Yesterday was a bank holiday
So as I write this
I am sitting in the waiting room of the doctors
I don't particularly like bank holidays
There's something kind of lonely about them
And spent much of yesterday comatose on the couch
Asleep at least
I really wanted to get to a meeting last night
I hadn't been to one since last Wednesday
And really needed to get back on the horse
I was planning on going to an NA
But was having a lot of trouble trying to peel myself off said couch
Everyone keeps telling that I should ask for help
From God
From my Higher Power
From whoever it is that watches over me
So I decided to give it a go
It went something like this
Em hi it's Ruby here
But you already know that
I know I don't talk to you as much as I should
And I only do when I need something
But I really need your help right now
Please help me find the strength to go back to meetings
Please help me put last Wednesday behind me
I really need these meetings
So it would be great if you could sort that out
Lots of love, Ruby
I wasn't expecting anything to happen
But not five minutes later
Marie texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to a meeting
Mmm truth is stranger than fiction
She never texts on a Monday
As she has college
But because of the bank holiday
She was off
I texted her back that I would love to go
And we arranged to meet
Was that my higher power at work?
You tell me......
I called in to Marie for 8pm
We picked up another girl
And set off for the meeting
Which was about half an hour away
I was not looking forward to the drive
As my paranoid head had me convinced that the girl we picked up doesn't like me
But what's new?
I never believe that anyone likes me
Maybe because I don't like myself
We arrived at the meeting a little late
We slipped in the door
And took the nearest seats
It was a women only meeting
And I was glad
It was actually my first one
Despite my anxiety
There was a lovely atmosphere in the room
And I felt instantly relaxed
One by one
The speakers went around the room
It was coming up on my turn
And since my last little prayer went so well I decided to say another one
To ask my HP to help me to speak honestly and openly
And to not feel afraid or anxious
I spoke
As honestly as I could
I felt only a little anxiety
And it felt amazing to talk so freely
It really was a lovely meeting
With some amazing ladies
I was so glad I went
And so grateful to my friends for their support
In my car on the way home
I turned down my radio
And spoke out loud on my own in the car
Thanking my HP for pulling me through
For helping me get to a meeting
For bringing such wonderful people in to my life
And for helping me believe in myself again
I am a believer
Maybe there is more to this Higher Power than I first thought
I've often heard people at meetings talk about God as they understand him
And there's a lot of talk about God doing for us what we can't do for ourselves
It never really meant that much to me
But I am beginning to see how it can help
And it is a comforting thought to think that there is something
Something bigger than me
Than all of us
That is watching over
And looking after me
I don't know if I believe in God in the traditional sense
But my mum always tells me to pray to my grandmother who died a couple of months after I was born
That makes more sense to me than an all powerful God
We keep a note pad on the counter in our kitchen
To write down shopping lists and such
Yesterday I noticed that my sister had left me a little note that said
Go to a meeting!!
God could and would if he were sought!
It was lovely to see it
And it really spurred me on to go to a meeting
And I'm so glad that I went last night
It did me the world of good
I feel like I'm back on track now
Back on the horse
My dad is down for a few days
And we were chatting this morning
I was telling him what happened at the meeting last week
He asked me if I am a people pleaser
I asked him if he thought I was
He said he did
My father is the type of person who says what he thinks
And doesn't worry about trying to please all of the people all of the time
He said that must be exhausting
And it is absolutely
I admit it
I really worry what others think of me
And do my best to get people to like me
My dad said that people pleasing backfires
That people would in fact have more respect for me if I spoke my mind
And said what was true for me
I'm thinking he is right
And it's something that I really want to work on
The fact is
That my confidence
And self esteem is on the floor
I need to build myself up
To be more sure of myself
To be able to speak my mind
And not be such a timid little mouse all the time
I'm a prime target for bullies and the like
And I don't want to be
I guess this is all stuff that I can work on
And I know of I keep doing what I'm doing
My confidence and self esteem will grow and grow
I just need to keep plugging away at recovery
So that's what I will do
I was wondering about you
Do you believe in God or a higher power?
How does your faith help you?
Do you think it's important to have faith in recover?
And also
Are you a people pleaser?
Or if you used to be
How did you break the cycle of it?
I would love to know.....