When I will be the grand ol' age of 34
I have to remind myself a lot of the time what age I am
Because I really don't feel 34
I feel more like I am in my twenties
Probably because I lost my twenties to addiction and anorexia
So I don't really feel like I lived through them
They are really a blur
I didn't take advantage of my youth
I could have done so much
But I didn't
And I just have to live with that
No regrets though
Not one
Everything is exactly how it should be
I firmly believe that
The struggles I have been through
Have made me in to the person I am today
Every setback
Every bump in the road
Every slip and relapse
All happened for a reason
I wouldn't tAke back a minute of it
I was 31 when I started writing my blog
I remember being so embarrassed by my age
Because everyone else seemed so young
I felt like I shouldn't be here
That I was older
And therefore wise
But anorexia and bulimia don't discriminate
They attack people of any age
I'm trying decide what to do for my birthday
My mums is the week after mine
So we will probably do something together
Last year we went for afternoon tea in a castle
Which was fun
But if like to do something different this year
Maybe go to Dublin or Cork for the night
We'll see
I haven't mentioned it here
But I am thinking of getting a tattoo or a piercing
I have neither
And would love to get something done
I had my eyebrow and belly button pierced when I was a teenager
And I have my ears pierced a few times
I've held off getting a tattoo for so long
As I just couldn't decide on one
I love wings on the shoulder blades
And I love the 1950s coquettish look
I don't want to make an impulsive decision
Like I do with so many things
As ever
I will keep you posted
In other news
I'm having a whopper of a bad body image day
I tried on a pair of leggings this morning
And promptly ripped off after looking in the mirror
So what to do on a bad body image day
Or a BBID as I like to call them
For me
When I'm feeling particularly large
I often body check
Inspect my arms
Or legs
Or tummy
I need to not do this
As it only feeds in to an already skewed body image
I should probably avoid mirrors too
And I guess recognising that it is a BBID
And what I'm seeing maybe through the lens of my eating disorder
All I can do is damage limitation
Don a tracksuit
Ride it out
And wait for it to pass
It's a sad fact
That my self esteem
And self confidence
Is tied to my body image
When I feel that I look good
Or at least something approaching good
I feel more confident
I feel able and capable
But on a day like today
When all I can see are rolls of fat
I just want to hide under a blanket
Vast expanses of flesh
No shape or definition whatsoever
I'm kind of hoping that I do have body dysphoria
And that I don't really look like this
Maybe in real life I have the body of a dancer
But I just can't see it
I live in hope....
With all that said
I have some questions for you
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
What are they?
Do you love them or regret them?
And also
What do you do on a bad body image day?
What helps you get through the day?
Inquiring minds wNt to know....