It was great to be able to give her a good report about all the good things that are happening in my life
She was truly delighted for me
And said it made her job worthwhile
Seeing people like me get well
I was also so happy to tell her that I am barely purging any more
Since starting work
It has really been a rarity
Mary asked me to draw a pi chart
Of all the different areas in my life
It was quite a struggle to fit everything in
She asked me about blogging
And it got me thinking
I guess my blog has taken a back seat recently
And it seems to be evolving
Up until now
My blog has been been about living with and managing my ED and addiction
Most of my posts thus far have been ED based
And that's fine
Because that's what was going on for me
And it was great to be part of a community that thrived on supporting each other
But now I find myself asking
Where my blog is going now?
I feel a little bit like I am in limbo
I don't consider myself eating disordered in the clinical sense anymore
But I still have a long way to go as far as recovery is concerned
I have to be honest
Over the past couple of weeks
I have thought about stopping blogging altogether
As I don't know what I have to offer this community anymore
And my real life is so full
I don't have time like I used to
And I don't know if my blog is the hub that it once was
I seem to get less readers and comments
That shouldn't matter
And it doesn't
But I guess it makes me feel like my blog isn't wanted or needed anymore
Then there is the fact that blogger seems to be passé now
More and more people seem to use Instagram now a days
And less and less people seem to be using blogger
It kind of feels like a ghost town lately
With all that said
I don't really know what to do
Or where to go from here
I really want to keep writing and blogging
But maybe
Like a lot of things in my life
It's time to move on
I don't know
It's something I am going to have to work through I guess
And hopefully what I'm supposed to do will become clear
I was wondering what you think
Have you experienced this with blogging and recovery?
Have you felt like me and wondered what next?
Do you think my blog is needed and wanted?
I would really love your feedback on this one so do get in touch
I appreciate it