And I feel like I am getting back on track
Back in a recovery frame of mind
I have to accept that weight restoration goes along with that
I can't recover and maintain a low body weight
When I saw Mary yesterday
She asked me to get rid of my scales
But to continue to weigh once a week
In a pharmacy or where ever I can
As she is not going to weigh me any more
I have a couple of issues about weighing in a pharmacy
First, it's such a public place to do such an intimate thing
I would be mortified
And second
As a rule
I weigh with no clothes on
And go by that
I can't do that in a store
Well I guess I could
But I would probably be arrested for indecent exposure
I've got this far in my life without a criminal record
I don't want to acquire one now
So no
I won't be doing that
I think I will just keep my scales and weigh once a week on them
I weighed this morning
And I had gained almost two pounds
At first I wasn't fussed
As Mary always says
A kilo either way can be fluid or feaces
But I as I went about my day
It began to get to me
Anorexia had a right go at me
Calling me fat
I looked in the mirror
And could almost see where those two pounds had gone
But this is the thing
It's a choice
I can either be underweight
And miserable
And sick
And depressed
Or I can gain a little weight
And have the opportunity to really live my life
Be healthy
I think back to a few short months ago
When my weight was healthy
I used to think back then
If I only could lose some weight
Then I would be happy
Of course I did lose weight
And I liked the way my clothes hung off me like I was a human coat hanger
I liked that I could slip in to size 4 clothes
That I had to roll down the tops of my jeans so they wouldn't fall down
I liked that people commented that I had lost weight
But along with the weight loss
I began to lose my peace of mind
I couldn't enjoy my new size
As my family and others were worried about me
What good is a thin body
If you are unwell
If you are miserable
Now that I am two stone lighter
Am I any happier?
To be honest
I don't really think so
It's different
But not better
The only difference is that I now take up less space
Nothing more
I don't know about you
But I don't go about my day
Judging people because of their weight
It just doesn't come in to it
People come in all shapes and sizes
But really it doesn't matter
Who a person is
Has nothing to do with what they look like
Or what they weigh
It's not about their body
It s about their heart
Their mind
Their personality
And I'm thinking if I'm not judging anyone else
There are hardly many people judging me either
I mean come on
Life is too short to worry about a few extra pounds
And God knows I can afford to put on a few measly pounds
One thing that can keep us locked in to our illness
Is labels
When you are diagnosed
You are given the title of anorectic or bulimic
You are told you have an eating disorder
You might be declared underweight
And you will be told you are unwell
And sick
If you suffer with an ED for any extended
Period of time
You be accustomed to being the sick one
The ill one
The underweight one
People might treat you differently
More gently
With more compassion and empathy
There may even be 'ED perks'
It may be very unpopular to write about this
But there are benefits to having an ED
Why would we do it?
But the thing is
When you are put in to an ED shaped box
It's very hard to break out
And find a new identity
I can remember talking about this in treatment
Who would I be without my ED?
Who is Ruby?
What is she all about?
Is there more to her than anorexia and bulimia?
Being the sick one
No one expects very much from you
You are ill
So allowances are made
With recovery and wellness
Comes responsibility
When you are no longer the sick one
You might be treated differently
People might expect more
So often
It is preferable to stay unwell
And hang on to your ED
I've had glimpses of recovery
Of what my life could be like
To find new and healthy labels
Or maybe no labels at all
Maybe I'll just be Ruby the girl
The daughter
The sister
The auntie
The doggy mama
The writer
The horse rider
I can wear many or all of these hats
But I don't have to be defined by any of them
And I can break out of the ED box and world that I lived in
Of course
This transition is not easy
Change is hard
Recovery is tricky
But it is possible
It is doable
And it will be so worth it
It's something that we won't regret
So let's do it
Let's not waste another day, week, month, year on an illness that just wants us dead
Let's fight for a better life
For a future
And a life beyond our ED
I'm just not willing to live within the restraints of this illness anymore
It's suffocating me
It's boring me
It's draining the very life out of me
We don't have to do it alone
We have each other
And if there is one thing this community does well
It's supporting each other
Are you with me?
I cant here you
Are you with me?????