I'm just back from my first day of work induction
Myself and another girl were there to meet the manager
And to go through what we will be doing
And our hours
Most of my hours are at the weekend
With one short evening shift on a Wednesday
So really and truly it doesn't interfere with my other activities
I will still get to horse riding Wednesday morning
To my meetings
And appointments
Which is great
I'll be working about 22 hours a week
Which means my disability will be effected slightly
But that's ok
I will get to keep the majority of it
I actually found out this week
That I can only earn €120 or less each week without my disability being effected
So that's less than ten hours a week
Which wouldn't be worth my while
Or my employers
So any hours over that ten
My disability will be cut on a sliding scale
I think it will all work out fine
I'm going to do the 22 hours
I think it will be good for me
We were given so much information today
It was mind boggling
The other girl there was a lot younger than me
Early twenties I'd say
But we had a little chat
And she seems lovely
Georgina is the manager
And she is very firm but fair
I like her a lot
There is no nonsense about her
She gave us a lot of possible scenarios that could possibly happen
The holiday centre is a non profit centre for those who ordinarily couldn't afford a holiday
It is run by a charity called St. Vincent de Paul
They also run a thrift shop
And an elderly care home
I did the interview for the job back in February
And it has been a long process to get this far
But I am super excited to start working
Georgina emphasised that the three things key to the centre
Are friendliness, cleanliness and good food
She really gave us a great introduction to working there
I'm back in on Thursday to meet the rest of the staff
We finished up at lunch time
And I seized the opportunity to have a quick chat with Georgina
She needed my bank details and things
And while we were doing some paperwork
She asked me if I thought it would be too much for me
As I had explained to her the last time we met about my ED
And how I am in recovery
I was honest with her
At first
I felt a little out of my depth
This is my first proper job in quite a while
And I told her it was a confidence thing with me more than anything else
Georgina assured me that she had every confidence and faith in me
And said I would be like a new woman by the end of the three months working
It was nice to hear that she believes in me
I just wish I had the same belief in myself
But I guess that will come in time
I really think this job could be a life changer for me
If I can just face my fears and anxieties
Turn up
And give it my best
I start officially June 3rd
So I have just over a week to get myself prepared
I know I'm going to be nervous
Starting a new job is tough for anyone
And throw in a few mental health issues
And an addiction to drugs
It could all go very wrong
But I'm choosing to be positive
And to go in with a clear and level and open mind
I know the first few shifts will be bumpy
As I get used to their way of doing things
But I know if I can just hang in there
It could be the making of me
It could give me back my confidence
That I so desperately miss
It could help me see that I am capable and able to work
It could even be a stepping stone on to more work
I'm a hard worker
And I love to be busy
Love to be on the go all the time
And this job will most definitely be busy
Which will suit me down to the ground
Because of the nature of the work
I will be dealing with vulnerable people
People with mental health issues
For some people
This will be their first holiday
People who might not be used to a structured environment
Who don't eat three square meals a day
We are situated on the towns main road
So anyone can wander in
And it will be up to me to deal with these people
I hope given the fact that I have experienced a lot in my life
Will help me to be empathetic
And understanding
But at the same time
I can't let myself be taken advantage of
Because I think I can be seen as a soft touch sometimes
I was interested in listening to Georgina today
As she is so friendly and warm
But at the same time
I know she takes no shit from anyone
I would love to be like that
And hopefully this job will help me find my own voice
My own inner confidence
And self esteem
Despite my anxiety though
I am going to do this
I am going to go in with a positive mind set
Anything I don't know
I can ask
And I think throwing myself in at the deep end is good for me
As then I have to figure things out
But you guys
This is a huge deal for me
My job will even be put through the books!
Something that hasn't happened to me in a long time
My last two jobs were cash in hand
But now I'm going to be a proper Bona fide employee!
How exciting is that?
I'm just so happy that I'm going to be able to fit in everything around my job
It's so very important to me
To be able to go horse riding
To see my doctor
And Breda
And Mary
It's going to be a busy summer
That's for sure
But you know what?
This is it
This is me living my life
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway
This is making huge progress with my independence
And that is just wonderful for me
Things are all coming together for me
And I feel alive!
Please say a wee prayer for me this week
I know all you ladies are behind me
And I appreciate that so much
Thank you
You are amazing!