Monday, 23 May 2016

What is happening to blogger?

Is it just me 
Or is blogger really quiet of late?
It just seems to be like a bit of a ghost town 
Where it was once thriving and buzzing
Now it's eerily calm and quiet
I guess blogger is not cool anymore 
Twitter and Instagram are really where it's at
I don't really use any social media apart from Blogger 
I've never really been a fan of Facebook
I do have an account 
But I rarely use it 
Or even look at it
It's just not my thing 
I don't use Twitter or Instagram either 
But am thinking about joining one or both
I am not the most technically minded person 
But I think I could get the hang of it
There was a time 
Not too long ago 
When I depended on blogger for so much 
For support with my ED and addiction
And for social interaction 
As I was getting precious little in my real life
My blog was about sharing my story 
And to meet like minded people 
There was a real buzz about blogger a few years ago
But that seems to be diminishing 
And there is only a small core group of bloggers left 
Where have all the others gone?
I don't know 
I'm hoping that they have moved on from the difficult place they were in
I'm hoping they are now in recovery 
And don't need the support of blogger
I'm hoping they are in some kind of recovery 
I just hope that they are ok
Some of these girls I was very close to
So it's quite distressing when they vanish in to thin air 
The truth is that some of them will have recovered 
Some will have one foot in the disorder 
And one in their ED
And some will still be up to their neck in ED behaviours 
I would love to hear from some of those who have disappeared 
So if you are out there 
If you are reading
Do get in touch 
I would love to hear from you 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you 
Do you use any other social media?
Which ones do you use?
Are you like me 
And really miss some bloggers who have now disappeared?
Are you in touch with any of them?
Inquiring minds want to know.....

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Looking the part!

I bought my very own riding hat
My Dad and I went in to a shop in town 
It's actually the shop where I buy my dogs food
They have everything in that shop!
I tried on about eight different hats 
Until I found one that fit me perfectly 
Now I feel very much the part 
With my very own boots and hat 
Now I just need the jodhpurs 
And I will be a proper horsey person
Here are some photos....

Saturday, 21 May 2016


I started out the weekend with a riding lesson this morning 
I was back on Princess
But I had a new instructor 
A Scottish girl called Roisin 
Who was lovely
Straight away 
I was having problems getting Princess started 
She was walking at her own leisurely pace 
And was paying very little attention to the fact that I was kicking her over and over 
Roisin said that I looked nervous 
And I felt it
So I'm sure the horse felt it too
I think I am not kicking hard enough
I think I'm kicking strongly 
But it's probably only a tap to the horse 
Eventually I got her trotting 
Although she was pre-empting my directions all the time 
Roisin wanted to work on my position and balance 
So after trotting for a while 
We walked and trotted with my feet out of the stirrups 
The key thing was to relax my legs 
And let them hang 
Which in turn would help my balance 
Then we trotted standing up
And sitting down slowly 
The she told me to drop the reigns completely 
I thought she was joking At first 
But she wasn't 
I felt really nervous to do this 
Especially in trot 
First Roisin told me to lift one hand 
And then the other 
I was doing it!
Trotting with no hands 
It was a real confidence boost 
Roisin said that at the start of the lesson 
I looked stressed and worried 
But by the end of it 
I felt a lot more comfortable 
I did a full hour lesson today
And am now wrecked 
It was great though 
I thoroughly enjoyed it 
And Roisin told me that we can go down to the beach to ride some day
That would be so awesome 
I've always wanted to ride a horse on a beach 
I've always thought it looks so elegant and beautiful 
So that's something to look forward to
In other news 
Life is going pretty well at the moment 
I feel good 
Mood is stable 
I feel steady in myself 
I feel like I am enjoying rather than enduring it
Life is to be enjoyed 
I know that no one is deliriously happy all the time 
Happiness is not a constant thing 
But it is definitely possible to have moments 
And those moments are enough to keep me going 

That's all for today folks 
If there is any topic you would like to see written about 
Do let me know 
I feel like I am writing less and less about my ED addiction
I guess now I am living my life 
Rather than spectating 
And letting life pass me by 
I feel like I am actively participating in my own life now 
And that is so great 
I feel hopeful
I feel positive 
I feel alive....

Friday, 20 May 2016


Because I was in Dublin on Wednesday 
I had horse riding today instead
I got up early 
To walk the dogs and sort their food out so Mam could just give it to them at lunch time
Then I headed in to town to meet Fintan
He picked me up in town at about 10 30am
And we headed out to Keash
The last couple of weeks 
I noticed that Fintan buys a bar of chocolate on the way out
And he eats two squares before riding 
And two squares after riding 
So today I had a bar of chocolate for him
To thank him for driving 
We chatted on the way out 
And arrived in Keash in plenty of time for our riding lesson
We donned our hats and boots 
I was on Star as usual 
And Fintan was on Leroy
A beautiful elegant horse 
For a change 
Myself and Star were in front 
And Star took to it lovely 
We also did a lot of cantering today 
Which was amazing 
I did three canters today 
And it is such a buzz!
I love it! 
And it feels great to be making progress 
We finished our lesson 
And made a cup of tea
I was chatting to the two girls who were in after me 
And they couldn't believe I was only riding a couple of months 
That was lovely to hear 
And it's true 
I've come a long way in a short time 

Last week 
When I told Fintan about my blog 
He asked me to send him the link 
I was hesitant to 
As it is so personal 
And I wasn't sure if I wanted to share it with someone who is in my real life
For some reason
I would prefer strangers to read my blog
Rather than people I know 
Because I can't worry or disappoint strangers 
I would be worried that someone I know would be shocked or scared reading my blog
I write my blog as if no one was going to read it 
Because if I thought about the amount of people reading my blog 
I would never post a word 
So I texted Fintan to let him know that I was a bit wary of sending him the link
Then today he apologised for asking for the link
He said he would never read anything without asking me first 
I was really grateful for his understanding 
And I really do believe that he will respect my wishes and not read my blog 
I did show him the little piece that Healthline wrote about my blog
He was delighted for me 

Tomorrow I have another lesson in the morning 
Which I am really looking forward to 
Something I have noticed recently 
Is that when I don't eat 
I feel very strange 
So really these days 
I need to make myself eat something 
Whether I  hungry or not 
Because I feel faint and not with it when I don't eat 
Note to self: Remember to eat!!

That's all for today folks
See you on the next post...

Thursday, 19 May 2016


Apologies for not replying to yesterday's comments 
The blogger app on my phone is playing up
And it won't let me in to my dashboard 
I could read the comments in my emails 
But I couldn't reply 
So sorry about that 
Thank you though
I really appreciated your thoughts on the subject of body image 
It's a tricky one 
Regaining the weight 
And everything that comes with that 
The comments from others 
It's not easy 
And then comes the transition
From underweight to healthy weight
And when you have a distorted and skewed body image 
That can be quite traumatic 
I guess body image is a fluid thing 
I know I can feel ok in my skin sometimes 
And I don't feel big 
But there are other times when I feel so negatively about my body 
That I can barely function
Today for instance 
I feel quite good about how I look 
And when I say that 
I mean I don't want to tear the flesh off myself with my bare hands 
But yesterday 
I was in Dublin with my Dad
And I felt so uncomfortable in my skin 
So awkward and not myself at all
It's a horrible feeling 
To feel such distain against your own body 
I just have to remember to go by how I feel
Rather than my clothes size 
It's not easy 
But it's the only way that works 

In other news 
I travelled to Dublin yesterday with my Dad 
He had an appointment with a consultant neurologist 
As he seems to be having great difficulty with his hands 
He has lost a lot of power in them 
The muscle is wasting away
And it seems to be spreading up his arms 
I had an early start
And was up at 5am
I drive the half hour in to town u
Then walked 15mins to the train station
To catch the 7am train 
I met my Dad in his home town 
And he joined me on the train at about 8 15am
We arrived in Dublin at 10 am
The hospital is in the north side of the city 
So we quickly found our bus stop 
And headed off 
The bus stopped right outside the hospital
We found the right place 
And settled down to wait
It wasn't a long wait
And my Dad was in and out in about hAlf an hour
Because we were finished so early 
We decided to try and make the lunch time train home
I was eager to get out of the city 
As it was there that I did a lot of my using 
And everywhere I look
I see old haunts and placed I used to frequent 
We cut it pretty fine 
But we made the 1pm train
And I was back home by 5 pm
Dad has to go back up to Dublin for tests 
So there might be another trip on the horizon
I don't mind going with him though
He often did it for me

I also got some exciting news yesterday 
My blog was voted one of the best eating disorder blogs of 2016 by Healthline
If you check out their website you will see all the blogs 
They are all worth a visit 
This is the fourth year in a row that my blog has been included in Healthlines top blogs 
And it is truly an honour 
I am so happy to know that my blog is making a difference 
That it's going in some small way to help fight the battle against EDs and addiction
I remember writing not too long ago 
That items a sad fact that my virtual life was more exciting than my real life 
I had nothing in my real life 
No purpose 
No reason for being 
I had my family and my dogs 
And that is amazing 
But I needed more 
And now that need is being met 
I feel so grateful to be in a good place now 
I just wish I could break off a piece of what I hAve 
And give it to you 
I want to share with everyone what I have found out 
That there is a life beyond EDs and addiction
There is hope 
And there is so much more to life 
We don't have to suffer 
There is a way out 
For a long time I didn't believe that
But now I know differently 
Life is to be enjoyed 
Not endured 
Same goes for recovery 
I am so glad to be moving on
Growing up 
It's a miracle 
My Miracle
And I promise you it's there for you too
You just have to take that first leap of faith
Do it
You won't regret it 
Not even a tiny bit 

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Body Image

Even though things are going well for me at the moment 
There is still one thing that I struggle massively with
You've guessed it
The dreaded body image
I've always been on the slim side
As a child and teenager
I was very active 
I swam in a competitive level
I also studied dance
So I could basically eat what I wanted
And maintain a trim figure
The only time I've ever gained a significant amount of weight
Was when I was first prescribed olanzapine 
And even then 
I wasn't over weight
I just had more weight on my bones
And of course 
Throughout my addiction and ED
My weight fluctuated wildly 
Up until my ED started
I had never given my weight much thought 
I ate well and exercised 
And was in general pretty healthy 
My size and shape was not something I gave much thought to 
I didn't notice it
I wasn't aware of it
They say ignorance is bliss
And it most definitely was in this case
It was only when my ED developed 
That I became aware of my body 
And how much space I took up
I set about making myself smaller
Because smaller and thinner is good right?
As I have since learned 
Size and shape have precious little to do with happiness or contentment 
I do accept that I see a dirhmdtiuyd I acknowledge that I might not see an accurate version of myself 
But I do believe that I am quite big at the moment 
I have no idea what I weigh 
As I haven't been weighing myself recently 
So in my head 
I am twenty stone 
In reality 
It shouldn't matter what I weigh 
But it is important to me that I maintain my weight at a healthy point
I don't feel good if I am too thin or too heavy
I just want to be healthy and happy
I want to be able to wake up in the morning 
And not have a panic attack about what to wear 
I want to be able to look in the mirror
And not want to cry 
I just feel so big and cumbersome at the moment 
My legs 
My hips 
My tummy 
It all feels like too much 
And it's a horrible feeling 

I guess physical recovery happens at first 
You re-gain the weight 
And that's hard to deal with
It takes much longer to recover
And I am still in very early days 
I'm hoping that my distorted body image will right itself 
I hope that I can grow to love or even just like my body
Because it allows me to do some amazing things 
And it's getting stronger and stronger all the time 
But the main thing is that I am healthy
And happy 
And I feel good in myself 
I think I will always struggle with accepting my body 
Buy that's not just an ED thing 
It's a woman thing 
It's a human thing 
I see all these celebrities on TV 
Who have had work done 
Even young people who really don't need anything done at all 
People are striving for beauty and perfection on the outside 
When the real truth is that beauty comes from within 
It's a cliche 
But it's true 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you 
How is your body image?
Do you hate/love/like/loath your body?
What do you do to help your image of yourself?
Do you think it's possible to love yourself and your body after an ED?
Answers on a postcard please.....

Monday, 16 May 2016


Apologies for the post free weekend 
The weather here has been glorious 
So I've spent most of it outside
Away from phones and TVs and computers 
As you may know 
Here in Ireland 
We pretty much get pants weather 
As in much rain
Much wind
And an awful lot of cold
But about once a year 
Just to tease us 
Mother Nature gives a little taste of what it's like to live in a sunny climate 
So for the last week
Our weather beaten country has been bathed in sunlight 
And boy do we appreciate the good weather when we get it 
I spent Saturday out in the garden 
In shorts and a vest 
I fell asleep in the sun a couple of times 
And by evening I looked like I was wearing red socks 
And a red t-shirt I was so burned
My skin felt hot and tight 
But it was my own fault 
I didn't wear sun cream
And I stayed out way too long 
It was hard to sleep that night 
As any pressure on my skin was agony 
I woke up the next morning 
Hoping it had begun to turn brown 
But it was still angry and red

Sunday morning 
And I had a horse riding lesson booked 
In the place where I fell off the horse three weeks ago 
I can't lie 
Having no been away for so long 
I was nervous to go back 
I thought about cancelling 
But I wanted to go back 
I didn't want my fear to get the better of me
So I headed out for my 10am lesson
I wore my new boots 
And really felt the part 
I arrived to see that Susan the instructor had a different horse for me 
A beautiful chestnut coloured one called Princess 
Susan said she thought Princess was suited better to me 
As I am 'a tiny little thing'
Princess was also older and slower 
And is what they call a 'confidence giver'
Age was definitely smaller than Sonny 
And more biddable 
I told Susan I was nervous 
So she talked me through everything 
And let me walk around the arena for a while 
Just to get my beatings 
Straight away 
I felt much better on Princess
More comfortable 
More in control 
On Sonny I felt like I couldn't control him 
As we walked around 
Susan constantly spoke to me 
To try and relieve my tension and anxiety 
I decided to tell Susan a bit about myself 
So she knows where I am coming from 
I explained that my previous horse riding was more horse therapy than lessons 
I also told her that I Am recovering from an eating disorder 
And horse therapy is part of my treatment 
Susan immediately apologised for calling me a tiny little thing 
But thdt didn't bother me at all 
I know she didn't mean any thing by Other than making an observation
I felt comfortable enough with Susan to tell her this 
As I just wanted her to know why I am horse riding 
And how my life has been effected 
Including my self esteem and confidence 
Susan was lovely 
And it felt good to be honest with her 
I really have no problem telling people about my past 
I don't feel ashamed 
I don't feel embarrassed 
It's my life 
My story 
At least it was my story 
Now I am writing a new chapter 
Where I throw myself in to life 
Where I live my life 
The way I want to 
Where I work 
I study 
I swim 
I dance 
I ride horses
I laugh 
I love 
Where I don't live a life dictated by drugs or food 

Soon I was trotting on Princess 
And it felt good 
All the while 
Susan was correcting me 
And giving my instructions 
It felt amazing on Princess 
So light I felt like I was floating 
So fluid and streamlined 
I asked Susan if we would try cantering today 
She left it up to me 
I really wanted to try 
As I love to canter 
And I wanted to face my fear
Susan gave me a bit of notice 
Then gave me the sign
As she told Princess to canter 
I held the safety strap
And sat in as much as I could 
I felt Princess speed up 
And I anchored myself in the stirrups 
With my heels down as much as I could 
As we went in to the canter 
I felt comfortable and in control 
It felt amazing 
The speed 
And the power of the horse is exhilarating 
It felt so good to face my fear 
After cantering a few times
I felt so much more relaxed 
Susan said I looked like a different person
Much happier 
And less worried 
I was just glad to have stayed on the horse!
The half hour was over so quickly 
And to cool down 
Susan brought me outside for a wAlk up the lane 
The cool breeze was welcome 
And we chatted some more 
Myself and Susan clicked really well
And I can genuinely see us being friends 
All too soon 
The lesson was over 
We brought Princess back to her stall 
And went around to the office 
I paid and thanked Susan 
And headed for home 
I always feel so good after a lesson
It's a natural high
A real adrenaline rush 
I feel so grateful to have found something that I love to do 
And get so much out of it
I'm meeting new people 
I'm around animals 
I couldn't be happier 
It's also great for my confidence 
And that ripples out to other areas of my life too 
I really feel like I am growing 
Getting stronger 
And feeling more capable and competent 

Today I had my doctor first thing 
My own doctor is away 
So I had Nice Woman Doctor this morning 
It was a quick one 
She asked me about the pancreatitis 
And told me that I should get bloods repeated in a couple of weeks
To check my Amaylase count 
Just to keep an eye on things 
After collecting my meds 
I went for a walk on the beach with the dogs 
We had a lovely time 
And they both went for a swim 
I did a little bit of shopping 
Before heading home 
Mum is still on crutches after her operation 
But she is much more mobile now 
She needs a lot of help 
And I am basically running the house at the moment 
Which I am actually really enjoying 
Of course I Always do my fair share of house work 
But at the moment the majority of the work is down to me 
The cooking 
The cleaning 
And anything that needs doing 
It feels good to be in control 
And I don't mind it at all
On Wednesday 
I am travelling to Dublin with my Dad
He is going to see a consultant about his hands 
His hands have lost a lot of power 
And the muscle seems to be wasting away 
Which also seems to be spreading up his arms 
He needs a lot of help 
He can't button his buttons 
Can't open jars 
Anything that requires grip or power he can't do
I am really hoping that there is something that can be done to help 
As he is really disabled as he is 
Fingers crossed 

So yes 
Things are ticking along nicely 
I feel good 
I feel well and strong and content 
Life is good 
And it's amazing to be able to say that 
I Am so grateful to be in a good place 
God knows it's taken me long enough to get here 
But better late than never right?
I feel hope for the first time in years 
I feel like I have a shot at living a happy life 
I feel positive 
I feel strong 
And I am loving life 
I can't ask for more than that.....