I was having trouble coming up with a word for the letter U
I was going to do underweight
But after what happened yesterday
It could only be one word
Rewind to Thursday
I got it in to my head
That I wanted to do more riding
And check out the stables in my area
I got a couple of numbers
But got no answer
So I decided to call in to an equestrian centre that's about 20 minutes from my house
I'd been to this centre before
A few years ago when I did a beach trek with my sisters
So I knew where it was
My Dad and I set off
We drove in to the yard
And we were greeted by a woman called Rachael who runs the place
I asked her about the possibility of lessons
She said they don't do adult lessons
As they don't have the demand for them
But she did say I could book a private lesson
Costing €35 for half an hour
And €45 for an hour
So I decided to book a half hour lesson for yesterday
Half an hour doesn't sound like a lot
But when you are riding with no break
It's exhausting
The lady asked me about my experience
I said I could trot and canter
I'm now thinking after what happened I shouldn't have said I could canter
As I've only really done it once
Sunday came
And I spent all day looking forward to my 4pm lesson
The time finally came
And my Mum and I set off
First I had to get fitted for boots and a hat
The lady said to me that I had skinny legs
And gave me a pair of children's boots
My ED loved that one!
So I got myself kitted out
And then went around to the stables
Rachael introduced me to my horse called Sonny
And OMG!
He was huge!
Much larger than Star
We went in to the in door arena
Where I held Sonny until my teacher came
She came like a ball of energy
Susan was her name
Something I've noticed
Is that horse people are hardy
Very hardy
The second thing I noticed about Susan
Was that she had two facial piercings the same as me
Straight away
She had me get up on Sonny
And straight in to a trot
There was no messing around with this girl
The first thing I noticed about Sonny
Was that he was much faster than Star
An awful lot faster
But it felt amazing!
Soon she asked me to go in to a canter
From a trot
You sit in to the saddle
And kick and squeeze with your legs
I grabbed the safety strap
And kicked on
What happened next happened so fast I can barely remember what happened
Sonny shot off like a bullet
And completely took me by surprise by how fast he was going
As he turned the corner
I could feel myself losing control
And began to slip off the side of the saddle
My feet came out of the stirrups
So I had nothing holding me on
I was bouncing around on Sonny like nobodies business
And the the next thing
I tumbled off
And fell in a heap at the side of the track
The first thing I thought was Sonny was going to go over me
And I instinctively curled up to protect myself
I don't know where Sonny went
But he didn't run over
The thing was
I could feel myself falling
But even though it seemed to happen in slow motion at the time
I still got a huge shock
I got up straight away
Susan asked what if I was ok
And if I was hurt
I didn't think I was
Nothing was broken anyway
I asked her for a minute to catch my breath
She said ok
But to get back up on the horse first
I tried to mount Sonny
But I was shaking so much
I couldn't get a grip to pull myself up
Second time
I managed
And I just sat there for a moment
Susan said it was important to get straight back up on the horse
As the longer I left it
The harder it would be
Soon I was ready to go again
And we began to walk around the arena
Slowly at first
Then trotting
Then Susan asked if I felt ok to canter again
I must admit
I was afraid
But I really wanted to try again
I didn't want my fear to get the better of me
So I tried again
Straight away
Susan stopped me
And said she knew why I fell
It was my feet
In riding
You are supposed to push your heels down and toes up to anchor yourself
But i was riding with my toes down and heels up
So I was totally unbalanced
After she discovered the problem
I was able to correct it
Although I found it hard
I felt like I was sickling my feet
The way I used to do in ballet
So Susan was constantly shouting at me
Heels down!
Heels down!
We tried the canter again
And this time I felt a lot more sturdy and balanced
Susan said it was one hundred times better
By the end of the lesson
I was wrecked
And sweat was pumping out of me
Susan showed me how to put up the stirrups
And take off the saddle
And the bridle
Which was good to learn
I was still pretty shook as I went back to change out of my boots and hat
Susan said if I am going to pursue horse riding
Then that was my first fall of many
To be honest
It had never occurred to me that I might fall off the horse at some point
I had no fear about it
As I always thought that a fall happened when jumping
Now I know different
Susan said I could join the kids class on a Saturday if I wanted to
Or I could continue with the private lessons
I stil don't know what I'm going to do
So I told her I would think about it
And give them a ring
The lesson yesterday was so different to the horse therapy I do on a Wednesday
Therapy is so informal and relaxed
And it's more about the social side of things
And less about technically getting better
It's about gaining confidence
And building a relationship with the horse and trainer
To be honest
I kind of felt like I was cheating on horse therapy going to another stables
I just wanted to do more of it though
As once a week is just not enough for me
So I'm wondering if I should tell Eilish I'm doing other lessons
Or should I continue with the extra lessons at all?
When I got home yesterday
I was telling my sister and her partner all about the fall
My sister was horrified
She said we will already have my mum in plaster
We don't need another broken bone in the house
She pleaded with me not to go back
But the thing is
I really want to
I really enjoy the adrenaline rush
The speed
The power
It's like a drug
My sister said that I always have to push things that little bit extra
And she is right
Maybe I am turning in to an adrenaline junkie!
Who knows?
So today
U is for undeterred
I got back on the horse after my fall
And i guess that's a metaphor for life
When you fall down
You dust yourself off
And get back up
Ready to fight another day
I guess I've been doing that my whole life
Maybe that's why the fall off Sonny didn't phase me too much
I woke up this morning
And my ribs and legs were hurting
I was in with my doctor
So he checked my ribs and lungs
Which were fine
But he said I may experience pain for a few days
But you know what?
I kind of enjoy the pain
It's a sign I was working hard
And loving every minute of it!