Thursday, 14 January 2016

Over to you....

I got a couple of emails this week
One from Lebanon
And one from Singapore 
Both from readers who decided to reach out
I can't tell you how much I love getting emails like this 
From readers
On the other side of the world 
Who read my words 
Who follow my story 
I know a small amount of you
Some I know really well
A core group of you who post regularly 
And read every day
But as I wrote yesterday
There are so many more of you that I don't know 
Those of you who read in silence 
Who don't comment or email 
So I am inviting you today
To reach out
To beak your silence 
Let me know who you are 
Where you are from 
What age you are
Maybe you are a young girl
Or maybe you are a mama yourself 
And are worried about your or your child's behaviour 
Maybe you are a new reader 
Or maybe you have followed me from the start 
Maybe you have an ED
Or some other mental illness
Maybe you are scared 
At the end of your tether 
You might be holding on by your finger tips 
Or maybe you have already let go
And you are free falling
On the other hand 
Maybe you are in recovery
Or at least heading that way 
Maybe you are somewhere in between 
And whoever you are 
I'd love to hear from you
Let me know who you are
What keeps you going?
What scares you?
What are your hopes and dreams?
What makes you tick?

I share so much of myself here on this blog
I would love to hear from some of you 
Smoke signal
Morse code 
Whatever the medium
Let me know who you are....

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


I check my stats from time to time 
To remind myself that people do read
When I feel like I am shouting in to the abyss that is the internet 
And no one is hearing or reading
I also like to see where my traffic comes 
And what search words led people to my blog
My blog comes up on the first page of Google when you type in certain words to do with EDs and addiction
This is both exciting and scary
As you know
I don't write anonymously 
I'm honest about my struggle 
My face is out there for all and sundry to see 
And I don't hold back
I guess I don't know any other way to be Recently 
I've been wondering about my stats 
And how they compare to the average stats of a blogger
I get on average 
Between 400 and 1000 hits a day 
I don't know if that is a lot or a little
As I have nothing to compare it to 
Obviously I know some of you
But there seems to be hundreds of you that read and I don't know 
I'm interested to find out who you are 
I also like to check views from the top ten countries 
The U.S. and the UK come in first and second 
And then other countries like Russia And Norway and Malaysia also feature 
It still boggles my mind 
That people from all over the world read my blog
I'm hoping that it is a force for good
And helps readers in some small way
This blog is a huge part of my life 
It's more than a hobby at this stage 
I treat it more like a job
Albeit an unpaid one 
But still a job of a kind 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you
How many hits a day does your blog get?
Do you check your stats much?
Do you write anonymously or not?
What are your reasons for this?
I'd love to know.....

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday 12 January

January is a tough month
It's dark
It's cold
It's so very hard to get up of a morning
It's getting so cold that we are expecting snow 
Now I happen to love snow
But only if I don't have to go out in it
Lying in bed this morning
The wind howling
The rain pelting off the window 
It feels like the end of the world it's so noisy
Trying to get up out of a warm cosy bed is sheer torture
The dogs woke me up this morning
Lea began barking at about 8am
I always get up when I hear Lea
As she only ever barks when she has to pee
So I jumped out of bed 
Ran to the kitchen 
In to the utility room
Where Lea was waiting patiently at the back door 
I let her out 
And promptly ran back down to bed
Where I allowed myself another 15 glorious minutes 

So far 
In this post 
I am doing a sterling job at writing about anything other than how I am struggling at the moment 
I am struggling 
And it's nothing to do with the time of year
Or the cold 
Or the darkness 
I feel like I am dragging myself through life at the moment
My days are punctuated with eating and purging 
I can't say I am bingeing 
As the amounts of food I am eating are typical portions
It's still too much 
Any amount is too much 
It has nothing to do with weight anymore 
I could be 5 stone or 50 stone
It doesn't matter anymore 
My head is well and truly wrecked 
I get up 
Walk the dogs 
Take my meds 
Zone in and out in front of the TV for a while 
All the while eating and purging 
And weighing a ridiculous amount too
My mood yo-Yoing as my weight fluctuates 

I spoke to my Mam last night
About the possibility of going back in to treatment 
I don't know if it's a knee jerk reaction
Or just an overwhelming need to do something about my situation
I am probably thinking prematurely 
I mean 
I have just started seeing Mary again
I should give that a chance first 
And anyway 
By my own admission
Treatment and that environment never really worked for me 
From home 
It's easy to slip in to the thinking 
That if I go to treatment
They will make me better 
But of course it's not like that 
You have to do the work 
You have to make you better 
And for me 
It seems that I do better from home
So that is plan A
I can think about treatment when and if I need to 

I think my psychiatrist is right though
My mood has dipped in to a depression
Death doesn't scare me
Life scares me more 
The last time I saw Breda 
She that I was 'too young and too talented' to sit at home wasting my life away
But the thing is 
And as I am getting older 
Anxiety about the smallest thing is swallowing me whole
My writers group started last night 
I couldn't even peel myself off the couch 
Never mind get out the front door
Now it's the next morning 
And I am so sorry that I didn't go 
I told myself that I need to focus on my health first 
And I do 
But I also need to break this pattern of anxiety 
And running away from life 
I am hoping that seeing Mary will help
And possibly an increase of my meds 
It was when I was put on Prozac almost two years ago that I was able to pull myself out of the binge purge cycle 
It really helped 
I Am now on 40mg
And the professionals talked about increasing it to 80mg
Which I am not opposed to 
Whatever works right?

I know sooner or later I am going to have to take a leap of faith where recovery is concerned
Either take a chance on living my life 
Or stay in my illness
Where yes 
It's safe 
It's comfortable 
But I know I am missing out on so so much
Social events 
I am just so afraid 
And it's keeping me paralysed 
Stuck in this house 
This room
This illness 
And the older I get 
The harder it is to do all these things 
Before I know it
It's going to be too late 

I'm hoping with the help of the professionals 
I can turn this around 
And turn this relapse from a negative thing
In to a positive learning experience 
Even though it may seem like it
I'm not giving up
Not one little bit 
I'll fight until the bitter end 
Right now 
I am just tired 
I feel like part of me is crumbling under the weight of all this stress 
I am lucky though 
I have an amazingly strong family around 
Who are my back bone 
My Mum is endlessly patient 
And kind
When I get upset 
And feel like all is lost 
She is the one who dries my tears
And helps put the pieces of my life back together 
She always tells me with such conviction
That I will get better 
I will be all right 
She is so convincing 
That I can't help but believe her

The plan is 
To engage with Mary, Breda, my doctor, my psychiatrist 
Eat little and often 
Purging as little as I can manage 
Take it easy 
Spend time with my dogs and family 
Meet with good friends 
Don't beat myself up 
Don't be hard on myself 
Focus on the positive 
The good things in my life 
Build myself up physically And mentally 
Allow myself to eat the things I want to eat 
Listen to my body
And give it what it needs 
Don't isolate 
Surround myself with good and positive people 
Who will help me through this 
In short 
Just keep putting one foot in front of the other 
And keep going 
As I always say 
Baby steps all the way
As baby steps add up to be great strides 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Party Trick

Everyone has a party trick
Something they can do
With their body or mind 
You might be double jointed 
Or be able to talk backwards 
For as long as I can remember 
My party trick has been mirror writing 
Writing with both hands 
One going forwards 
And the other backwards
I Am left handed 
But I do most other this like play tennis with my right hand 
So both hands are fairly strong 
I guess I am a bit ambidextrous
A useless talent
But interesting none the less
Some one told me once
That it means I am using both sides of my brain
Instead of just one side
Whether that's true or not I do not know 
Here is a little sample of mirror writing

I was wondering about you
Do you have a part trick?
Or something unusual that most people can't do? 
Which hand do you write with?
Can you write with both hands like me?
Answers on a post card please....

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday 10 January

Like a lot of things 
Blogger reflects life
Many many different communities 
All formed by the labels that have been given to us
Lifestyle blogger
Make up 
Blogger has space for all of us
And our little corner of blogger
Is where we have all gathered
To support each other 
To get support 
To connect with others like us 
To identify 
To help each other get through the daily grind that is mental illness 
Even though it seems blogger has gone out of fashion
We still meet 
Every single day 
To read 
To write 
To not feel so alone 
It's an enormous part of our lives 

Blogger also reflects life
In that people come and go all the time 
In my life 
There has been a revolving door of people in and out for as long as I can remember 
Blogger is no different 
I guess I am thinking about this 
As I am coming up on 4 years blogging
And it's human to look back and reflect 

When I first started blogging 
Back in 2012 
There was a buzzing and thriving community
It was amazing to be part of this exciting movement 
Every day 
There was a large number of blogs to read 
It was both terrifying and thrilling to witness 
Sad that this community was needed
Yet so grateful to have the support 
I have met the most amazing people through my blog
And reading other blogs 
The best of friends 
Some of you have been there from the start 
Some of you are newer to blogger
But the amazing thing is
Everyone is welcome 
There is space 
And a place for us all
But of course 
Many have come and gone over the years 
Often with out reason or explanation 
The odd person might explain their reasons for leaving 
Maybe they are recovering 
And need to move on
Some feel the community is no longer healthy or helpful 
More often than not
They just vanish off the face of the blogosphere 
Never to be heard from again 

Two fellow bloggers who I befriended over the years 
And became very close to 
Have since left the blogosphere 
Deleted their blogs 
And don't reply to my messages anymore 
The first person in question 
Had been part of the ED blogging world for a time 
But had then 'recovered' And left
She still blogged 
But nothing to do with ED 
We were closer than close
We texted every day
She was a great support
But we disagreed over one fundamental issue 
She maintained that the ED community here on blogger was unhealthy 
She dismissed our comments on each other's blogs as sentimental drivel 
She urged me time and time again to leave 
Or at least branch out a little 
Not inspite of her honesty
I loved her because of her honesty 
As a lot of the time 
She made good points 
But alas 
We got in to a nasty argument 
And haven't spoken since 
I have since found out that she wasn't in recovery at all
She was severely underweight
And her life was crumbling around her ears 
I dont know how she is now 
I don't know if she is ok
If she's blogging 
If she's even alive 
I regret the argument we had 
We both said things we didn't mean 
I'd love to know how she is 

The other girl was a similar story 
We became very close 
Very quickly 
In constant contact
But again
We came to an impass 
And she fell of the face of the earth 
I still feel the loss of both friends 
There is a hole in my life that they once filled 
But that's life I guess
Not just life here on blogger 
People come and go
Nothing lasts forever

I have been thinking though 
Is this the reason that so many have left blogger?
Because they have found it to be unheAlthy? 
Is it unhealthy?
Are we deluding ourselves that what we have here is beneficial?
I worry about that 
I worry that we are enabling each other
Because of someone doesn't want to get well
We don't question that 
Of course that is supporting a choice someone makes 
But is it also supporting the illness?

I guess like everything in life
There are positives and negatives to blogging 
And there have been many times over the years
That I have weighed up blogging 
And whether it does more bad than good 
But I have always come to the conclusion
That the positive outweighs the negative 
My blog has saved my life many times 
The support and love and well wishes I have received had been overwhelming at times 
Blogging has helped me find a love of writing 
It has opened up many doors
With amazing people and experiences 
I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China 

With all that said 
I was wondering about you 
Do you think ED blogging is healthy or unhealthy?
Do you think the pros out weigh the cons?
What do you get out of blogging? 
How long have you been blogging?
Inquiring minds want to know....

Friday, 8 January 2016

Friday 8 January

Yesterday was tough
I broke down in tears on three separate occasions
Once with Mary
Again on the phone to my Dad
Then later on to Mam
It felt like everything I've worked for
Is crumbling underneath me
All the hard graft I've put in to my recovery
Gone in an instant 
My Dad wanted to come and see me
But he lives over an hour away
So that wouldn't be fair
My Mam is amazing as always
Telling me with such conviction
That I will get well
She said that she has every confidence that I will get through this
I wish I had her faith 
Because I fear for my own sanity
I really do 
There is only so much that the body and mind can take 

At the moment
Depression is clouding my judgement 
It sits on my mind like a dark cloud that constantly  rains 
I think Mary and the psych are right
I'm not getting the benefit of my meds
Because I am purging so much 
I need to get this under control 
I really can't go on like this 
I have too much to lose at this point 

I have a follow up hospital appointment today 
I'm not entirely sure what or why
But I guess it's good to get checked out
I got my blood test results too yesterday
My potassium is a little low
But nothing to be too concerned about
Just keep an eye on it for now 

One thing Mary talked about yesterday
Is occupation
And having something to do
Because I don't do very much at the moment 
I walk my dogs
I do house work
I read 
I watch TV 
I don't do a whole lot outside of the house
I think I need to expand my horizons
I want to check back With the dog shelter
Find out about the local writing group
Maybe start social dancing 
In case you are wondering what social dancing is 
I'm not entirely sure
But I know it involves people and dancing
And what's not to love about that?
I might even meet a nice farmer
I am a country girl now after all....

The thing is 
I know what I need to do 
This is not my first rodeo 
I also want to go back to my support groups 
Even though I am convinced no one likes me there
But I'm at the point where I don't really care if people like me or not 
I need to go for myself 
And if I go to the meetings I feel
Comfortable at 
And as Breda says 
I don't need to speak if I don't want to 
I just need to be there 
Soak up the recovery 
And leave the rest

The plan of action 
Is to keep my appointments 
With all the professionals 
Because I have been known to cancel appointments when I don't want to face my issues
Take it easy over the weekend 
Eat well
And then Monday 
Hit the ground running 
And find some interesting and worthwhile things to do 
I'm really interested in volunteering 
In any capacity really 
With animals for sure 
But also maybe the elderly 
The sick
People who are lonely 
I actually think I get on better with peoe who are older than me 
I feel more comfortable with them
And am more myself 
So that's something to look in to 

At the moment 
I am just one decision away from getting in to bed 
Pulling the covers over my head 
And forgetting about everything
I know I could easily fall apart at a moments notice 
I guess at times like this 
You fake it till you make it 
Pretend until it becomes real
I'm a firm believer in that 

I know I say it a lot 
But thank you 
Thank you so much for reading 
For commenting, emailing and texting 
Your support has helped hold me together recently 
It means more than you will ever know
I just hope that I can do the same for you

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Thursday 7 January

I'm just back from seeing Mary
Which was such a relief to see her 
I was early for my appointment
And had just sat down in the waiting room
When she popped her head around the corner 
We got straight down to business
And she asked how I am doing 
With my words in a jumble
Trying to make sense
I told her about struggling recently 
Losing weight
Losing my mind 
My mood dipping
My purging increased 
She said that in all likelihood 
My mood dropping 
And purging more are connected 
As if I'm purging more
Then I'm not getting the benefit of my meds 
It then becomes a viscous circle 
Of one feeding the other 

We talked about what I'm doing with my days 
Which is very little these days 
And I know that's a huge problem for me
I don't have anything to fill my days 
So inevitably 
I end up getting myself in some sort of trouble 
The devil makes work for idol hands and all that 
We talked about the support groups 
And how they help me when I go 
We made a list of things for me to do 
Before I see her next week
Which includes a meal plan
Shopping list 
Check out the local writing group
The Womens centre 
And possibly part time work 
For the first time in a long time 
I actually feel motivated
To get back on track 
To realise my potential
As Mary said 
It's a big wide world out there 
And it's there for me to explore 

I had gone so low recently 
That everything seemed like an effort 
I spent my days at home
And if I did go out 
I was always anxious to get home 
Now that I've spoken to Mary
I feel a bit clearer in my mind what I need to do
Sometimes that's all it takes
For someone else to gently guide you in the right direction
Everyone is always telling me that I have great potential 
And that's all very well
But what does that mean?
That I could do something wonderful
My confidence has taken a battering recently 
And I'm feeling quite raw emotionally
The thought of putting myself out there is very scary 
But I know 
If I could just take the first step
Then the rest will be easier 

Myself and Mary write down all my homework 
She wished me a happy new year
And gave me a big hug before I left 
Which was lovely 
I'll be seeing her once a week for the next few weeks 
And you know what?
I think I can do it 
I think I can get back on track 
Living in the midst of an ED
Is nothing short of miserable, lonely and utterly soul destroying 
I'm not willing to live my life like that 
The last eight weeks
Of being back in ED mode
Have shown me that nothing has changed 
Anorexia/bulimia are their same old selves 
I don't want to deal with that any more 
I have a life to live

Before I left 
Mary asked me about weighing
I told her I was weighing every day
She told me in no uncertain terms 
That I needed to stop
And that she will weigh me once a week
I can't lie 
That's going to be tough 
Weighing is the one thing recently that was feeding my self worth
Now I need to find other ways to maintain it 
Other ways to feel good about myself
In short 
I need to carve out a life for myself 
A routine 
An occupation 
A reason to get up in the morning
Because right now
Apart from my dogs
It's difficult to find a reason to keep going 

I've got to do this
I've just got to 
There is no other option anymore 
I hope I can do it
I think I can do it 
With my families help
The professionals help
And with your help 
I just might have a fighting chance 
The one thing I take out of these situations 
Is the learning 
Something I will improve on the next time 
I mean
I'm not asking for much 
I just want a simple life
A roof over my head 
Food in my fridge
Loved ones at my side 
Dogs at my feet 
A job I love 
And I think these things are achieve able 
I think they are within my grasp
It starts right now 
Having my dinner 
Keeping it down 
Doing my meal plan 
My shopping list 
That's half the battle 
I will start the hunt for things to do 
That's after my hospital appointment 
It's a brand new year 
A fresh start 
What better time to make a change 
I want this 
I need this 
Are you with me....?