some very strong suicidal thoughts
The though they I could end my pain was comforting
And the idea of disappearing seemed very attractive
I wondered how much of my meds it would take to kill me 
I actually planned it in my head
But again
I came to the conclusion that that wasn't an option
It might be the end of my pain
But it would open up a world of hurt for my family
I can't do that to them

So I considered my other options?
I could continue on
Keep going to meetings 
Hang in there 
Keep plugging away at recovery
And hopefully my anxiety will lessen
And my confidence will grow
So I made a deal with myself
I will give recovery a fair shot for 6 months
And if nothing improves
I can always go back to the drug
The drug will always be there
My recovery might not be

So that's what I'm going to do
Also I think I'm going to stay silent at meetings got the next while
I just get too anxious and worked up about the whole speaking thing
So I'm not going to

I guess this is all part of recovery
But it really sucks!
I just want to be well now!
I want to be confident now!
I want to be anxiety free now!
But these things take time
And I know I need to actively work on them 
But flippin' heck
I am losing the will to live over here

I'm just really tired 
Tired of fighting
Tired of this uphill battle
I just hope the view at the top is worth it.....

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

3 Years

My blog is three years old today
It's hard to believe
Time goes past so quickly
I can remember three years ago like it was yesterday
I had been reading blogs for some time
And saw that there was a great little community here on blogger
I wanted to be part of it 
I was so entrenched in my illness
So lonely
I rarely left the house
But as much as I was afraid of living my life
I craved to be around others like me

I was welcomed in to this community with open arms
It was a safe place to come and be honest
Without fear of being judged
While I was in midst of my illness
I was accepted 
And there was no pressure to recover
I was knee deep in my disorder for the first two years of my blogging
Then last year things changed

I had just come out of treatment 
For the umpteenth time 
I felt utterly hopeless
So low
So scared for my future
I ended up overdosing
And I didn't tell anyone 
Until a week later
When I told Mary
She sprang in to action
And I had an appointment with my psychiatrist the next day
He assessd me
And changed my meds
Adding in Prozac
I didn't hold out much hope for the new meds
Ive been on so many different anti depressants over the years
And they rarely work
So I was hoping against hope

A couple of weeks after
I began to feel a little better
The fog dissipated 
My depression and anxiety lifted 
And I began to feel hope again
I managed to get my binging and purging under control
That was massive
As I had been purging 10-20 times a day
It was killing me

Slowly but surely 
I began to gain weight
And yes my weight did rise to a place where I wasn't entirely comfortable in my own skin
But now it seems to have settled
And I can live with it
Just about

As time went on
My quality of life improved
I gave up smoking
My relationship with food was better
I started going to meetings 
Which is a huge help
And I generally felt a lot better
About me
My life
My world

Blogging through all of this has been amazing
To have documented every up and down is so awesome
I can read back
And see how far I have come 
Also to share it with you
You all have been a big part of my story
I have met the most amazing kind, caring and thoughtful girls here on blogger
Some of you have been with me from the very beginning
Some are more recent
But you all mean so very much to me
You are true friends
And I am eternally grateful for that

So Happy Birthday dear blog!
Thank you for saving my sanity so many times 
Here's to another 3 years.....