Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Day off!

Today is a wonderful day 
As I am now off work until Sunday
The feeling is amazing 
Having worked four long shifts the last four days 
I am more than ready for a rest
Work is going well
Of course I am still very green
And forgetting things left, right and centre 
But look
I am doing my best 
And they tell me in work that I am flying it
I was on with Georgina 
And she deliberately left me on my own to do breakfast and lunch 
I had a bit of a crisis of confidence in the morning 
As I dished out too many bowls of porridge 
And it went cold 
And had to reheated 
As Georgina says 
You live and learn 
My colleagues couldn't be more helpful 
They are endlessly patient
And always willing to lend a hand 
There are to chefs who also work in the kitchen 
They are brothers 
32 and 38 
I was helping one of them prepare chicken yesterday afternoon 
And he asked me what age I am 
I told him to guess 
He said 23 
That made my day 
He couldn't believe that was 34
I love to give people a good shock sometimes 

I am settling in well 
And finding my bearings slowly but surely 
Georgina is an amazing lady 
I was chatting with her over tea and toast yesterday 
Her background is in hotels 
And you can really tell
She doesn't waste a bit of energy 
Every move she makes 
She is doing something productive
She moves at lightning speed 
And manages beautifully the balance between hard work
And having the craic 
She is someone I really look up to 
She is a working woman 
With a busy family life 
It can't be easy 
But she makes it look effortless 
I am really enjoying work though 
I get up
At 7 am
To be in work for 8am
I prepare the breakfast 
Which is just a continental one
Then I have a cuppa 
Before the guests arrive 
The dining by room is up stairs
And the kitchen is down stairs 
So I have a path worn on that stairs 
There is a dumb waiter to put the food in
Which essentially is a small lift for the food
I serve the food 
Chat to the guests
And try to keep on top of things 
It was mostly ladies in this week
With only a couple of men
And they are so lovely 
They are people who don't have much money 
And going away on holiday is a massive thing for them 
I told the ladies that I wouldn't see them again 
As they are all leaving Thursday 
And I'm not back until Sunday 
Well let me tell you 
I got hugs and kisses and such lovely compliments 
That truly made all the  hard work so very worth it

The chef keeps a small dinner for me every day 
And I have to say 
The food is really tasty 
It's none of your fancy stuff 
Just honest home cooking done well
My favourite kind
Sometimes I get a chance to eat it 
Sometimes I don't 
And in that case I will bring it home 
And split it with mam 
After breakfast 
I wash up 
Clean the dining my room 
As reset it for lunch 
Which takes a little while 
Lunch is at 1pm 
And it's three courses
So there's quite a bit to do 
I swear I am on my feet all the time 
And it's exhausting 
By the end of the day 
I am pretty wrecked 
All I can do is flake out on the couch L
But it's a nice feeling 
A feeling that I've really earned my rest 
Even writing this post 
I keep nodding off

I mentioned my Dad in a post a few days ago 
And that he received some bad news about his health 
To be honest 
I am in denial about the whole thing
And work is a great distraction
You might remember that I went to Dublin with him a few weeks ago
To see a consultant neurologist 
And Dad had some tests done
Basically he is losing the power in his hands and arms 
And it seems to be getting worse all the time 
So last week 
He got the results 
And the consultant thinks it might be MND 
Dad has to go to the top neurologist in the country for a definite diagnosis
I had never head of MND
It's short for motor neuron disease
So it's really serious 
I was speaking to Georgina about it 
And her sister has it 
She is only 42
She asked me if I know much about MND
Which I don't 
She said not to read up on it 
It will only upset me 
I have deliberately not looked it up 
I really just don't want to know at the moment 
Because I know it will break my heart 
Of course I will find out for myself 
But at this moment 
Ignorance is bliss
Dad has asked me not to tell anyone 
But I need to talk to people 
I can't bottle this 
I need an outlet 
All we can really do is make the most of the time now, while he is still relatively ok
One thing Gergina said 
Is that we have a long and hard road against us 
But it's my Dad I feel sorry for 

I'm off to have a sleep 
I can barely keep my eyes open 
See you on the next post....

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Working woman!

That is me at the moment 
I am a working woman
And delighted to be
I didn't get to post the last couple of days 
As I am on the 8am - 4pm shift for the bank holiday weekend 
So tomorrow is the end of my working week
And I'm not back in until Sunday
So I have six glorious days off
Every evening 
I have come home 
Had a cuppa 
Then flaked out on the couch 
To rest my weary bones
The job is going well I think 
At least I hope it is 
I am doing my best to learn quickly 
But if course it's going to take a couple of weeks to really get the hang of it
The job itself is a lot different to what I thought it would be
I thought I would mainly be on reception
But in actual fact 
I am in the kitchen and the dining room most of the time 
It's busy busy 
And the house isn't even full
There are only 21 staying at the moment 
And the house holds 60
I have to say 
I really like it 
It's go go all the time 
Just the way I like it 
The staff are lovely 
Endlessly patient 
And so willing to help out this newbie 
The guests are a hoot 
There is a young at heart club from Dublin
Nine elderly ladies who are salt of the earth
So sound 
And do polite 
In between all the work 
We do get a chance to chat with people 
And have the craic
I don't know how the perceive me 
The weird girl with the piercings and shaved head 
But I've been told I am pretty 
I am a good worker 
And my favourite 
A good girl 
So that is nice to hear

This is just a quick post 
To let you know that I am alive and kicking 
And working hard 
Payday is Thursday 
And I can hardly wait!
It's going to be awesome to actually be paid!
My first mission when I get paid is to bring my family out for dinner 
Georgina said there may be problems with tax the first couple of weeks 
But hopefully not 
And it will all run smoothly 

I hope you are all well 
I need to catch up on blogs 
But at the moment life is intervening 
I can remember writing once 
They it was a sad fact that my virtual life was more active than my real life 
Well now I can most definitely say the opposite 
I am living my life now
I'm taking control of my own destiny 
This is another step on the ladder that is recovery 

ED wise 
I'm doing ok 
Because I'm working 
And on my feet all day 
I know I need to eat regularly 
It I will keep over in no time 
So I usually grab a cuppa at home before I leave 
I then get to have my breakfast in work after I've done the guests breakfasts 
A cuppa and some toast 
The at dinner time 
The chef keeps me a small dinner 
And I have that in the afternoon
So it's working out well
I feel no urge to purge 
As my body needs fuel if I am to keep going 
So all in all 
Things are going well
Every morning in my car on the way to work 
I turn down my radio 
And I ask God or the universe or who ever is up there 
To please help me get through the day 
And do my best 
And not to hurt myself or anyone else 
I don't know if that works 
But it can't hurt right?

I'm off for a cuppa 
See you on the next post...

Thursday, 2 June 2016

What to do?

What would you do 
If someone patted you on the stomach
And told you that 'you've really filled out'
And when told that you are recovering from an eating disorder
Jiggles your arm
And continues to point out weight gain
This happened to me today 
Thankfully I had some good friends around me 
Who gently pointed out to this person
That I used to be at deaths door 
I was in shock at the time 
I couldn't quite believe this person put her hands on me
And jiggled my arm!!
I mean who does that?
I must point out 
That this happened at a meeting 
Where everyone is not well
But I think this person was way out of line 
Said person then asked me for a lift home!
Which I obliged 
Because I am a nice person
But really I wanted to throttle her
I couldn't even bring myself to make polite conversation on the way home
Now I am home 
I realise that I was in shock while she was pointing out my flabby bits 
I literally couldn't say anything 
One of my friends pulled me aside afterwards 
To make sure I was ok 
But Jesus H Christ 
Since when is it ok body shame a person like that?
I don't know 
I despair 
I went on an instant diet 
That lasted ten minutes 
I know better than to let a comment like that get the better of me
This woman also commented to another lady that she had lost weight
So who knows 
Maybe this woman has her own issues with her weight 
You never know....

I was wondering about you
Has this or something similar ever happened to you?
How did you react?
Do you think it's body shaming?
Answers on a postcard please...

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

9 To 5....

Today is a glorious day
Today is utterly marvellous 
Because today 
Today I have a day off
A much needed day off
I don't even have horse riding today 
It's now 11am
And the whole day stretches before me 
With a whole lot of nothing to do
I woke up this morning with a start 
Thinking about what I had to do today
Usually if I'm working or heading off somewhere 
I get up an hour early to walk the dogs
I always make sure they get a walk
As they are hyper if they don't 
So I woke up this morning 
Then had the most delicious feeling 
When I realised that I had sweet f#*k all to do today 
I slept in until 8 30am people!
It was utter bliss
And it's great to feel like I earned my day off
I swear I am sleeping the best I ever have 
I can't make it past 10pm these nights 
I don't even read before going to bed 

I got up 
All the while enjoying the feeling that I had no where to be 
And nothing to do 
I had breakfast with my sister 
Then got dressed and headed out with Honey and Lea 
I try and bring them out early these days 
As it gets too hot during the day for them 
I piled the dogs in to the back of my car 
And we headed for the beach 
Where we had a lovely walk
Honey is looking like quite a character these days 
Her fur is long and shaggy 
She has one eye 
And ahe needs a good wash
She's like a little old lady 
And at the grand ol' age of eleven 
I guess she is 
After our walk 
I did a bit of shopping 
Before heading home

I was in work in the morning 
To meet the other staff members 
They all seem lovely 
And again 
Georgina went through some policies and procedures 
It's great that she is so clear and direct 
Sometimes I need things spelled out for me 
Just so I am absolutely certain about what I need to do 
As I was standing there 
Side by side with my fellow workers 
I felt a great swell of pride 
I felt like now I am a working woman 
Part of the work force 
Part of a team 
Contributing to society 
And earning my keep 
It's been a long time since I had that feeling 
Like I am strong and independent 
Taking care of my own side of the street 
Earning money 
Maybe even treating myself to a little something 
When I get my first pay check
I have promised my Mum and sister that I will bring them out for dinner 
I can't wait to do that 
To give back some of the love and kindness that they show me all the time 

I am back in work tomorrow 
And I have 8 hour shifts every day until Tuesday 
So I really am being thrown in at the deep end 
But I guess that's the best way to learn 
I am super excited to start 
I was incredibly nervous and anxious 
But I just feel ready 
Ready to work 
And work hard 
There's nothing more I can learn 
With being on a live shift 
I've done all the theory I can 
It's time to put it in to practise
As for confidence?
I think it's a fake it till I make job

So this is it 
I'm starting work 
I can't quite believe it 
If you had told me a year ago that I would be starting work this summer 
A real proper grown up job
I would not have believed you 
In fact I would have laughed at you 
I was in such a dark place 
Since coming out of treatment two years ago 
I have been up and down and all over the place as far as my recovery was concerned 
But I think since Christmas 
I've been fairly steady and stable 
My weight is good 
My mood is also pretty good 
Starting horse therapy has been the catalyst I think 
It has literally been a life changer 
I've made new friends 
Real friends who just want the best for me 
I get to spend time with beautiful animals 
I get to learn a new skill 
I couldn't ask for more 

In AA and NA
They say that if you follow the programme 
You will obtain a life beyond your wildest dreams 
When I first heard this 
I thought it meant in terms of money and material gains 
Nice house 
New car 
Pretty clothes 
Plenty of money 
Now I know different 
Now I know that a life beyond your wildest dreams means something else 
It means being clean and sober 
Wanting to be clean and sober 
It means having peace of mind 
Which you just can't put a price on 
It means feeling good about myself 
Even loving myself 
It means getting through the day without hurting myself or anyone else 
It has precious little to do with money 

Please say a little prayer for me 
They I get on well in my new job 
Please send some positive vibes my way 
It's so exciting to have something positive to write about 
Please take comfort in the fact that I have come from a very dark place 
And know that it is possible to live a life without ED or addiction

I'm off to make a cup of tea 
And soak up some sun
Have a good Wednesday ya'll 
And I'll see you on the next post....

Monday, 30 May 2016


You know the way I've been not weighing myself
And don't even keep a scales in the house anymore 
This morning 
My usual doctor was back 
And as I sat in the seat opposite him
The scales beckoned me 
I asked if I could weigh myself 
He said sure
So I kicked of my trainers 
And walked over to said scales 
I tapped it 
Waited for it to stop flashing 
And tentatively stepped on
The numbers bounced around 
Until they settled on an amount 
I looked 
And registered the number in my brain 
I'm up two kilos 
At first 
I felt massive disappointment 
Failure even 
My doctor asked me what the number was
And I reluctantly told him
I didn't really hear anything else he said after that 
I was lost in my own weight related thoughts 
I left the room 
My head spinning 
I looked at my reflection in the glass on the way out 
I looked the same 
I looked ok
Did these two kilos even matter?
Right then it did
It mattered more than anything else in the world 

I headed up to the pharmacy 
Handed in my script 
And sat down to blog 
I have to say
After the initial shock of seeing the number
I already had a diet plan in mind 
I was already buying a new scale 
And a new notebook to record my weight
But as I wrote 
I was reminded of all the good things on my life at the moment 
I mean
Does two kilos even matter?
I began to feel a little better then
I know my weight can fluctuate wildly 
And I'm actually sorry that I weighed myself 
Nothing else happened this morning 
I didn't gain two kilos since this morning 
And I was ok with my weight this morning
The only thing that has changed since then 
Is that I weighed myself 
I measured my self worth in kilos and grams 
And that is just not right 

So no
I won't be crash dieting 
I won't be weighing myself regularly 
I won't watch what I eat 
This is the weight that my body needs to be at right now 
It's a healthy weight for my height
I am no where near over weight 
Everything is ok
I am ok 
Just the way I am 
At first 
I felt a massive urge to buy a new scale 
But I didn't 
And I won't 
I know that is a slippery slope 
I'm not even going to work out my BMI
It doesn't matter 
Not one little bit 

I just have to keep my eye on the prize 
On all the good things that are happening for me at the moment 
Am I going to let two kilos ruin that?
Absolutely no way 
Not in this life 
Not to this girl 
I actually now regret weighing myself 
No good ever comes from it
And I end up feeling like a failure 
A waste of space 
But the n msun thing is 
That I keep my head and take each day as it comes 
Shift by shift
Hour by hour 
I'm in tomorrow and Thursday for more training 
And I officially start on Friday evening 
A four hour shift
The next four days I have full days 
I just hope I can do this 
and I don't make a total mess of it 
I will do my best 
That's all I can do

Having said all that 
I was wondering about you 
Do you work?
Are you full
Or part time?
How long have you been working?
What do you do?
And do you enjoy it?
Have you any tips for me?
Inquiring minds want to know... Xx

Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Day of Rest

This weekend 
I am taking the opportunity to relax and get prepared for the start of my working week next Friday
I am in for more training Tuesday and Thursday 
Then my first live shift is the evening shift on Friday
That weekend is a bank holiday weekend here 
So I will be working Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
These consecutive days will really give me a chance to throw myself in at the deep end 
And get stuck in 
Georgina keeps reiterating 
That this job is mainly about common sense 
I just hope I have enough 
I really hope I can do this 
And I haven't bitten off more than I can chew 
I feel like at the moment
There is a huge clock, counting down to my first shift 
D Day 
I am both terrified and excited to start work 
All I can do is my best 
And I will most definitely give it my all
If I can just hold my nerve 
And turn up for work everyday
I really think it will do me the power of good 
With my confidence 
Self esteem
I can't stress enough 
How important this job is 
I really think it will make or break me
But maybe I shouldn't put too much pressure on myself 
Maybe I should take it day by day
Shift by shift 
And go from there 

I went horse riding again yesterday 
I was on Princess
And was instructed by Roisin
For a change 
We went out to the outdoor arena 
As the weather was fine
It felt great to ride out in the fresh air 
I felt so free
Princess is starting to co-operate with me 
But I really need to work on my control of the horse 
We did a lot of trotting 
Jumped some small jumps 
And did a good bit of cantering towards the end of the session 
It was brilliant 
Every time I go 
I just want to do more and more 
I would do it every single day if I could 
It gives me a natural high
A feeling that drugs used to give me 
Except this is better 
There are no negative effects
It's good for me 
I am so grateful to have found something that I am passionate about 
That feeds my soul
It's also something to work at 
To progress and improve 
Something to work towards 
I can't explain to you how much I love it 
I'm actually surprised that I haven't found riding until now 
I guess dancing was my thing when I was younger 
And then I went off the rails after that 
So horse riding never really came up for me 
I've found it now 
And better late than never right?

That's really all to report for today folks 
Life is good 
I am good 
You can't ask for much more than that....

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Long day and lots to learn

I had a full day of training yesterday
Hence why I didn't post
By the time I got home 
My brain was throbbing with the amount of information I absorbed 
So yes
The other new girl, Sinead, and I were in yesterday 
I thought we were just going over a couple of things 
But we were there for six hours in total
And boy was there a lot to take in
Georgina was training us 
And again
She was super clear and direct about what we need to do
And what is expected of us
She went through a massive folder with us 
Of policies and procedures 
She gave us a huge aray of scenarios that might happen while we are on duty
It really was an eye opener
As Georgina told us story after story 
Some very distressing 
She told us about the broad spectrum of people who will be staying in the centre
From women's groups 
To families 
To single people 
To old peoples groups 
Also people with mental health issues 
And addiction
She talked about drugs quite a bit 
And I could feel myself becoming uncomfortable 
And began to wonder if I should tell her about my own addiction history 
I have told her about my ED 
But have not divulged anything about drugs 
I decided to hold off until I was on my own with her 
We had a lunch break at 1pm
And we went down to the old folks house for a much needed cuppa
Myself and Sinead bonded over our respective piercings 
I was told yesterday 
That I might have to remove my piercings 
Which is annoying 
But nothing was said today 
So I'm hoping they won't bring it up again
Sinead is lovely 
She's 19
And full of energy 
Mentally I think I am around her age 
So I think we'll get on well
After lunch 
It was back to run through fire drills 
Panic buttons 
And so on 
We finished up around 4pm
And I was glad to get out and get some fresh air
We do have a dress code 
Which is dark trousers and a dark or white top
So I'm just organising what I do have 
I have a few pairs of black trousers 
All different sizes of course 
But I'm sure I'll find something suitable 

Today again 
Georgina held me back to have a chat with me 
She is keeping an eye on me
And asked me how I felt about the job now 
And did I think it would be too much 
I was honest with her 
And told her that I bounced from being super excited 
To being completely terrified
I also decided to tell her about my drug history 
She took it well
I asked if it changed anything she said not at all
But to not tell everyone about it 
Which I wouldn't anyway 
I explained that I have been stable a long time 
And have great support 
She asked about these supports 
And what my family thought of my taking this job
I told her that my Mum thinks this will be fantastic for me 
And my whole family is behind me
Georgina can see that I am lacking confidence 
But she said working in the centre will be perfect for me
And that I will flourish there 
She also told me that I did a great interview back a few months ago
And that there was a genuine warmth off me 
Which was lovely to hear 
I guess when I feel myself wobble about the job
I refer to my Mum and Georgina
Two strong smart women 
Who have looked me in the eye 
And told me with such conviction
That I can do this 
And not only can I do it 
I will be good at it
It's great to have others believe in you 
When you have very little faith in yourself
I came home yesterday evening 
Absolutely knackered 
My head hurt with the amount of information that it processed
I told my Mam all about the house and the training 
Man thinks it sounds like the perfect place for me to restart my working life
Because the centre is non profit
They are not driven by money 
So where as in one of the hotels 
I would just be a number 
In this job 
I am Ruby 
And Georgina makes it very clear that she wants it to work for me as much as she wants it to work for the centre
Which is why she is so accommodating with the hours
I know I am blessed to work in such a place 
It's a place where I can get a good foundation of confidence and skills
And then being so understanding about my conditions is just a breath of fresh air 

I have a few days off now 
I'm back in for training next Tuesday and Thursday 
Then have my first live shift Friday
I'm using my days off to recharge 
To relax 
To go to my meetings 
And horse riding 
To make sure my recovery is on track 
And that all my ducks are in a row 
It's funny 
Now that I have more in my life 
My ED and addiction have taken a back seat 
Of course 
Life is not perfect 
But now my mind is not preoccupied with thoughts of food and weight 
I don't have a scales 
So I don't weigh myself 
And I don't miss it 
As long as my clothes fit 
And I feel good 
Well that's all that matters 
I can't lie 
I still purge from time to time 
But it is no where near they way it was 
When I was purging 10 - 20 times a day 
I swear I wonder how I managed to get to the age of 34 in one piece!
But I did 
I'm still alive and kicking 
And ready to face another challenge
It's strange to think that as recently as Christmas 
I was really struggling 
But as I always say 
As quickly as things can go belly up
They can also turn around just as fast 
And I am writing this post 
To let you know 
That there is most definitely life after an eating disorder and addiction
This is not a fluke 
Or an accident 
My recovery is down to hard work and determination
I truly believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it 
I am living proof that your life could be in the toilet 
But you can still climb out 
And live a full life 
I remember Mary saying to me that positivity breeds positivity 
The same with energy 
Once you see a glimpse of what life could be like 
It's a huge reason to keep going
Of course 
My life is not perfect 
I struggle day to day 
With eating enough 
With body image 
With self confidence and self esteem 
I am too hard on myself 
And doubt myself a lot 
But I am doing the best that I can with what I have got
That's all any of us can do 
So please 
Take some comfort in knowing that I was in the gutter 
Addicted to heroin
With a chronic eating disorder 
There wasn't much hope for me 
I was lucky 
My family pulled me through
Never gave up on me 
I have been extremely blessed with the people in my life 
Especially the women 
Strong women are a role model for me
And I'm fortunate to have a lot in my life 
My mother who is my hero
My two sisters 
My aunties 
Ladies at the meetings 
I now know what it takes to be a strong woman 
And some day I hope to be someone who others look up to 

I'm off to have a little rest 
And spend some time with Mam and the dogs 
Wishing you a happy Friday 
And see you on the next post......