A catch up is well over due
I seem to be blogging less and less now
That is both a good and a bad thing
Life is busy and full
I work four days a week
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
On my days off
I catch up on house work
Horse riding
And appointments
Up until today
My wages have been emergency taxed
Which meant almost half my pay was taken
But today
I got a lovely surprise
When I checked my bank balance
And saw that it had all been refunded
What a lovely way to start the day
I was able to give a lot of money towards the house
And towards the new washing machine we need
Which was a lovely feeling to be able to do that
I also heard back from the disability section of social welfare
I had to send them some pay slips
So they could means test my disability against it
I did everything above board and legit
And in actual fact
My disability was reduced by only €8
Which is fantastic!
My work is considered therapeutic
So I get to work
And keep my payment
But yes
Work is going really well
I can feel my confidence improving every day
I've made new friends
I'm thriving in my new environment
And feel like I can do my job
And do it well
Because I did a couple of shifts for one of the girls last week
I have had the last few days off
Which has been nice
But I do find myself getting a bit bored on days when I have nothing on
I'm definitely going to see if I can continue working after the summer season
As I feel it is doing me the world of good
The routine
The structure
The satisfaction of having earned my own money
It's all adding up to make one very happy Ruby
I am now six weeks in to work
I can remember back in May
Just before I started
I was beyond nervous
And was fully prepared for the fact that it might not work out
In fact I was almost expecting it to go belly up
Even after my first day
I still felt like it wasn't sinking in
But like a lot of things
I had to give it a chance
And time to settle in
Which when I started to relax
Began to happen
The centre is busy these days
Full capacity is 60
And a lot of those are children
And when the weather is bad
No one goes out
So the place is like a bomb hit
But that's ok
It keeps me busy and honest
In other news
I am loving my new hair
I really need to go and getting it done more often
As it really gives me a boost
I went back to horse riding yesterday too
Which was brilliant as always
My canter is getting better
As I continue to improve
Star is amazing
Even if he did stand on my foot yesterday
I travelled to horse riding with Fintan
We always have a great chat and laugh
We stop to get the horses a bag of carrots on the way
And the minute they hear the rustle of the bag
They are all looking over
And kicking the doors of the stables
I've decided not to go back to the other stables
And stick to horse therapy
I told Fintan yesterday
That I had been taking other lessons
He didn't think it was a good idea either
I kind of felt like I was being sneaky doing other lessons
Plus the fact that the other lessons were harsher
I was put in a group with much more experienced riders
I was pushed to do things I didn't feel
Comfortable doing
And more often than not
I came out of the lesson feeling deflated
So I think I will stick to therapy
As regards my ED
It's in the background these days
I can't lie
I do still struggle with purging
But it's not every day
And it's not impinging on my quality of life
I've accepted that this is as good as it gets for me
At least for now
I hope that in time
I will phase it out completely
I am eating a lot better though
I eat three meals and snacks
When I'm working
I have my breakfast and lunch there
And I'm so busy
That I don't get a chance to think about restricting or purging
Since I started work six weeks ago
I have purged once in work
And I am determined to keep that behaviour out of my work place
I have no earthly clue what I weigh
Really and truly I can't even make an educated guess
But my clothes fit
And I feel healthy
So let's go with that
I am done measuring my self worth in pounds and ounces
I am done being a slave to my scales
My clothes are a size 8
I think I look ok
So why would I ruin all that
By putting a number on it
And you can bet your ass that if I did weigh myself
It would start off the cycle of hating my body
And manipulating my food and weight
I turn 35 in a few weeks
I've been addicted and eating disordered for 16 years
I will never get those years back
But you know what?
I don't regret a thing
My experiences have shaped the person I am today
And I would hope that I am a good person
Doing my best to live my life as well as I can
I try to be a good person
I try to be the best that I can be
I know that I am blessed with a strong family behind me
And good friends around me
I have two beautiful dogs
A job I love
I live in a place where I am surrounded by beauty
I have enough money
Enough food
A roof over my head
A warm dry bed to sleep on
I know I am luckier than some
And I am incredibly grateful for that
My life is charmed compared to some
And I appreciate everything that I have
I have always noticed
That in support groups
It tends to be those over 30 that seem to be doing well
This makes sense to me
As in your twenties
I think you are still growing up
And still think you are invincible
Going out a lot
Pushing boundaries
I know for me
I was in my thirties when I finally sorted out my drug addiction and alcoholism
And now my ED
I guess I was burned out
Sick and tired
And ready to give up the hard living
As it just wasn't worth it anymore
The negatives massively out weighed the positives
I wanted something more out of life
In addiction
Nothing is real
Your feelings are fake
Your relationships are fake
Your reality is fake
I now want something that is real
And honest
I am done living that life
Today is a good day
I feel positive and hopeful
And that my friends
Is a minor miracle
Let me tell you
It is hard work staying clean and sober
On top of managing an ED
It is so worth it
And I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China
So please
Take some comfort from the fact that I came through all this
And you most certainly can too
I know it seems impossible
But I promise you
If I can do it
So can you
Recovery is the best gift you can give yourself
It's right in front of you
You just need to reach out and grab it