Tuesday, 19 January 2016

ED Update

Things are tough over here in ED central
The purging has well and truly wormed it's way back in to my life
Especially in the evenings
And when I am on my own
In the evenings
My family usually gathers in the living room
I use that opportunity to eat in the kitchen
And purge
When I was first put on Prozac
It really helped with my bingeing
And I managed to reduce my purging to a couple of times a week 
That stayed that way for about a year
But a couple of months ago
My purging gradually started to increase again
I can't answer that 
I really don't know why 
Now I'm back to purging up to ten times a day
Take yesterday for example 
My mum and sister drove my Auntie B to the airport 
And I was alone at home for a few hours 
I started off with soup
And two slices of bread and butter
Then a ham salad 
With lettuce
Spring onion
Potato salad 
And coleslaw 
Then I had noodles 
Tune sandwich 
And the day just continued like that 
Literally walking in circles 
From the kitchen to the bathroom
Over and over again 
Like a women possessed 
It's exhausting 
Utterly soul destroying 
I hate it 
But I can't stop
I'm stuck in this binge/purge cycle
I'm craving certain foods the way I used to crave heroin
I need to stop though
I can't go on like 
I can't live like this 
It's going to kill me 
Sooner or later 

If this job does work out 
I need to get myself together 
I'm going to need energy to do the job
So I need to eat properly 
Giving myself enough energy and nourishment to get through the day
And I need to start practising that straight away 
I'm seeing Mary this week
So I will talk it out with her 
And make a plan for the next few months 
Both food wise 
And occupation wise 
The thought of this job is keeping me going at the moment 
But I need to be prepared for the fact that it might not work out
I need to have a plan B
And I guess that will be volunteering 
Either with animals 
Or the elderly 
I would be happy doing either one
I'm trying to stay positive 
But the truth is 
I am afraid I won't get the job 
I think about what they are looking for 
And I'm pretty sure it's not a former drug addict with various mental health issues
But the thing is 
I know I could do a good job 
I know I could thrive and grow and blossom in this position 
I'm a doer 
I like to be busy 
I like to be around people 
And help people 
This job is all of those things 
It's like it was made especially for me 
I just hope I get to make a case for myself at the interview 
I'm not too bad at interviews 
The manger told me that there would be three interviewers
Which sounds a bit daunting 
But I will give it my best shot 
I can do know more 

Weight wise 
I could do with putting on a few pounds 
My BMI is just over 18
And I don't think it suits me
I look better when my my BMI is a around 20
So I will work on it 

Thank you so much  for all your suppor recently 
It means so much to me that you are all behind me 
And encourages me to realise my hopes and dreams 
I just hope that I can do the same for you too
Thank you!! X

Monday, 18 January 2016

Monday Monday....

As usual 
I was up early this morning to go see my doctor
My sister and I set off for my 9 20am appointment 
And she went for a walk with the dogs 
While I headed in to the surgery
I had my application for the job with me
Which I filled out last night
And went over it as I sat in the waiting room
I needed two references 
So I put my elderly neighbour as one
I needed one more
So I made a call to the pizzeria owner I used to work for
I got his wife 
Who said that was absolutely fine 
It really pays off doing the right thing
And having someone who can give you a reliable character witness
As I rang off 
My doctor called me in 
I followed him in to his room
Where I settled in my usual seat
I had thought about asking him for a reference 
But I don't know if that would be appropriate 
So I decided against it
We talked for a few minutes 
I told him about the job
And he seemed genuinely delighted for me
He said that he hopes to retire there when he's older 
Gosh wouldn't the tables turn if that was the case
He wished me good luck
And to me that I am too talented to be sitting around doing nothing 
I thought that was a nice thing to say 
I collected my script 
And headed for the pharmacy

After handing in my script to the pharmacist 
I decided to head over to where the job is
And hand in my application
It was busier today
I walked to the kitchen 
Where the staff usually are
I knocked on the door
Someone answered and said they would introduce me to the manager 
I spoke to her for a few minutes
She was really lovely 
She told me that there were loads of applications 
My heart sank a bit when she said that 
She said they would go through all the applications this week
And that they wouldn't be calling everyone for interview 
But the would let me know one way or another next week
I thanked her
And headed back to the pharmacy 

You know me 
I get very excited about things
And this job is something I would love
But now I'm thinking I probably my shouldn't get my hopes up
As so many have applied
The manager dos ask me if I was available for an interview
And if I could start straight away 
Does that mean I'm going to be called?
Or did she ask everyone that?
I just dont know 
I guess now it's a waiting game
And we all know how I'm not very good at waiting 
I have no other choice
At least I know that I did my best
And gave it a good shot
I could do no more
This is the first job I've applied for in years 
So if nothing else 
It's been good experience
But you guys 
I just can't help getting my hopes up
I just have this really good feeling about this place
And this job 
It's some thing I could really sink my teeth in to 
And I can't lie
I will be bitterly disappointment if it doesn't work out

In other news
I am feeling a lot better the last few days 
I feel almost back to myself 
And my mood has picked up too
My weight has stayed the same for the past two weeks 
With no losses to report 
So that is good 
Although if I were to get this job
I need to gain a bit 
Or at the very least maintain where I am at 
It's all motivation to get well
And stay well
I guess I need to have a back up if this job doesn't work out 
Whether that be another job
A course 
Volunteer work 
I think I will wait to hear from them
And go from there
Whatever happens 
It's a learning experience 
And I can use that in the next job I apply for 
So please think of me
And wish me luck 
It looks like I'm going to need it....

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Outfit for today

We have a full house this weekend 
My Auntie B and my two uncles on my mothers side are here 
We are all going out for lunch today
So I thought I would share my outfit for the day
I bought a pair of dungarees on line a while ago
And really wasn't sure if they would suit
But after trying them on
I have to say 
I really like them 
They are super comfy 
Perfect for a Sunday family lunch
Here they are....

Saturday, 16 January 2016

And then she stopped giving a s**t....

Hello friends 
Country men
Hello also to my haters 
Who even though have a huge problem with me
Still take the time to read and comment 
And generally put a lot of time and effort in to trying to upset me 
Funny that....

You might have noticed 
That I didn't post yesterday
Unusual for me
But I just had to take 24 hours away from blogger 
After the nastiness that ensued on Thursday
I swear it makes no sense 
Usually anonymous writers 
Have a go at me
And when I defend myself 
I'm accused of not being able to deal with constructive criticism 
I just can't win 
No matter what I do 
And I know, I know
I shouldn't feed the trolls
I just couldn't help myself though 
My defenses go straight up
And it's hard not to react
I know I'm making light of it here now
But I really felt attacked 
Not just me 
But my life 
My actions 
My lack of action
My family 
I really thought hard about how much I am putting out there
And was almost at the point where I wanted to stop writing 
As with a lot of things 
Time passes
And things settle down
They always do
For every negative commenter 
There are 100 positive ones 
Just like the emails I got this morning
They override any bit of nastiness

In other business
I have some really exciting news to share with you 
I was in my local shop the other day
I always read the notice board there
Things for sale 
When something caught my eye
A charity called St. Vincent de Paul had some jobs available 
I read through the notice 
A part time position
18 -24 hours per week
Working in their assisted living accommodation
It's like a nursing home 
Except the residents are quite well
And can mange mostly on their own with a little help from staff
The duties involve companionship of the residents 
Light house work
And catering duties
The minute I read it through I got excited 
It's exactly what I want 
Part time 
No pressure 
No stress
I took a photo copy of the notice
And headed home

The minute I got home
I went to a quiet room
And phoned the number
I got through to a very pleasant lady 
Who told me all about the job
The closing date for application is next Wednesday 
So she said I could pop in today to get an application form
Which I did this morning 
The house itself is lovely and calm
With classical music playing
And a lovely serene feeling 
I spoke to one of the girls working there 
Collected my application
And went on my way

I looked over the application just now
It's very straight forward 
And I think with some help
I can make a good case for myself 
I have a variety of work experience 
From dance teacher to bank worker 
I also have experience working with the elderly 
As I helped a lot with my grandad when he was alive
I also help my elderly neighbour 
I walk her dog 
Do shopping and errands for her
And help her with day to day things during the week 
So I'm hoping I have a good shot at this job 
I just feel excited when I think about it
To be part of the working world 
To have an occupation
And one that really helps people
The work is evenings 
So it wouldn't effect my daily routine with Honey and Lea 
It seems like it would fit so well in to my life 
God I hope I'm not getting my hopes up too much 

My sister is great 
She's helping me sell myself 
And really put my best foot forward 
She says that I can say I am a free lance writer at the moment
And I guess I can say that 
As I have been published a few times recently 
Play to your strengths and all that 
It's also motivation to stay well and healthy 
God knows I won't be able to hold down a job if I am underweight and ill

So you guys 
I'm really going to go for it 
And give it my best shot 
I just have a feeling that this is meant for me 
You know?
Wish me luck 
And as ever 
I will keep you posted.....

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Over to you....

I got a couple of emails this week
One from Lebanon
And one from Singapore 
Both from readers who decided to reach out
I can't tell you how much I love getting emails like this 
From readers
On the other side of the world 
Who read my words 
Who follow my story 
I know a small amount of you
Some I know really well
A core group of you who post regularly 
And read every day
But as I wrote yesterday
There are so many more of you that I don't know 
Those of you who read in silence 
Who don't comment or email 
So I am inviting you today
To reach out
To beak your silence 
Let me know who you are 
Where you are from 
What age you are
Maybe you are a young girl
Or maybe you are a mama yourself 
And are worried about your or your child's behaviour 
Maybe you are a new reader 
Or maybe you have followed me from the start 
Maybe you have an ED
Or some other mental illness
Maybe you are scared 
At the end of your tether 
You might be holding on by your finger tips 
Or maybe you have already let go
And you are free falling
On the other hand 
Maybe you are in recovery
Or at least heading that way 
Maybe you are somewhere in between 
And whoever you are 
I'd love to hear from you
Let me know who you are
What keeps you going?
What scares you?
What are your hopes and dreams?
What makes you tick?

I share so much of myself here on this blog
I would love to hear from some of you 
Smoke signal
Morse code 
Whatever the medium
Let me know who you are....

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


I check my stats from time to time 
To remind myself that people do read
When I feel like I am shouting in to the abyss that is the internet 
And no one is hearing or reading
I also like to see where my traffic comes 
And what search words led people to my blog
My blog comes up on the first page of Google when you type in certain words to do with EDs and addiction
This is both exciting and scary
As you know
I don't write anonymously 
I'm honest about my struggle 
My face is out there for all and sundry to see 
And I don't hold back
I guess I don't know any other way to be Recently 
I've been wondering about my stats 
And how they compare to the average stats of a blogger
I get on average 
Between 400 and 1000 hits a day 
I don't know if that is a lot or a little
As I have nothing to compare it to 
Obviously I know some of you
But there seems to be hundreds of you that read and I don't know 
I'm interested to find out who you are 
I also like to check views from the top ten countries 
The U.S. and the UK come in first and second 
And then other countries like Russia And Norway and Malaysia also feature 
It still boggles my mind 
That people from all over the world read my blog
I'm hoping that it is a force for good
And helps readers in some small way
This blog is a huge part of my life 
It's more than a hobby at this stage 
I treat it more like a job
Albeit an unpaid one 
But still a job of a kind 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you
How many hits a day does your blog get?
Do you check your stats much?
Do you write anonymously or not?
What are your reasons for this?
I'd love to know.....

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday 12 January

January is a tough month
It's dark
It's cold
It's so very hard to get up of a morning
It's getting so cold that we are expecting snow 
Now I happen to love snow
But only if I don't have to go out in it
Lying in bed this morning
The wind howling
The rain pelting off the window 
It feels like the end of the world it's so noisy
Trying to get up out of a warm cosy bed is sheer torture
The dogs woke me up this morning
Lea began barking at about 8am
I always get up when I hear Lea
As she only ever barks when she has to pee
So I jumped out of bed 
Ran to the kitchen 
In to the utility room
Where Lea was waiting patiently at the back door 
I let her out 
And promptly ran back down to bed
Where I allowed myself another 15 glorious minutes 

So far 
In this post 
I am doing a sterling job at writing about anything other than how I am struggling at the moment 
I am struggling 
And it's nothing to do with the time of year
Or the cold 
Or the darkness 
I feel like I am dragging myself through life at the moment
My days are punctuated with eating and purging 
I can't say I am bingeing 
As the amounts of food I am eating are typical portions
It's still too much 
Any amount is too much 
It has nothing to do with weight anymore 
I could be 5 stone or 50 stone
It doesn't matter anymore 
My head is well and truly wrecked 
I get up 
Walk the dogs 
Take my meds 
Zone in and out in front of the TV for a while 
All the while eating and purging 
And weighing a ridiculous amount too
My mood yo-Yoing as my weight fluctuates 

I spoke to my Mam last night
About the possibility of going back in to treatment 
I don't know if it's a knee jerk reaction
Or just an overwhelming need to do something about my situation
I am probably thinking prematurely 
I mean 
I have just started seeing Mary again
I should give that a chance first 
And anyway 
By my own admission
Treatment and that environment never really worked for me 
From home 
It's easy to slip in to the thinking 
That if I go to treatment
They will make me better 
But of course it's not like that 
You have to do the work 
You have to make you better 
And for me 
It seems that I do better from home
So that is plan A
I can think about treatment when and if I need to 

I think my psychiatrist is right though
My mood has dipped in to a depression
Death doesn't scare me
Life scares me more 
The last time I saw Breda 
She that I was 'too young and too talented' to sit at home wasting my life away
But the thing is 
And as I am getting older 
Anxiety about the smallest thing is swallowing me whole
My writers group started last night 
I couldn't even peel myself off the couch 
Never mind get out the front door
Now it's the next morning 
And I am so sorry that I didn't go 
I told myself that I need to focus on my health first 
And I do 
But I also need to break this pattern of anxiety 
And running away from life 
I am hoping that seeing Mary will help
And possibly an increase of my meds 
It was when I was put on Prozac almost two years ago that I was able to pull myself out of the binge purge cycle 
It really helped 
I Am now on 40mg
And the professionals talked about increasing it to 80mg
Which I am not opposed to 
Whatever works right?

I know sooner or later I am going to have to take a leap of faith where recovery is concerned
Either take a chance on living my life 
Or stay in my illness
Where yes 
It's safe 
It's comfortable 
But I know I am missing out on so so much
Social events 
I am just so afraid 
And it's keeping me paralysed 
Stuck in this house 
This room
This illness 
And the older I get 
The harder it is to do all these things 
Before I know it
It's going to be too late 

I'm hoping with the help of the professionals 
I can turn this around 
And turn this relapse from a negative thing
In to a positive learning experience 
Even though it may seem like it
I'm not giving up
Not one little bit 
I'll fight until the bitter end 
Right now 
I am just tired 
I feel like part of me is crumbling under the weight of all this stress 
I am lucky though 
I have an amazingly strong family around 
Who are my back bone 
My Mum is endlessly patient 
And kind
When I get upset 
And feel like all is lost 
She is the one who dries my tears
And helps put the pieces of my life back together 
She always tells me with such conviction
That I will get better 
I will be all right 
She is so convincing 
That I can't help but believe her

The plan is 
To engage with Mary, Breda, my doctor, my psychiatrist 
Eat little and often 
Purging as little as I can manage 
Take it easy 
Spend time with my dogs and family 
Meet with good friends 
Don't beat myself up 
Don't be hard on myself 
Focus on the positive 
The good things in my life 
Build myself up physically And mentally 
Allow myself to eat the things I want to eat 
Listen to my body
And give it what it needs 
Don't isolate 
Surround myself with good and positive people 
Who will help me through this 
In short 
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other 
And keep going 
As I always say 
Baby steps all the way
As baby steps add up to be great strides