Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Monday Monday

TI was so glad to make it to today
Yesterday was a tough day
It started out ok
I brought the dogs for our usual walk
It was a beautiful day weather wise
I came home
My sister and her friend were going out for the day
But I elected to stay at home
Thinking that I wanted some time to myself
So I ended up being home alone all day
And I did nothing but watch tv
A few hours in
And I could feel my head starting to go
I started thinking
And over thinking
And ruminating 
I could feel the madness setting in
And I didn't like it

I was supposed to meet a friend in the evening before my meeting
But he cancelled 
So I had the whole day alone
About two hours before the meeting
I began to argue with myself whether to go or not
I was going around in circles in my head
And couldn't make a decision one way or the other
My mother came home 
And I was I foul humour
I finally decided to go to the meeting
But I was now running late and needed to hussle

I jumped in my car
Feeling under pressure
I was speeding along 
I got on to the main road
And I could feel the anxiety building in me
Then it all got too much
And I had to pull in to the side of the road
I didn't know what to do
I felt so overwhelmed 
I rang my mum
And she told me to go home 
So I turned around 
And admitted defeat

I got home
And felt like utter crap
I really wanted and needed to get to a meeting 
And was beating myself up that I didn't go
My mother told me to write off the day
And start a fresh today

I haven't been to a meeting since Saturday
And I really feel it
I feel tense 
A little bit crazy 
It just goes to show 
I do need a meeting every day at the moment
I need all the help I can get right now
But if nothing else
I learned something from this weekend
That I shouldn't spend too long on my own
And I need regular meetings

I had my doctor appointment this morning as yesterday was a bank holiday
I woke up feeling a lot better
And headed in for 9 am
He mentioned the fact that we were supposed to decrease my methadone today 
I put up no fight
As I am all out of excuses and reasons not to
So it was dropped from 26 to 24 mls
I probably won't even notice it to be honest

For the last couple of years
I've been having a lot of trouble with the nail on my big toe 
It was in grown in the past
And part of it had to be removed
And then it started to discolour 
And grew extremely thick
I've been meaning to show it to my doctor for months
And finally got around to it today
He said it would have to come off
And made an appointment for me for next Tuesday
I don't even mind
I am just glad that fine thing is being five about it at long last

After my doctor
I had an appointment with my counsellor Breda 
We talked about a lot of things
She really is very good
One of the best I have seen
It's great because there are so many positives in my life right now
So many things to be grateful for 
I have so much support
And as I always say
If love and support could get me well
I would have got well a long time ago

I even feel better about my body image today
Which is so good 
Eve made the point on my last post
That feeling ugly at certain times is not an ED thing
It's a girl thing
And you know I think she is right
I think a lot of the time
Our confidence
And self esteem
Is connected to our appearance
It shouldn't be 
But it is
So I tried on my outfit again today
Here it is......

Monday, 6 April 2015

Mirror mirror

For lack of anything else to write about
Today I was just going to do an outfit post
The weather has been lovely this weekend 
So pale arms and legs are being exposed  everywhere
I was tempted to get mine out
And put together a nice spring outfit

I decided to take photos of the clothes first
I laid them out carefully on the bed 
And snapped away
They looked great
A pair of blue cropped Brakeburn trousers
A cream and blue Brakeburn t-shirt
And my new Fat Face sandals

Then I tried the clothes on
To take some more photos
But somehow 
Instead of the clothes making me look nice
I seemed to make the clothes look horrible
My top half seems to be disproportionately bigger than my bottom half
My arms looked flabby
My middle looked like someone in their second trimester of pregnancy
My legs?
Well the less said about them the better
Even my feet
They seemed to make the dainty little sandals look grotesque
I couldn't even take one photo
I just threw my phone on to the bed
And changed in to a tracksuit

I know what you are thinking 
This girl has an eating disorder
Of course she sees herself through a warped perception
I wish that were true
I know part of the illness is that we are especially harsh on ourselves
And possibly don't see the truth when we look in the mirror
I get that 
I do
But I really do think that I am seeing myself in a realistic way
I really am not physically very nice to look at

This makes me worry about the approaching summer season
As the sun forces me to peel off layer after layer 
Until all that is left is vast white flesh 
Come back winter
All is forgiven!

Here are the photos of said clothes 

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Sunday morning walk

It was lovely and warm and dry this morning
So my sister and Honey and Lea and I headed in to the beach for a walk
A good time was had by all
Here are some photos.....

Saturday, 4 April 2015

A is for anxiety

Eek I've been averaging about a meeting a day for the last two weeks 
And boy had it made a difference
To my head
My mental health
My mood 
My peace of mind 
My self esteem
All of these things have improved so so much
Now I am wondering why I didn't go back to meetings sooner!
There have been many times over the last few years
When I have slowly driven by a meeting venue
Dying to go in
Yet it seemed so impossible
I just couldn't muster the courage to step in to that room
Thinking about it used to send me in to a frenzy of panic and anxiety
I really doubted that I would ever get back to meetings 

Like a lot of things with me
It was a mental thing
Once I wrapped my head around the fact that if I wanted to get well I had to go to meetings
Then it seemed a lot more doable
It felt possible
It was the same when I gave up smoking
Once I made the decision in my head 
And decided to give up
That was half the battle
It just goes to show the power of the mind
And how much it can help or hinder us

I went to an NA meeting last night in town
I was on my own driving in
So I was feeling a bit anxious
I'm not too confident driving in town either
I'm so used to country roads
And back roads
So motor ways and main roads scare me some
I made it to the meeting
I was a bit late 
So slipped in to the room
And took a seat
There was about 10 at the meeting
And for some reason I felt majorly anxious
My breathing was short and shallow 
As if I couldn't get enough oxygen in to my lungs
I was dreading having to speak
And at one point didn't think I'd be able to speak at all
But towards the end of the meeting
I found myself saying

My name is a Ruby
And I am an addict

I find speaking quite hard at the best of times
So talking in front of a room full of people can be quite the scary experience
And it's speaking about done very personal stuff
So there is the fear of what people will think of you
As I spoke
I could feel the words falling out of my mouth at a terrific speed 
I could feel one of my legs shaking nervously
As I twisted my other foot around and around 
I'm not entirely sure why I felt so anxious
Sometimes I speak at meetings
And I feel totally comfortable 
With no anxiety at all
But then other times
Anxiety hits me hard
And that makes everything so much harder

Looking back on my life
I can see that I began suffering with anxiety when I was a teenager
I can remember sitting in school
And feeling this overwhelming feeling of panic and fear
I didn't call it anxiety at the time
But now I can see that is what it was

I was bullied in high school too
By girls from another school
It wasn't anything too serious 
But it knocked my confidence
And fuelled my anxiety
I began to get wary around other people
Especially meeting new people
Or people who reminded me of the bullies
That experience has effected me to this day
And how I see myself and others
Since then
I have categorised people in to different sections 
Those I feel comfortable around
Those I fear
Those I can be myself around
And those I want to like me
I can usually make up my mind very quickly who belongs where 
I know this might sound a little strange 
But this the effect that bullying had on me

I deal with anxiety every single day 
In one form or another 
More often than not 
It's the anticipation of an event
That makes me more anxious than the event itself 
It's the run up to it
The thinking about it  
Over thinking it
And dissecting it
The event itself is usually fine

It's such hard work and feeling anxious
I find that I change my personality to suit whoever I am with
Not too much anymore 
But I used to do it a lot  
It is aWlways so refreshing being around someone who you can totally be yourself around
My sister is a good example of this 
She is one of the few people that knows me inside and out
I can be my crazy bat shit self around
And she doesn't bat an eyelid
But when I am out and about 
Anxiety can cripple me 
Not can stop me living my life to its full potential
I am on medication for anxiety 
But I do wonder how much it really helps

I was wondering about you 
Do you suffer from anxiety?
If yes
How do deal with it?

Friday, 3 April 2015


I don't tend to worry about the number of followers I have
But I've noticed in the past week
I've been unfollowed three times 
And I am wondering why that is
I know that I've let certain people down over the last couple of months
I know people were disappointed when I relapsed
I've also been getting some nasty anonymous comments 
I don't know if the two are connected
And also the tone of my blog has changed recently
And is much more recovery orientated 
I know that's not as interesting to read about as the highs and lows of addiction or living with an ED
Maybe people don't want to read about my getting my life together 
And that's ok
I would rather have ten people read about my recovery
Than 100 people read about my relapse

I guess it hurts a little bit
It's like someone in real life telling you that they don't want to be friends any more
I know on the last couple of weeks 
I've been paying a lot more attention to my real life relationships 
And my real life
And less time to my blogging life
I try to blog everyday still
But I've had to invest time in my relationships with family and friends
As I had really neglected them

I was talking with my addiction counsellor Breda on Monday
We were talking about the topic of friendship
She was asking me about my friends
I told her that I have a few close friends
Not many
But the ones I have are real and honest and loyal
The rest are acquaintances 
Who I pass the time of day with
But no more than that
Know that I am back attending meetings
My social circle is expanding 
But I am pretty choosy about who I become friends with
I would much rather have a few good friends 
Rather than lots of people who are not true friends 

As you know 
I have two older sisters
And that is awesome 
As its like having two best friends who are always there no matter what
Apart from that
I guess Marie would be my best friend
Then I have my good friend from treatment
My ex sponsor
And a couple of others who I see regularly

I tend to be quite a shy person
Until I get to know you
Then I show you who I really am
But I can be a bit paranoid when it comes to other people
I always assume that people don't like me
I mean 
I don't like myself very much
So why would others like me?
Over the last couple of weeks
I've been meeting a lot of people at meetings
And people who I used to know
I've been welcomed back in to the rooms so warmly 
And that surprised me a little
I guess I thought that no one would have missed me
And not even noticed that I had left
But they did
And that is surprising to me

In the midst of my addiction and ED
I pulled away from all of my friends
So I am only really starting to see people again
And to want to see people
Not hide away from the world
As it turns out
I am quite a sociable person
I love to chat
And laugh
And really get on with someone
But sometimes fear and anxiety get the better of me
And I clam up
And can't talk at all
I hate when that happens
As I think people can think I am standoffish or cold 
It's not that at all 
It's that I am paralysed by fear

At the meeting yesterday 
I read a reading about people pleasing
The writer described how they used to 'turn themselves in to a pretzel' trying to please others
I could relate to this so much
I am a confirmed people pleaser
I want people to like me
So I do everything I can to make that happen
Even if it hurts me
Even if it doesn't suit me
Even if though it feels wrong
I put others needs before my own
It's not a nice way to live your life
They say in order to recover
You have to be a bit selfish
I now know what this means 
You know when you are on a plane
And they are doing the safety demo
They always say to put your own oxygen mask on
Before you put others on
I get this now
We are no use to anyone 
If we are not well ourselves
It makes perfect sense really
So I will go my best to do this
It will be a new and scary experience
But it's all part of my recovery
It's simple 
But it's not easy

I was wondering about you
Do you have many friends?
Do you believe that quality is better than quantity?
What do you think makes a good friend?
I'd love to know......

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Anorexia in men

The weather was shocking last night
So instead of heading in to town to NA
I decided to head to one of the villages near me to AA
My sister was going too
So I called in to get on the way
And we both headed over

For some reason I get a lot more nervous at AA meetings 
Maybe because they tend to be a lot bigger
We arrived 
My sister made tea
And I took a seat in one of the comfortable arm chairs
We chatted for a few minutes 
And then the meeting started 
Just then someone came in
And took a seat across from me
I recognised the person
A guy 
But I couldn't tell where I knew him from
Or how
The first thing I noticed was that he was very slim
Then when he sat down
He took out a packet of sweets
And seemed very absorbed in them
As the meeting went on
I glanced over at him a couple of times 
I knew him from somewhere
I just couldn't figure out where
He was young 
Maybe younger than me
Dressed in jeans and trainers
One leg crossed over the other 
He really was very slim
I had my suspicions 

After the preamble was read out
The meeting began
This particular guy was the first to speak
When he introduced himself
I knew straight away who he was
He was a guy I used to know
A long time ago 
He went to NA at the same time I did
He looked the same 
Yet he looked a lot different 

The meeting went on
I spoke a little bit
It was over before I knew it
Afterwards we all had tea
And this guy came over to talk to me
He remembered me too
I told him that he looked different
He said henchman lost a lot of weight 
That he had been very sick
And they did lots of tests
But they couldn't find anything wrong with him
And that it was psychological
This sounded very familiar
As this is pretty much exactly how my story started out 
He continued to speak
He mention 
I could relate to everything 
He was speaking at a terrific rate
Words poured out of him like water
And I was finding it hard to keep up
Eventually I told him how much I could identify
I said I didn't know if it was the same thing
But I had anorexia/bulimia 
And it was every bit as serious as my addiction

He did not exactly say the words
'I have an eating disorder'
But he pretty much described the text book ED type
He talked about having four sets of scales
Trying to get below certain weights
Typical behaviours of someone with an ED
He explained how it was very difficult to talk about it 
As men don't talk about that kind of thing

We went outside
He smoked and talked
I listened 
The words continued to fall out of his mouth
He is obviously  in a bad place
And doesn't have his addiction fully under control either
We drank our tea
And got ready to leave 
I took the guys number 
And he asked me to text him
I said I would

I think this is the first time I've ever spoken to a male with an ED
Maybe I have in the past unknowingly
But this guy is the first
I really felt for him
I guess this illness is mainly thought of as a female illness
Maybe this is why he's telling people that he's been ill
As it's easier than telling the truth 
He was on my mind all last night
I just kept thinking how much he had to deal with 
And how life is so cruel
And how could I help him
But I need to be careful when I start thinking like that
As I start thinking I can save the world
And get way ahead of myself
It's not my place to help this guy
I need to help myself first
I had to remind myself that I am in the same boat as this guy
I am the one that needs to accept the help right now
Not give it out

I guess last night was a reminder that men suffer from this illness too
Albeit it's a lot rarer in men 
But we musn't forget them

In other news 
I am doing good
My new teeth are amazing
And I am going around grinning like a Cheshire Cat
I am getting on average one meeting a day 
And it is doing me the power of good
To anyone that is struggling out there today
Hang on in there
Just keep hanging on
As my sponsor used to say to me
Don't quit five minutes before the miracle

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

New teeth!

As some of you may know
I started the process of getting new teeth last August
My teeth were in a sorry state 
Years of not looking after then
And methadone which really did a number on my teeth
Methadone is a sugary syrup that is swallowed
So every day for the last 10 years 
My teeth have been rinsed in it
My teeth themselves were rotting out of my head
I had to get so many removed
And so much work done on them
I finally decided to get them done last year
So the last rights months has been the process of improving my teeth
Temporary crowns were put in
And then today the permanent ones were put in
Below is a photo of said teeth
I don't have any before photos 
But trust me
They were atrocious