As you may know
I applied for a job a couple of weeks ago
In an assisted living centre for the elderly
I sent in my application
And made it to the interview round
Which I had last Thursday
I was hoping to hear something this week
But I didn't hear a peep
As you also may know
I have little or no patience
I checked our letter box obsessively
Hoping to find a letter
It was killing me not knowing if I had got the job or not
I just wanted to know either way
After there was no word yesterday
The thought of having to wait the whole weekend for an update was too much
And I decided to take the bull by the horns
And ring the manager of the centre
Who was also one of the interviewers
I dialled the number
And waited as the phone rang and rang
Just as I was about to end the call
The manager picked up
I told her who I was
She remembered me
Which I thought was a good sign
And asked if the position had been filled
I was fully expecting her to say it had been
But instead
She apologised
And informed me that the board needed to have one more meeting before making a final decision
I took that as good news
I still might have a chance!
The manager asked me if I was interested in the summer job
Which would be working in their holiday centre for the summer months
I thought 'What the hell
And said I was
A job is a job right?
That led me to think that she might have me in mind for that job
I'd be happy with that
I'm just excited for someone to give me a chance to show that I can work hard and well
And I think the holiday centre would be a lovely place to work
It would mean dealing with people all day
Which would give me little or no time to devote to my ED
It would give me structure and purpose
Things I really crave at the moment
Although I think I still have a shot at getting the job in the assisted living centre
I feel they may be looking for someone with more experience
But the thing is
How am I to gain experience if no one gives me a chance?
It might be a gamble to employ me
But it's a gamble that I believe could pay off
As ever
I have all bases covered
And there is the option of the stables
If the job doesn't pan out
And that is something that I am super excited about
The stables itself is quite near where I live
And it's a whole new project
So it would be awesome to be part of that
So what ever happens
I will be happy either way
It's actually exciting to see what will happen in the future now
I've been stuck for so long
So to be finally moving forward
And making steps to get well and gel myself is really making me feel good about myself
My doctor is always telling me that I am too talented to just be sitting around
I don't know about being talented
But I could just waste my life away out in here in my little house
For a long time
I didn't want to do anything
I didn't want to move forward
I was content to abuse my meds
And spend my days slipping in and out of sleep
Sitting on the mat beside the fire place
Chain smoking
Not giving a shit about myself
Or anything else
But there has been change in the last couple of years
I am now 18 months smoke free
I've had periods of time when my ED was in remission
I am now taking my meds correctly and properly
Which is huge progress
As for years I had used and abused them
My Mother looks after my meds
And gives me them every morning
And that seems to work
I know I can't trust myself to take them properly
And there is nothing wrong with a bit of support
Whatever works, right?
All in all
Things are moving along nicely
Of course there is much work to do
There is always work to do
But I feel like I am finally getting a grip on my life
My ED is a daily battle
I have good days
And bad days
Days when I don't want to get out of bed
Days when my purging is off the scale
But the good days more than make up for the bad ones
I have days when I laugh until my sides hurt
I have days when I feel loved and liked and needed and wanted
On a good day I feel something approaching happiness
I feel content to be me
I look at myself in the mirror
And feel ok with what I see
These days make it all worthwhile
Which brings me to my next point
I want you to know
That no matter how bad things get
No matter how low you go
There is always hope
There are always possibilities and opportunities
There is always a way out
Sometimes our issues and problems become so heavy
That we don't think we can carry on
I know
I have been there
Addiction and disordered eating have been part of my life for 15 years now
But you know what?
I live with these conditions
I don't die with them
I have been at deaths door
Many many times
I know I am lucky to have made it out alive
For the longest time
Mine and my families life was bedlam
So chaotic
So dysfunctional
So all over the place
But we rode the storm
And came out the other side stronger and closer than ever
They saw that doctors hate to see a patient with an ED coming
As they are so hard to treat
And often the one person who has the key to recovery is the one person that doesn't want to recover
EDs are complex and complicated illness
Every one is different
Everyone is individual
And even though the symptoms are the same
Each case must be treated differently
It's not easy
By nature
We ED girls are secretive and private
We don't want others to know our shameful secrets
Heck we can barely admit them to ourselves
Never mind anyone else
But if we want to recover
We need to take that leap of faith
Bite the bully
And take a chance on opening up to someone
Over the years
I have come to a point where I can talk and write pretty openly about my life, my addiction and my ED
Maybe I am too open
I don't know
But I do know for a fact
That talking about it helps
Opening up and sharing the weight of our troubles helps
It lessens the burden
It helps us let go
I ask you
I urge you
To talk to someone
Choose one person
Someone you trust
A family member
A friend
Maybe someone on the Internet
Pick one person
And talk to them
Tell them what's in your head
And what is breaking your heart
You won't regret it
And I promise you you'll feel better
So do it
Don't even think about it
Or give yourself time to back out of it
Just do it
Even if it's an experiment to see what happens
Just do it you have nothing to lose...
If you did happen to talk to someone today
Let me know how you got on
Who you spoke to
How it went
How you felt afterwards
Inquiring minds want to know...