As the centre was quiet and I wasn't needed
Georgina rang me on Wednesday
And asked if I could do the house keeping shift the following day
I jumped at the chance
As I need the hours
And would be glad of the money
So I arrived in to work for 10am
Prepared for a full day of hard work
I got straight in it
Stripping beds
Changing sheets
Replenishing towels
I was on my own
But Georgina was up and down to me
I was following her out of one of the rooms
And I was kind of trailing my fingers on the door
When the door closed
And it closed on my thumb
These are not any ordinary doors
They are big heavy fire doors
That close themselves
So the door closed on my left thumb
I felt the pain
My thumb being utterly squashed
Georgina was ahead of me
But I couldn't get the words out
To tell her I was stuck
But fair play to her
When she saw the look on my face
She realised what had happened
She had to come around me
To open the door and release my thumb
It was only seconds
But it felt like an eternity
I looked at my thumb
It was all squashed and twisted looking
Georgina immediately told me to hold it under cold water
While she ran and got ice
I couldn't really think straight
I think I was in a bit of shock
Another worker and the chef came up to me
Which was nice of them
I headed down to the dining room
To drink a cup of sugary tea
And to sit and hold the ice to my poor thumb
After sitting for a while
I went over to the other centre
Where a very kind woman called Denise coveted my thumb in arnica
To help prevent bruising
But still
My thumb was turning black as we watched it
To be safe
Denise rang the doctor
And they told her to send me over
I went and collected my bag
And we drive over
Even though it was only down the road
In the mean time
I rang my mam
Who happened to be shopping in town
So she made her way over to me
I wasn't waiting long in the doctors
It wasn't my usual doctor
But it was Nice Woman Doctor
So that was good
She examined my thumb
Asked me to give a thumbs up
Which I couldn't really do
I also couldn't really bend it
She said there was 40% chance that the bone was broken
And said if it got any worse
To go into casualty
So she gave me a letter to give radiology
And told me to go home
And keep an eye on it
So having barely worked a couple of hours
I was heading home for the rest of the day
I felt really pissed off
As I felt I was letting people down
But hey
What could I do?
I would have been no addition to them in work
And I could have further injured myself
So I took it easy for the set of the day
My thumb was sore
But it was pain I could bear
So I was pretty sure that it wasn't broken
And I was back in work yesterday
And today
The season is kind of winding down now.
And we are not as busy
I love being in work on a Friday
As I get to meet everyone checking in
And it's easier to remember faces and names
At least I find easier
There are a lovely bunch staying with us this week
Some real characters
And this is what I love about my job
I get to meet a whole range of different people
From tiny tots to the elderly
Disabled people
Mentally unwell people
From all over
And from all walks of life
It really opens my mind
And reminds me that there is a whole wide world out there
And most of all
It takes me away from myself
From ruminating
From obsessing about one thing or another
I am so busy at work
That I don't get a chance to worry over my own stuff
Which is great
I really love my job though
I love everything about it
My co workers
My manager
The guests
Everyone is so lovely
It's like this job was made for me
It's busy
But not stressful
It's demanding emotionally
But I can handle that
And am able to leave work at work when I leave
Most of the time anyway
I am just so grateful that Georgina gave me a chance
Because that's exactly what I needed
Someone to see past the illness
The addiction
The struggles I have
And give me a chance to grow and blossom and flourish
Georgina is an incredible lady
So passionAte about her work
And that runs off on me
I am definitely learning a lot from her
In lots of areas
How to deal with people
Sticky situations
How to multitask
How to work smarter instead of harder
And my work is not just a job
We provide holidays for people who might not ordinarily get one
We help financially
And we are there to chat and to listen
It runs like a hotel
But it's not really a hotel
It's a house
And everyone is welcome
I really feel privileged that I get to help a family or a group enjoy their holiday
I love chatting to the guests
And probably do it a bit too much
But look
If it helps them
I am more than happy to sit and listen
Some people just want someone to talk to
And often times it's easier to speak to someone whose not directly involved in the situation
So yes
I am happy out at the moment
Before I know it
The summer will be over
And do will my job
I will really miss it though
Even though Georgina said if anything came up
She would keep me in mind
So hopefully something will
I need to tell you
I feel in a really good place at the moment
Life couldn't be better
Of course I get days when I don't want to get out of bed
When everything I try on makes me look huge
When I just want to sit and cry my eyes out
But everyone gets these days
I am not special
I am human
And as humans we have bad days
And that's perfectly ok
It's normal
Show me a person who never has a bad day
And I will eat my own foot
My happiness at the moment is not connected to my weight
Or the fact I am self medicating
It's an inner happiness
That comes from feeling good about myself
From work hard
Both at my job
And at my recovery
I know I'm lucky
I have a strong family around me
Some amazing friends and co workers
I couldn't ask for more
I remember from AA
There are 12 promises
And one of them is that you will find a life beyond your wildest dreams
It's not about money
Or material gains
It's about living a real and authentic life
From opening my heart and my mind
From feeding myself good food
From not weighing myself
From being the best person I can be
So today
I urge you
For one day
Let go of your vice
See what life is like without it
I promise you
The feeling of contentment I have
Is better than any drug
Any number on a scale
It's a feeling that I am ok
More than ok
That I'm going to make it
Despite everything I have been through
I still want to live my life
I still want to carry on
You can't ask for more than that...