It's day one with my new piercing
I am carefully
Almost obsessively looking after it
I bought alcohol free mouth wash
To rinse my mouth twice a day
And also ear buds
To clean it with salt and water
I am terrified of it getting infected
So am being super duper careful
I've heard a couple of horror stories
About people who continued to purge after getting an oral piercing
And went on to develop painful and unsightly infections
I am determined not to let that happen
And haven't purged since Thursday
It's actually a really good motivator not to purge
So I have stopped bingeing
And stopped eating anything that I usually purge
I am being careful and considered with my portions
And stopping eating before I get uncomfortably full
Eating little and often
And distracting myself after eating
I'm glad I got the piercing done
And am going to use it as a symbol
Of my stopping purging
I don't usually count my clean and sober time
But having seen the benefits of counting my smoke free time
Marking the first week
First month
First year
I have started to count my clean time
Since Valentine's Day
It's good because the longer time you get
The more you don't want to go back
So now I'm going count my purge free time
Starting 3rd of March
The day before yesterday
Like a lot of things in my life
Once I wrap my head around something
I generally can do it
I did it with cigarettes
So why not purging?
It's just out of the question at the moment
And that is a minor revelation
Reactions to my piercing have been varied
My Mum is horrified
My nephew barely acknowledged it
I've had a couple of double takes from strangers this morning
I live in a small rural area
And there are not many tattoos or piercings to be seen generally
So yes
I have the only pierced lip in the village
The girl who pierced me was great
When I got my nose pierced
The girl who did was just a little bit unhinged
She spoke at a rapid rate
And told my sister and I some pretty personal stuff
How ever
She did a good job
And that's the main thing
Lorraine was very professional
Answered all my questions
I watched her prepare her tools
She was very careful
And it seemed like she was very used to doing this
Well I would hope so
It is her job after all
My sister and I chatted to her for a few minutes
She said that piercings follow trends
Just like any other item of fashion
She told us that intimate piercings are popular at the moment
That she had done two the previous day
I had to ask her what exactly gets pierced down there
'The hood' she replied matter of factly
That is going just a little bit too far for me
I draw the line at a nipple
Once you get one done though
It kind of makes you want more
I can see how that would be the same with tattoos too
I would love to get my tongue done
And my belly button
And a few in my ear
I've wanted to get some piercings done ever since I was a teenager
Life intervened
And I never got around to it
So now
At the grand ol' age of 34
I am reliving my lost youth
Better late than never I guess
And the pain
I was pretty much prepared for the pain
Having had my nose done last year
I figured my lip would be much more painful and bloody
I sat on my hands so I wouldn't be able to pull her hands off me
Like I did last time
I can't lie
It was bloody sore
And I did bleed
And I did swell up
It looked liked I had been punched in the face
I was actually shaking when it was over
She asked me if I wanted to lie down for a few minutes
But I said I was ok
All in all
I really enjoyed getting it done
And grateful that my sister was with me
It's exciting and fun to play around with my appearance
Experimenting I guess
It's doing things that most people do in their teens and early twenties
I'm enjoying it
So why bloody not!
With all that said
I was wondering about you
What piercings do you have ?
How painful did you find it?
Are there any other ones you'd like to get?
Inquiring minds want to know....