The purging has well and truly wormed it's way back in to my life
Especially in the evenings
And when I am on my own
In the evenings
My family usually gathers in the living room
I use that opportunity to eat in the kitchen
And purge
When I was first put on Prozac
It really helped with my bingeing
And I managed to reduce my purging to a couple of times a week
That stayed that way for about a year
But a couple of months ago
My purging gradually started to increase again
I can't answer that
I really don't know why
Now I'm back to purging up to ten times a day
Take yesterday for example
My mum and sister drove my Auntie B to the airport
And I was alone at home for a few hours
I started off with soup
And two slices of bread and butter
Then a ham salad
With lettuce
Spring onion
Potato salad
And coleslaw
Then I had noodles
Tune sandwich
And the day just continued like that
Literally walking in circles
From the kitchen to the bathroom
Over and over again
Like a women possessed
It's exhausting
Utterly soul destroying
I hate it
But I can't stop
I'm stuck in this binge/purge cycle
I'm craving certain foods the way I used to crave heroin
I need to stop though
I can't go on like
I can't live like this
It's going to kill me
Sooner or later
If this job does work out
I need to get myself together
I'm going to need energy to do the job
So I need to eat properly
Giving myself enough energy and nourishment to get through the day
And I need to start practising that straight away
I'm seeing Mary this week
So I will talk it out with her
And make a plan for the next few months
Both food wise
And occupation wise
The thought of this job is keeping me going at the moment
But I need to be prepared for the fact that it might not work out
I need to have a plan B
And I guess that will be volunteering
Either with animals
Or the elderly
I would be happy doing either one
I'm trying to stay positive
But the truth is
I am afraid I won't get the job
I think about what they are looking for
And I'm pretty sure it's not a former drug addict with various mental health issues
But the thing is
I know I could do a good job
I know I could thrive and grow and blossom in this position
I'm a doer
I like to be busy
I like to be around people
And help people
This job is all of those things
It's like it was made especially for me
I just hope I get to make a case for myself at the interview
I'm not too bad at interviews
The manger told me that there would be three interviewers
Which sounds a bit daunting
But I will give it my best shot
I can do know more
Weight wise
I could do with putting on a few pounds
My BMI is just over 18
And I don't think it suits me
I look better when my my BMI is a around 20
So I will work on it
Thank you so much for all your suppor recently
It means so much to me that you are all behind me
And encourages me to realise my hopes and dreams
I just hope that I can do the same for you too
Thank you!! X