It's feels so good
To take the time to sit down with a cuppa and write
This week has been hectic to say the least
Early mornings
Long days
Very early nights
Lather, rinse, repeat
Before I started the course
I deliberately didn't think about what I was letting myself in for
Ignorance is bliss and all that
I decided to take it day by day
And hour by hour if necessary
The first half of the week was spent in the classroom doing assignments
It was very laid back and relaxed
No pressure at all
Thursday and Friday are spent in the stables
All week I was looking forward to working with the horses
On Thursday morning
We gathered in the centre
And caught a bus out to the stables
I had my gear with me
So I was good to go
First we went up to the class room
To do some theory
That lasted about half an hour
Then it was down to the stables
And time to muck out
I don't know about you
But I have never in my life kicked out a stable
And let me tell you
It is not easy
First I worked with one of the other girls
And she explained things to me
You get yourself a wheel barrow
A pitch fork
And a brush
You remove all the horse poop
And any of the bedding that is wet
But Jesus H Christ
Did I have trouble doing that
The pitch fork itself is heavy
And I am quite a little person
So I found the actual mucking out really hard
Then of course the horse is in the stable
So you have to manoeuvre around him
And try and get him to go where you want him to go
So when I had filled my barrow
I had to bring it around to the dung heap
And boy did I struggle with that
The barrow was so heavy
I was sure it was going to topple over
If you can imagine
I was walking forward
Pulling the barrow behind me
Coming out of the stables
There was a slope
And I swear to God
I nearly got run over by my own wheel barrow!
Then I had to go around to empty the barrow
To what I can only describe as a quarry of horse poop
I had to go right to the edge
And honest to God
There were many times when I thought I was going to be pulled over the edge
I literally don't have a lot of strength
Grainne is the name of the woman in charge in the stables
And she is one hardy buck
When she saw me struggling with the barrow
She said she hopes I don't drive
Of course the funny thing is that I do
But I definitely find using the barrow tricky
The other new girl was there too on Thursday
But because she has worked in a trekking centre before
She knew a lot more than me
So I felt way behind everyone else
Then it was time to groom the horses
And that was nice
It was around then that I realised that I wouldn't be riding that day
I can't lie
I was really disappointed
But I figured this week was a trial week
So no riding for me
We breaker for lunch for an hour
And no one had told me that there are zero facilities to get something to eat and drink
I had nothing
So one of the girls very kindly shared her lunch with me
After lunch
The others had their riding lesson
And I did more grooming
And learning about the tack and all the gear
I have to admit
It was pretty overwhelming
There was so much information thrown at me
It was mind boggling
By the end of the day
I felt physically and emotionally drained
And unsure whether this was for me
We finished up in the afternoon
And I asked our tutor Joanna if I could speak to her
I was honest
I told her I felt a bit overwhelmed
And that I was recovering from an eating disorder
And was still quite weak
She was nice to me
Told me not to compare myself to the others
And to work at my own pace
She also said that if at any to me I needed to take ten minutes for myself that was ok
She also told me to really think about if I want to do this course
And what ever decision I came to was ok
I left the stables feeling very tired
It was really hard work
But the positive is that I got to spend time with so many beautiful animals
So that made it all worthwhile
My day wasn't over yet though
When I got back in to town
I was walking over to get my bus
When I saw a woman holding a bird
And was trying to cut something off the bird
Curious as ever
I asked her what she was doing
She showed me that the birds feet were all tangled in fishing line
And there was a fish hook through its claw
She held the bird
And asked me to pull the hook out
As you may know
It's not easy to get a fish hook out cleanly
I tried to pull gently
But the bird started to bleed
But I kept trying
And finally managed to pull it out
The woman said she was going to bring the bird to the vet
So I left her to it
How do I get myself in to these situations?
But hey
I was glad I could help
We were out in the stables again
But just for a half day
I was slightly dreading the mucking out part
And I prepared myself for the fact that I probably wouldn't get to ride
We started in the classroom
Before heading to the stables
This time
Joanna kept a good eye on me
And helped me with everything
Which was good of her
I mucked out and groomed a beautiful pony called Blue
He was a real pet
A gentle little thing
Then Grainne came over and asked me if I had ridden before
I said I had done a little bit
And explained about the equine assisted therarpy
She told me to rack up Blue
And that I could join the lesson
I was super excited!
And Joanne helped me tack up
I led Blue in to the arena with the others
They all looked so confident
And I felt so nervous
I mounted Blue
And took myself to the back seat of the line
The minute I was on his back
I felt right at home
Then it was straight in to riding trot
No warm up or anything
Blue was a joy to ride
And really looked after me
We did a few rounds of trot
Then we did something called the jumping position
Which I'm presuming is the position you take when jumping a fence
I just had to learn quickly and copy the others
I am so glad that I had the experience I had
As I was really thrown in at the deep end
Then some of the others did a twenty metre circle
I was glad that I knew what that was
And I was able to keep up
Then some of the others did a canter
One by one
I was at the end
So Grainne told me just to trot
But Blue had other ideas
And broke in to a canter
What a buzz!!
I loved it!
And Grainne actually said 'Good Girl'
Which is praise indeed from her
I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson
And it really made all the hard work worthwhile
All too soon
The lesson was over
So I brought Blue in
Untacked him
Groomed him
And out his rug back on
Then it was lunch time
And we were finished for the day
And the week
This morning it felt so good to wake up
And realise that I had no where to be
And nothing to do
It was a tough week
But I have to say
I thoroughly enjoyed it
And I think I am going to do it
It's funny
When I was doing the horse therapy
I literally used to turn up
Ride Star
And go home
I had no clue about all the work that went in to looking after horse
And boy are they a full time job
I'm so glad to have a few days off though
To recharge my batteries
And catch up on myself
I am so lucky to have the support of my family though
My Mam looks after the dogs during the day
So I don't have to worry about them at all
I'm off to make a cuppa
And watch Masterchef
Hope you enjoy your Saturday
And see you on the next post....