Autumn has arrived
It's my favourite season of all
And on the 7th
I turn another year older
This has been a good year for me so far
It didn't start out well
But somehow i managed to turn things around
I'm not entirely sure
Most of the time I feel like I am being carried along by friends and family
My feet barely touching the ground
The biggest thing that happened this year
Is that I secured a job
And worked all summer
I met new people
Made friends for life
I came out of my shell
And really discovered who I am
And what I am all about
I loved working
Loved the holiday centre
And everyone in it
We all became like a little family
Then of course it all came out the night of our staff party
Whose in to who
Who likes who
It all got very silly
But that's alcohol for you
In our workplace
There are about ten females
And two males
So there just aren't enough to go around
But hey
There are plenty more fish in the sea right?
Work is winding down now
I only have a couple more weeks until I am again jobless
I can't lie
I am going to miss it so much
And I will continue to look for year round work
Work has given me a great sense of satisfaction
As well as making me more confident and independent
It's not an easy job
It's both physically and mentally demanding
We are constantly running up and down stairs
Picking up
I swear my fitness has increased marginally this summer
And then there is the emotional side of the job
We are dealing with vulnerable people
People who have a mental or physical disability
People who are dealing with addiction or some other mental health issue
And I find that people are very open
They want to chat
They want to tell you their story
Of course I am happy to listen
Maybe these people don't have anyone to talk to at home
Maybe they don't get a chance to unwind and relax
And get away from the daily grind
I've heard some very sad stories this summer
Stories that would break the coldest of hearts
I must say
It's been a pleasure to help these people enjoy a well earned holiday
And it's thanks to the charity that I work for that they do get a holiday
Work is coming to an end now
I officially finish up in two weeks
It's going to be hard to adjust to life without work again
But I'll be back next year for sure
Just try and stop me...
In other news
Starting next week
I stead of doing one horse riding lesson on a Wednesday morning
I will be spending half the day out there
Which means I get to do two lessons
One on my own
And I also get to help out in the stables
And the care of the horses
I don't have words to describe how excited I am to be spending more time at the stables
The horses
The people
The trainers
Everything comes together to make it such a special place
I am just so happy when I am out there
I park my troubles at the gate
I get up on Star
And I just ride
There is nothing going on in my head
Other than how much I am enjoying it
The horses have been a life line for me
I can't emphasise how important it is to find healthy replacements for dangerous habits and behaviours
I have tried going cold turkey
'White knuckling' it as they say
Trying to get through on sheer will power alone
Will power will get you so far
But we need to find reasons to stay well
Or stay clean and sober
As I'm sure every addict whose ever attempted recovery knows
Giving up drugs is one part
Probably the easier part
The hard part is trying to figure out how to get through life without relying on substances
In my case
I was lucky
In that I got the chance to do a methadone programme
And that has worked for me
Again I was lucky in that I had the opportunity to move area
And get away from my old using life
I had a fresh start
And even though moving is not the answer
It helped me enormously
Learning to live in reality was my biggest hurdle
I had spent so long numbing myself with drugs, pills, food and lack of food
I couldn't handle reality
At least my own reality
I found life boring
Especially given the drama and the rollercoaster of emotions that ensued in addiction and disordered eating
Getting used to life on life's terms is not easy
The need to escape is huge
Even now I use sleep as an escape
Well hey
That's pretty anodyne compared to injecting class A's in to your neck
I do love sleep though
I love to dream
Even the not so nice dreams are fun
As you wake up and realise that it was in fact just a dream
I keep going off on tangents here
But I do have a dilemma
And need your help
It's not life or death or anything like it
So I bought a coat during the week
That cost €90
Then today
In the post
I received a letter in the list from the guards
Informing me that I had been caught speeding
70km in a 50km zone
With a fine of €80
Here in lies my dilemma
Should I return the coat and pay my fine?
Or should I keep said coat and save up money over the next couple of weeks to pay the fine?
I kind of feel like I don't deserve the coat
That I should pay in some way
So I'd be interested to know what you think
To keep or not to keep the coat
That is the question.....